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1、分译法(Division)合译法(Combination),1,试译以下句子:1. He, not surprisingly, did not come at all.2. He is honest. He is straightforward.3. About one hundred elements, two thirds of which are metals, have been found.,2,试译以下句子:4. He did not remember his father, who died when he was only three years old. 5. Im not

2、the first person who has made mistakes.6. Is there any problem I mentioned that you dont understand?,3,1. He, not surprisingly, did not come at all.他根本就没来,这在预料之中。2. He is honest. He is straightforward.他为人纯朴而坦诚。3. About one hundred elements, two thirds of which are metals, have been found.已经发现100种元素,

3、其中三分之二是金属。,4,4. He did not remember his father, who died when he was only three years old. 他三岁时父亲就去世了,因此,他不记得父亲。5. Im not the first person who has made mistakes.犯错误的人多的是,我又不是头一个!6. Is there any problem I mentioned that you dont understand?我提到的问题中,你们还有没有不懂的?,5,分译法,英语重形合,而汉语则重意合,这种截然不同的外在表现形式要求我们在英汉翻译

4、时要谨记这种差异,化繁为简,化长为短,化整为零。,6,分译法,一般说来,英语长句比较多,汉语句子一般比较短。因此,在很多情况下,原封不动地对原文中的长句进行汉译,往往会使译文读者感到费解。,7,分译法,分/拆译法(Division):为了符合汉语表达习惯, 也为了更清楚地表达原文意思,在翻译时可以改变原文结构,把原文的某个成分从原来的结构中分离出来,译成一个独立成分、从句或并列分句。,8,分译法,此处所谓的句子不在于结尾处用句号,而在于有无主谓结构。,9,分译法,英语长句不限于并列句和复合句,简单句有时也很长。它的一个重要特点便是修饰语较长。,10,分译法,英语长句的翻译通常采用分译法分译成几

5、个短句,这是因为英语长句用得较多,相对而言汉语中用得较少;其次因为英语的后置修饰语有时很长,而汉语的修饰语一般前置,不宜过长。,11,分译法,英语长句需要拆句,因为英语的长句结构复杂,给理解和表达带来困难。然而,为了修辞效果, 表达习惯等的需要,有时对英语的短句也用拆译法,拆成更短的句子。,12,分译法,例: That guy was the most identifiable fox.那个人十分狡猾,大家可以非常容易地看出来。 Im not the first person who has made mistakes.我不是第一个犯错误的人。犯错误的人多的是,我又不是头一个!,13,分译法,

6、含定语从句的句子:除少数情况外,这类从句都是长句。在英译汉时,如能将定语从句译成前置定语,则尽量避免其他译法;如译成前置定语不合适,一般分译成一个独立的句子或另一种从句,如状语从句等。,14,分译法,例:“Well, there is never anything happened in my family Im ashamed of.”“嘿,我家可从来没出现过见不得人的事。”,15,分译法,Mechanical energy can be changed into electrical energy, which in turn can be changed into mechanical

7、energy.机械能可转变为电能,而电能又可转变为机械能。,16,分译法,再如:Im going to see my grandmother, who was ill in bed, to take her some fresh-baked that my mother has made for her.我去看病在床上的祖母, 给她带些妈妈刚烤好的蛋糕。,17,分译法,再如:In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved.当两国发生争端时,如与两国都友好,第三国则力避卷入。,

8、18,分译法,My chances of getting to revolutionary China are very slim, although I have not given up my efforts to get a passport that will enable us to visit the countries of Socialism.我到革命的中国来的希望相当小,虽然我并没有放弃努力来争取一张护照,以便访问社会主义国家。,19,分译法,拆译法大致有三种形式:顺拆法、倒拆法、抽词拆译法。 顺拆是把句子按意群分成片段,将片段按原来的顺序译出。但拆译后的句子相互间必须衔接,

9、这往往需要加词。,20,分译法,例:They tried to stamp out the revolt, which spread more furiously throughout the country.他们企图扑灭反抗,结果反抗越来越猛,遍及全国。,21,分译法,再如:Each kind of atom seems to have a definite number of“hand”that it can use to hold on to others.每一种原子似乎都有一定数目的“手”,用来抓牢其它原子。,22,分译法,Let AB in the figure above repr

10、esent an inclined plane, the surface of which is smooth and unbending.设上图中AB代表一个倾斜平面,其表面光滑不弯。,23,分译法,倒拆则是打乱原来的顺序,将后面的提前译出。例: It was a real challenge that those who had learned from us now excelled us.过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们。这对我们确实是一个鞭策。那些曾经向我们学习过的人现在已经超过了我们。这对我们确实是一个挑战。,24,分译法,再如:They found now he took

11、a different seat from that which he usually occupied when he chose to attend divine worship.他往常做礼拜的时候,总坐在固定的座位上,可是那天他们发现他不坐在老位置了。,25,分译法,There is a universal tendency of every body to move towards every other body.每个物体都要向其他任何一个物体移动, 这是一个普遍存在的倾向。,26,分译法,抽词拆译,顾名思义是将句子中某个词抽出来,另行翻译。有的词如果按原文的结构翻译不好处理,这时如

12、将这个词译成句子就能更准确地表达出原意,译文也比较通顺。,27,分译法,例: I put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, where rays streamed through the narrow window near my bed.我趁着正要落下去的半个月亮光穿上衣服;月光从床边狭窄的窗子照射了进来。半轮残月渐渐西坠,月光透过床旁边的一扇狭窄的窗子照射进来,我趁着月光穿上衣服。,28,分译法,Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.执法部门不能负责任地对此

13、不闻不问。执法部门如果负责任,就不能对此不闻不问。,29,分译法,On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality, for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我谨代表你们所有的美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们的盛情款待,这种盛情是无可比拟的。中国人民以好客闻名于世,名不虚传。,30,分译法,The Chinese seem justifiably proud o

14、f their economic achievements.中国人似乎为他们的经济成就而自豪,这是合乎情理的。,31,分译法,Surprisingly, Turkey defeated England in European Football Championship.土耳其竟然在欧洲足球锦标赛上击败了英格兰,真是令人大吃一惊。,32,分译法,I tried vainly to persuade him to change his mind.我试图说服他改变主意,但我失败了。,33,分译法,定语从句比较长,中的which和as代表整个主句时,一般都译成并列句,主语译成汉语定语时显得罗嗦,或定语

15、从句结构并不长,但译成汉语定语后不合逻辑或不符合汉语表达习惯,就把定语从句拆译成汉语的并列的独立句。这时可重复先行词,或用代词“这、那、其”作为独立的主语,当从句用上述的代词。有时从句具有一定的状语意义,翻译时应把状语意义表达出来。,34,分译法,例: Like charges repel, but opposite charges attract, which is one of the fundamental laws of electricity.同性相斥,异性相吸,这是电学的一个基本规律。,35,分译法,Liquid water changes to vapour, which is

16、called evaporating.液态水变成蒸汽,这叫蒸发。,36,分译法,再如:Power is equal to work divided by the time, as has been said before.功率等于功除以时间,这在前面已经讲到。,37,分译法与合译法,Television equipment makes use of devices that can also be considered optical.电视装置使用了这样的器件,这些器件也可被看作光学器件。,38,分译法,再如:The sun is a mass of condensed gases or li

17、quid, the temperature of which is about 10,000 on the surface.太阳是其表面温度约为10,000的气体或液体凝聚成的团块。(可能会引起误解, 把10,000看成是修饰气体或液体)太阳是由气体或液体凝聚而成的团块,其表面温度约为10,000。(结构简洁,意义清晰),39,分译法,再如:Matter has certain features or properties that enable us to recognize it easily. 物质具有一定的能使我们容易识别它们的特征和特性。(略显长,不够流畅)物质具有一定的特征和特性,

18、我们可以根据这些特征和特性来识别它们。,40,分译法,再如:Immediately, the bandit opened fire, killing four workers and injuring the fifth who later died of his wounds.刹那间那匪徒开火了,打死了四名工人,打伤了后来死于枪伤的第五个人。刹那间那匪徒开火了,打死了四名工人,打伤了另一名。这名工人后来也因伤势过重而死去。,41,合译法,合译法(Combination):和分译法不同,合译法是将不同的句子成分组合在一起,使其更符合汉语的表达方法。,42,合译法,一般说来,英语句子要比汉语句子

19、长,一个英语句子要比汉语句子具有更大容量。因此,在汉译英时常会把两个或两个以上的汉语句子翻译成一个英语句子。比较口语化的英语句子也较短,在英译汉时也会使用合译法。,43,合译法,例如:She was born in a very small town. The town is in the north of China near the sea.她出生在中国北方一个沿海的小镇。,44,合译法,When we praise her, we are not merely being polite. 我们对她的赞扬不仅仅出于礼貌。,45,合译法,It was midnight, and there

20、were few people on the street.午夜时分,街上行人稀少。,46,合译法,例如:It was April 1945. The Second World War was coming to an end .1945年4月,第二次世界大战已接近尾声。,47,合译法,She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill.她回家去照料病重的丈夫。,48,合译法,They sat down in the waiting-room to do some reading. People came t

21、o and fro there.他们在人来人往的候车室里坐下来看点书。,49,合译法,“There be +主语+定语从句”,在这样的复合句中,主要意义不在there be上,而在从句的谓语部分。翻译时可以使用合译法把主句译成“有+名词(兼语式谓语)”,把从句译成谓语。构成“有人做(是)”,“没有人做(是)”的格式。,50,合译法,例如:There are some metals which are lighter than water.有些金属比水轻。,51,合译法,再如:There is nothing that does not contain contradiction; withou

22、t contradiction nothing would exist.没有什么事物不包含矛盾,没有矛盾就没有世界。,52,合译法,There are a number of drugs that can cause physical and mental trouble.有许多麻醉品,会对身心造成危害。,53,练一练:1. Illogically, she hopes to pass the exam without learning hard.2. Its certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO.3. Energy

23、can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law.,54,练一练:1. Illogically, she hopes to pass the exam without learning hard.她希望不用好好学就可以通过考试, 这是不合逻辑的。,55,练一练:2. Its certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO.人类最终一定会解开UFO之迷,这一点是可以肯定的。,56,练一练:3. Energy can neither be created

24、 nor destroyed, a universally accepted law.能量既不能创造也不能消灭, 这是公认的法则。,57,练一练: 4. There is no place on the earth where the days are longer in winter than in summer.5. He unnecessarily spent a lot of time introducing this book, which the students are familiar with. 6. We tried in vain to persuade him to g

25、ive up his wrong belief.,58,练一练: 4. There is no place on the earth where the days are longer in winter than in summer.地球上没有一个地方冬天的白昼比夏天长。,59,练一练: 5. He unnecessarily spent a lot of time introducing this book, which the students are familiar with. 他花了很长时间介绍这本书,其实没有必要,因为学生们对它已经很熟悉了。,60,练一练: 6. We trie

26、d in vain to persuade him to give up his wrong belief.我们尽力劝说他放弃错误的信念,但没有成功。,61,练一练: 6. Friction wears away metal in the moving parts, which shortens their working life.7. This design with all its disadvantages is considered to be one of the best.8. Water expands on freezing as can be seen from the b

27、reak in waterpipes in cold winter.,62,6. Friction wears away metal in the moving parts, which shortens their working life.运动部件间的摩擦力使金属磨损,这就缩短了运动部件的使用寿命。,63,7. This design with all its disadvantages is considered to be one of the best.尽管有种种缺点,这个设计仍被认为最佳设计之一。,64,8. Water expands on freezing as can be seen from the break in waterpipes in cold winter.水在结冰时膨胀,这可以从严冬水管的破裂看出来。,65,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,66,


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