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1、snow的用法总结大全 snow的用法你知多少。今天给大家带来了snow的用法总结大全,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。snow的用法总结大全snow的意思n. 雪,雪花,积雪,雪季vt. 使纷纷落下,使变白,下雪,被雪覆盖,被雪阻挡vi. 降雪变形:过去式: snowed; 现在分词:snowing; 过去分词:snowed;snow用法snow可以用作名词snow的基本意思是“雪”,可指“雪花,雪片”,是不可数名词。snow表示“下雪期,积雪,积雪地区”等意思时,一般用复数snows,用作主语时,动词也用复数形式。snow可表示“一场雪”,即一次下雪过程,是可数名词,常

2、用作复数形式。snow用作名词的用法例句Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside.雪不均匀地散落在山腰上。The compacted snow on the pavement turned to ice.人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home.他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。snow可以用作动词snow用作不及物动词时,表示“下雪”,此时不能用表示时间、地点的名词作主语,必须用代词it充当主语。snow用作及物动词时,表示“使纷纷飘落,使像雪片似地落下”,

3、可指下雪,也可指类似于下雪的现象。snow在美国非正式语体中还可表示“用花言巧语欺骗、说服或赢得某人的尊敬”。snow用作动词的用法例句It was snowing heavily.天正在下大雪。I have a hunch that it will snow soon.我有快要下雪的预感。The highway was covered with snow.公路被雪覆盖著。snow用作动词的用法例句The highway was covered with snow.公路被雪覆盖著。snow用法例句1、The first snow came a month earlier than usual.

4、第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。2、Id been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas.我真蠢,居然被他的胡乱吹嘘给蒙蔽了。3、The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down.雪花轻盈飘落,无声无息。下雪了:snow常见用法详解- I lost a day of production, Rolf.- I work for Oskar Schindler.- Danka, look at the snow. Look at the snow. Look at the snow!- I lo

5、st a worker. I expect to be compensated.Schindlers List我丢失了一天工作的收获我为奥斯卡辛德勒工作。丹卡,看雪。看雪。看雪!我失去了一名工人,我希望得到补偿辛德勒的名单一、下面我们来看看snow有几种含义n.雪;雪花;积雪;降雪 UWe watch him through Wheel-Tower Gate going eastward. Into the snow-mounds of Heaven-Peak Road.轮台东门送君去,去时雪满天山路。v.1.下雪,降雪 I,TAccording to the weather forecast

6、,its going to snow.根据天气预报,天要下雪。2.使纷纷落下 I,TIt snowed petitions.请愿书纷至沓来。3.被雪覆盖,被雪阻挡 TThe village was snowed in for more than two weeks after the heavy storm.暴风雪之后村子被积雪封困了两个多星期。4.使变白 TDid you snow this tablecloth ?你把这块桌布漂白了吗?二、下面我们来学习一下含有snow的常见短语snow leopardn. 雪豹snow linen.地雪线,万年雪线corn snow春融积雪,春天粒雪三

7、一起来做个小测试吧Nothing alive, only _and the sun.这里没有其他生物,只有积雪和太阳。故宫的雪太美了,除了“snow”你还知道哪些英文表达?snow 雪;下雪snowy 下雪的snowfall 降雪snowflake 雪花big snowflakes 鹅毛大雪feathery snowflakes 羽毛似的雪花fluttering snowflakes 飘舞的雪花the first snow/snowflakes 初雪slight snow 小雪heavy snow 大雪sleet 雨夹雪blizzard/snowstorm 暴风雪as white as sno

8、w 洁白如雪snow既可以作名词,意为“雪、积雪”;也可以作为动词,意为“降雪、使变白”。例:It had been snowing all night.整个晚上一直在下雪。那么与“雪”相关的活动如何用英文表达呢?与“雪”相关活动的英文表达build a snowman 堆雪人例:To build a snowman, you will need a bucket, a carrot, a few buttons and a pair of warm gloves.要想堆雪人,你需要一个水桶,一个胡萝卜,几枚纽扣和一副温暖的手套。have a snowball fight 打雪仗例:Lets

9、go outside and have a snowball fight!穿暖和一点,我们一起出去打雪仗吧。go skiing 滑雪例:You can go skiing in Austria even in summer.即使在夏天,你也可以去奥地利滑雪。shovel the snow 铲雪例:The blizzard was so severe that our entire family had to go out and shovel the snow together.暴风雪太严重,我们不得不全家一起去铲雪。学了有关雪的活动的英文表达后,再来看看如何用英文谈论“雪”吧!描写“雪”的英

10、文句子Its snowing.下雪了。Its snowy outside.外面下雪了。There was a heavy snow last night.昨晚下了大雪。Snowflakes are fluttering in the sky. How beautiful it is!雪花在空中飘扬。多美啊!Come on. Lets remove the snow and clear the way.快点!我们得清除路上的积雪。A timely snow promises a good harvest.瑞雪兆丰年。冬天,除了雪,还有冰。对于冰的英文表达,很多人都知道是ice。那么与“冰”有关的

11、活动你知道用英文怎么说吗?与“冰”相关活动的英文表达go skating 滑冰例:I want to go skating next weekend.下周我想去滑冰。see an ice sculpture show 赏冰雕例:My family went to Harbin last winter to see an ice sculpture show.去年冬天,我们一家人去哈尔滨看冰雕展。与“冰”相关的习语在习语中,“ice”就不仅仅是“冰”的意思了,所表达的内涵更丰富了哦!。put something on ice 暂停搁置例:They have to put the project

12、on ice because they dont have enough funds.他们没有足够的资金,所以只能将项目暂停。be skating on thin ice 冒险例:Dont talk to your boss like that. Youre skating on thin ice.别跟你老板这样讲话,很危险。break the ice 打破僵局/沉默例:I was so nervous about meeting her parents for the first time, but her dad immediately broke the ice by asking about my job.第一次见她的父母我非常紧张,但她爸爸马上打破沉默,与我聊工作的事。cut on ice with someone 不能令某人信服;对某人没有用例:He explained the situation to his friend but it cut no ice with her.他给他的朋友解释了情况,但她完全不买账。snow的用法总结大全


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