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1、考研英语大作文热门话题预测及范文 如何提高写作能力,平时需要多练,多积累优秀的素材,下面就和大家分享大学英语作文,希望能帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。大学英语作文篇一考研英语大作文热门话题预测:大学生文化消费The fact that reading takes the lead (高居榜首) in cultural consumption types reveals that college students still regard acquiring knowledge, whether professional or amateur, as their priority.读书在文化消费中高

2、居榜首这一事实表明,大学生仍然将获取知识,不论是专业知识还是非专业知识,看作优先事项。With the development of modern technology, students can easily find out information of movies or TV series they are interested in just through surfing the Internet and book a ticket online or buy a VIP membership of video websites.随着现代技术的发展,学生们只需通过浏览互联网就可轻易

3、获得有关他们感兴趣的电影或电视剧的信息,并可在线订票或购买视频网站的VIP会员。大学英语作文篇二境外旅游人数增加 the increasing number of overseas touristsWith the society being in rapid development, you may frequently see the phenomenon that the number of overseas tourists are increasing/the factor to be considered in overseas traveling is sth rather th

4、an money. Many factors could contribute to phenomenon, but the following ones deserve special mention. The domestic economy developing fast, people are growing richer and their living standard has improved. In consequence, it affords them an opportunity to enrich their spiritual life as well as mate

5、rial life. Thats why people in growing numbers like overseas traveling/are focusing on sth rather than money.随着社会的快速发展,你会看到一个现象即境外旅游的人数在增加或者境外旅游考虑的因素往往是某物而不是钱。很多因素都可以解释这个现象,下面的这几个应该特别提一下。随着国内经济的发展,人们变得越来越富裕了,并且他们的生活水平也提高了。这就让他们有机会来丰富自己的精神生活以及物质生活。这也就解释了为什么越来越多的人喜欢海外旅游或者重视的是某物而不是钱。大学英语作文篇三网络谣言 Cyber

6、RumorsDirections:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you shoulddescribe the picture briefly,interpret its intended meaning, andgive your comments.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Symbolically portrayed in the above caricature are two adults, al

7、most hit by two bombs of rumors from the Internet. Wearing scared expressions, the two figures are trying to escape, but it seems no way for them to get out of the coverage of these gossips. And there is a caption saying “Cyber Rumors”.What the drawer wants to implicate is that Internet rumors are s

8、o destructive that anyone can hardly bear but nobody can absolutely isolated from them.Take celebrities for example, if descriptions of their certain behaviors and words have been put into the Internet, which is available to the public, they may be resisted or even abused via commenting or relaying.

9、 Cyber rumors can impose moral kidnapping on people involved, making victims suffer physically and mentally. In addition, social ability, even the countrys reputation may be upset, and netizens trust to the Internet will also be hurt.In terms of shortcomings cyber rumors carry mentioned, the governm

10、ent should publish relevant laws and regulations with all haste and ensure their enforcement on creators of Internet rumors.Besides, institutions concerned should appoint specialists to check regularly to eliminate the spread of cyber rumors. Furthermore, any citizen surfing on the Internet should s

11、trengthen their moral cultivation, rejecting to erroneous cyber information on their initiative. Only through efforts of all dimensions can cyber rumors fail to harm individuals and human society.大学英语作文篇四创建和谐校园Dear Mum and Dad,Time flies! Ive been here for nearly a year. Im very pleased to find that

12、 our school is really a good one. The students in our school_Yours,Tom英语满分作文:Dear Mum and Dad,Time flies! Ive been here for nearly a year. Im very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work hard at their lessons. They take an active part in activities that

13、help to improve their qualities and health. They are friendly to each other and always ready to help each other.The teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their students. They work hard and do what they can do to help their students. And the students respect their teachers. They get on wel

14、l with each other. The students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste about nor pick the flowers.In a word, I am deeply impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school. I love my new school.Yours,Tom大学英语作文篇五有关媒体暴力的英语作文The issue of media viol

15、ence just doesnt go away. Debate over its impact on the occurrence of violent CRImes has been fuelled by the sniper shooting spree in American and high school shootings there and elsewhere. Personally, I dont deem it necessary for the government to regulate the media violence, or possible to decreas

16、e the violent CRImes by doing so.Media violence is the least to be blamed when it comes to the violent CRImes. On the contrary, it even plays an educational role. Take critically acclaimed Saving Private Ryan for example, no one will deny the frequent and graphic violence in the movie reminds us tha

17、t the portrayal violent behavior can serve artistic and moral purposes.Whats more, it makes lives easier for us. Fear and rage are what we inevitiably feel deep inside and what can depress us when oppressed. Media violence makes it possible for us to give vent to such feelings vicarously through the

18、 stories of others.What, you may ask, sparks violent crimes? Where we should focus our attention on to reduce the violent crimes?Though media violence is available to all, some absorb the messages with inmmunity whereas others are more vulnerable to them. How they make sense of it depends on their r

19、espective personal social experiences.Young, poor, discriminated, rebellious, and not infrequently, minorities, are the traditional images of criminals of violent crimes. Those who have simillar personal ecperiences are prone to take it for granted as what their life should be.What sparks the violent crimes is not what people see a film or TV programes, but what really happens to them. The gorernment is supposed to focus its attention more on the well-being of the average, rather than on media vialence.考研英语大作文热门话题预测及范文


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