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1、,英语写作之二 句子写作 外语部 齐红(38),welcome,句子定义及作用 句子成分和句子类型 常见错误句 句子写作原则 句子多样性及长难句写法,内容提要,一、句子,句子是文章基础,是作者表达思想最小语言单位。句子的质量直接影响文章质量。写作基本要求句子语法正确。好文章的共性句型多样。提高写作水平首先必须写好句子,掌握不同句型的写法,根据需要进行灵活的句型转换,使文中的句子长短错落,起伏有致。,下面几个句子正确吗? 如果有误, 怎么改?,1.The meeting will until 3:00.,2.Work hard, you will succeed.,3. There are on

2、ly 4 students take part in the sport meeting.,last,and,who,taking/to take,1)句子的定义和作用,句子是由词按照一定的规则组成的能够表达一个独立完整意义的语言单位。,二、句子的构成 (句子成分),主语 陈述和说明的对象 谓语 对主语动作进行陈述和说明的文字 宾语 动作涉及的限定的文字对象 定语 对名词进行修饰和 状语 对形容词、动词、副词、句子进行修饰的文字 补语 对宾语进行补充说明的文字 表语 在系动词之后,对主语进行说明的文字,句子成份再复习,主,谓,宾,表,补,定,状,S - subjectP - predicate

3、O - objectAttri.-attributeAdv.- adverbialC - complement,P-predicative,1、按句子功能分类?2 、按语法结构分类?,Question句子类型有几种?分别是什么?,1按句子功能分类陈述句(declarative sentence)疑问句(interrogative sentence)祈使句(imperative sentence)感叹句(exclamatory sentence)2 按语法结构分类简单句(simple sentence)并列句 (compound sentence)复合句 (complex sentence)和并

4、列复合句(compound-complex sentences),三、句子类型,( 一 )、按句子的用途可分四种:1 、陈述句(肯定、否定):He is six years old; She didnt hear of you before.2 、疑问句(一般、特殊、选择、反意):Do they like skating? How old is he? Is he six or seven years old? Mary can swim, cant she? 3 、祈使句 Be careful, boys; Dont talk in class4 、感叹句 How clever the bo

5、y is!,句子功能分类再复习,陈述句(declarative sentence),疑问句(interrogative sentence),祈使句(imperative sentence),感叹句(exclamatory sentence),你会造句吗?1、陈述句.2、疑问句.3、祈使句.4、感叹句.,句子类型(语法分类),简单句,并列句,复合句,2 How to say them in English简单句(simple sentence)并列句 (compound sentence)复合句 (complex sentence)和并列复合句(compound-complex sentence

6、s),简单句:主语(或并列主语)部分+谓语(并列谓语)部分并列句:简单句+并列引导词+简单句; 常见的并列引导词:and,or,so,for,but,not only.but also, either.or, neither.nor, when, while,therefore等复合句:简单句+从属连接词+简单句 常见从属引导词: whether ,as, if, since等。 所有的句子都是由五个基本句型转换来的。,三种句子定义与区别,1、简单句,只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子叫做简单句。例如: Alice studied hard. Li Ming and

7、Zhang Hua work in the same factory.Both Tony and Jim go to school at seven in the morning, have lunch there and come back at five in the afternoon.,主语 不及物动词 ( S + V) 主语 及物动词 宾语 ( S + V + O) 主语 系动词 表 (S + V + P) 主语及物动词+间宾+直宾(S +V +Oi +Od ) 主语 及物动词宾语 宾语补语 (S + V + O + C),简单句的五种基本句型,五种简单句型及例句,主语+不及物动词2

8、. 主语+及物动词+宾语,Birds fly.Buses run from dawn till midnight.We are studying hard.,We have read many books.They do shopping at the weekend.We are learning English.,3.主语+系动词+表语4.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语5. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语,We are students.That sounds good.,He gave Tom a present.He offered me a job.,We made him o

9、ur monitor.The manager thinks the plan practical. He will have his bike repaired.I wont have you speaking to her like that.,英语系动词分几类?有哪些?,1、表示状态系动词: be,说明主语状态(am、are、is、was 、were) 2、表示持续性系动词:keep、stay、lie、stand、remain3、表“像”系动词:“看起来像” seem、look、appear4、感官系动词:feel、smell、sound、taste等,主语往往是物,不是人5、表示变化系动

10、词:become、grow、turn、fall、get、go6、表终止系动词:prove、turn out,1、2、3、4、5、,S V,SVO,SVP,SVOO,SVOC,start !,五种基本简单句回顾&造句,并列句,需把几个意思连接在一起时,可用分号或把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,这种结构即构成一个并列句。,用分号:We fished all day; we didnt catch anything.,用分号,后跟一个连接副词:We fished all day; however, we didnt catch a thing.,用并列连词(如and、but、so、yet等)W

11、e fished all day, but (we) didnt catch a thing.,并列句,常用并列连词coordinating conjunctions,平行并列连词: 转折并列连词:因果并列连词: 选择并列连词:,and, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor, and then,but, however, while, yet,for, so, therefore,or, eitheror,Exercise:请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。,He was tired, so he went to bed.,1. He was

12、 tired. He went to bed.,2. The child hid behind his mothers skirt. He was afraid of the dog.,3. He made a promise. He didnt keep it.,He made a promise, but he didnt keep it.,The child hid behind his mothers skirt, for he was afraid of the dog.,复合句 = 主句 + 从句由一个主句和一个或者一个以上从句所构成的句子。主句:具有完整的句意, 可以独立存在。从

13、句:句意不完整,不能独立存在,必须和主句连用。,复合句, 复合句主要包含以下类型从句: 1. 主语从句 2. 宾语从句 3. 表语从句 4. 定语从句 5. 状语从句 6. 同位语从句, 写作最常使用从句,名词从句 状语从句 定语从句,I dont know,him.,宾语从句,that he is leaving for Washington.when he is leaving for Washington.why he is leaving for Washington.how he is leaving for Washington.whether he is leaving for

14、Washington.,宾 语 从 句 例 句,主语从句,the people,surprised,That,What he saidWhat he did,主语,That he didnt know the answer,there.,定语,who were sitting in the room.who were present.whose sons were at war.who had signed the contract.,定语从句,无 “ ,”,,,去掉从句意思不完整,去掉从句不影响表达,既可以修饰单个名词,也可是整个句子,通常修饰单个名词或代词, that 不能引导非限定性定从

15、。 whom 在非限定从中不能用who 代替。 引导非限定从的关系词,即使作宾语也 不可省略。,非限定性和限定性定语从句试比较,She has a son who is a doctor. (不止一个)She has a son, who is a doctor. (仅有一个)He said nothing that made her angry.He said nothing, which made her angry.,表语从句,That,is,the fact.,表 语,what he needs.what he gave me.why he was late.what has happ

16、ened.,The earth is round,_ is known to all._ is known to all, the earth is round_ is known to all that the earth is round.,as,As,It,as的使用,This is the same book as I lost.This is the same book that I lost.,这本书和我丢的那本一模一样。,这本书就是我丢的那本。,状语从句(九类),1时间 2地点 3原因 4结果 5目的 6条件 7让步 8方式 9程度,状语从句,1) 时间状语从句,Wait unt

17、il you are called.When spring comes, leaves turn green.,常用的关联词有:as, after, before, since, till/ until, when, while, as soon as, whenever等,2) 地点状语从句,Put it where you found it.Sit down wherever you like.,常用的关联词有:where, wherever, anywhere,3) 原因状语从句,As I didnt know the way, I asked a policeman,常用的关联词有:b

18、ecause, as, since,4) 结果状语从句,I was in the bath so that I didnt hear the telephone.,常用的关联词有:so, so that, such that, that,5) 目的状语从句,Ill show you so you will see how its done.,常用的关联词有:so, so that, in order that,6) 条件状语从句,If it snows tomorrow, we will build a snowman.,常用的关联词有:if, unless, in case that, on

19、 condition that,常用的关联词有:though, although, if even if, even though,7) 让步状语从句,Though Im fond of music, I cant play any instrument.,常用的关联词有:as, as if, as though, how,常用的关联词有:so, so that, as far as, so long as,8) 方式状语从句,He did just as you told him.,9) 程度状语从句,He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with

20、 him,指出下列各从句的类型,I believe that everything is going on well.She was reading a novel when I came in.She is the girl who sings best in my class.,宾语从句,状语从句,定语从句,Practice,用所给连词连接句子,He has found out. She was late. (why),He has found out why she was late.,I still remember the day. I first went to York on t

21、hat day. (when),I still remember the day when I first went to York.,Practice,句子写作原则,完整 连贯 清晰 简洁 多样,清晰,指代要清楚 Parents often make selfless sacrifices in order to educate their children well. They are willing to do all the heavy housework so that they can bury themselves in piles of books. They want the

22、m to study hard. They love them very much. 修正:,They, their children, themselves. They, their children. They, their children.,A great crowd of shoppers rushed inside and outside hundreds more were pushing through the door.A great crowd of shoppers rushed inside, and outside hundreds more were pushing

23、 through the door.,正确使用标点符号,完整,My little brother has many hobbies. For example, stamp collection and painting.Living in the city is more convenient.,My little brother has many hobbies. For example, he likes stamp collection and painting.,Living in the city is more convenient than living in the count

24、ryside.,协调&一致,A Chinese student abroad has to deal with a language problem because they have to pursue their study in a foreign language. When one catches cold, you should get plenty of rest and drink hot water. When I arrived at the park, I find, to my surprise that there were so many people there.

25、 Some are doing morning exercises while others are just sitting there, talking with each other cheerfully.,( 数不一致),(人称不一致),(时态不一致),怎样修改?,结构平行,I feel that the school activities are rather dull and my classmates annoy me.I feel that the school activities are rather dull and my classmates are annoying.

26、I am sure about his honesty and that he means well.I am sure about his honesty and his good intentions.,垂悬修饰语,To be successful, talents and luck are needed.To be successful, one needs talents and luck.Through reading extensively, our range of knowledge can be broadened.Through reading extensively, w

27、e can broaden our range of knowledge.To learn English well, a great deal of practice is needed.To learn English well, you/we need a great deal of practice.,简 洁,On account of the fact that Be of the opinion that Because of the fact that Have the ability to doAt this point in timeThere is no denying t

28、he fact that,BecauseBelieveBecauseCan doNowNo doubt,句子多样性,多样是指句子形式的多样性,即长短句子结合,结构、类型和修饰语位置的多样性,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句,简单句、并列句和复合句交替使用。灵活运用各种句子结构,如倒装句、省略句、强调句、非谓语动词,使文章语言生动,富于表现力。要写出好作文,语法正确后首先要掌握句子结构和句式变化及句子类型,下列介绍句子多样化应用.,句子写作多样化的方法一、改变句子开头二、巧用连接词三、长短句交替四、利用倒装结构,句子写作的多样化一、改变句子开头写作中多用与人有关的词,用名词和代词作句子开头,如People

29、,We,I,He,They,She等。但这种开头见多了,难免让人厌倦。试比较:A.Peoplethroughoutthecountryhavegreatlydemandedallkindsofnutritiousfood.B.Thereisa点评:既改变了主语谓语宾语单调句型,又把想强调的意思突出出来。,greatdemandacrossthecountryforallkindsofnutritiousfood.,1.用副词开头 Toooften,studentsstrayintothehabitofcheatingontests.2.用同位语开头 Air,waterandoxygen,eve

30、rythingthatisnecessaryforlife3.用状语开头 Darkandempty,thehouselookedverydifferent fromtheway Irememberedit.4.用表语开头 Equallyessentialtothehighestsuccessinlearningalanguageare intenseinterestpluspersistenteffort.5.用宾语开头 Myadviceyouwouldnotlistento;myhelpsyoulaughedat. Nowyouwillhavewhatyouaskedfor.,6.以短语修饰

31、语开头1)以介词短语开头Tomethenewswasveryinteresting, buttomywife,veryboring.2)以分词短语开头DisturbedbythediscordofAmericanlifeinrecentdecades,Manchestertookflightforthepacificislands.3)以不定式短语开头Topasstheexam,youshouldworkveryhard.,二、巧用连接词简单句过多会造成简单句堆砌;写复杂句反复用so,and,then,but,or,however,yet等,非但达不到丰富表达方式的目的,反而使句子结构松散、呆

32、板。为了避免这种现象,可以通过使用连接词,尤其是表示从属关系的连接词,如who,which,that,because,since,although,after,as,before,when,whenever,if,unless,asif等,不仅能够丰富句型,而且还能够把思想表达得更清楚,意义更连贯。,例句:Naturalresourcesareverylimited. Theywillbeexhaustedinthenearfuture. Itisnottrue. Butitbecomesamajorconcernaroundtheworld. Thisisawidelyacceptedfac

33、t.全简单句,之间逻辑关系含糊不清,意思支离破碎。如用连接词将单句前后合并,形成主次关系,就把一个比较复杂的内容和关系表达得层次清楚、结构严谨。 You try:,Itisawidelyacceptedfactthatthereisamajorconcernaroundtheworldfortheexhaustionoflimitednaturalresourcesinthenearfuture,thoughitisunlikelytobetrue.,再如: TheMississippiRiverisoneofthelongestriversintheworld,andinspringitof

34、tenoverflowsitsbanks,andthelivesofmanypeopleareendangered. 此句用and把三个分句一贯到底,表达乏味,如用关系代词which,语义更连贯,语言更流畅.You try:,TheMississippiRiver,whichisoneofthelongestriversintheworld,oftenoverflowsitsbanksinthespring,endangeringthelivesofmanypeople.,三、长短句交替长句和短句各有其优点和缺点。长句,因用定语、状语较多,限制了概念的外延,增大了概念内涵,比较精确、严密,但不


36、herearemanyflowersonthem.,You try!,简单句,结构单一、表达单调。用从句、倒装句修改,Justimaginethebeautifulsurroundingsifwemakeourcitiesgreener. Greentreeslinethestreets. Acleanriverwindsthroughthecity,inwhichalotoffishesabound. Ononesidestandrowsofwillowtrees and ontheothersideliesastretchofgrasslandsprinkledwithmanyflower

37、s.,长短句结合好,改写后的这段文字,有长句1、3,也有短句2和4,长短j结合抑扬顿挫,句型结构变化大,使文章流畅自然,生动活泼。,四、利用倒装结构英语句子基本顺序SVO,偶尔打破常规,改变某一成分的位置,不仅丰富句型,且能强调、突出被倒装的部分,收到意想不到的表达效果。例如:You cantfindsuchenthusiasmforapplyingforhostingthe2008OlympicGames inanyotherplacesintheworld.Freshmen are permitted to take make-up tests only under special cir

38、cumstances.,Innootherplacesintheworldcanyoufindsuchenthusiasm forapplyingforhostingthe2008OlympicGames.,Only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make-up tests,句子多样性实例一 、改变时态 The bell is ringing now. 一般 二 、改变语态 People suggest that the conference be put off. 一般 三、 使用不定式 He is so

39、 kind that he can help me.一般 四 、使用过去分词 She walked out of the lab and many studentsfollowed her. 一般 Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.一般,There goes the bell. 特殊,It is suggested that the conference be put off. 特殊,He is so kind as to help me. 特殊,Followed by many students, she walked out of the

40、 lab特殊.,Once seen, it can never be forgotten. 特殊,五 使用 v- ing When he arrives,please give me an e-mail一般 If the weather permits ,I will come tomorrow.一般 六使用名词性从句It disappointed everybody that he didnt turn up.一般 I happened to have met him.一般 To his surprise, the little girl knowsso many things.一般,On

41、arriving /his arrival ,please give me an e-mail.特殊,I will come tomorrow, weather permitting. .特殊,The fact that he didnt t turn updisappointed everybody.特殊,It happened that I had met him. 特殊,What surprises him is that the little girlknows so many things. 特殊,七使用定语从句The girl is spoken highly of. Hercom

42、position was well written.一般 八 使用状语从句 I wont believe what he says.一般 If you come back before six oclock, you can go out.一般 If she doesnt agree, what shall we do? 一般,The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.特殊,No matter what he says, I wont believe it.特殊,You can go out on condi

43、tion that you come back before six oclock.,Supposing that she doesnt agree, what shell we do? 特殊,九 使用虚拟语气 The ship didnt sink because there were the efforts of the captain.十 使用倒装句型 Though Im weak,Ill make the effort.一般 十一、使用同义词Study is important for students and it is students important job.Working

44、hard is very important for students. It will influencestudents grades and their future.,同义词:important, essential, significant,vital,But for the efforts of the captain ,the ship would have sunk.,Weak as I am, Ill make the effort. .特殊,Study always comes first for students and it is the mostsignificant

45、 and essential duty for them. Working hard plays avital role in students lives for it not only improves their gradesbut also has a profound effect on their future.,中国学生句子写作常见错误1、Mistake Type 1. Wrong tenses2、Mistake Type 2 Agreement problems3、Mistake Type 3 Pronoun misuses4、Mistake Type 4 Wrong use

46、of comparative degree5、Mistake Type 5 Dangling modifiers6、Mistake Type 6 Improper Subordinate Clauses7、Mistake Type 7 Improper collocations8、Mistake Type 8 Faulty structures9、Mistake Type 9 Unnecessary repetition10、Mistake Type 10 Unparalleled structures11、Mistake 11 Confused mood12、Mistake 12 Incom

47、plete Sentences13、Mistake 13 Run-on sentences,常见错误句类型Mistake Type 1. Wrong tenses I had a look at my watch and I knew what will happen. I had a look at my watch and I knew what would happen.Mistake Type 2 Agreement problems Every one of us have the right to be happy. Every one of us has the right to

48、 be happy.Mistake Type 3 Pronoun misuses If the humans want to live well, we must keep nature in balance. If the humans want to live well, they must keep nature in balance.,Mistake Type 4 Wrong use of comparative degree With the advancement of science and technology, I believe that peoples life will

49、 be more and more happier. With the advancement of science and technology, I believe that peoples life will become happier and happier.Mistake Type 5 Dangling modifiers In order to get a good mark, it took me much time, when I didnt have classes this weekdays, to get ready for this exam. In order to

50、 get a good mark, I spend much of my spare time getting ready for this exam.Mistake Type 6 Improper Subordinate Clauses If someone wants to go back to ancient society, which had no electricity, cloth and room, all people will say he is crazy. If anyone wants to go back to ancient times, in which the


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