牛津译林版 必修四 Unit1 reading课件.pptx

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1、Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisement Reading 1,Ad 1,Ad 2,2.If you were the author ,what would you include in the article?,Imagination time!,definition(定义) , _.,1. If you were the author , what genre(体裁) would you choose? A. narrative(记叙文) B. expository(说明文)nrtv kspztr C. novel(小说) D. book review(书评),Readin

2、g for gist !,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p1,p2,p4,p3,p5,p1,p5,p4,p3,p2,p1,A,B,C,D,: the organization of this article,What is an ad? Does an ad tell people the complete truth?(commercial),important,commercial,fall,lead,intelligence,topic,Supporting details,Conlusion,aware,serve,Persuade,Reading for strategy,the b

3、asic pattern,Summary: Reading strategy,The topic,Supporting details,Conclusion,The structure (结构)of commercial ad and PSAs also follows this pattern.,What?,Where?,Where?,Application 1 :Commercial advertisements,Subject/topic,Supporting details,Conclusion:,No .Even if an ad does not lie, it does not

4、mean it is altogether innocent,We must not fall for this kind of trick!,toothpaste,freshest food,about,All it says is that it fights it rather than_,one toothpaste advertisements,Bright-teeth,bad breath,1.Bright-teeth fights against bad breath,fights,Which word indicate the trick/trap(陷井)?,Why?,Exam

5、ple analysis!,cure it,Although commercial advertisements dont tell us the complete truth, does it mean they dont do any good to us? _,Subject/topic,Supporting details,Conclusion,examples,All of these ads are meant to benefit the public, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give

6、.,Application 2 :Public service advertisements (PSAs),PSAs aims to teach us and help us lead better lives.,Examples Purposes,.Yes to life, no to drugs knowledge changes life.Project Hope educating every child.When you smoke cigarettes,You are slowly killing yourself.,.to deal with widespread social

7、concerns. to encourage people to support public.to teach us how to live healthy lives.,What?,Example analysis!,Compared with commercial advertisements, the number of PSAs is small, its influence is limitedWhy ?_,Can you offer some suggestions to improve the situation?,The authors suggestion: We must

8、 use our intelligence and not to be a slave to them .,.Maybe there are some _in commercial advertisements.,.,.Its up to(取决于) us to decide _instead of _., _,We should keep_ when going shopping, especially online.,Writing time,二、上海工商总局上个月宣布将对佳洁士广告处以603万元的罚款,因为其用PS技术夸大了牙膏的美白效果。引起社会的广泛关注,但有些认为仅公处罚公司还不够,

9、还应该同时对那些作虚假广告的代言人处罚。你同意这种观点吗?请给出你的理由。你可能用到如下单词 For:Who? Why? What results? (if they tell lies/speak for deceptive advertisement) What should they do as public figures?虚假广告 deceptive advertisement 误导 mislead代言人 spokesperson 对严格要求 be strict with 公众人物 public figures 对谨慎be cautious about 1. I am in enti

10、re agreement with the idea in that_ _ _,Against:Are they famous people as well common people?Are they experts in every field?Do advertisements have advantages ?When going shopping, what should we do? 有机会了解:have access to,2. I am not entire agreement with the idea in that_,Do you think this is a successful advertisement?,


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