牛津深圳版英语九年级下册 全单元教学ppt课件 Unit3 The environment.ppt

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1、Unit3 The Environment,words,n.concernatmospheretemperatureconsumerfuelcoalresultsea levelnature,n.担心;忧虑大气层温度;气温消费者燃料煤结果海平面自然界;大自然,n.surfacesoilfloodhabitpurposesolutiongovernmentrole model,n.表面;表层土壤洪水;水灾习惯目的;用途解决办法;处理手段政府楷模;行为榜样,v.guessincreasedestoryrecycle,adj.环保的;赞成环保的无生命的;无生物生长的正确的;恰当的无害的,adj.gr

2、eenlifelessproperfriendly,v.猜测(使)增长;增多摧毁;毁灭回收利用,expressionsgreenhouse effectin dangeras a result ofresult inmountains oftake actionmake a differenceact as,温室效应在危险中由于造成;导致许多;大量采取行动有作用;有影响充当,expressionsgreenhouse effectin dangeras a result ofresult inmountains oftake actionmake a differenceact as,温室效应

3、在危险中由于造成;导致许多;大量采取行动有作用;有影响充当,expressionsgreenhouse effectin dangeras a result ofresult inmountains oftake actionmake a differenceact as,We should protect the .,environment,n. 环境,the air around Earth,atmosphere n.,大气层,This robot can play the piano, but it is . (without life),lifeless,adj. 无生命的;无生物生长

4、的,a lifeless planet 没有生物的行星,greenhouse n.,n. 温室效应,Smoking is a bad .,habit,n. 习惯,flood n.,洪水,Our bad habits mountains of rubbish.,create,=produce,v. 产生,=a very large number of许多;大量,大量工作,mountains of work,Its green to r .,adj. 环境保护的,ecycle,v. 回收利用,result v. 产生结果;后果result in an accident that resulted

5、in the death,Accidents are the of driving too fast. 事故是开车开得太快所造成的结果。,result,as a result (of sth) 由于。,As a result of the rain, we cant go hiking.= Theres a rain. As a result, we cant go hiking.,result n. 结果;后果,All these plants are found in nature. 所有那些植物都能在自然界中找到。,The school was by fire. 学校被大火烧毁了。,de

6、stroyed,nature n. 大自然;自然界,in nature 在自然界,destroy v. 摧毁;毁灭,n.concernatmospheretemperatureconsumerfuelcoalresultsea levelnature,n.担心;忧虑大气层温度;气温消费者燃料煤结果海平面自然界;大自然,n.surfacesoilfloodhabitpurposesolutiongovernmentrole model,n.表面;表层土壤洪水;水灾习惯目的;用途解决办法;处理手段政府楷模;行为榜样,v.guessincreasedestoryrecycle,adj.环保的;赞成环

7、保的无生命的;无生物生长的正确的;恰当的无害的,adj.greenlifelessproperfriendly,v.猜测(使)增长;增多摧毁;毁灭回收利用,expressionsgreenhouse effectin dangeras a result ofresult inmountains oftake actionmake a differenceact as,温室效应在危险中由于造成;导致许多;大量采取行动有作用;有影响充当,expressionsgreenhouse effectin dangeras a result ofresult inmountains oftake acti

8、onmake a differenceact as,温室效应在危险中由于造成;导致许多;大量采取行动有作用;有影响充当,expressionsgreenhouse effectin dangeras a result ofresult inmountains oftake actionmake a differenceact as,P36 C1as a result of= because of the effect of increase= to become greater in number sea level= the height of the ocean surface= the

9、top part of an area of land mountains of= a very large number of,C Vocabulary,P36 C2result in increases in danger make a difference take action,C Vocabulary,Fill in the blanks.,The boy likes to bite his nails. That is a bad h .The g is t to stop the spread of the disease. You shall g the meanings of

10、 the words instead of looking up every one.,habit,guess,government,taking action,Fill in the blanks.,7. The a around the Earth is necessary for all living things.8. With the help of the g , we can eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables around the year.9. Burned f from cars are bad for the environmen

11、t.10. S is rising, so many cities will disappear.,atmosphere,Sea level,fuels,greenhouse,Fill in the blanks.,The boy likes to bite his nails. That is a bad h .The g is t to stop the spread of the disease. You shall g the meanings of the words instead of looking up every one.,habit,guess,government,ta

12、king action,The Environment,Unit 3,Listening& Speaking,Listening,Caring for the environmentA Listen to two women calling into a radio programme to talk about environmental problems. Arrange the pictures below in the correct order by writing the numbers 1-3 in the boxes.,B Listen to the recording aga

13、in and fill in the table below. Write one word in each blank.,station,pick up,put up,Do not litter,building manager,Contact,Speaking,SPEAKINGA Talk timeExpressing concern,Im worried about the weather. Its too rainy.,Im concerned too. There might be a flood,Read the conversation below and practise it

14、 in pairs.Pay attention to the words in blue.,Have you noticed that the air in the city is very dirty recently?Yes, I have. Im worried about that because the smoke makes it difficult for many people to brethe.Im concerned that the dirty air might make some young children ill.Me too. I think we shoul

15、d ask people to use public transport more often.I agree.,Amy:Kevin:Amy:Kevin:Amy:,In groups, talk about environmental problems in your city. Follow the example.,Speak up,S1: What environmental problems are there in our city? S2: There is more and more rubbish in our city. S3: What can we do to solve

16、 this problem?S4: I think we should ask people to recycle as many things as possible.,Thank you.,The Environment,Unit 3,Reading,Warming up,What do the pictures tell us?Have a discussion: What will happen to the earth if we keep polluting it? How can we reduce pollution?,Our earth is in danger!,A1 Wh

17、at do you know about the greenhouse effect? Match the first half of the sentences in column A with the second half in column B. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,There is an atmosphere. It controls However, we are polluting The gases cause the atmosphere The Earth is getting We call this,A th

18、e greenhouse effectB the Earth with harmful gasesC warmer and warmerD to keep in too much heat from the SunE around the EarthF the Earths temperature,A,B,The greenhouse effect 温室效应,What can we do?,Finish a test,How green are you?,1. Do you recycle A: newspapers? 1 B: tins? 1 C: plastic bags? 22. Whe

19、n you make a short journey, do you A: walk or cycle? 3 B: go by car? 0 C: go by public transport? 1,3. What type of bags do you use for shopping? A: reusable ( e.g., basket ) 3 B: reused plastic 1 C: new plastic 04. How many pieces of electrical equipment are used in your kitchen?A: 10 or more 0B: 5

20、 to 9 1C: below 5 2,5. Do you make sure that lights and other electrical equipment are switched off when not needed? A: nearly always 2 B: seldom 1 C: never 06. Do you use disposable chopsticks? A: often 0 B: seldom 1 C: never 2,7. Do you use paper tissues? A: often 0 B: seldom 1 C: never 28. Do you

21、 usually take? A: a bath 0 B: a shower 1,Who is the,greenest,in your class?,Look at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page35. Then answer the qustions below.,Before you read,The world is in danger,The main problems we face.,The greenhouse effect, cuttin

22、g down forests and bad habits.,A green consumer is someone who only buys products friendly to the environment.,1. What is the article mainly about?,2. What problems does the article discuss?,3. A consumer is someone who buys and uses things. Can you guess what a green consumer is?,Reading,Reading Ti

23、ps,在阅读每个段落时,要注意综合运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning)这两种方法。,略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标题以及每个部分或者段落第一行, 关注文章中反复出现的关键词。 略读时, 要用充足的时间读懂段落的第一句和第二句, 因为第一句往往是该段的主题句(topic sentence), 而第二句往往是对前句的延伸(extension)或进一步的解释(explanation)。,通过略读把握文章大意,Now, skimming to get main ideas.,Read the first paragraph and find out the main id

24、ea.,Our world is in danger.,Read the second paragraph and find out the main idea.,The atmosphere around Earth is important to all living things.,Read the third paragraph and find out the main idea.,Cutting down trees cause many problems.,Read the third paragraph and find out the main idea.,Bad habit

25、s cause pollution. Rubbish should be thrown away in right way or we should use recycling things.,Read the last paragraph and find out the main idea.,Be green consumers and try to buy and use products friendly to the environment.,The writer says that it is in danger.2. It is necessary for all living

26、things.3. CO2 comes from burning them.4. This causes sea level to rise.5. It causes the surface of the soil to be easily destroyed by rain.6. Many of our habits cause this.,the world,The atmosphere,fuels,The increasing temperature,Cutting down trees,pollution,D2 Read the article again and circle the

27、 correct answers.,1.Because of pollution, _. not enough sunlight is reaching Earthtoo much heat is leaving the Earth not enough CO2 is leaving the Earth2. If there are more trees, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere will be _. greater lessc. the same,3. We can help protect the environment if we_. ch

28、ange our bad habits become consumers buy more products4. The purpose of the article is to make _. people do more to protect the environment more people become consumersc. People learn more about the environment,Language points,1. 原句再现: It is like the glass of a greenhouse.它像温室的玻璃。,be like= look like

29、 像;什么样子,如: 你妈妈长什么样子?-What is your mother like?=What does your mother look like?-My mother is a tall woman with short hair.,like prep.像,50年后的世界会是什么样子?-What will the world be/look like in 50 years? Our life will be more wonderful.,2. 原句再现: This causes sea level to rise, and in the future may cause cit

30、ies to disappear.这使得海平面上升,在未来会使得城市消失。,如: 什么使得你犯了那个愚蠢的错误?-What causes you to make the silly mistake?,cause sb to do sth使某人做某事,3. 原句再现: Cutting down trees also destroys the homes of the animals that live in our forests, and causes the surface of the soil to be easily destroyed by rain.,如: 做运动对我们的身体健康很

31、重要。 exercise is important to our health. (do),Cutting down treesdestroys and causes为V-ing作主语,谓语动词用单数。,Doing,4. 原句再现: People often use things once and then throw them away, or leave them on the ground as litter.人们经常会把用了一次的东西扔掉,或者当垃圾丢弃在地上。,throw them/it awaypick them/ it up,throw them away 中的them为代词,代

32、替前面的things,不可以说throw away them,pick up them/ it,leave 意为遗留;落下,x,5. 原句再现: We should also recycle as many things as we can. 我们也应该尽我们所能地多重复利用东西。,如: 我们应该尽可能多的帮妈妈做家务。We should do we to help our mother.= We should do to help our mother.,asas sb can=asas possible尽可能。的,as much homework as can,as much homewo

33、rk as possible,Phrases,1. 在危险中2.保护环境3.温室效应4.生物5.像。6.阻止发生7. 和.一样8.引起。9.太多热量,be in danger protect the environmentgreenhouse effectliving thingsbe likekeep/stopfrom doing sththe same ascause sb to do sthtoo much heat,10.由于11. 砍伐12.破坏自然13. 使。更差14.吸收二氧化碳14.产生氧气15.造成;导致16.引起污染17.扔掉,cut down destroy nature

34、make sth. Worsetake in= absorb CO2produce oxygenresult incause pollutionthrow away,as a result of =because of,18. 大量的19.为了20. 保护环境21.采取行动22. 和。不同23. 有利于环境的产品24. 尽我们可能多的25. 有作用;有影响,mountains of=lots of in order toprotect the environmenttake actionbe different fromproducts friendly to the environmenta

35、s many things as we can make a difference,Discussion,The writer gives an example of a bad habit that causes pollution. Can you name some other bad habits that cause pollution?,Thank you.,A day in the life of Gary Green,writing,Your school is going to encourage students to protect the environment by

36、introducing a cartoon character called Gary Green. He will act as a rold model for the students.,The following pictures show a day in the life of Gary Green. Look at the pictures and discuss how he tries to protect the environment.,B Use the outline and expressions below to write an introduction to

37、Gary Green.Paragraph 1 What does Gary Green do in the morning? How does he go to school?Paragraph 2 What does Gary Green do after he washes his hands and when he leaves the classroom?Paragraph 3 What does Gary Green do when he does his homework?Paragraph 4 What does Gary Green think people should do

38、?,take a shower, not a bath,ride a bike,turn off the tap,switch off the lights,use both sides of the paper,A day in the life of Gary Green,Every morning, Gary Green starts his day by taking a shower instead of a bath. Then he rides a bike to school. At school, after Gary Green washes his hands and w

39、hen he leaves the classroom, he turns off the tap immediately. When he does his homework, he uses both sides of the paper. In the evening, Gary Green think people should be green because its good for the environment.,Unit3 The EnvironmentGrammar,A the same and different,If things are exactly like on

40、e another, we say they are the same. If they are not like one another, we say they are different.,These light bulbs look the same, but their effects on the environment are different.,Some students are helping improve the environment of their school. Work in pairs. S1 should ask about something in th

41、e two pictures. S2 should say if they are the same or different. Take turns to ask questions. Follow the example.,S1: Look at the two dustbins. Are they the same or different?S2: Theyre the same.S1: Look at the two dogs. Are they the same?S2: No. Theyre different. The dog in Picture A is smaller tha

42、n the one in Picture B.,B like, the same and different from,The atmosphere is like the glass of a greenhouse.Without the atmosphere, the Earth would be the same as the Moon-cold and lifeless.We should be different from many consumers and become “green consumers”.,Work out the rule,We use to say thin

43、gs are similar in one or more ways.We use to say things are exactly like one another.We use to say things are not similar or not the same as one another.,different from,the same as,like,We often use like, the same as and different from with these verbs.,be look seem smell sound taste,1. The Earth is

44、 the Moon in size.,Complete these sentences with like, the same as or different from.,different from,2. Oranges taste apples. 3. Jim looks his father.4. Leaf A seems Leaf B.,different from,A,B,like,like,5. Alices dress looks Anns.,Alice,Ann,the same as,6. Peters tie is Pauls.,the same as,Peter,Paul,

45、C Using the sameas with nouns and phrasesSometimes we put a noun or a phrase after the same.,We can reuse things for the same purpose as before.Jerry uses the same amount of electricity as his neighour does.,Work in pairs. S1 should ask S2 about Mr Black and Mr Brown. S2 should respond using informa

46、tion from the table below. Follow the example.,S1: Is Mr Black the same age as Mr Brown?S2: Yes, he is.S1: Does he use the same amount of petrol each week as Mr Brown?S2: No, he doesnt.,C2 Use different, the same, the sameas and the information in C1 to complete the following paragraph.,Mr Black is

47、1) Mr Brown, but their weights are 2) . Their cars are 3) , but the amounts of petrol they use each week are 4) . Mr Black uses5) Mr Brown, but he throws away less rubbish each week than Mr Brown. Mr Black is greener than Mr Brown.,different,the same age as,the same,different,the same water a week as,


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