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1、Welcome to mountain Tai,姓名:学号:,:,Mount Tai,泰山,景,Mount Tai locates in the middle part of Shandong province spanning two cities (Taian city and Jinan city) with total area of 426 square kilometers. Mount Tai was called Daizong (means the principal mountain of China) that ranks No.1 among the five most

2、 important mountains in China. In 1987, Mount Tai was listed as Cultural and Natural World Heritage site and honored “World Geopark” in 2006. In China, Mount Tai is among the first group of “National Parks of China”, the state 5A-class tourist attraction, the top 10 best National Civilized Spot in C

3、hina.,岱庙 Dai Temple,The place where emperors held ceremony.,岱庙,This is Dai temple.It locates in the south of Mount Tai and center of Taian City, also called Dongyue (mountain in the east) temple,which is a place for eshrining God of Mount Tai, and also the place for ancient emperors to live and hold

4、 worship ceremonies when they came to Mount Thai to hold mountain worship Feng Shan.,Red Gate Palace(红门宫),斗母宫Palace to Goddess Dou Mu,The palace,known as “the Dragon Spring Guan”(Taoist temple)and “Miao Xiang Yard” in the old times,was renovated during the Ming and Qing Dynasties .It is impossible t

5、o trace its history.,斗母宫古称“龙泉观”,又名“妙香院”,其创建无考,明、清均有拓建重修。此宫愿为道教祀奉之地,后曾一度成为香火鼎盛的尼姑庵。宫内的钟鼓楼、斗母殿、白衣秀士殿、听泉山房、寄云楼、龙泉亭等古建筑至今尚保存完好。,中天门the Midway Gate to Heaven,中天门是泰山登山东、西两路的交汇点。此处为登顶半程,上下必经之地。位于黄岘岭脊之上,海拔847米,是登泰山东西两路的交汇处,又名三天门,为盘山公路终点 。,十八盘the eighteen mountain bends,十八盘the eighteen mountain bends,the eig

6、hteen mountain bends is the most strategic section of all the winding mountain paths of mount taishan,it travels 0.8 kilometers with more than 1600 stone steps ,steep cliffs with inscription 。Else upright at both sides of the winding mountain paths ,which look like a scaling-ladder to heaven in the

7、distance.,南天门the Southern Heavenly Gate,天街Day street,Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place,日观峰RiGuanFeng,日观峰位于玉皇顶东南,古称介丘岩,因可观日出而名。,五嶽獨尊,the right photo is a famous scenery in mount tai,its a stone ,four characters 五岳独尊is Written in stone ,which is in the top of Mount Tai.Its means it is the greatest and the most worthy of respect.In short word,it is the boss of all mountains.,Thank you!,


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