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1、形容词(adj.)和副词(adv.)的原级,比较级,最高级的用法,形容词:用于修饰名词或代词,描述被修饰成分的性质、特征、状态或属性等。Eg. This is a good book. (修饰名词book) She is beautiful.(修饰代词she),副词:主要用于修饰动词、形容词和副词,整个句子,描述被修饰成分的特征或状态。Eg.Jim plays basketball well.(修饰动词play) She is very beautiful.(修饰形容词beautiful) Jim plays basketball very well.(修饰副词well),Exercises

2、: 1.We should have a _ diet . (health)2.We shouldnt eat _ food. ( health ) 3. I would like to have _ rice dumplings . ( salt ) 4. Though my grandpa is over 80, he still lives _. ( health ) 5. The teacher made a _ to us just now . ( suggest ) 6. Tom looks _ in that blue overcoat . ( fun ),healthy,unh

3、ealthy,salty,healthily,suggestion,funny,7. I like _ fish ( steam ) because it tastes _. ( taste ) 8. You can buy ice-cream in the _ food section . ( freeze ) 9. People usually wear heavy coats in _ weather . ( freeze )10. Dont talk _ in class . ( loud ),steamed,tasty,frozen,freezing,loudly,形容词和副词的比较

4、等级(假设A和B为进行比较的人或事物),1、原级:使用形容词或副词原形,表示A与B一样(或不一样)as+形容词、副词的原级+ as ; not as/so形容词、副词的原级as ; not as - as,2、比较级:使用形容词或副词比较级形式,表示A与B二者相比哪一个更。用than连接。,3、最高级:使用形容词或副词最高级形式,表示三者(或三者以上)相比哪一个最。 in +地点范围;of+与主语一致的范围,形容词或副词比较级和最高级的构成1)规则变化 单音节词和少数双音节词词尾加er/est变为比较级/最高级。(加er/est方法与动词变过去式加ed方法相同)。Eg. tall taller

5、/tallest nice nicer/nicest big bigger/biggest easy easier/easiest clever cleverer/cleverest (clever双音节) 多音节词和一些双音节词在该词前加more/ most变为比较级/最高级。以ly结尾的副词除early以及不规则变化外,也应加more/most。Eg. interesting more/most interesting careful more/most careful slowly more/most slowly,2. 以不发音 的元音“e”结尾的形容词, 加r或st. close-c

6、loser-closest ; strange-stranger-strangestfine-finer-finest ; large-larger-largestwide-wider-widest ; white-whiter-whitest nice-nicer-nicest ; late-later-latest,3.以辅音字母加“y”结尾的形容词,先把“y”变为“i”,再加er或est. angry-angrier-angriest ; busy-busier-busiestcloudy-cloudier-cloudiest ; dirty-dirtier-dirtiestearly-

7、earlier-earliest ; easy-easier-easiest happy-happier-happiest ; heavy-heavier-heaviest,. 以重读闭音节结尾的形容词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,应 先双写这一个辅音字母,再加er或est. big-bigger-biggest ; thin-thinner-thinnest fat-fatter-fattest ; wet-wetter-wettest hot-hotter-hottest ; red-redder-reddest多音节形容词和 副词的比较级和最高级构成:加more / most : diffi

8、cult - more difficult - most difficult modern - more modern - most modern interesting - more interesting - most interesting,形容词或副词比较级和最高级的构成2)不规则变化: good/well better, best bad/badly/ill worse, worst many/much more, most little less, least * old older, oldest 年长的;老的;旧的 elder, eldest(亲戚关系中)年长的 * far f

9、arther, farthest 远的 further, furthest 远的(有更加、进一步 的含义)补充说明: few fewer, fewest friendly friendlier, friendliest (adj.) more/most friendly often more often, most often,Exercises: 请将下列词变成比较级和最高级,bright -long -late -wide -angry -popular - quickly -good -bad -,brighter, brightest,longer, longest,later, la

10、test,wider, widest,angrier, angriest,more/most popular,more/most quickly,better, best,worse, worst,形容词或副词各比较等级的基本用法,1、原级:使用形容词或副词原形,表示A与B一样(或不一样)。 主要用于A as as B (肯定句)A as/soas B(否定句) 结构。 Eg. 1) Jim is 160 cm tall . Mike is 160 cm tall . Jim is as tall as Mike. Jim is not so tall as Mike.2) This road

11、 is 5 metres wide . That road is 5 metres wide .This road is as wide /narrow as that one .This road is not as wide/narrow as that one .,2) Jim works hard . Mike works hard , too. Jim works as hard as Mike. Jim doesnt work so hard as Mike.3) Mike does his work carefully . Tom does his work carefully,

12、 too. Mike does his work as carefully as Tom.Mike doesnt do his work as /so carefully as Tom.4)Father goes to work early. Mother goes to work early , too. Father goes to work as early as mother. Father doesnt go to work as/so early as mother.,Exercise : 1. Mary is 5 years old . Jane is 5 years old ,

13、 too.2. These boxes are 20 kilos heavy. Those boxes are 20 kilos heavy , too .3. This film is interesting . That film is interesting , too.,Mary is as old / young as Jane .,These boxes are as heavy / light as those ones .,This film is as interesting as that one .,4. Toms grandfather is healthy. Tims

14、 grandfather is healthy ,too. 5. John runs fast . Mike runs fast , too .6. John jumps high . Mike jumps high , too.7. My father goes to work early . Toms father goes to work early , too,Toms grandfather is as healthy as Tims grandfather .,John runs as fast as Mike .,John jumps as high as Mike .,My f

15、ather goes to work as early as Toms father .,同义变化:1. Tim is as old / young as Mike . 2. This road is as wide / narrow as that one .3. This river is as deep/ shallow as that one .4. This building is as high/ low as that one .5. This box is as heavy /light as that one .,Tim is the same age as Mike .,T

16、his road is the same width as that one,This river is the same depth as that one .,This building is the same height as that one .,This box is the same weight as that one .,6. This room is as big / small as that one . 7. This pencil is as long/ short as that one . 7. Mary is as tall / short as Jane .,

17、This room is the same size as that one .,This pencil is the same length as that one .,Mary is the same height as Jane .,2、比较级:使用形容词或副词比较级形式,表示A与B 二者相比哪一个更。 主要用于A than B 结构。Eg.1) Jim is 160 cm tall . Mike is 156 cm tall . Jim is taller than Mike.2) Mike works hard . Jim works very hard. Jim works har

18、der than Mike.,3. This building is 5 meters tall . That building is 6 meters tall .4. These boxes are 40 kilos heavy . Those boxes are 45 kilos heavy.5. Tom does his homework carefully . Mike does his homework very carefully .,This building is lower than that one ./ That building is higher than this

19、 one .,These boxes are lighter than those ones . Those boxes are heavier than these one .,Mike does his homework more carefully than Tom .,6. Sound travels quickly . Light travels very quickly .7. Mary speaks English fluently . Jane speaks English very fluently .8.Tom listens to the teacher carefull

20、y . Tim listens to the teacher very carefully .,Light travels more quickly than sounds .,Jane speaks English more fluently than Mary .,Tim listens to the teacher more carefully than Tom .,比较级用法扩展1)比较级前面可以有much, a little/a bit, a lot, even, far ,still 等修饰语。 This book is much better than that one. 好得多

21、2)比较级比较级,表示越来越 hotter and hotter 越来越热 more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮3) 上下文的提示: After the medicine , the sick man becomes _. ( bad ) The lady looks _ after having a good rest . ( healthy ),worse,healthier,4. 定冠词加比较级, 再加定冠词加比较级:越- ; 越- 1)The harder you are , the better you will be . 2)The more careful

22、you are, the better marks you will get. 3)The more exercise you take , the healthier you will be . 5. 在两者之间选择: Which subject do you like better , maths or Chinese ?,注意: than 后面的人称代词用主格或宾格都可以。 He is taller than I (am). He is taller than me.补充: He is the taller of the two boys.,Exercises:Our classroom

23、 looks _than theirs . (big )Unit 9 is _ than Unit 8. ( difficult )Mike studies _ after the teacher had a talk with him . ( hard ) Mother gets up _ than father . ( early )Our life is _ than before . ( good ) This film is _ than the one we saw last week . ( interesting ) My _ sister is a university st

24、udent . She is one year _ than I . ( old ),bigger,more difficult,harder,earlier,better,more interesting,elder,older,8. Our country has become _ and _ in the past twenty years . ( strong, rich )9. In fact , Delia is a little _ than her elder sister . ( tall ) 10. Mother looks even _ .( angry )11. Sha

25、nghai is _ than that city . ( modern )12. Mary speaks English _ than Jane . ( fluently ) 13. I feel much _. ( cold ) 14. The next morning Jenny got up even _ ( early ),stronger,richer,taller,angrier,more modern,more fluently,colder,earlier,比较级与同级比较的转换: This building is lower than that one.My brother

26、 is older than I . Mr Black looks stronger than Mr Smith .,This building isnt as high as that one .That building isnt so low as this one,My brother isnt as young as I . I am not as old as my brother .,Mr Black doesnt look as weak as Mr Smith . Mr Black doesnt look as strong as Mr Black .,4. Tom does

27、 his homework more carefully than Jack .5. Unit 9 is easier than Unit 10.6. Mother gets up earlier than father .,Tom doesnt do his homework as carelessly as Jack . Jack doesnt do his homework as carefully as Tom .,Unit 9 isnt as difficult as Unit 10.Unit 10 isnt as easy as Unit 9.,Mother doesnt get

28、up so late as father . Father doesnt get up so early as mother .,3、最高级:使用形容词或副词最高级形式,表示三者(或三者以上)相比哪一个最。 主要用于the in/among/of +所包含人或事物的数量3的集合短语结构。Eg. 1) Jim is the tallest in our class.2) Jim works (the) hardest of all the boys.最高级用法扩展,1. one of + 形容词最高级+ 名词复数-表:-之一 1).Tom is one of the cleverest stud

29、ents in our class .2). Edison was one of the most famous inventors in the world . 2. 在定语从句中: 1)This is the funniest story that I have ever heard . 2)This is the most interesting story that she has ever read.,3. 表示第几大时 The Amazon is the second longest river in the world . The Yangtze is the third lon

30、gest river in the world . 4. 在几者之间选择: Which subject do you like best , maths , Chinese or English ?,Exercise:,John is the oldest of the three boys. Tom is the youngest of the three boys.,Tom is 5 years old. Mike is 6 years old. John is 7 years old.,Exercises : Emily sings _ of the five girls . ( wel

31、l ) Of all the stars the sun is _ to us . ( close )3. William Shakespeare is one of _ play writers in England . (great ) 4. The cartoon Tarzan is _ film I have ever seen . ( wonderful ) 5. He is _ boy of us all . ( strong ) 6. Hangzhou is one of _ cities in China. ( beautiful ),best,the closest,the

32、greatest,the most wonderful,the strongest,the most beautiful,7. Eddie runs _ among the four boys . ( quickly ) 8. My grandpa looks _ among the five old men . ( healthy ) 9. Mother gets up _ in my family . (early ) 10. Jack studies _ in my class . ( hard ),most quickly,the healthiest,the earliest,the

33、 hardest,最高级用法扩展形容词最高级前的the在以下几种情况下可以省略:1) 该形容词前有物主代词或名词所有格。 He is my/Jims best friend.2) 比较含义模糊。 We are busiest on Monday. This is a most interesting book. 这里的most相当于very。补充: China is one of the most beautiful countries. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,原级, 比较级, 最高级三者间的互换:Tom

34、is the tallest student in our class .,Tom is taller than any other student in our class .Tom is taller than anybody else in our class. Tom is taller than anyone else in our class . Nobody else is taller than Tom in our class .No one else is taller than Tom in our class. Nobody else is as tall as Tom

35、 in our class .No one else is as tall as Tom in our class .,Exercises: 根据所给提示词填空。 My house is _ (large) than Jims. Today is much _ (warm) than yesterday. Which book is _(interesting), this one or that one? Kate is _ (good) than me at English. Who is _ (tall) boy in your class? Mike runs _(fast) of a

36、ll the students. I have _ (much) money than you. 8. Yesterday was my _ (happy) day in my life.9. My brother is not so _ (strong) as me.10. Mr Smith is the _ (short) of the two men .,larger,warmer,more interesting,better,the tallest,(the) fastest,more,happiest,strong,shorter,观察下列各句, 辨别括号中单词的词类。 1. He

37、 is a (fast) worker. 2. He works very (fast.) 3. Thats a (hard) math problem. 4. You have to work (hard) at your lessons 5. I feel(better) now. 6. He plays football (better) than I. 7. Tom draws (worse) than his brother. 8. He was (worse) than his brother. 9. Of all the boys ,he reads (best.) 10. Of

38、 all the boys, he is the (best.) 11. That plane flew (high) that day.,12. That plane is (high ) in the sky now. 13. A (straight ) line is the shortest between 2 points. 14. Stand (straight). 15. He always speaks in a (low ) voice. 16. He is a clever businessman.He always buys (low ) and sells high.

39、17. At the end of the streeet , there is a (low ) wall. 18. We didnt go (far ) because we knew that famous place was too (far ) away. 19. He is a (slow ) boy. Hes always (slow) to make up his mind. And he even likes to take a (slow) train when he travel. 20. Please tell the driver to go (slower). 21. The (last ) time I saw you was the last Sunday in June.,22. She was very well when I (last ) saw her. 23. The train was ten minutes (late). 24. He arrived home (late) last night and he got up late this morning. 25. Not many people write with the (left) hand. 26. Please turn (left) now.,


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