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1、Unit 2 Values,by Yao Jie,n.-pl.valuable possessions or large amounts of money 财富An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete.一枚奥运金牌能为一名运动员带来数不尽的财富。,Content,Warm-up ActivitiesText StudyMain idea & Text structureVocabulary & Difficult sentencesCultural notesStyle AnalysisSupplementar

2、y InformationAssignment,Warm-up,Do you think rich people must be happier than poor people? Why?Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches? How?How would you show your value if you were rich enough?,Warm-up,Bill GatesOne of the richest men in the worldfounded the Microsoft Corporation

3、(1974),Warm-up,Melinda & BillBill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2000)In 2008, he donated 98% of his fortune ($58 billion) to the foundation,Warm-up,Q: Whos more important to the world?,VS,Bill Gates gave a lot of money to charity, but he seldom works in the “frontline” with the poor.,Mother Teresa h

4、as no money, but she took care of the poor in Calcutta until her death.,Warm-up,Question:Does the world need more love like Mother Teresas or more money like Bill Gates?,Warm-up,Mother Teresa: she cared for the poor and moved other people to care for the poor.Bill Gates: without his money the Mother

5、 Teresas of the world can hardly hope to meet the material needs of poor people.,Warm-up,Quotations about money: 1. That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. -Henry Thoreau, American writer能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。2. Its better to live rich than to die rich. -Samuel Johnson, British writer其死时握着一

6、大笔钱,还不如活时过得丰富多彩。3. Money is a good servant and a bad master. -Francis Bacon, British philosopher金钱是善仆,也是恶主。,Text Study,Now listen to the recording and try to get the main idea. Then finish the exercise of Text Organization on page 38:,Text Organization,The writers encounter with a boy who raised the

7、 question “Are you poor?”,In search of an answer the writer finds that not having expensive possessions doesnt make him feel poor mainly because he enjoys life in many other ways.,In conclusion, the writer thinks hes grown to understand more about himself because of the boys question.,Part One,Scan

8、and answer:Q1: What did the boy ask the writer? What do you think made him raise such a question?The boy asked him: Are you poor?He did it simply out of condusion and curiosity. (para1)Q2: What did the mother do after the question was asked? Why?She scolded him. She did so because the question was s

9、ocially inappropriate, especially to a person who looked poor. (para2),Cultural Notes,Salvation ArmyA Christian charity and social services organization;Founded by William Booth and his wife Catherine Booth in London in 1865;Got the name because of a popular saying that “The Christian Mission is a v

10、olunteer army.” Nearly 33 million Americans receive help from it annually;People can help by donation.,Cultural Notes,Salvation Armys Bell Ringer Program (The Red Kettle Christmas Campaign)First started in San Francisco in 1891;During the campaign volunteers put a red kettle at a prominent place of

11、public gathering and ring a bell to urge passers-by to drop money into the kettle in the spirit of Christmas;The Salvation Armys most prominent fund-raiser;A video clip,Cultural Notes,Wal-MartThe worlds largest public corporation by revenue;The largest private employer and the largest grocery retail

12、er in the U.S.; Founded by Sam Walton in 1962;The guiding philosophy: to offer customers a wide selection of goods at a discounted price;The new slogan “Save Money Live Better”.,confront vt. (para1),face threateningly; face and deal with 面对;遭遇;正视We are learning how to confront death.He confronted he

13、r with a choice between her career or their relationship.Tr: 我们必须乐观地面对未来。We must confront future with optimism. pattern:,confront vt. (para1),be confronted with: be brought face to face 面临Our countrys employment is to be confronted with a major challenge as more and more college graduates join the w

14、ork force.confront sb. with sth.: accuse sb. of something by presenting facts or evidence (以某事物) 与 (某人) 对质She had decided to confront Kathy with the truth.,confusion n. (para1),a situation in which everything is in disorder 混淆,混乱;困惑Theres still confusion about the number of students.Tr: 他的发言使得会议陷入混乱

15、。His speech threw the meeting into confusion. confuse v.confused a. 困惑的confusing a. 令人困惑的,stammer v. (para2),speak with a tendency to repeat rapidly the same sound or syllable 口吃,结巴John felt nervous and stammered out, “ F-f-for-g-give me.”The speaker stammered when he saw his boss enter the room.,sc

16、old vt. (para2),speak angrily to sb. because he/she has done something wrong 责骂,叱责pattern: scold sb. for sth. (n./ v.ing) 因而责骂某人If he finds out, hell scold me.Later she scolded her daughter for having talked to her father like that. Tr: 我妈经常因为我懒而骂我。My mother always scolds me for being lazy.,Part Two

17、,Content questions: T/F1. One of his main sources of enjoyment is to talk with many actor friends.One of his main sources of enjoyment is to talk with many interesting writer friends. (para6)2. Only a small part of people in the world would consider the authors lifestyle to be affluent.,Part Two,Man

18、y people throughout the world would consider the authors lifestyle to be affluent. (para11)3. The author has a sense of belonging as he put on the Salvation Armys red apron. (para12),Cultural Notes,Personal Income Tax in the US (1040 form)Individuals will be imposed a progressive tax on the taxable

19、income from the federal government of the US;Individuals will also be imposed personal income taxes from some state and municipal governments;The Internal Revenue Service (IRS).,deny v. (para3),denying deniedsay that is not true; refuse to admit or accept 否认;拒绝pattern: 1)deny doing sth.= deny having

20、 done sth.The politician denied knowing anything about the incident in the interview.,deny v. (para3),2)There is no denying that 不可否认There is no denying the fact that Japan began to invade China as early as the early 1930s.3)deny sth. to sb.; deny sb. sth.:refuse to give sb, or prevent sb from havin

21、g, (sth asked for or wanted) 拒绝;拒绝给予She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me.,bracket n. (para3),one of the groups that people or things are divided into, according to a feature, such as income (收入、年龄、价格等的) 范围be in the lower/higher income bracket 属于低高收入等级 the 20-30 age bracket(those p

22、eople between the ages of 20 and 30) 20-30岁的年龄组.The coach will discuss the ways to keep up with other riders in your ability bracket.,nothing more than (para4),only, just 不过是;无非是Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.Tr: 别害怕。这不过是一场噩梦。Dont be scared. This is nothing more than a n

23、ightmare.Tr: What Ive learned though is that the huge percentage of all my worries is nothing more than the illusions of my mind. 但就我现在所知,很大一部分我的那些担忧都不过是我头脑中自我庸扰的幻想罢了。,attain v. (para4),succeed in achieving, esp. after a lot of effort 达到,实现;获得;到达Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something

24、of freedom to attain it.The one-legged athlete attained his goal as he ran in the famous New York Marathon for the first time.China has attained double-digit economic growth for the past decade.,Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have. (par

25、a4),nothing more than: only, just 不过是;无非是whim: sudden desire or idea, esp an unusual or unreasonable one 一时的兴致; (尤指)突发奇想, 异想天开paraphrase: However, I have only occasionally felt the urge to go after the material things so many other people have. Tr:然而,想要得到其他那么多人都有的物质的东西,对我来说,只不过是转瞬即逝的念头而已.,minimal ad

26、j. (para4),very small in size or amount; as small as possible 最低的;最小限度的The founder of the company offered to work for a minimal salary of one dollar a year.We try as much as possible to leave minimal impact on the environment. atn: maximal a. 最大的,最多的,And I love the “can do” attitude that follows. (p

27、ara5),“can do” attitude: self-confidence 2. paraphrase: And I love the feeling of self-confidence brought by the long walks. 3. Tr:我喜欢(步行)后产生的那种“什么都干得了”的心态。,cherish vt. (para6),love very much and protect them 珍爱; 怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等)Chinese people cherish their independence and sovereignty.Riding horses

28、with my mother when I was a kid has become a cherished memory.The little girl brought her cherished Teddy bears on her first day to the kindergarten.,fabricate vt. (para6),1) make up (a story, etc.) in order to deceive people 编造(虚假的事); 虚构The US government is said to launch the war on Iraq on the bas

29、is of a fabricated document.2) forge (a document) 伪造(文件): a fabricated voting paper 伪造的选票.fabrication n.Her story was nothing but a series of fabrications. 她说的完全都是编造的.,tickle v. (para6),1) please (sbs vanity, sense of humour, etc); amuse 满足(某人的虚荣心 幽默感等); 使高兴The trip to the Amazons tickled her intere

30、st in tropical birds and plants.It tickled her to think that her boss would dress up as a clown at the New Year party.2) move ones fingers on a sensitive part of anothers body in a way that makes them laughStop tickling me! I cant breathe!She slipped off her daughters shoes and tickled her feet.,vit

31、al a. (para7),very important, necessary or essential (对某事物的存在 成功或运作)极重要的, 必不可少的 pattern: be vital to 对极其重要the vitamins that are vital for / to health Tr: 阅读在语言学习中至关重要。Reading is of vital importance in language learning.,pursuit n. (para7),1) action of pursuing sth 追求; 寻求; 从事; 进行 of sth: The pursuit

32、of profit was the main reason for the changes.Tr: 我们为追求幸福生活而努力工作。We work hard in pursuit of happy life.2) C usu pl thing to which one gives ones time, energy, etc; occupation or activity 花时间 精力等做的事; 职业: artistic, literary, scientific pursuits 艺术的 文学的 科学的研究,pursuit n. (para7),attern:in pursuit (of sb

33、/sth) with the aim of catching sb/sth; obtaining sth 追捕某人某物: 追求 thirty grown men in pursuit of a single fox people travelling about the country in pursuit of work pursue vt.,out of place (para7),uncomfortable or not suitable in a particular situation 不合适的;不相称的: Your jokes are out of place on such a

34、solemn occasion.Tr: 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.,dated a. (para8),no longer modern or fashionable 陈旧的;过时的: Many dated expressions have been dropped out of this dictionary.Its time to exchange that dated lipstick of yours for something more fashionabl

35、e.Tr: 他的许多想法都有价值,但也有一些不合时宜,还有一些很明显是错误的。Many of his ideas have value, but some are dated and others are plain wrong.,abrupt a. (para9),sudden and unexpected, often in an unpleasant way 生硬的;突然的;唐突的;陡峭的: He made an abrupt turn to avoid hitting another car.Tr: Rosies idyllic world came to an abrupt end

36、when her parents marriage broke up.当她的父母婚姻破裂后,罗茜的田园诗一般的世界骤然结束了.Tr: 请原谅我这个唐突的问题。Excuse me for my abrupt question.,It may be true that everybody wants a high-end TV. After all, nobody wants to be a nobody. (para10),high-end : expensive and of high quality 高端的;高档的2. nobody: a person who is not at all i

37、mportant. 无名之辈. Atn: somebody 大人物3. Tr:也许每个人真的都想要一台高档电视机,毕竟没有人想做一个无名之辈。,affluent a. (para11),rich; prosperous 富裕的; 丰富的; 繁荣的: affluent circumstances 富裕的环境 an affluent lifestyle 富足的生活方式Tr: 这些问题并不是因为富裕引起的,而是由于把金钱作为人生的主要目标。The problems were not caused by being affluent-but by making money a primary goal

38、 in life.be affluent / rich in ( natural resources):在(自然资源)方面富有,丰富,go through (para12),1) experience 经历 (尤为艰难时期)The old peasant went through untold hardships before liberation.2) examin 检查It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.3) read or check 通读; 查阅Going through his list of cus

39、tomers is a massive job.Try!,go through (para12),1. How long will it take to go through the book?2. Im flattered that you went through all this trouble just for me.3.They went through our luggage at the customs.4. With great concentration she went through the tasks.,看完,遭受,经历,检查,审查,完成、做完,As I ring my

40、 bell, people stop to share their personal stories of how much it meant to be helped when they were going through a rough time. (para12),1)stop to share:stop in order to share. similar patterns:stop doing/ to do; remeber doing/ to do; forget doing/ to do; regret to do/ doing2) go through: experience

41、3) Tr:我摇铃时,人们会停下脚步,给我讲述他们的故事,讲述他们遇到困难时受到帮助对他们多么重要。,linger v. (para12),1) last or continue for a long time; take a long time to leave or disappear (想法、感觉、疾病) 继续存留Tr: He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.他很惭愧。这种感觉持续着,此后他在教堂里就再没有自在过.2) stay there for

42、a longer time than is necessary 继续逗留Tr: Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.顾客们可以慢慢品味咖啡到午夜。,December is the time of year I feel wealthiest. (para12),Why?Because December is the time for him to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense

43、 of belonging and brings him happiness.,Part Three,Blank Filling1. The author has come to understand more about _ because of the question over the _ years from _ to _ .2. He is most thankful for his _ and _ good fortune.,himself,four,2003,2007,tangible,intangible,Style Analysis,Type: (p38, Text Orga

44、nization)1) The text is a/an expository writing. narrative2) The choice was made because:the essay is meant to explain something, that is, the authors view of life.3)Thecentralidea oftheessayis:that onecanlive alifefullofriches without beingrich financially.,Style Analysis,Exposition:= explaining 说明

45、文explains something, such as why a certain phenomenon happens, how a problem is solved, or what a word or term means.In a sense, it is the process of making a statement and then supporting it with evidence.usually 3 parts:Making a statement: opinion;Supportive evidence or details;Conclusion.,Style A

46、nalysis,Narration:记叙文a sequence of actions or events in time. a recounting of the facts or particulars of some incident or experiencea spectator or a participant,Style Analysis,Other types:Description:描写文creats a word-picture of places, persons, objects and emotions etc. using a careful selection of

47、 details to make an impression on the readersArgumentation:议论文to persuade and convince with evidence or emotional appeal,Summary,面临,遭遇仰头向上看填写 属于仅仅,不多于,不强于转瞬即逝的念头磨损,损耗虽然,尽管,be confronted withlook up atfill outfall intonothing more thana passing whimwear and tearin spite of,Summary,期望,盼望富裕的,有钱的不自在,格格不

48、入陈旧的家具之后不久走下坡路,失败转折点与形成对比,look forward towell offout of placedated furnitureshortly aftergo southa turning pointin contrast to,Summary,对予以注意,致力于归属感遭遇困难久不消逝的微笑为感恩收入最低的档次创作才能对物质财富的追求,focus ona sense of belonginggo through a rough timea lingering smilebe thankful forthe lowest income bracketthe gift of

49、 creativitythe pursuit of possessions,Supplementary Informatioin,Wal-martDiscussion about value,Supplementary Information,Wal-martWal-mart is now ranked world NO.1 retailer, followed by Carrefour. It was founded in 1962 with opening of first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Ark. by Sam Walton.In 2000, this

50、 supermarket, with its annual turnover of US $160 billion, was listed second in Fortunes top 500. Today, it has more than 4,000 chain stores throughout the world.,Supplementary Information,Three Basic Beliefs in Wal-martSam Walton built Wal-Mart on the revolutionary philosophies of excellence in the


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