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1、托福作文,Integrated Writing综合写作(33%)Independent Writing独立写作(67%),IBT写作考试形式,时间:30min字数:至少300字,越多越好体裁:议论文,独立写作,指法准备工具:QQ等聊天软件一个有点破旧,可能有灰尘,个别按键可能不太灵光的USB键盘,独立写作,1.支持或反对agree or disagreeDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? All students should be required to study art and music in secondary

2、 school. Use specific reasons to support your answer.,独立写作题型分类,2.观点对比some hold a view that., others prefer. Some people like to cook their own meals at home. Others prefer to eat in a restaurant or a cafeteria. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.,独立写作题型分类,3

3、.问题分析what., why., how.What is your idea of the perfect vacation? Describe it and explain why it would be the ideal vacation for you. Include details and examples in your explanation.,独立写作题型分类,4. 介绍说明A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day

4、? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.,独立写作题型分析,Score 5:Effectively addresses the topic and task Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details Displays unity, progression, and coherence Displays consistent faci

5、lity in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors,IBT独立写作满分标准,1. 减少语法错误2. 观点鲜明,结构清晰连贯,前后呼应3. 句式结构多样,用词准确精当,IBT独立写作满分标准,1. Today, people around the world became more and more concerned about

6、their health(today和were became时态不搭)I am having to emphasize the importance of doing exercise in the morningWhen Jack was five years old, he has managed to recite more than 300 Chinese classic poems注意动词的时态,减少语法错误,2. Work at home can bring us a lot of benefits(Work改成working,动名词做主语)Many students are li

7、ke studying AP history(are和like只能保留一个)The Internet can instead of teachers in many classroomsGirls had better be bring up in a rich environment(be brought up表被动)动词要正确的使用,减少语法错误,3. Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers(differently, 副词修饰动词)4.The problems that are creat

8、ed by environmental pollution is very hard to resolve(is改成are, 主谓一致),减少语法错误,5. Farmer can get more benefits from the new fertilizer. (farmer改成farmers)英文当中任何一个可数名词,必须在前面加上限定词,比如the, a, my, your等,否则该可数名词就必须用复数,减少语法错误,1. 多用书面词汇,少用口语词汇。 I think2.少用或者不用略缩语。 Its = It is Ill = I will3.不用俗语、俚语pass away/kick

9、 the bucket,减少语法错误,独立写作文章的基本结构,Personal opinion/view/choice,Reason 1,Reason 2,Reason 3,Conclusion,1. 观点鲜明a. 开头段要有直接,明确的观点Personally speaking, I believe.I totally agree with the view that.In my opinion, I prefer the idea.Its better for children to grow up in the countryside than in the city. Do you a

10、gree or disagree?,观点鲜明,b. 每个发展段的第一句都是分论点(理由/原因),简单粗暴地提出分论点Cities can definitely provide a better health condition, which is quite important to the childrens growth.Children from cities also have a higher chance of getting into excellent universities,观点鲜明,2. 句式结构多样:定语从句,名词性从句,非谓语动词,反问句,强调句,动名词/不定式做主语

11、,状语从句,并列结构(排比)用词准确精当a. 用词要多样b. 用词要准确,句式结构多样,用词准确精当,3.结构清晰连贯a. 基本结构一万年不变b. 1, 2, 3; 发展段段首用First, Second, Third或者是the first reason is.c. 使用必要的连接词,体现逻辑和层次比如: therefore, however, furthermore, naturally, also, because等 d. 注意观点的比较和对比无论是同意还是不同意一个观点,不要完全就围绕这一方面来说。,结构清晰连贯,独立写作的开头,有且只有一个目的:亮出你的观点。其它神马的都是浮云。开头

12、可以有模版。独立写作的开头一般包括两个部分1. 复述原题(告诉别人这篇文章说的是什么)2. 发表你自己的观点(告诉别人你准备写什么),独立写作的开头段,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is usually not a good strategy. We should take action now rather than later.,独立写作的开头段,Growing up, we learn that patience is a virtue, believing that good eventu

13、ally comes to those who wait. However, society values instant and automatic.Fortune favors the bold, the decisive, and the risk-takers. So is patience still a valuable quality that we should learn and cherish? Absolutely. Patience can still serve us in our personal lives, the business sector, and th

14、e sports world. It is the reason in the midst of chaos.,独立写作开头段,Growing up, we learn that patience is a virtue, believing that good eventually comes to those who wait. However, society values instant and automatic.Fortune favors the bold, the decisive, and the risk-takers. (题目正反两方面观点的阐述)So is patien

15、ce still a valuable quality that we should learn and cherish?(用疑问句形式准备引出论点)Absolutely. (简单粗暴的选择观点)Patience can still serve us in our personal lives, the business sector, and the sports world.(确认自己的观点,并进行解释,与下文要阐述的内容进行呼应),开头段的内容解析,1. 观点要鲜明比如absolutely 简单粗暴,赤裸裸的告诉人家,这就是你的观点2. 第一段别写的太长了。(第一段写的再长也不是重点,

16、浪费脑细胞)3. 个人推荐:观点后面加个because,独立写作开头段的三点注意,because patience can benefit us in many aspectsbecause parents possess many advantages over teachers in childrens educationbecause it will bring us a lot of help.,独立写作开头段的三点注意,1. 简单粗暴型There is a principal reason for agreeing with the statement that parents ma

17、ke the best teachers and it is the fact that children are closer to parents than to any other people,独立写作的开头,2.忆苦思甜型家长和老师是否有权决定孩子的未来During the Industrial Revolution, in many European countries children worked up to 19 hours a day in dingy factories at a very early age and the factory owners could be

18、at those who fell asleep at work or didnt work fast enough. But now even parents or teachers are not completely free to do things as they please to the kids because they are entitled to protection and far more rights,独立写作的开头,3.先礼后兵型Some claim that universities should allocate as much money as much m

19、oney to sports facilities as to the libraries because sports can help students keep fit and cope with heavy workload. But in fact, as academic institutions, universities do have the obligation to give higher priority to the funding of libraries than to that of athletic facilities.,独立写作的开头,义愤填膺型明星是否应

20、该获得高收入Without the sweat, blood and hard work of artisans, laborers, farmers, builders, technicians, domestic workers and all others who work with their hands, our country would come to a standstill. Its time for us to reexamine the gap between their meager wages and the astronomical incomes of super

21、stars. Should they be treated so differently?,独立写作的开头,1. 一般疑问句开头:题目:关于科技Does science enable us to change the world for the better? Definitely yes or no. Look at the world around us, science has tremendously changed the way of our life and brought us numerous convenience,另类开头段-提问式,2. 特殊疑问句开头特殊疑问词:wha

22、t, when, why, where, howWhat does science bring to us?Why are so many people fascinated with Apples products? This has become a frequently asked question in the modern society. Science indeed., but on the other hand.As for me/Personally speaking.,另类开头段-提问式,3. 连续提问法What on earth does science bring to

23、 us? Does science enable us to change the world for the better?(注意两者之间的递进关系),另类开头段-提问式,提问式的开头的回答Every coin has two sidesEvery sword has two edgesThere is no garden without weedsAttitudes towards.are varied.is known when it is lost,另类开头段-提问式,独立写作文章的基本结构,Personal opinion/view/choice,Reason 1,Reason 2,

24、Reason 3,Conclusion,主题框架1. 1+1模式(或1+1+1)(传说中的一边倒)支持面的理由两点充分论述,写出来是四段,开头段、结尾段加中间两段,中间两段进行详细论述。作文题目:选择低工资没经验的员工还是高工资有经验的员工?,托福作文Body部分,没有经验的人的好处:1)工资低节省开支 2)可塑性比较强 3)管理起来比较容易 4)创造力比较旺盛 5)干起来有激情 6)对公司有很强的情感注意:1+1模式中,一定要给足够的细节,作文框架,Paragraph 1:Its not uncommon today that elite sporting stars earn top sa

25、laries while professionals in many other important fields such as medical care and laboratory research make much less.Clearly, these distinguished athletes and first-rate players are not overpaid,1+1+1范文,Paragraph 2:Even though its likely the world population will top seven billion in two years, tho

26、se who are truly athletically talented will remain very rare. Preeminent sports people such as LeBron James and Tiger Woods are so uniquely gifted that we ordinary individuals can never be trained to reach comparable levels. Thus, they are supposed to be highly paid due to the rarity of their talent

27、.,1+1+1范文,Paragraph 3:Aside from genetics, it takes extremely hard work for sports people to make it to the top of their professions, regardless of their age or gender. To improve performance, dedicated athletes have been in constant training, mostly from their childhood onward, and can only enjoy a

28、 minimal amount of leisure time.,1+1+1范文,Besides, they frequently have to put their bodies at risk and, even more frequently, cope with recurring psychological strain as a consequence of unusually stiff competition. Still, these incredible people simply dont waver from their goals. In short, I would

29、 argue all their commitments and sacrifices deserve abundant rewards, of which substantial sums of money may be just a token.,1+1+1范文,Paragraph 4Most importantly, sports celebrities salaries are set by the market. Sports have always been one of Americas favorite pastimes and we have to face the fact

30、 that now professional sports are a major source of entertainment and inspirations for Americans. Big names like Peyton Manning make fortunes by getting their fair share of the profits that come from ticket money, merchandise sales and endorsements,1+1+1范文,Paragraph 4I really dont see anything wrong

31、 with the top sports performers getting recognized and paid dearly as top entertainers and, often very effective motivational speakers.,1+1+1范文,Paragraph 5Therefore, the unique talent, extraordinary willpower and immense marketing appeal that sports stars exhibit are all compelling justifications fo

32、r the size of financial compensation they receive.,1+1+1范文,2. 2+1模式1)支持面的优点两点充分论述+反对面的缺点一到两点进行简略论述。题目举例:自己选室友还是学校决定?,作文框架,假定支持自己选:1.可以选兴趣相同的,如喜欢打dota, 有共同语言2.可以选习惯同的,比如爱睡觉的, 容易成为朋友3.学校决定的不了解情况,会有冲突,需要时间沟通观点3是个反对的观点,而且也是个次要的观点注意:1)观点3的段首用however之类的词,表达观点的转折; 2)观点3的段落不需要很长,4,5句话就足够了,作文框架,比如观点3可以这样写How

33、ever, the school may not be quite familiar with all the students, including their characters and habits. If roommates were arranged at random, there would be quite a number of mismatches, thereby bringing inconvenience and conflicts among students.,作文框架,2) 2+1模式支持面的理由两点充分论述+支持面的另一个理由简略论述(两详一略)题目举例:快

34、速决定永远是错的?,作文框架,假如选择观点:快速决定并不永远都是错的1.有些决定不用长时间考虑 2.有些决定可以凭经验作出3.有些时候必须快速决定观点3明显是个别,少数情况的讨论注意:1)观点3的段首推荐用furthermore, besides, moreover之类表递进的词2) 观点3不用写太多,4,5句即可,作文框架,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new e

35、nvironment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.,Sample,Paragraph 1:Employees must be able to meet the rapidly changing priorities of the companies they work for. Employers are hiring fewer people to do the same amount of work. Workers rotate among jobs within the company and t

36、ake on additional projects.,Paragraph 1:Multi-tasking, working flexible hours and changing locations are common workplace demands. Employees cannot afford to cling to tasks specific to their area of expertise, no matter how essential. It diminishes their value when compared with similarly skilled, b

37、ut more adaptable workers.,Paragraph 2Todays workers must be capable of working independently to accomplish goals assigned to them. Employers are focused on outcomes. They dont have the time or the desire to micromanage employees. They expect their employees to solve problems, to self-direct, and to

38、 accomplish tasks autonomously. Having specialized knowledge makes employees valuable only if they can innovatively apply it in original ways that benefit the company.,Paragraph 3Employers hire people who are likable and can work within a group. Collaboration is essential to increased productivity.

39、Those who are open to new ideas work well on project teams or on committees. Their adaptability fosters creativity.,3. 2-11)支持面优点两点充分论述+反对面优点一到两点简略论述题目举例:现场观看表演比看电视更好?,作文框架,假定我们选择支持看电视1.电视更清楚:有讲解,有不同角度摄影,有精彩回放2.看电视费用更低,更安全,更放松3.虽然现场气氛好,可能见到明星,可能有偶遇,作文框架,2) 2-1模式讨论点的优点两点充分论述+讨论点的缺点一到两点简略论述题目举例:电视是否破坏

40、了我们和朋友以及家人的交流?,作文框架,假定我们选择电视没有破坏我们和家人的交流1.看电视提供交流时间和场地2.看电视提供交流素材但是, 花费大量时间,影响交流,作文框架,主题句通常位于段落的句首,对于整个段落起着总领的作用。主题句是证明论点的理由。主题句要简明扼要,直接明确,而且是陈述句,Topic Sentence(主题句),Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of peoples lives have alrea

41、dy taken place.1. New breakthroughs in medical science will allow humans to finally eradicate diseases that have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives every year in the past decades. 2. New breakthroughs in medical science will become wonderfully helpful in the near future.,Topic Sentence(主题句),1. 例

42、证法用举例来说明问题,形象生动2. 因果法通过因果关系和练习来表达观点,一环套一环,严丝合缝3. 比较对比法通过正反两方面的观点的对比和类比,来阐述观点,解决问题,段落的实现,1.例证法提出论点-列举例证-分析例证(给出细节) -得出结论 (重述论点)每个论点都要有理由 thesis, topic sentences每个理由都要有例子 topic sentence, examples每个例子都要有细节 examples, what?,段落的实现,例子是什么?例子是奥巴马,金正恩,乔布斯,Lady Gaga例子是哈利波特,杰克和露丝,金莲和西门大官人例子是楼上的赵大妈,隔壁的李小二,街上卖包子的

43、七舅老爷但这都不是最关键的最关键是的,例子不一定是谁谁谁谁说了什么,但一定是做了什么,例子,I have a very confident friend. confident不是自信confident是句废话He had given a speech on astronomy in front of 500 people. His knees didnt tremble. He didnt feel nausea. There was always a big and brilliant smile on his face. At the end of the speech, he bowed

44、 deeply to embrace the deafening applause from audience. 例子,是具体做了什么,而不是你的判断和评判,例子,I have a friend. His English is very good. He went to America and began to study in a famous universityI have a friend named Jason. Last autumn, he took the SAT exam in HK and won a high score of 2350. Therefore, he wa

45、s matriculated by MIT this spring and has been in the USA for almost a month. 个人例子,有名有姓,有时间有地方,有事件,例子,The development of science and technology does bring much convenience to our daily life. One of the best examples is the microwave oven, which has been widely used in families. Using a microwave ove

46、n for cooking can not only heat up the food faster, but also provide a smoke-free cooking environment.,Sample 1,People are able to make use of the extra time saved from cooking to do many other things.Smoke created when cooking in traditional ways is always a threat to peoples health, while a microw

47、ave oven will solve the problem easily by using an environmentally friendly power, that is, radiation power.,Sample 1,What is more, a microwave oven has a time controller, which will help people decide the cooking time, and it can ensure safety and provide an easy cooking. Without any doubt, the mic

48、rowave oven, as a typical example of modern science and technology, has indeed improved our lives greatly.,Sample 1,举例法例子展开的模式(1)1.我认为.因为我觉得.(提出观点)2.比如说.(列举例子)3.好处1.4.分析好处15.好处2.6.分析好处27.总结,例子,I have to emphasize the importance of saving money. A plenty of money in the bank account can help us get t

49、hrough sudden emergencies and occasional accidents. I have a friend named Victor. His family is not rich but they keep a good habit of depositing a certain amount of money into their bank account each month. He sometimes complained to me about this situation because it disables him to spend money bu

50、ying something he desires.,Whether saving money is important,But last month, while he was riding to school in the rush hour, he was involved a horrible accident. He was terribly injured and a large amount of money was immediately required to get him an operation. Most of their familys deposit was pu


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