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1、趣味英语知识竞赛,英语教研组 2012.5,1,必答题型规则,请同学们一定要在规定的时间内答题,老师说时间到之后答题答案无效,计时员会在最后几秒钟做提示。每正确一题加相应的分数,答错不扣分。请按照老师指定的顺序答题。下面的同学请认真看和思考,不要在下面议论甚至是说出答案,发现此现象一律按规定扣本组得分。,2,Translation单词翻译,规则:翻译单词,每组3题,共计30分,答对加相应的分。时间40秒。,3,1,SandwichbadmintonDiscount shop,三明治羽毛球折扣店,4,2,beefbaseballsandstorm,牛肉棒球沙尘暴,5,3,chicken wing

2、sstrawberrydrugstore,鸡翅草莓药店,6,4,menujewelry.Action movie,菜单珠宝动作片,7,5,Chatroomshowercredit card,聊天室阵雨, 淋浴信用卡,8,Choose the best answer.选择题,规则: 4选一的选择题。每题10分。答对一题加10分。15秒。,9,He is a fat cat.A 它是一只肥胖的猫B 他是一个大亨C 他爱说大话D 他非常懒惰B,1,10,2,Hethrewusanappleofdiscord, Wesoonquarreledagain.A 矛盾之源B 陷阱 C 吵闹的苹果D 战争A,

3、11,3,ShereadthemShakespeare, but it was casting pearls before swine. A 把珍珠丢掉 B 明珠暗投C 买椟还珠 D 对牛弹琴D,12,4,I dont like going afterthe dog.A 背后议人 B 无事生非C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面 A,13,5,3. He is the black sheep of the family.a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛c) 黑马d) 领头羊A,14,Brain-storm 脑筋急转弯,规则:思考时间为40秒.答对加20分.,15,When its raining cats an

4、d dogs. (倾盆大雨),1.What weather do mice and rats fear?,16,The police officer was a lady!,2.A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother. How could that be?,17,3.What letter is a question?Its the letter Y!,18,4.What must you do before you return a book to the library?,Borrow the book

5、from library,19,What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day?,Turkey (土耳其、火鸡),20,图片猜猜看,规则:猜下面图片中的职业和节日。思考时间为10秒.并在5秒中之内答题.答对加20分.,21,1. Australia,1,Host,22,中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival),23,Pilot,24,端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival),25,Halloween 万圣节,26,4位选手,4/5个组一起答题,请写在答题纸上,请安静的写。,27,University,下面是一组世界著名大

6、学的名称,请把其与所在国进行连接,答案写在答题纸上.本组有5道题,共计50分。答对1题加10分。时间:1分钟.,28,1. Yale University2. The University of Edinburgh3. University of Toronto4. Victoria University5. Madrid University,Canada Spain USAAustralia UK,Answer :C E A D B,29,Word puzzle show猜词秀,规则:1.每队2名选手,1人演,1个猜。2.表演者只能用英语或肢体语言传达信息给对方,不能涉及相关单词。否则不计


8、key,57,football,58,sofa,59,comb,60,computer,61,抢答题,规则:请每个队的选手听到“开始”声后才可以抢答,并请在5秒之内回答完。,62,猜谚语,规则:抢完题时在5秒中之内答题.答对加20分,答错扣10分.,63,Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没材烧,64,A miss is as good as a mile.,失之毫厘,差之千里。,65,Nothing brave ,nothing have.,不入虎穴,焉得虎子.,66,A fair face may hide a foul heart.,人

9、不可貌相。,67,Enjoy the song猜歌名,规则;有5首英语歌.在播放的同时可以随时抢答.答对加20分,答错扣10分.,68,1,69,1,seasons in the sun,70,2,71,2,Proud of you,72,3,73,3,Baby baby one more time,74,4,75,4,Pretty boy,76,5,77,5,Trouble is a friend,78,猜电影名,规则:看电影图片猜电影名.答对加20分,答错扣10分.,79,Harry Potter 哈利波特,80,2. TITANIC,81,King speech 国王的演讲,82,Gon

10、e with the Wind 乱世佳人,83,4,The transformer 变形金刚,84,5. FROSEN 冰雪奇缘,85,风险题,规则:由分数最低的组开始选题。分值为:30分,50分和80分。答对加上相应的分数,答错扣相应的分数。,86,3060s,80120s,5090s,5090s,3060s,3060s,5090s,80120s,80120s,87,30分,Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? A. one B.two C.three D.

11、four,C,88,30分,Usually, we called a big apple city is _ .New York city Ottawa Mexico cityOsaka,A,89,30分,My brother is fourteen.Im four years older than he.My dad is twenty-six years older I .My mum is two years younger than my dad.How old is my mum ?,Answers: 38,90,50分,Nicole KidmanMichael JacksonHedetoshi Nakata David Copperfield Abraham Lincoln,athleteactresspresident singermagician,Answer: BDAEC,91,50分:BEDAC,1.Volkswagen2.Citroen3.Porsche4.Chevroler5.Honda,雪佛莱大众本田保时捷雪铁龙,92,A Italia/ItalyB GreeceC MexicoD GermanyE France,1,2,3,5,4,80分:BAEDC,93,94,


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