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1、专四语法精讲,左 进,2016-2017,1.语气(6题)试探语气2017;虚拟语气2017(2题)、2016(2题)、if条件句20162. 限定词(3题):双重属格2017、2016,any/other/all等2016、3. 名词(3题):复数2017、2016,集体名词数20164.情态动词(3题):2017(2题)、20165.非谓语动词(2题):2017、20166.从句(2题):让步从句2017,非限制定语从句20177.附加问句(1题)2016,2008-2017,1.句子成分(13题)2014(2)、2013、2012(5)、2011(3)、2010(2)2.语气(12题)试

2、探语气2017;虚拟语气2017(2题)、2016(2题)、2015、2014、2013、2012、20112010if条件句2016、20093.从句(15题):2017(2),2015、2012、2011(2)、2010、2009(3)、2008(5)4. 附加问句(6题)2016、2015、2014、2011、2010、20085.情态动词(8题):2017(2)、2016、2014、2012、2010、2009(2)6.非谓语动词(7题):2017、2016、2015、2014、2013、2011、20097.限定词(7题):2017、2016(2)、2015、2013、2011、20

3、088.名词(8题):复数2017、2016(2)、2015(2)、2014(2)、20139. 其他类词(11):2015(2)、2013(3)、2010(3)、2008(3)10.as (3题)2015、2011、201011.修饰词关系(3题)2015、2014、201312.时态(2题):2014、201313.主谓一致 201214. 感叹句201215. 倍数2011、200916. 省略/ 倒装 2009(2),1 句子成分,Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object complement? (2014

4、-13)A. The front door remained locked.B. The boy looked disappointed.C. Nancy appeared worried.D. He seemed to have no money left.Which of the following reflexive pronouns (反身代词) is used as an object? (2014-20)A.I spoke to the president himself.B. You must pull yourself together.C. Linda herself wil

5、l play the violin.D. Frank is not quite himself today.,1 句子成分,Xinchun returned from abroad a different man. The italicized part functions as a(n) _ in the sentence. (2013-12)A. appositive (同位语)B. object C. adverbial D. complementWhich of the following reflexive pronouns (反身代词) is used as an appositi

6、ve(同位语)? (2012-12)A. He promised himself rapid progress.B. The man himself will interview Mary.C. I have nothing to say for myself.D. They quarreled themselves red in the face.All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT_? (2012-17)A. Only one problem still remainsthe food.B. She bought her

7、self a pair of new shoes.C. My friends all understand and support me.D. She liked her current job, teaching English.,1 句子成分,Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? (2010-16)A. They each have two tickets.B. They cost twenty yuan each.C. Each they have bought the same book.D. They were given tw

8、o magazines each.,1 句子成分,Which of the italicized parts functions as a subject? (2012-15)A. We never doubt that her brother is honest.B. The problem is not who will go but who will stay.C. It is clear that the crime was done deliberately.D. You must give it back to whoever it belongs to.Which of the

9、italicized parts functions as an object? (2012-16)A. He doesnt like the idea of my speaking at the meeting.B. It is no use your pretending not to know the matter.C. Her falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip.D. My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night.Which of the f

10、ollowing italicized parts is used as an object? (2011-18)A. What do you think has happened to her?B. Who do you think the visiting professor is?C. How much do you think he earns every month?D. How quickly would you say he would come?,1 句子成分,Which of the following prepositional phrases can function a

11、s an adverbial? (2012-20)A. Despite the rain, everyone enjoyed the trip.B. The man with a beard is talking to the manager.C. Every precaution was taken against the failure of the plan.D. Are you sure of my Simons disappearance.,1 句子成分:状语,Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose? (

12、2011-12)A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriously.B. For all its effort, the team didnt win the match.C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE? (2010-11)A. Why dont you do it for the sa

13、ke of your friends?B. I wish I could write as well as you.C. For all his efforts, he didnt get an A.D. Her eyes were red from excessive reading.,1 句子成分:目的状语,Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose? (2011-12)A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriously.B. For all its effo

14、rt, the team didnt win the match.C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.,2 语气:委婉、试探,“I wonder if I could have a word with you.” The past tense used in the sentence refers to a _.(2017-14)A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentat

15、ivenessC . present event for uncertaintyD. past event for politeness,2 语气:命令,Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND?(2011-12)A. Beg your pardon.B. Have a good time.C . Never do that again!D. What noise you are making!,2 虚拟语气,“If I were you, I wouldnt wait to propose to her.” The subjunctive m

16、ood in the sentence is used to _.(2017-15)A. alleviate hostilityB. express unfavorable feelingsC . Indicate uncertaintyD. make a suggestionAt that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as I _ if I _alone.(2017-19)A. would have beenhad beenB. should behad beenC .

17、 could bewereD. might have beenwere,2 虚拟语气,_your advice, I would have made the wrong decision. (2016-19)A. Hadnt it been for B. Had it not been forC . Had it been for D. Had not it been forThe sentence I wish I had been more careful in spending money expresses the speakers _. (2016-20)A. hope B. joy

18、 C. regret D. reliefIf you explained the situation to your lawyer, he _ able to advise you much better than I can. (2015-15)A. will be B. would be C. was D. wereIt is essential that he _ all the facts first. (2014-11)A. is examining B. will examine C. examines D. examineIt is necessary that he _ the

19、 assignment without delay. (2010-20)A. hand in B. hands in C. must hand in D. has to hand in,2 虚拟语气,Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood? (2013-14)A. Lucy insisted that her her son get home before 5 oclock.B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.C . Walk

20、straight ahead, and dont turn till the second traffic light.D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.My boss ordered that the legal documents _ to him before lunch. (2012-13)A. be sent B. were sent C. were to be sent D. must be sent,2 真实条件与非真实条件句,How can I concentrate if yo

21、u _continually _me with silly questions?(2016-11)A. haveinterruptedB. hadinterruptedC areinterruptingD. wereinterrupting,2 虚拟语气,If there were no subjunctive mood, English _ much easier to learn. (2009-12)A. could have been B. would beC. will be D. would have been,3 从句:状语,_combination of techniques a

22、uthors use, all stories-from the briefest anecdotes to the longest novelshave a plot.(2017-11)A. Regarding B. Whatever C. In so far as D. No matterRegarding:concerning, with regard to考虑到,关于Regarding your recent inquiry, I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.In so far as/insofar as/in as far as:

23、 formal to the degree thatThe research suggests that the drug will be successful, in so far as one can draw conclusions from such a small sample size,3 从句:状语,Which of the following contains an adverbial clause of cause? (2012-19)A.I got a job as soon as I left university.B. As there was no answer, I

24、 wrote again.C . You must do the exercises as I show you.D. Wealthy as he is, Mark is not a happy man._ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay. (2009-14)A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whichever D. However_ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to s

25、tay behind to finish his assignment. (2008-14)A. Much though B. Much as C. As much D. Though much,3 从句:状语,The couple had no sooner got to the station _ the coach left. (2009-19)A. when B. as C. until D. thanMen differ from animals _ they can think and speak. (2008-13)A. for which B. for that C. in t

26、hat D. in whichI enjoyed myself so much _ I visited my friends in Paris last year. (2008-15)A. when B. which C. that D. where,3 从句:非限制定语从句,She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, _the woman gave a quick knock before opening it.(2017-12)A. wherein B. on which C. but

27、when D. thenShe knocked on the window to attract his attention.Theres someone knocking on/at the door.Wherein:adverb, conjunction formalin which place or partWherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism?He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.H

28、e was certainly a pleasant man but wherein lay his charms, she wondered.,3 从句:定语从句,My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is non longer the man _ he was fifteen years ago.(2011-11)A. which B. whom C. who D. that,3 从句:同位语,There is no doubt _ the committee has made the right decision o

29、n the housing project.(2015-14)A. why B. that C. whether D. when,3 从句:表语,Nine is to three _ three is to one. (2008-12)A. when B. that C. which D. whatQuality is _ counts most. (2008-20)A. which B. that C. what D. where,3 从句:主语,Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause? (2011-20)A.

30、We are quite certain that we will get there in time.B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.C . She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.D. It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.,3 从句:宾语,After _ seemed an endless wait, it was his t

31、urn to enter the personnel managers office. (2010-14) A. that B. it C. what D. thereWe consider _ he should have left without telling anyone beforehand. (2009-16)A. strange why B. it strange what C. it strange that D. that strange,4 Tag questions附加问句,Nobody heard him sing, _ ?(2016-14)A. did they B.

32、 did he C . didnt they D. did oneWhen you have finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _?(2015-11)A. will you B. do you C. dont you D. wont youWhich of the following tag questions is INCORRECT? (2014-19)A. Carry this parcel for me, will you?B. Nobody wants to go there, does

33、 he?C. Few people know him, dont they?D. Everything is ready, isnt it?,4 Tag questions附加问句,When you have finished with the book, dont forget to return it to Tim, _ ?(2011-14)A. do you B. will you C . dont you D. wont youShe seldom goes to the theatre, _? (2010-17)A. doesnt she B. does she C. would s

34、he D. wouldnt sheWhen you have finished with that book, dont forget to put it back on my desk, _?(2008-17)A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you,5 modal auxiliary,“Its a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD expresses _.(2017-16)A. obligat

35、ion B. disappointment C . Future in the past D. tentativenessTimothy Ray Brown, the first man cured of HIV, initially opted against the stem cell transplant that _history.(2017-17)A.could have later madeB. should have made laterC . might make laterD. would later make,5 modal auxiliary 情态动词,Among the

36、 four sentences below, Sentence _ expresses the highest degree of possibility.(2016-12)A. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problemB. It might take a long time to find a solution to the problemC. It could take a long time to find a solution to the problemD. It should take a long time

37、 to find a solution to the problemWhich of the following sentences indicates POSSIBILTY? (2014-15)A.The moon cannot always be at the full.B. You cannot smoke inside the building.C . He cannot come today.D. She cannot play the piano.,5 modal auxiliary 情态动词,Which of the following best explains the mea

38、ning of “Shall we buy the tickets first? (2012-18)A.He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.B. He requested that we buy the tickets first.C . He suggested that we buy the tickets first.D. He advised us to buy the tickets first.,5 modal auxiliary 情态动词,Nancys gone to work but her cars stil

39、l there. She _ by bus.(2010-12)A.must have gone B. should have goneC . Ought to have gone D. could have goneShe _ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference.(2009-13)A. had been B. must be C. has been D. must have beenArent you tired? I _ you had done enough for today. (2009-20)A. should have

40、thought B. must have thoughtC. might have thought D. could have thought,6 非谓语动词,Some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on Earth that are known _ by microbes.(2017-18)A. having been created B. being createdC . to have been created D. to be createdThis is one of the issues that d

41、eserve_.(2016-17)A. mentioning B. being mentionedC . to mention D. for mention,6 非谓语动词,There _ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to end half an hour earlier.(2015-20)A.to be B . to have been C. being D. bePlease pardon _you. (2014-18)A. my disturbing B. disturbing C. me to disturb D. tha

42、t I disturbFacing the board of directors, he didnt deny _ breaking the agreement. (2013-11)A. him B. his C. it D. its,6 非谓语动词,In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, or soaking wet, the ING participle is used _. (2011-15)A. as a command B. as a condition C. for concession D. for emphasisWhat a n

43、ice day! How about the three of us _ a walk in the park nearby? (2009-11)A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking,7 Determiner 限定词,You must fire _ incompetent assistant of yours.(2017-20)双重属格A. the B. an C . that D. whicheverI cant put up with_ .(2016-15)双重属格A. that friend of you B. that friend

44、of yours C . the friend of you D. the friend of yours She is a better speaker than_ in the class. (2016-13)A. all the girls B. the other boys C .other any girls D. any boyWhich of the following is INCORRECT? (2015-18)A. A bit of flowers B. Few words C. This work C. Another two girls,7 Determiner 限定词

45、,The following determiners (限定词)can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns EXCEPT _.(2013-15) A. many B. enough C . more D. suchThe additional work will take _weeks. (2011-19)A. the other B. another two C. other two D. the moreWhich of the following is INCORRECT? (2008-16)A. All his lectures

46、 were boring.B. Half his money was gone.C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.D. He invited many his friends to the party.,8 名词-复数,Ms. Ennab is one of the first Palestinian _with seven years racing experience.(2017-13)A. woman drivers B. women driver C. women drivers D. woman driverThere has be

47、en an increasing number of_in primary schools in the past few years.(2016-16)A. man teacher B. men teacher C. man teachers D. men teachers,8 名词-复数,Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? (2015-12)A. Five miles seem like a long walk to me.B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register.C. Ei

48、ther my sister or my brother is coming.D. Only one out of six were present at the meeting.Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? (2014-14)A. Physics is an important school subject.B. The United States borders Canada.C. The Niagara Falls is in North America.D. Mumps is a kind of infectious d

49、isease.,8 名词-复数,Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? (2013-19)A. Politics are the art or science of government.B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.,8 名词-复数,The audience _ excited on seeing _favorite

50、star glide onto the stage.(2016-18)A. were its B. were their C. was their D. was ones The boys in the family are old enough for _. (2014-16)A.schools B. school C. the school D. the schools,9 其它词: 代词,When one has good health,_should feel fortunate. (2015-19)A.you B. she C. he D. weWhich of the follow


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