中考英语书面表达 话题9 成长变化课件.ppt

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1、分析河南近10年中招真题的书面表达可知,“成长变化”这一话题2016年以“The biggest personal change Ive ever made”为题进行考查,要求介绍自身的成长变化,包括外貌、性格、心理、学习、与人交往或所取得的成绩等方面。结合全国近年中考真题可知,该话题通常还有“介绍他人的成长变化(含家庭成员)”这一命题角度。,命题探索,(2016河南)我们的每一次变化都见证着我们的成长。请以“The biggest personal change Ive ever made”为题,并根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。,典例剖析,审标题:我个人最大的改变审人称:第一人称审文体:

2、记叙文,1. 要点: 1)变化是什么; 2)变化是如何发生的; 3)变化后有何感受。2. 要求: 1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2)词数80左右。,审时态:一般过去时,审要点:变化后的收获与成长(时态:一般现在时),1. I used to be shy and less confident. Now Im different from before.2. Lucy has changed a lot. She used to have short hair.3. Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds

3、.,外貌及性格变化,好 句 记 背,1. Billy以前很安静。现在变得很活泼。_2. Kate变得不一样了。她过去戴眼镜。_3. 他现在不再紧张了,而且喜欢与他人交谈。_,Billy used to be so quiet. Now she is very active.,Kate was different. She used to wear glasses.,Now hes not nervous anymore and likes communicating with others.,句 子 仿 写,1. She read a little in the past. But now s

4、he finds great pleasure in reading.2. My brother didnt like traveling. However, he is crazy about traveling now.3. I hated playing basketball before. Now I love it for my partner.,兴趣爱好变化,好 句 记 背,1. 他之前不喜欢听歌。但现在他发现了听歌的乐趣。_,He disliked listening to songs in the past. But now he found great pleasure in

5、 listening to them.,句 子 仿 写,2. 我妹妹之前不喜欢京剧。然而,现在她迷上了京剧。_3. 我之前讨厌体育课。现在因为体育老师我喜欢它。_,My sister didnt like Beijing opera. However, she is crazy about it now.,I hated PE. class before. Now I love it for my PE. teacher.,1. I am happy now and I work hard.Im much happier now, and I work even harder than I u

6、sed to.2. I made lots of progress in English learning this year.With the help of the teacher and my classmates, I made lots of progress in English learning this year.,其他方面成长变化(含经验、知识、价值观等),好 句 记 背,3. I knew the importance of time and planning.Day by day, I knew the importance of time and planning.4.

7、 I join in the volunteer activity. My experience of caring for others has improved so much.Thanks to joining in the volunteer activity, my experience of caring for others has improved so much.,1. I am careful in my study now and very serious with it. (用比较级升格)_2. I realized the importance of putting

8、things in order.(用with the help of升格)_,I am more careful in my study now and much more serious with it.,With the help of my parents, I realized the importance of putting things in order.,句 子 升 格,3. I began to believe that nothing is impossible if you are willing to do it.(用day by day升格)_4. I take pa

9、rt in the sports meeting. I learned the true spirit in sports. (用thanks to升格)_,Day by day, I began to believe that nothing is impossible if you are willing to do it.,Thanks to taking part in the sports meeting, I learned the true spirit in sports.,1. I have made great progress in the past three year

10、s.I am so glad that I have made great progress in the past three years.2. I am sure I will grow up better with my fathers help.I am sure I will grow up better with my fathers help and I will love him forever.,成长后的感受,好 句 记 背,1. I have changed a lot these years. (扩写具体的感受)_2. I believe that I can almos

11、t do anything. (扩写条件)_,Im so pleased that Ive changed a lot these years.,I believe that I can almost do anything if I believe in myself.,句 子 扩 写,The biggest personal change Ive ever made is _(变化). At first, I hated/didnt like _(事情). Later,_(影响自己的一件事). After that, I found I fell in love with,that I b

12、ecome more confident/outgoing/.,语段练习1,成长变化及感受,learning English/taking part in afterclass activities/speaking in public/.,my English teacher asked me to play a part in a group work/.,练语段,_(某事)and I _(具体表现). At the same time, _(这件事)is also a fantastic/wonderful way to pass my free time. From this expe

13、rience, _ _(变化后的收获),learning English/speaking English in public/.,wanted to learn more about English/.,talking with my friends in English/.,I realized that interest is the best teacher/as long as we do what we want to do, we will be able to succeed/.,The biggest personal change Ive ever madeThe bigg

14、est personal change Ive ever made is that I have fallen in love with reading.When I was a child, I didnt enjoy books at all. Later, my mother always read stories for me and bought me books. Gradually I began to love reading. While reading, I feel like talking with a wise man. Reading is also a fanta

15、stic way to pass my free time.Books are my friends. And they will benefit me a lot.,成篇章,写作练兵,写作练兵,(2019临沂改编)时光荏苒,初中三年转瞬即逝。跟三年前的自己相比较,你会有很多变化。请以“I have changed a lot!”为题,并根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文,描述你最重要的变化。1. 要点:1)你过去是什么样的; 2)你最重要的变化是什么; 3)变化的过程及你的收获。2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2)词数100左右。,2020 新变化,I have chang

16、ed a lot!_,写作练兵,I have changed a lot during the three junior high school time. I used to seldom care about others. However, the most important change is that I learned to take responsibilities. Last term, I joined the English Drama Club. The members were divided into different groups and each group

17、acted out a story. I was asked to play a small role without lines. However, I acted carefully every time and watched others play carefully. In the end, our performance was a great success.,_,写作练兵,Its the sense of responsibility that helps us do our work well. And from that I learned to be responsibl

18、e at any moment.,巧用感叹句可将说话者说话时惊讶、喜悦、愤怒、气愤等思想感情表达得更加强烈。,教材链接,1. 由what引导:She is an outgoing girl. What an outgoing girl she is!The music is beautiful. What beautiful music it is!2. 由how引导:We were very excited. How excited we were!Miss Yang is a nice teacher. How nice a teacher Miss Yang is!,句式连接范例,教材链

19、接,1. John is a very clever boy. (用感叹句)_2. The monkey is cute. (用感叹句)_,What a clever boy (John is)! /How clever John is!,What a cute monkey (it is)! /How cute the monkey is!,小试牛刀,教材链接,3. Its fine today. (用感叹句)_4. The children are playing happily over there.(用感叹句)_,What fine weather it is!,How happily the children are playing over there!,


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