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1、8上Unit2知识点课件Welcome to the unit,Why dont ?和Why not?用以提出建议。“为什么不”Why dont?后接主格人称代词或相当于名词的词,然后再接动词原形;Why not?后跟动词原形。,1. Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie?,你为什么不做作业? _ _ _ /_ _ do your homework? (同义句),Why dont,you,Why not,表示建议的句型还有:What/How about - ? / Lets -,shall we ? /Shall we -?Would you please-? W

2、ould you like to do - ? Youd better do sth.,如:我们为什么不好好睡一觉呢?_ _ _ _ a good sleep?_ _ _ a good sleep? _ _ _ a good sleep?_ _ a good sleep,_ _?_ _ _ a good sleep?_ _ _ a good sleep?,Why dont we have,Why not have,Shall we have,Lets have,shall we,What about having,How about having,2. What is school like?

3、,like: prep.像 (unlike),eg: John looks smart, just like his father. His hat is like mine. The noise sounds like crying.,*like: v. 喜欢 (dislike),2. Whats school like?,询问意见 怎么样?Whats like?的用法可分为两类:Whats sb like?询问人的性格、能力或给人的印象;Whats sth like? 询问事物的性质、质量、特征等。What does sb/sth look like? 仅用于询问人或事物的外部特征。,3.

4、 there are fewer advertisements.,* a few和few: 可数名词 a little和little:不可数名词,* fewfewerfewest littleless-least,辨析:few, a few, little和a little few, little同义,不带“a”时,表示“很少,几乎没有”,具有否定意义。 few修饰_名词复数; little修饰_名词。1.我几乎没时间读书。 I have _ _ _ _.2.房间里几乎没人了。 There _ _ people in the room.,可数,不可数,little time to read,a

5、re few,a few和a little同义,表示“一些,一点点”,具有肯定意义。a few修饰_名词复数,=some。 a little修饰_名词。only a little/a few 只有一点点,只有一些。如:他懂一点英语。 He _ _ _ English.桌上有几只苹果。 There _ _ _ _ on the desk.,可数,不可数,knows a little,are a few apples,a little 还有 “小的,可爱”之意如:一只小绵羊 _ _ _;一个小男孩_ _ _very few = 极少数,非常稀少,没有几个;表示很少。比few语气强烈quite a

6、few=相当多的- (肯定含义)few、a few、very few 、quite a few主要用来修饰可数名词。,a little sheep,a little boy,一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Why dont you _ (play) basketball with us?2. Eddie thinks school is like _ (watch) TV.3. Hed like _ (be) a doctor in the future.,play,watching,to be,Exercises,Reading,Unit 2School life,Life in a B

7、ritish school在一所英国学校的生活 探究点:in a British school在短语中的作用是什么? in a British school作后置定语修饰life。介词短语作后置定语在英语中比较常见。a girl in red 一个穿红衣服的女孩 a man with glasses 一个戴着眼镜的男子( )People_ China_ hard-working. A. with; are Bin; is Cwith; is D. in;are,D,1. a mixed school :mixedadj.混合的;男女混合的。可作定语或表语。mix: v. 使混合/融合.例,Ju

8、lie likes _ _ _(喝混合饮料)。Oil(水)and water _ _(不相融)。2。Among all my subjects,I like French best. Among: 在-中,用于三者或三者以上。例,看,她在花丛中。Look, she is _ _ _ .,drinking mixed drinks,dont mix,among the flowers,Among all my subjects, I like French best. 在我所有的学科中,我最喜欢法语。 探究点一:among和between有何区别?(1) among一般用于三者或三者以上的“在中

9、间”,其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数意义的名词或代词。她坐在孩子们中间。She sat among the children.(2) between 一般指两者之间,其宾语往往是一个具体数目的人或物,或者是由and连接的两个具体的人或物。我正坐在我父母中间I am sitting between my parents. 。,3. Learning foreign languages is fun. 此句是一句陈述句,doing/to do 作主语;而在祈使句中,需要用动词原形(do) 例,骑马是有趣的。_ horses is fun.请课上认真听讲。_ to the teacher ,

10、please.,Riding,Listen,4. Near the end of the week, we discuss the books with our classmates. 在-快要结束的时候_;在-的末尾/尽头_;最后、终于_=_=_ 例,1在马路的尽头是一家超市。_ _ _ _ the road is a supermarket . 2最后,我赢了。_ _, I _.5. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. seem的用法:1,通常没有进行时态;2 seem+形容词;3 seem to d

11、o sth. 似乎要做某事 例,他现在似乎饿了。He _ _.=He _ _ _ _.,near the end of,at the end of,at last,in the end,finally,seems hungry,seems to be hungry,At the end of,At last,won,6. In the club, older students help new students learn more about the school. 了解- _ _-;很了解-_ _/_ _-;更多的了解-_ _ _ -;几乎不了解-_ _ _ -7 He often lis

12、tens carefully to my problems and offers me help. offer:主动提供-;主动提供某人某物 offer sb sth.=offer sth. to sb. 例,给我一些帮助_ _ some _=_ some _ _ _,learn about,learn,learn more about,learn little about,offer me help,offer help to me,much a lot about,8. He is my hero. Hero 的复数为_ 9. On Friday afternoon, our school

13、 ends earlier than usual. “在早晨/下午/晚上”我们用in the morning/afternoon/evening 和at night, 但“在具体某一天的一段时间”,我们要用on :例,在一个雨天的晚上 _ the _ _; 在九月14日的下午 _ the _ of September 14 B. 比平常-_ _; 像往常- _ _,heroes,on rainy,evening,on afternoon,as usual,than usual,Our team won two games last month. 上个月我们队赢了两场比赛。 探究点:win的后面

14、能跟人或球队等比赛的对手作宾语吗?win的意思是“赢得;赢,获胜”,在作为及物动词时,它的宾语往往是奖品、奖学金、名誉、财产、战争或运动等等。 She had a nature. That quickly made her won the friendship of her classmates. 她具有一种天性。这使她很快地获得同学们的友谊。 Mary won the first place in the competition. 玛丽在竞赛中获得了第一名。 知识拓展 beat也有“赢,取胜,战胜”之意。但和win的用法不同,beat后面跟的是比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人等。 I bea

15、t John at chess yesterday.昨天我和约翰下棋并赢了他。,What else do you know about John? 你还了解约翰什么? else修饰哪些词?放在被修饰词的前面还是后面? 指点迷津 else修饰不定代词、疑问代词及疑问副词,放在被修饰词的后面。如:something else。what else也相当于what other things。I have something else to tell you. 我还有其他事情要告诉你。What else did you buy just now? 刚才你还买了其他什么?Where else did yo

16、u go? 你还去了其他什么地方?,Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town,-Integrated skills,Jingjin Xinghua Jingfan School,Unit 2 Grammar,_,_,_,_,_,_,of all.,of all.,of the three.,1. fewer -than译为: ,后面接 ,反义短语_ Millie的香蕉比Kitty少。Millie Kitty.桑迪的钢笔比安迪的少。Sandy Andy.这个箱子的苹果比那个箱子的少。There are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,has fewer bananas

17、 than,more than,has fewer pens than,fewer apples in this box than in that one,比少,可数名词复数,2 more-than译为 ,用来比较数量,后面可跟 ,也可以跟 名词。你知道它的反义短语吗? / 。Millie的西红柿比Daniel多。Millie _ _ _ _ Daniel.我家里人比你家里人多。There are in my family .这个杯子里的果汁比那个杯子里的多。There in this glass _.,has more tomatoes than,比多,可数名词,不可数,fewer than

18、/ less than,more people,than in yours,is more juice,than in that one,3. less-than译为: ; 反义短语为_ Millie的果汁比Kitty的少。 Millie _ _ _ _ Kitty.今年这儿的雨水没有去年多。There is this year than last year.,比少,more than,has less juice than,less rain here,4more than译为 ,后面可跟 词,反义词less than-译为 .你能在不到10分钟的时间内完成这项工作吗?Can you fin

19、ish the work _ _ _ ?,in,less than 10 minutes,少于,不到,多于、超过,房间里有二十多个人。There are _ in the room.昨晚我花了两个多小时完成我的家庭作业。It_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _my homework last night.,more than twenty people,took me more than two hours to do,Kitty has the most eggs.Daniel has the fewest tomatoes.Millie has the least juice.,最多,many,

20、much,the most,fewest,least,fewest,可数,least,不可数,the fewest,the least,5.Kitty的鸡蛋最多。 Daniel的西红柿最少。 Millie的果汁最少 。_most译为 ,是 和 的最高级。 Jim has (many) toys of them.most的反义词是 / ,_后跟 名词 ; 后跟 名词 。There are (少) students in our class.There is (少) juice in this glass of the three.,6.Sandy在我们所有人中画画画得最好。Sandy _ _ _

21、 of _ _.此句中的_ 可以省略(即副词最高级前的the可以省略)。副词的比较级与最高级的构成与形容词的比较级与最高级的构成规则一样。,draws the best,us all,the,(1)hard _ _ high_ _ fast_ _ long_ _ late_ _ (2) quickly_ _ carefully_ _ clearly_ _ slowly_ _easily_ _ happily_ _ quietly_ _ healthily_ _(3)一些不规则副词的变化well_ _ badly_ _ far_/_ _/_,harder,hardest,higher,highe

22、st,faster,fastest,longer,longest,later,latest,more ,most ,more ,more ,more ,more ,more ,more ,more ,most ,most ,most ,most ,most ,most ,most ,better,best,worse,worst,farther,further,farthest,furthest,大多数单音节的副词后加er/est,两个或两个以上音节的副词(特别是以ly结尾的副词),应在前面加more/most,形容词与副词词形变的单词有:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _等8.well (adj

23、)身体好 be well/ feel well ; 其余(adv)强调动词 dance well/ play baseball well Are you feeling _(well) today? No, Im even _(ill). In the talent show, I performed well and Ann did even_ (well),far,near,late,early,high,fast,long,hard,better,worse,better,1.他学习比我认真,但是他并不是我们班上学习最认真的。 He studies , but he isnt the o

24、ne who studies _ in our class.2. Amy跳得最远,她跳得比其他所有人都远 。 Amy jumped , she jumped than all the others,more carefully (harder) than me,the most carefully/hardest,the farthest,farther,1. come first/second /third first, second, third 作副词用2. She draws better than any other student in my class. any 指任何一个, 名

25、词student用单数 = She draws better than the other students in my class. = She draws the best in my class.,Language points,Integrated skills,Language points,1、the number of“的数量”,做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。,Eg:The number of teachers is 100 hundred in our school.,辨析:a number of许多,大量,修饰可数名词复数。,A number of students are

26、planting trees in the park.,Language points,2、summer holiday 暑假,3. wear uniforms 穿制服,辨析:wear/ put on/ dress/ be in,英语穿戴有讲究; 穿戴动作put on, 状态wear已穿上, dress接人作宾语, in后颜色和衣裳。,Language points,4、do morning exercises 做早操,exercise u锻炼。 take more exercise,c练习,操练 do English exercises do eyes exercises,5、spend的用

27、法,Spend 意为花费(时间或金钱),过去式为spent.句型: spend on sth spend(in) doing sth,辨析 spend, pay,take,cost,. Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students.在暑期,中国学生比英国学生多休息几个星期。 haveoff是什么意思?其同义短语是什么? haveoff的意思是“休息;放假”,其中的have可以用take替换,通常把“一段时间”放在have和off之间。haveoff也可以说成have aholi

28、day/vacation。 I had two days off last week.I had a two-day holiday last week.上周我放了两天假。,I also keep writing in English about my daily life.我也一直在用英语记录我的日常生活。keep (on) doing sth的意思是_.keep (on) doing sth.的意思是“继续、重复做某事”。I kept (on) watching the football game this morning.今天早上我一直在看足球比赛。,中考演练,1、I _ 30 doll

29、ars on this coat . A cost B spend C pay D take2、I _ 300 yuan for the bike yesterday . A cost B spent C paid D took3、I bought a new sweater last weekend. It _ me 120 yuan. A cost B spend C pay D take4、It _ her ten minutes to walk to school . A costs B spends C pays D takes,B,C,A,D,1、We will have lots

30、 of time for after-school activities. 我们将有许多时间进行课外活动。have time for sth. 译为“有时间做某事”= have time _ (do) sth. e.g.你每周有多少时间用来做运动?How much time do you _ _sports every week?,学海拾贝,to do,have for,2 My ideal school starts at 9a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m.我理想的学校早上九点开始下午三点结束finish 可做及物动词或不及物动词,意为“结束;终止;停止;完成;用完;吃

31、完,耗尽;使。完美”等。作及物动词时后接名词,代词或动名词。finish sth/doing sth我将在一小时内完成工作 I will _ _ _ in an hour.他读完了课文 He _ _ the text. 3 We can choose subjects to study 我们可以选择科目学习选择某人作为_选择做某事_,finish the work,finished reading,choose sb. as/ to be,choose to do,Unit 2 School Life !,Unit 2School life,Study skills & Task,1. How

32、 long is lunchtime at your school? 你们学校的午餐时间有多长?how long用来对什么提问?how long作“多久;多长时间”讲时,主要用来对一段时间进行提问,通常用“for一段时间”来回答,for可以省略。- How long did you stay in the park yesterday? 昨天你在公园呆了多久?- For about two hours。 大约两小时。,how often用来对什么提问?how often的意思是“多久一次;多长时间一次”,用来询问动作发生的频率,答语通常含有always,usually9 0ften,somet

33、imes,never等频度副词或once a week,twice a month等表示频度的短语。- How often do you play badminton? 你多久打一次羽毛球?- Twice a week。 一周两次。,We can choose subjects to study. 我们可以选择科目学习。探究点:to study在句中作什么成分? chooseto do sth.选择做某事,其中to study在句中作目的状语。 I choose an English book to read. 我选择一本英语书看。,We always have fun我们总是玩得开心。 have fun是什么意思?have fun的意思为“玩得开心,过得愉快”,相当于have a good time或play 他们在公园里玩得很开心 happily。have fun接动词时用其-ing形式。They had fun in the park.They had a good time in the park.They played happily in the park.玩这个游戏我很高兴。I have fun playing this game.,


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