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1、托福口语练习方法复述练习怎么做提升更快 我们在讲托福口语练习方法的时候通常会讲到复述练习,什么是复述练习?如何做好复述练习呢?其实复述练习就是根据英文听力材料做重复和跟读,至于如何练习,下面就和大家分享托福口语练习方法,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。托福口语练习方法丨复述练习怎么做提升更快?托福口语练习方法之 复述练习要求复述的要求不是将所读到和听到的内容一字不差地说出来,即使是汉语,恐怕也很难达到这样的要求。复述的目的在于考生能够读懂,听懂材料中的内容,正确理解和接受其中的主要信息,并有能力表达或转述给他人听。所以,不管是用间接引语(Indirect Speech)把男女生的对话或教授的

2、演讲用第三人称重复出来,还是用同意转换(Paraphrasing)的方式把自己获取的信息解释出来,考生都要明白复述的前提是理解(Understanding),而不是在读或听的时候试图去把读到和听到的每一个字都记下来,即太过依赖笔记。所以,良好的复述能力要求考生在记笔记的同时,更专注于对阅读*和听力内容本身的理解,以免不能将自己零星的词组笔记串联成连贯的语言表达。托福口语练习方法之 复述练习怎么练事实上,模板的运用对新托福口语考试后四个题目的意义是很重大的。有了既定的模板,读或听的时候就有了重点,有了方向,记笔记和之后的复述也就有了相应的要点依据。例如,在Task 3中阅读材料需要总结的是:1)

3、学校发表的具体声明;2)学校做出此决定的缘由或好处;听力对话中需要总结的是:1)男女学生对此声明的看法(一般为反对);2)各自理由。掌握了这些既定的考点,考生在考场上需要做的事情就是将细节的关键词按一定顺序填入模板当中,然后串联成精炼、完整而准确的复述。当然,不可否认的是,在后四题的平日练习中更是需要通过反复的复述练习来提高考生自身的复述能力。希望大家能够充分认识到复述作为主要考查能力的重要性,不仅在备考过程中,也能在平时学习英语的过程中,充分融合听说读写四项技能,通过复述的练习全面提升自己的英语水平。托福口语范文:好学校应具备的要素最新托福口语题目:好学校应具备的要素Task 1Which

4、one of the following qualities do you think a good school should have? Students who like to help each other, knowledgeable teachers or strict rules?托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:I think a good school should definitely have strict rules for the following reasons. My first reason is that strict rules can

5、 motivate all kinds of students to work harder because most of the times, students, especially teenagers need a little push in life. For example, when I was in high school, all students in my school were required to arrive at school at 7am to memorize English vocabulary. The school forced everyone t

6、o make wise use of the time before the first class of the day officially started. I hated it back then. But when I look back now, I realize that I couldnt have possibly gotten such a good grade in English if my school didnt push me. I probably would have spent my morning sleeping in or procrastinati

7、ng if my school didnt have such a strict rule. Plus, strict rules can teach students about discipline. Sometimes its not exactly about the rules themselves, its the concept of obeying the rules when asked to that matters.托福口语范文:选择的论文话题重复最新托福口语题目:选择的论文话题重复题目回忆:女生论文选择了American landscape作为论文话题,但和别人重了。她

8、可以坚持自己的话题,因为她很了解又喜欢,但是如果话题重复presentation的时候大家会觉得有点无聊。也可以换成folk art这个话题,老师本来也希望大家学习新的东西,但是所有内容都要重做。托福口语模板及托福口语真题参考答案范文:托福口语范文:12月20日托福口语真题Task 5The womans problem is that she chose American landscape as the topic of her presentation, unfortunately someone else chose the exactly same topic. There are

9、two possible solutions. The first solution is to stick to this topic. And the second solution is to change her topic to folk art. If I were in her shoes, I would choose the first solution. Because as she mentions in the conversation, shes really interested in American landscape and she knows a lot a

10、bout it, so even if someone chose the same topic, Im sure she will still be able to do a great job. I personally dont recommend the other solution, because choosing a different topic means that she will have to do everything about the presentation from scratch, its too much work and a lot of time will be wasted. Thats why in this case, I think the first solution is a better option.托福口语练习方法复述练习怎么做提升更快


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