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1、Welcome To My Class!,Miss zhang Jenny,My name is zhang jiarong. You can call me Ms /Miss zhang .I like English, because English is a beautiful and useful language and I can use it to communicate with foreigners. Im an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope youll like me a

2、nd enjoy my class.,My name is.I like / enjoyIm a I hope / want / think,easygoing adj. 随和的,Self-introduction 自我介绍,About English,Do you like English?Do you think it difficult? why?Learning English is a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟)In fact , learning English is interesting.,脑筋急转弯 Where do

3、es afternoon come before morning in the world?,世界上哪里的下午比早上先到?,答案: In the dictionary. 在字典里。,注释: 在字典里,单词按首字母顺序排列,afternoon(下午)当然会出现在morning(早上)的前面了。,英语笑话 英语老师问一个学生,“How are you是什么意思” 学生想how怎么,are 是,you 你,于是回答“怎么是你?” 老师生气又问另一个同学“How old are you ?是什么意思?” 这个同学想了想说:“怎么老是你。”,Where 处处都漂亮一位外国朋友不知道中国人的“哪里!哪里!

4、”是自谦词。一次 他参加一对年轻华侨的婚礼时,很有礼貌地赞美新娘非常漂亮,一 旁的新郎代新娘说了声:“哪里!哪里!”不料,这位朋友却吓了一大跳!想不到笼统地赞美,中国人还不过瘾,还需举例说明,于是便用生硬的中国话说:“头发、眉毛、眼睛、耳朵、鼻子、嘴都漂亮!”结果引起全场哄堂大笑。,The importance of learning English,Englisha tool/ bridge,Science and technology,culture,customs,Trade/ transportation,travelling,Further study,well-paid job,欧

5、美影视,加勒比海盗,暮光之城,外企白领需要懂英文!,the most important thing of learning English,Have a high mark in the College Entrance Examination (高考)。,Have a better future,Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点,Large vocabularylong sentencelong passage,English Study,- some advice for every student,一。 培养学会几个习惯1.Learn t

6、o use dictionaries and Internet,2.Learn to take notes.,3.Learn to listen to me in class,4. Learn to finish your homework by yourself,二.做到“二”习“四”多,Prepare your lessons well before every class.(预习)Review what youve learned in time.(复习)Read more and read different materials.(多读)Write as often as possib

7、le.(多写)Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说)Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问),预习1、预习生词上课前,要把对话或课文中的生词进行预习。1)正音。2)记单词的拼写形式。在学习生词的同时,联想学过的词,找出特点,进行比较记忆。3)借助参考书或词典来查阅其用法,并适当记录。2、预习对话、课文在预习好生词的基础上,同学们要预习对话或课文。1)要读对话或课文 2)要独立思考,逐句去理解,搞懂文章大意,若遇到不理解的词句,可以借助工具书查阅,或请教他人,或在书上作上记号,以待课上解决。

8、,趣味记忆英语单词时,把几个结构相似的单词用故事情节串起来,写下这么一个个“词串”:-猫和老鼠- 有一个rat(老鼠)* 非常地fat(肥胖)跳进了vat(缸) 偷吃了salt(盐)变成了bat(蝙蝠) 气坏了cat(猫) 咬破了hat(帽子)当成了mat(垫子)*,国庆阅兵大联欢- 街头彩旗colorful (艳丽多彩的)警察守卫careful (小心的)姑娘个个beautiful (美丽的)轻歌曼舞graceful (优美的) *军队阵容wonderful (极好的)导弹坦克powerful (强大的)真是令人cheerful (兴高采烈的),想象力-嫦娥奔月- 也许将在soon(不久)她

9、用很多cocoon(茧) *做成一个balloon(气球)然后在一afternoon(下午)飘飘飞上moon(月亮)只带一把spoon(匙)想象力是伟大的,学习英语记忆单词要充分发挥自己的想象力,才会学得更好,在书上做笔记不同颜色的笔在重点单词、短语及句子下划线五角星标出新句型三角形标出旧句型圆圈标出介词和连词方框标出新的短语和词组直线或水浪曲线划出课文中的关键句在笔记本上做笔记1.重点单词和短语2.每单元的语法,如何做笔记?,The rules to obey in class,Do hand up when you know something or have somethingspeak

10、 loudly & clearly.Listen to me and take notes. Dont chat.No sleeping, eating or drinkingNever miss or forget homework (oral, written),If,A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z,is equal to,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26,如果将英语的26个字母由A到Z分别编上1到26的分数. 你的

11、知识(KNOWLEDGE)只能得到你努力工作(HARDWORK)也只能得到只有你的态度(ATTITUDE)才是左右你生命全部的,11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96分,8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98分,1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100分,ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING,Change Your Attitude ,And You Change Your Life ! ! !,Homework1. 用英语写一篇短文简要介绍自己及自己以前的英语学习方法。(100 words or so)2听懂、会说所学课堂用语。3准备好“四本”,即作业本、听

12、写本,笔记本和改错本。4. 预习第一单元单词和部分课文。,My name is zhang jiarong. You can call me Ms /Miss zhang .I like English, because English is a beautiful and useful language and I can use it to communicate with foreigners. Im an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope youll like me and enjoy

13、my class.,My name is.I like / enjoyIm a I hope / want / think,easygoing adj. 随和的,Self-introduction 自我介绍,Good bye !,英语国际音标表(48个),元音(20个),(Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English .Good pronunciation makes memorizing words quickly.),辅音(28个),Remember: practice makes perfect!,经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be,写在最后,Thank You在别人的演说中思考,在自己的故事里成长Thinking In Other PeopleS Speeches,Growing Up In Your Own Story讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日,


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