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1、.,1,UNIT 3 “Whats for lunch?”,.,2,“Whats for lunch?”,SHOWTIME,READING,WRITING,GRAMMAR,VOCABULARY BUILDER,CHATTIME,MY STORY,UNIT 3CONTENTS,.,3,Look at the picture. Choose the best answer.,1. Where are the people? a In a kitchen. b In a store. c At a restaurant.,2. What are they doing? a Having lunch.

2、 b Eating dessert. c Cooking,3. Who is the woman standing up? a A customer. b A waitress. c A cook.,c,a,b,.,4,Listen and repeat.,salad,dessert,delicious,French fries,vegetables,pasta,.,5,Whats for ? I love sweet food.Alex ate a lot of when he went to Italy last week.Tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots a

3、re .Most people eat with a hamburger.I am trying to lose weight. Ill have a , please.Wow! These onion rings are . Can I have more?,Complete the sentences with words from Exercise A.,一顿正式的西餐有三个阶段, 不同阶段呈上的菜肴都有特定的名 称。开胃小菜(appetizer)出现在每餐的开头,比如一碗汤(soup)或小份色拉(salad)。接下来是主菜(main course)和配菜(side order),是一餐

4、中最丰盛的部分。主菜包括牛排(steak)、意大利面食(pasta)等。炸薯条(French fries)、洋葱圈(onion rings)、蔬菜(vegetables)都属于配菜,搭配主菜一起食用。最后是甜点(dessert)。French fries: 炸薯条。据说,第一次世界大战时驻扎在法国的美国士兵常常食用当地的炸土豆,并把这种食品称作 French fries。,dessert,pasta,vegetables,French fries,salad,delicious,.,6,Listen and complete the conversation.,Jenny: Hey Alex,

5、 do you want some of this dessert? Its really (1) !Alex: No thanks, Jenny. I am trying to lose weight.Jenny: Oh, I see. How about some (2) ? They are really good!Alex: Hmm. I think Ill just have some of this (3) .Jenny: OK, how about a drink? Do you want some of this soda?Alex: No, thanks. I think I

6、ll have this iced (4) with no sugar.Jenny: Come on! Try some (5) . You only live once!Alex: OK, OK, Ill try it,tea,参考译文,.,7,珍妮:嗨,亚历克斯,想来点这个甜点吗?非常好吃!亚历克斯:不,谢谢,珍妮。我正在减肥。珍妮:哦,我知道了。那炸薯条要吗?它们也很好吃。亚历克斯:嗯我想我还是就吃点沙拉吧。珍妮:好的。那喝点什么呢?苏打水吗?亚历克斯:不了,谢谢。我还是来点不加糖的冰茶吧。珍妮:哦,来点甜点吧。你也就活这么一次!亚历克斯:好吧好吧,那我尝尝。,.,8,Look at t

7、he foods. Choose their names from the boxes.,cake,hamburger,eggs,ice cream,fruit,bread,soda,chicken,donut,milk,pizza,a b c d e f,g h I j k,bread cake hamburger chicken donut egg,fruit ice cream soda milk pizza,.,9,WORDS & EXPRESSIONS,deliciousdessertpasta salad soda sugar vegetable French fries iced

8、 tea lose weight,.,10,delicious adj. 美味的;可口的,e.g. The beef tastes delicious. 牛肉美味可口。,Words and expressions,.,11,dessert n. 甜食;甜点,e.g. Whats for dessert? 餐后甜点吃什么?,Words and expressions,.,12,asta n. 意大利面食,e.g. I often eat pasta. 我经常吃意大利面。,Words and expressions,.,13,salad n.色拉,e.g. I am not fond of sal

9、ad. 我不喜欢吃沙拉。,Words and expressions,.,14,soda n.汽水;苏打水,e.g. He had a soda just now. 他刚刚喝了一瓶汽水。,Words and expressions,.,15,sugar n. 糖,e.g. How many sugars do you need in your tea? 你茶里要放几块方糖?,Words and expressions,.,16,vegetable n. 蔬 菜,e.g. The children dont eat enough vegetables. 孩子们吃的蔬菜不够。,Words and

10、expressions,.,17,French fries 炸马铃薯条,e.g. Tom likes French fries. 汤姆喜欢吃炸马铃薯条。,Words and expressions,.,18,iced tea 冰茶,e.g. Give me a cup of iced tea. 给我一杯冰茶。,Words and expressions,.,19,lose weight 减肥,e.g. She is trying to lose weight. 她正在设法减肥。,Words and expressions,.,20,Match the pictures to the sente

11、nces which best describe them.,1 Mateo orders from Naomi.2 Hector and Mateo look at the menu.3 Hector is very full.4 Naomi gives Hector his food.,a,b,c,d,.,21,00:05 / 03:00,Watch the video. What do Mateo and Hector order? Tick the correct items.,Mateochicken soupchicken saladiced coffeeiced teachoco

12、late piechocolate cake Hectortaco cheeseburgerfried rice (炒饭)French friesonion ringssoda,.,22,00:05 / 03:00,carrot,chicken,like,tea,tomatoes,Watch the video again. Use words in the boxes to complete the conversation.,Script,Mateo: Whats in the (1) salad? Naomi: The chicken salad has (2) and mushroom

13、s.Mateo: That sounds good. Can I have some (3) with it, too?Naomi: Sure. What would you (4) to drink?Mateo: Ill have iced (5) - with no sugar.,carrots,chicken,like,tea,tomatoes,参考译文,.,23,Hector: I am really hungry.Mateo: Me too. The menu looks good. What should we have?Hector: French fries . onion r

14、ings . hamburgers . cheeseburgers . tacos . chips . They all look so good.Mateo: French fries, onion rings, and a hamburger? Are you sure?Hector: Sure, why not?Mateo: Well, its not very good for you. Im going to have the salad. You need to eat fresh vegetables every day, you know? Hello? Hector: Im

15、really thirsty, too. I think Ill have a soda. Mateo: Go ahead, knock yourself out.Naomi: Hey, you guys! How are you?Hector: Im really hungry. Naomi: Well, youve come to the right place.,Script,.,24,Hector: Whats for lunch?Naomi: Our special today is chicken and rice. The pasta with tomato sauce is r

16、eally good, too. Do you need some time to think about it?Hector: Nah, Ive already decided. Ill have a cheeseburger, French fries, onion rings, and a glass of soda. Naomi: Wow, you really are hungry. How about you Mateo? What would you like? Mateo: Whats in the chicken salad? Naomi: The chicken salad

17、 has carrots and mushrooms. Mateo: That sounds good. Can I have some tomatoes with it too? Naomi: Sure. What would you like to drink? Mateo: Ill have iced teawith no sugar. Naomi: Lets see . cheeseburger, French fries, onion rings, chicken salad with tomatoes, a glass of soda, and an iced tea, no su

18、gar. Ill be right back. Naomi: Heres your salad and iced tea.,Script,.,25,Mateo: Yum! It looks delicious. Naomi: And heres your cheeseburger, French fries, and onion rings, and your soda. Are you sure you can eat all that? Hector: No problem. Naomi: Alright, then. Enjoy your meal. Naomi: How was it?

19、 Mateo: Great. The chicken salad was delicious. Naomi: Oh, good. Im glad you liked it. How about you, Hector? Hector: Yeah, it was good. Too good. Whats for dessert? Naomi: We have vanilla ice cream, chocolate cake, and apple pie. What would youlike?Mateo: Ill have a slice of chocolate cake.Naomi: T

20、he cake is good. I think youll like it. How about you, Hector?Hector: Ill have . nothing. I want dessert, but Im just too full.Naomi: Im not surprised. You ate a big lunch. Ill be right back with your dessert, Mateo.,Script,.,26,1. The menu looks good. 菜单看起来不错。look这里用作系动词,意为“看起来”,其后可以加多种成分。 1)look+形

21、容词 e.g. The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。 2)look+过去分词 e.g. He looked surprised when he heard the news.得知消息时他显得吃惊。 3)look+名词 e.g. He looks a nice, honest man.他看上去是个诚实的好人。 4)look+介词短语 e.g. He looks in good health. 他看来十分健康。,语言解析,.,27,2. HECTOR : Im really thirsty, too. I think Ill have a soda. MATEO :

22、 Go ahead, knock yourself out. 赫克托:我也很渴,我要再点个苏打水。 玛特奥:好吧! 你随便点。Knock yourself out. 1)用餐时,当某人说“想点什么”,你可以用这句话回答,表示“随意点”。2)当对方说自己想干什么事情的时候,可用此短语回答,包含的意思是“你可以做任何你想做的事情,不必客气”。e.g. A: Can I borrow your pencil for a while? 我能借你的铅笔用一下吗? B: Knock yourself out. My pencil is just on the table. 请随意,我的铅笔就在桌子上。,语

23、言解析,.,28,3)有时遇到一件事情,别人坚持去做,而你觉得没有必要,也可以说上一句“knock yourself out”来表达你懒得去理睬的意思。e.g. If you really want to ask him who has no competence to help us solve our problems, the only word I can tell you is to knock yourself out. 如果你真想请毫无特长的他帮我们解决问题,我只能对你说声“随便”。4)knock yourself out 还可以表示“尽最大努力”e.g. Dont knock

24、yourself out trying to get the job finished. 不要因为急着完成这项工作而把你自己累垮了。,语言解析,.,29,More notes点餐用语点餐时,服务生会问:1. What would you like for an appetizer (开胃菜)?/ the main course?(主菜)/ a salad?(沙拉)/ your soup?(汤)2. Are you ready to order? 您准备要点餐了吗?3. Would you like to order now? 您是现在点餐吗?4. What can I get for you?

25、 我能帮您点什么?点餐时,顾客可能会问:1. How large are the portions?这个分量有多大?2. Whats the special today? 今天的特餐是什么?3. Does the New York steak come with a baked potato? 纽约牛排有附烤土豆吗?4. Can I get a side order of onion rings? 我能点一份洋葱圈作副餐吗?5. What do you suggest/recommend for a soup? 你们有什么推荐的汤?6. What do you serve for desser

26、t? 你们都有什么甜点?,.,30,3. Our special today is chicken and rice. 我们今天的特餐是鸡肉米饭。special 这里是“特餐”、“特色菜”,作名词用时,通常指“特别而不属于常态的事物”1)指“特色产品”e.g. Grocery stores have to offer enough specials to bring people into the store. 杂货店为了招揽顾客不得不推出多种特色产品。2)指“特别节目”、“特辑”e.g. There is a special on TV tonight about Elton Johns t

27、hirty-five year musical career. 今晚有个关于Elton John35年音乐生涯的电视特辑。,语言解析,.,31,4. Heres your salad and iced tea. 这是你的沙拉和冰茶。 这是here放在句首的倒装结构。1)如果后面是名词,使用Here+动词+名词e.g. Here comes the bus. 公交车来了。 Here is a good piece of news for you.有个好消息要告诉你。2)如果后面是代词,则使用Here+代词+动词e.g. Here you are. 给你。,语言解析,.,32,More notes

28、吃沙拉时常会加酱。常见的有千岛酱(Thousand Island dressing)、意大利(Italy dressing)、法式(French dressing)等。汉堡及三明治常加的配菜和调味料:mustard 芥末酱mayonnaise 沙拉酱pickle relish 酸黄瓜酱pickle slices 酸黄瓜片ketchup 番茄酱lettuce 生菜;莴苣,.,33,5. Ill have a slice of chocolate cake. 我想来一片巧克力蛋糕。a slice of 一片。虽然英语中并没有“量词”这一词类,但履行量词功能的结构普遍存在。其他类似的词还有: an

29、order of French fries 一份薯条a medium soda 一杯中杯汽水a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡a glass of milk 一杯牛奶a bowl of soup 一碗汤a piece of bread 一片面包,语言解析,.,34,赫克托:我好饿啊!玛特奥: 我也是。菜单看起来不错,我们吃点什么?赫克托:炸薯条、洋葱圈、汉堡包、干酪汉堡、墨西哥夹饼、炸薯片,都很不错。玛特奥:炸薯条、洋葱圈和一个汉堡,你确定吗?赫克托:当然了,为什么不呢?玛特奥: 哦,这对身体可不是很好。我要吃份蔬菜沙拉,你也要每天吃点新鲜蔬菜的,知道吗?嘿?赫克托:我也很渴,我要再点个

30、苏打水。玛特奥: 好吧! 你随便点。娜奥米:嗨,你们好啊!赫克托:我好饿啊!娜奥米:噢, 那你来对地方了。赫克托:午餐有什么?娜奥米:今天的特餐是鸡肉米饭,不过番茄酱拌意大利面也很不错。你需要时间考虑一下吗?赫克托:不了,我已经决定了,我要一个干酪汉堡、炸薯条、洋葱圈和一杯苏打水。娜奥米:哇,你确实饿了。你呢,玛特奥?你想吃点什么?玛特奥: 鸡肉沙拉里都有什么呢?娜奥米:胡萝卜和蘑菇。,参考译文,.,35,玛特奥:听起来不错,我能再加点西红柿吗?娜奥米:当然了,想喝点什么吗?玛特奥:冰茶,不加糖。娜奥米:好的。干酪汉堡、炸薯条、洋葱圈、鸡肉沙拉加西红柿、一杯苏打水和一杯不加糖的冰茶。马上就来。


32、h the questions to the answers.,Waitress1 Do you need some more time to look at the menu?2 What would you like?3 Do you want something to drink?4 Would you like anything for dessert?5 How do you like your coffee?,Customera Yes, Id like a slice of cake, please.b No, Im ready to order.c Ill have the s

33、pecial.d With cream and sugar, please.e Yes, Ill have an iced tea with a slice of lemon.,.,37,WORDS & EXPRESSIONS,cheeseburger chip menu sauce slice special taco thirsty vanilla a slice of knock yourself out,.,38,cheeseburger n.干酪汉堡包,e.g. I ordered a cheeseburger. 我点了一个干酪汉堡包。,Words and expressions,.

34、,39,chip n.( 常用复数)炸薯片,e.g. All main courses are served with chips. 所有的主菜都配有炸薯片。,Words and expressions,.,40,menu n. 菜单,e.g. Whats on the menu? 菜单上有什么菜?,Words and expressions,.,41,sauce n. 酱汁;调味汁,e.g. I want orange sauce. 我想要橘子酱。,Words and expressions,.,42,slice n. 薄片;切片 v. 把(食物)切成薄片,e.g. Please cut t

35、he bread in thin slices. 请把面包切成薄片。,Words and expressions,.,43,special n. 特色菜;特价,e.g. There are daily specials to choose from. 每天有特色菜供选择。,Words and expressions,.,44,taco n. 墨西哥玉米薄饼卷,e.g. My favorite food is taco. 我最爱的食物是墨西哥玉米薄饼卷。,Words and expressions,.,45,thirsty adj. 口渴的,e.g. I am so thirsty and I

36、need water. 我好渴我需要喝水。,Words and expressions,.,46,vanilla adj. 香草味的,e.g. Ann likes vanilla ice cream. 安娜喜欢香草味的冰淇淋。,Words and expressions,.,47,a slice of 一片,e.g. Anna ate a slice of bread and butter for breakfast. 安娜早餐吃了一片涂黄油的面包。,Words and expressions,.,48,knock yourself out 随便;别客气e.g. Could you give

37、me your pencil for a while? 能借你的铅笔用一下吗? Knock yourself out. My pencil is on the table. 随意,我的铅笔就在桌子上。,Words and expressions,.,49,Food labels,.,50,Match the pictures above to the following expressions.,1 three tomatoes2 a loaf (条) of bread3 a bag of potato chips4 a tin (罐) of beans5 a box of chocolate

38、s6 a bag of smoked salmon,Read the food labels. Write the letter of each thing which:,1contains salt d,e2contains vitamins 3gives you energy 4contains sugar 5contains oil,b,c,e,a,d,f,a, c,d, f,b, d,c, e,.,51,Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false).,1 The tomatoes dont contain pesticides.2 I

39、f you are allergic (对过敏) to nuts, you should eat the chocolates.3 The salmon is freshly caught in a river.4 The beans do not contain a lot of salt.5 The chips are fried in animal oil.6 The bread is good for giving you energy.,T,T,F,F,T,F,.,52,Complete the sentences with words or expressions from the

40、 boxes.,luxury,free from,rich in,contain,in the wild,1 Fruit and vegetables are vitamins. 2 Saras parents have a lot of money. She is used to living in .3 Organic milk is very good for babies because its pesticides.4 I dont think people should keep pets, because animals are happier .5 This product m

41、ay milk and eggs.,luxury,free from,rich in,in the wild,contain,.,53,E,F,Think of a food you like. Write a label for it.,EXAMPLEHand-cut potato chipsFried in olive oil15% Fat Only!Ingredients: potatoes, olive oil, salt,Use the letters in the box to complete the words. How quickly can you work out the

42、 word in the circle?,r l u c n y h t,Iunch,r,y,t,.,54,READING 背景知识Food labels provide information about the nutritional content inside a package of food. All food manufacturers are required by law to provide food label providing specific information about the food you are buying to help you make inf

43、ormed healthy decisions. But of course, you have to read the food label first.Food labels are broken up into sections to make it easy for you to read and understand the nutrition found on a particular food item. You will find information easily about the calories, how many servings in that package (

44、they often have more than one) and other key information about fat content, vitamins, sodium (salt), cholesterol and fiber.,.,55,Sun-ripened tomatoes. 自然成熟的西红柿。1)ripen(使)成熟,由形容词ripe加动词后缀en组成。名词或形容词加-en,可以变成动词。 lengthen 加长,延长 worsen(使)恶化; 恶化,更坏 2)sun-ripened是“名词+过去分词”作定语的复合结构,该名词表示过去分词的动作主体或工具。本文中类似的

45、例子有:Oak-smoked salmon 橡木烟熏三文鱼Hand-cut potato chips 手切土豆条Hand-baked brown bread 手烤黑面包,READING 语言解析,.,56,2. Rich in vitamin C 富含维Crich in富有,富含e.g. China is rich in minerals. 中国的矿产丰富。This is an area rich in wild flowers. 这是一个盛开野花的地区。,READING 语言解析,.,57,3. Free from pesticides 无农药(无公害)1)free from 表示“免除”、

46、“无的”,多指免除或摆脱(不好的东西),一般前面加be。e.g. Probably no one is free from mistakes, only some make more and some less. 人大概没有不犯错误的,多多少少要犯错误。 Men are not saints; how can they be free from faults? 人非圣贤,孰能无过?be free from pain / disease / fear / danger 没有痛苦 / 疾病 / 恐惧 / 危险此外,be free of 也表示“免除”、“无”,但多指免除或远离较中性的东西。e.g.

47、 They believe a public park should be free of charge. 他们认为公园不应该收费。,READING 语言解析,.,58,2)关于free的其他用法有be free to do, for free.e.g. You are free to go anywhere you wish. 你愿意去哪里就可以哪里。 I got this book for free from somebody who didnt want it. 我这本书没花钱,是别人不要的。3)pesticide 杀虫剂,农药,由pest(虫子)加后缀-icide(杀,消灭)组成。类似

48、的词有:suicide 自杀,insecticide 杀虫剂等。e.g. He committed suicide during a bit of depression. 他一时想不开自杀了。 The farmer is spraying his fruit trees with insecticide. 那农人正在用杀虫剂喷洒果树。,READING 语言解析,.,59,4. Luxury chocolate assortment 豪华巧克力锦盒1)assortment由动词assort加名词后缀-ment组成动词加-ment,可以变成名词,表示行为、结果、工具等。如,instrument(仪

49、器)、fulfillment(实践,达成)、amusement(娱乐,消遣)2)assortment 各种各样,全套物品 e.g. The shop has a rich assortment of goods. 这个商店有各种各样的货品。 I had an assortment of different projects. 我有不同的项目。 To repair this gadget, you need an assortment of tools. 修这个小物件,你需要一套工具。,READING 语言解析,.,60,5. Made with organic cocoa, milk and

50、sugar由有机可可,牛奶和糖精制而成1)be made with sth. 指“制作中用了什么东西”。e.g. Usually pizza is made with some cheese and different vegetables. 做披萨通常要加些干酪和不同的蔬菜。2)关于made的其他用法有be made of+原材料,be made from+原材料, be made into+成品, be made in+地点e.g. The table is made of wood.这桌子是用木头做的。(看得出来材料) The wine is made from grape.这酒是用葡萄


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