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1、译林版六年级英语上册全册课件,点击标题自由选课,Unit 1 The kings new clothes,Unit 2 What a day!,Unit 3 Holiday fun,Unit 4 Then and now,Unit 5 Signs,Unit 6 keep our city clean,Unit 7 Protect the Earth,Unit 8 Chinese New Year,Unit1 The kings new clothes,clever,foolish,laugh,point at,shout,Story time,Long long ago, there was

2、a king. He liked new clothes.One day, two men visited the king. “My king, we can make new clothes for you.” The king was happy.,The two men showed the king his new clothes. “My king,please try on these magic clothes. Clever people can see them. Foolish people cant see them.”,The king walked through

3、the city in his new clothes. There were a lot of people in the street. They looked at the king and shouted, “What beautiful clothes!”,A little boy pointed at the king and laughed, “Ha! Ha! The king isnt wearing any clothes!”,True or false,The king liked new clothes. _ Two men showed the king some ma

4、gic clothes. _The king was foolish. _People could see the kings new clothes. _The boy was foolish because he could not see the kings new clothes. _,Grammar time,Long long ago, there was a king .One day, two men visited the king .There were a lot of people in the street.The king was happy.The king li

5、ked new clothes.They looked at the king and shouted.A little boy pointed at the king and laughed.,laugh laughed is -was like liked am -was live lived are-were look lookedpoint pointedshout shoutedshow showedwalk walked,Checkout time,picked lived were was give shouted walked Long long ago, there _ a

6、lion. He _ in the forest. There _ some flowers in front of the lions house.,picked lived were was give shouted walked,One day, an old man _ by the house. He _ a flower.,picked lived were was give shouted walked,The lion was angry. He _ at the old man, “ You picked a flower. Now _ me your child.”,pic

7、ked lived were was give shouted walked,The old mans child was a beautiful girl. She _ with the lion. The lion was nice to her.,picked lived were was give shouted walked,One day, the lion _ sick. The girl looked after him. Then the lion turned into a prince.,long long ago 很久以前magic 有魔力的,神奇的clever 聪明的

8、foolish 愚蠢的through 穿过laugh 笑,大笑wear 穿turn into 变成sentence 句子each 每个quick 迅速的,快的think 想,思考another 又一个next 下一个turn 机会hard 努力地,费劲地,Unit 2 What a day!,2,Story time,Read and answerHow was the weather in the morning?What they saw in the park?What they did in the park?Why they could not eat their lunch?,Wh

9、at is the weather like?,cloudy,sunny,rainy,windy,Grammar time,不规则动词的过去式,不规则动词的过去式需要逐个记忆。为记忆方便,可以参照下列几种变化形式:,1、改变动词中的元音:,begin- began run- run win-wongrow- grew write-wrote speak-spoke.drink-drank eat-ate take-took.,2、改变动词词尾的辅音字母:,build- built lend-lent bend-bentsend-sent spend-spent,3. 不作任何改变:,hit-h

10、it cost-cost hurt-hurtshut-shut put-put cut-cut,5. 少数动词的过去式采用不同词根的词:,4. 少数动词变-ay, 为-aid:,say-said pay-paid lay- laid,go-went be- was/were,practice,fly,flew,practice,can,could,practice,bring,brought,总结,Whats the weather like today? Its rainy/ cloudy/ sunny/ windy.2. flew, brought, could等不规则动词的过去时。,Fu

11、n time,Play a game with your classmates.,Thank you!,Unit 3,Holiday fun,3,Story time,Read and answer1. Who went to Shanghai?2. What did Liu Tao do in Shanghai?3. Who went to a farm?4. How was Mikes holiday? Was it fun? Why?,Lets enjoy,Shanghai,Lets enjoy,Beijing,Grammar time,特殊疑问句的用法讲解特殊动词的过去式介绍,特殊疑问

12、句,基本公式:特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,特殊疑问词,Who(主/宾)谁,Whom(宾)谁,Whose(定)谁的,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,How do you go to school?By bike. (方式),How deep is the river?100 meters. (程度),8,How many+(可数n),How much+(不可数n),易错点:A:必须和其后n一起使用构成主语B:区分可数与不可数,特殊疑问句的4个基本步骤,写出陈述句 根据陈述句变成一般疑问句从一般疑问句找出指代成分和对应的特殊疑问词 特殊疑问词+去掉指代成分的一般疑问句,1,2,3,4,1、Th

13、ere are 24 hours in a day.2、The sun rose at 7:00.3、It is 1000 kilometres from Shanghai to Beijing.4、She visits her grandmother once a week.,How many,How many hours are there in a day?,When,When did the sun rise?,How far,How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?,How often does she visit her grandmother

14、?,5、The boy lived in a big city.6、I will go back in two days.7、He runs to work because of his broken car.,Where did the boy live?,How soon will you go back?,Why does he run to work?,8、The children are watering the seeds.9、We want to have a long holiday.10、He can jump 2 meters.,What are the children

15、doing?,Who want to have a long holiday?,How long can he jump?,Think and write,1. 特殊疑问句的用法讲解2. 特殊动词的过去式介绍,Thank you !,Then and now,Unit4,4,Story time,Read and answerWhat could Mike do six years ago?How did Mr Brown call his friends twenty years ago?Does Mikes grandpa read e-books now?Does Mrs Brown d

16、o shopping on the Internet now?,Write and say,Mr Brown,Mike,Write and say,Grandpa,Mrs Brown,Grammar time,过去时与现在时的对比,时态,一般现在时:,一般过去时:,经常或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。,过去某个时间或时间段发生的动作或存在的状态。,(The Simple Present Tense),(The Simple Past Tense),一般现在时:,经常或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。,(The Simple Present Tense),一般现在时:,经常或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。,一

17、般过去时:,(The Simple Past Tense),一般过去时:,过去某个时间或时间段发生的动作或存在的状态。,(The Simple Past Tense),一般过去时:,过去某个时间或时间段发生的动作或存在的状态。,(The Simple Past Tense),一般过去时:,各时态常用的信息词,一般现在时:,一般过去时:,always, usually, often, sometimes ,seldom, never, every day, every ,three times a day,last night, last, two days ago, ago, in 1999,

18、 in +过去的年份, just now =a moment ago, yesterday, yesterday morning,动词第三人称单数的构成:,过去式的构成:,直接加-s。以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾加-es。以“辅音+y “结尾变y 为i再加-es。,直接加-ed。以e结尾只加d。重读辅元辅,双写尾字母再加-ed。以“辅音+y”结尾变y 为i 再加-ed。,第三人称单数,过去式,study-finish-have-go-do-play-watch-give-,need-stop-hope-play-try-plan-visit-like-,studies finishes

19、 has goes does plays watches gives,needed stopped hoped played tried planned visited liked,词形转换,用所给动词的适当形式填空。,1. Five years ago, Mary _ ( can) draw and read.2. Tom usually _ (walk) to school.3. My mother _(watch) TV play every day.4. Old Bush _(visit) China again last month.5. I _ (play) sports thre

20、e times a day.6. Lucy and Lily often _(read) books.7. There _(is) a football match yesterday afternoon.8. Our class _( go) to the zoo three days ago.,Fun time,Stick two photos into the blank and then tell us the differences.,Fun time,Think and write,(The Simple Present Tense),一般现在时:,经常或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。

21、,过去某个时间或时间段发生的动作或存在的状态。,(The Simple Past Tense),一般过去时:,Bye bye!,Signs,Unit5,5,Story time,Read and answerWhy Mike should be careful?What does the sign in the juice shop mean?Why Mike and Tim cant drink in the bookshop?What does the sign in the restaurant mean?,What does it mean?,Grammar time,What doe

22、s it mean?It means,What does it mean?,It means,the floor is wet.you cant eat or drink there.you cant park here.you cant litter here.,Fun time,Ask and answerA: What does it mean?B: It means,1. What does it mean? It means2. Know sth. about public signs.,本课重点,Checkout time,Bye bye!,Unit6,Keep our city

23、clean,6,Story time,Read and answerWhat makes the streets messy and dirty?Why the fish in the river are dead?What can we do to keep the air clean?Where should we put the rubbish?,What can we do to keep our city clean?,We can walk to school.,We can take the bus to school.,What can we do to keep our ci

24、ty clean?,We can take the metro to school.,We can plant more trees.,Grammar time,can,make,keep的用法讲解与练习,情态动词can的基本用法,1.表示“能、会”,指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。例如:IcanspeakEnglish. JimcanswimbutIcant.,情态动词can的基本用法,2.表示“可能”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。例如:HanMeicantbeintheclassroom. Canhecomeheretoday,please?,情态动词can的基本用法,3.表示“可以

25、”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。例如:CanIhaveacupoftea,please? Youcangoout.,知识呈现:,make用作使役动词表示“使;使成为”时,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词。本节课就make的复合宾语结构阐述如下:,知识呈现:,I. “make宾语n.”意为“使、让某人/某物(成为)”。,足球让我疯狂。,1. Soccer makes me crazy.,我们推选他作我们足球队队长。,Wemadehimcaptainofourfootballteam.,II. “make宾语adj

26、.”意为“使某人/某事(变得)”。,2. Wemustmaketheriversclean.,我们必须净化河水。,知识呈现:,大雨使得我们无法出去。,1. Imadeitaconditionthateverybodymustbeontime.,我提出一个条件,人人都要准时。,2. Theheavyrainmadeitimpossibleforustogoout.,提示:当宾语是不定式短语或从句时,多用it作形式宾语。,知识呈现:,老师使得我们感到更自信了。,1. Wars make peace go away.,战争使和平远离。,2. Ourteachermakesusfeelmoreconf

27、ident.,III. “make宾语dosth.(不带to的不定式)”意为“使某人做某事”。,知识呈现:,我被迫重复这个故事。,提示:在被动语态中,此类结构中省略的动词不定式to要还原。,1. Theboywasmadetoworktwelvehoursaday.,这个男孩被迫每天干十二个小时的活。,2. I was made to repeat the story.,知识呈现:,他想干什么就让他干吧。,链接:have,make,let等使役动词和see,hear,listento,lookat,watch,notice,observe等感官动词都可接不带to的不定式作宾补。help后可带t

28、o,也可不带to。,1. Lethimdowhateverhewishestodo.,2. Didyouseehimgoout?,你看见他出去了吗?,知识呈现:,奇怪的声音使我们感到恐惧。,IV. “make宾语V-ed(过去分词作宾补)”这个结构指宾语接受后面的那个动作,表示被动的意思,意为“使某人/某事被”。,1. Thestrangenoisemadeusfrightened.,2. Thegoodnewsmadeusexcited.,这个好消息使我们兴奋。,知识呈现:,提示:通常情况下,make后的宾语是反身代词时,作宾补的动词要用过去分词,即:makeoneselfV-ed(hear

29、d,known,understood)。,Hecouldntmakehimselfheardabovethenoiseofthetraffic.,在交通嘈杂声中他无法使自己的声音提高到让别人听到。,那个小孩儿站在椅子上,使他看上去更高些。,Thelittlechildstoodonthechairtomakehimselflooktaller.,但有时,根据句子意思也可用其他形式。,知识呈现:,他让那个男孩一直站着。,V. “make+宾语+V-ing(现在分词)”这一结构表示的意思是“使某人/某事一直在”。现在分词与宾语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。,Hemakestheboystanding

30、allthetime.,相关链接:常接V-ing形式作宾语补足语的动词有:see,watch,hear,observe,notice,feel,find等感官动词和lookat,listento等短语动词以及have,keep,get,make等使役动词。,知识呈现:,Isawhimputtinghishandintohispocket.,提示:现在分词作宾补和不带to的不定式作宾补的区别是:现在分词一般表示动作正在进行,而不带to的不定式则一般表示动作已经完成。,Isawhimputhishandintohispocket.,(动作已经完成),(动作正在进行),知识呈现:,VI. make的

31、常见短语,1. make a noise/decision/living/ mistake/promise 吵闹/作出决定/谋生/犯错误/允诺2. make a contribution to贡献给,捐赠3. make fun of 取笑4. make it约定时间,做到5. make money挣钱6. make out证明,认出,填写7. make sure 确信,务必,弄清楚8. make up弥补,构成,编造9. make friends with 与交朋友10. make room for 为腾地方11. make ones way to 往走,习题精选:,1. (2013陕西卷)-

32、Shall we go for a drink at one oclock this afternoon?-_. Will two oclock be OK?A. Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problem C. Sorry, I cant make it D. Sorry, Im not available today,2. (2012江西卷)We were all agreed that the cottage would _a perfect holiday home for the family.AmakeBturnCtakeDhave,3. (20

33、12四川卷)Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up,can,make,keep的用法讲解与练习,can1.表示“能、会”,指脑力或体力方面的“能力”。2.表示“可能”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。3.表示“可以”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某事。keep实意动词和系动词。makemake用作使役动词表示“使;使成为”时,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语

34、”,其中的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词。,Thank you!,Unit 7,Protect the earth,7,Story time,Read and answerWhy the water is useful?How should we save energy?What can trees help us to do?What we use plastic to do?,How to protect the Earth?,We should save water,We should save energy,How to protect the Earth?,

35、We should not cut too many trees,Grammar time,1. should 的用法 we should/shouldnt do2. use 的用法 useto,情态动词 should should 在本课中表示 “应该,必须”,用于表示忠告、建议等。例如: You should drink some hot tea with honey. 你应该喝些蜂蜜茶。She is tired. She should go to bed early.她累了,她应该早点睡觉。,情态动词 should 的用法与情态动词 can 一样,should 的否定形式为should

36、+ not或shouldnt;在疑问句中, should 放在主语前,should 没有人称和数的变化。例如:You should drink water.You should not = (shouldnt) drink water.Should you drink water?Yes, you should./No, you shouldnt.,use.to.,Fun time,Fun time,总结,1. 情态动词 should 的用法与情态动词 can 一样,should 的否定形式为should + not或shouldnt;在疑问句中, should 放在主语前,should 没有

37、人称和数的变化。2. useto表示用做,Bye bye!,Unit 8,Chinese New Year,8,Story time,Read and answerWho wrote the email?When is Chinese New Year?What are they going to do tomorrow?What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Eve?What are they going to do on Chinese New Years Day?,What is Anna going to do?,She is go

38、ing to buy new clothes.,She is going to make tangyuan.,What are we going to do?,We are going to watch a lion dance.,We are going to watch fireworks.,Grammar time,What are you going to do?I am going to ,Be going to do 句型1. be going to do 句型由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。2. be going to do 句型的用法A. 表示“打算”、

39、“准备”在最近做某事(在口语中,一般多用be going to,而不用will)。 I am going to put it on the floor. 我打算把它放在地板上。 He is going to read books tomorrow. 他准备明天读书。,B. 表示按计划、安排将要发生的事: The meeting is going to begin at nine. 会议将在9点开始。 Where are you going to build the road? 你们将在什么地方筑路?C. 表示预言一件事即将发生: Its going to rain! 天要下雨了! Shes g

40、oing to sleep! 她要睡觉了!,3. be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句 George is going to visit his mother. (1)在be动词后面加上not变为否定句: George is not going to visit his mother. (2)将be动词提至句首变为一般疑问句: Is George going to visit his mother?,Ask and answer,What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?What are you going to eat?Who are you going to visit?What food are you going to make?What places are you going to visit?Im going to,Checkout time,总结,1. be going to do 句型由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。be going to do 句型的用法。be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句。,Thank you!,


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