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1、托福写作怎样摆脱TYPO打字错误 托福写作怎样摆脱TYPO打字错误?了解原因才能更好应对细节扣分。下面就和大家分享托福写作怎样摆脱TYPO打字错误,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作怎样摆脱TYPO打字错误?了解原因才能更好应对细节扣分托福写作打字出错会扣分吗?首先需要告诫大家的一点是,绝对不要因为打字出错是低级失误就小瞧了它,托福考试的评分标准中对于这类细节错误也是会扣分的。按照托福官方指南OG里的评分标准来看,词汇语法都属于Language Use这一项评分标准当中,出现少量且不影响考官阅读和理解你*大意的词汇语法错误不会扣分。但如果这类错误数量较多,可能会干扰阅读体验,那么考官完

2、全可以对此进行扣分。而打字出错造成的各种拼写错误,显然也包括在这个扣分的范畴之中。当然对于打字错误要出现多少处才会扣分官方并没有明确说明,但认为既然是低级错误,那么这类问题还是应该尽可能避免才好。托福写作中为何总是出现打字错误?那么,考生为什么在托福写作打字过程中常会出现TYPO失误呢?认为原因主要可以分为以下这几类:1. 打字熟练度和基本功有所缺失打字容易出现错误,最为常见且主要的原因自然就是基本功不足,熟练度不够了。也就是说,大家在电脑上用英语写*的训练太少了。相信如今参加托福考试的考生应该已经基本不存在连打字都不会的同学了,但说到熟练的英文打字技巧可能还是会有很多同学基本功方面有所欠缺的

3、。而这种欠缺如果大家没能及时发现并在备考中做充分练习加以解决,到了考试中就很有可能造成TYPO失误。特别是一些备考时间不足,训练托福写作主要以列提纲练思路为主的同学,对自身存在的打字技能上的隐患并没有充分意识到,这无疑是十分危险的。应对思路:如果大家是因为打字基本功不过关而导致TYPO错误频发,那么解决方法也就很简单了,那就是多做练习。大家可以加大托福写作的练习量调整备考思路,多在电脑上进行完整的写作训练而不是不用打字的思路锻炼,通过这种方式进行更多的打字练习以提升熟练度。一旦打字基本功过关,那么这类TYPO错误自然就不会再出现了。2. 词汇拼写没有正确记忆另一个容易导致考生在写作时出现打字错


5、握才行。而从小的方面也就是单为托福写作服务的角度来讲,建议大家尽可能自拟一个写作专用的词汇库。把自己会用且有把握用对的词汇统一整理在一起,写作时就以这些词汇为主,尽量避免对那些不太熟悉词汇的使用,这种做法同样也能较好地避免TYPO类错误扣分。3. 写作时思路太快手速跟不上大家都说托福写作时最痛苦的莫过于缺乏思路不知道怎么写,但在看来其实思路太顺IDEA太多也并非就是好事,这其中可能附带的一个副作用就是打字速度跟不上思路所造成的TYPO问题。有的同学可能在写作时灵光一现灵感突发,脑海中涌现出一些自己认为很有想法的观点和独特的例子,为了不错过这一丝灵感而强迫自己加快打字速度,结果就是写作过程中出现


7、过*引起大家对此类问题的关注,并且找到应对方法努力避免。对细节的重视才能帮助考生更好地在托福写作时拿下高分佳绩。托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1. Is playing a game fun only when you win? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing a game is fun only when you win. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析不能同意,only是绝对修饰词。玩游戏的快乐不一定来自于输赢。

8、有些游戏是有输赢的,而另外一些游戏是没有输赢的。过于在乎输赢,将导致游戏失去意义。范文 Playing games is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. Every country has a number of popular games that are played all the time. For example, in China, Mahjong and Chinese Chess are both very popular. I think playing game in itself i

9、s full of fun, winning a game is just a pleasure extra. It would be impossible to think that one could win a game all the time when they first start playing it. This is especially true for strategy games such as the above-mentioned. In many cases, playing against the top players of a game and losing

10、 is an honor, not a disappointment. The age-old adage says that practice makes perfect. This is as true in games as it is in any other endeavor. In order to win a game all of the time, you need to practice it over and over and learn the strategies of the game. Practice is necessary to win a game. If

11、 this was really an annoying process, no one would ever play games. However, it is the journey of the game, not the destination that is important. Going through the actual game is the fun part; if one wins a game, that is an added bonus. People truly enjoy the process of playing a game. If winning w

12、as the only thing that was important, we would all play Rock-Paper-Scissors all of the time. People enjoy the process of playing a game because of the social aspects. Playing a game, especially a long, enduring game like Mahjong is a bonding experience. Many of these games can last for days, being p

13、icked up and left off time and time again. Games are great for bonding with other people, which makes them excellent for improving ones social skills, in addition to having fun. In conclusion, I strongly believe that games can be fun even if I am not the winner. Games must be played a multitude of t

14、imes if one hopes to get good at them, and this is a fun process to go through. Games bring us closer to our friends, as we have fun experiences with them. There are many excellent reasons to play a game besides winning.2. Should high schools allow students to study the courses that students want to

15、 study? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.分析倾向于认为高中生应该服从学校安排。 ? 依据教育的课程安排是有一定科学道理的,学一些没必要的课程占用太多时间,对学生未来考大学可能不利。 ? 相应地,学校也有责任随着时代发展,不停地改

16、进课程安排。让学生们可以得到真正有用的教育。 ? 最根本的原因在于大多数高中生仍然不具备可信的判断能力相关题目:14范文 High school is a very important time in a persons educational career. During this period, they will learn many of the skills necessary to be successful in university and the work world. There are both advantages and disadvantages of studen

17、ts picking their own courses in high school. The disadvantages are that high school students are too young to have good judgment about what they really require and also, its very important for a young person to get a rounded education. The advantage of adolescents picking their own courses is that p

18、eople should be able to start exploring their aptitudes at a young age. If children are able to pick all of their own courses in high school, it is more than likely that they will pick all easy courses, such as arts or music courses. Children do not necessarily know what is best for them, and theref

19、ore, could end up lacking later in life because of the poor, uninformed decisions they made as adolescents. Young people need a well-rounded, balanced education. A good education should include everything from languages to mathematics to science, etc. Many children would avoid their most disliked co

20、urses if given the opportunity. A well-rounded education leads to well-balanced people, which in turn leads to a tolerant, knowledgeable society. It is important to have a wide basis of knowledge concerning how the world works. As mentioned above, there is also an advantage of allowing children to p

21、ick their own courses in high school. Picking ones own courses means that one will be able to focus on subject areas that are particularly interesting to the individual. Adolescents should be able to hone in on their likes and dislikes at a young age, as this will give them a better understanding of

22、 where their aptitude lies. In conclusion, I think that students in high school should be able to choose some of their own courses. There should definitely be a required curriculum, but it should leave room for students to take electives that they are truly interested in.3. Is it better to be a memb

23、er of a group than to be the leader of a group? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析讨论做leader的好处:主动,可以操纵更多的资源,获得更多;缺点:风险大讨论做member的好处:安逸;没有风险;缺点:收获较小

24、做leader和member一定程度上与一个人的性格有关。另外,还要看是做什么的group。视情况而定。范文 When working in a group, there are many different positions, but basically, one can think of a group as having two job types: member and leader. Some people believe that it is better to be a member of a group than it is to be the leader. However

25、, I think it is better to be a leader in a group because as the leader, ones ideas are more likely to be heard, he/she is more likely to receive accolades for complete work, and he/she is able to make important decisions for the group. The leader of a group has the strongest voice of all. If someone

26、 enjoys coming up with new, exciting concepts and making a difference in a project, then he/she should be the leader. It can be a frustrating experience at time to be a member of a group. At times, a members ideas are not taken seriously, because he/she does not have respect that the leader has. If

27、one leads a group, his/her ideas will always be heard and respected, and usually followed through with. When a project is complete, it is the leader that receives accolades for doing a good job. While the entire team gets some respect and appreciation upon completion, it is the leader who receives t

28、he most admiration. This is an advantage for building ones resume, and generally gaining respect in society. People always respect the leader of a group more than the members. Moreover, it is better to be the leader of a group than a member because the leader is able to wield the power. Being the le

29、ader means getting a say in all decisions, and often, is allowed to follow through with any ideas that he/she thinks up. This can mean that things that a person finds important will be completed quickly and efficiently. Overall, I believe that it is better to be the leader of a group than to be a me

30、mber. A leader can make decisions, follow through with them, and receive recognition for a job well done. However, there are of course some negatives of being a leader. The leader has much more responsibility for the project than anyone else, and if there is a failure, it is the leaders fault. If a

31、person is willing to take on this added responsibility, then being a leader is by far the best position.4. What do you think is the most important room in a house? What do you consider to be the most important room in a house? Why is this room more important to you than any other room? Use specific

32、reasons and examples to support your opinion.分析比较自由的选择,只要能够列出三个理由。比如,洗手间。参见:范文范文 Whereas others might feel ridiculous, I reckon the bathroom as the most important room in my house, even though other rooms such as the reading room or the sitting room are probably equally important. First of all, the

33、bathroom is the most important because it is highly visible to guests. We may be able to close off the bedroom to indicate that the room is off-limits, but we cannot deny our visitors access to the bathroom. The most overlooked in general though it might be, the bathroom is a room which demands atte

34、ntion as much as possible. For example, it is absolutely an ugly design if the toilet is placed directly opposite the door, all too often the embarrassment happens when the door is accidentally unlocked. And it is the host to blame if the bathroom is dirty, smelly, or even scattered about in a mess.

35、 The bathroom is very important because every family member will inevitably use that room, in which the most important part of family sanitations is located. Personal health of family member is no doubt superior to any other concerns. It should be spacious, bright, tidy, and above all, hygienic, and

36、 deserve frequent cleaningin fact, the room we cannot clean too much, specifically, the toilet seat. Moreover, more than one bathroom are virtually needed, if possible. It is not only embarrassing or inconvenient but would also be absurd and irritating if someone knocks at the door when we are using

37、 the lavatory. Another reason I put special emphasis upon bathroom came from my experiences. According to my conception, bathroom is not only for toileting, washing, and showering, but for reading as well. Dont be surprised, I have a very spacious and bright bathroom in my house, in which, an arm aw

38、ay from the stool is a small bookshelf, a little bit highly located on the wall to prevent books and newspapers from getting wet. I have already discovered that I have to spend more than 30 minutes a day in the bathroom, and that moment is so ideally quiet and easy to concentrate. Believe it or not,

39、 I learnt a computer programming language Delphi - while I was sitting on the stool!5. Items made by hand or items made by machine, which do you prefer? Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer items made by hand or items made by machine? Use r

40、easons and specific examples to explain your choice.分析这道题相对101就要具体很多。不过选择比较自由,无论选哪一种都行,只要列出几个好的理由。(注意,家具也有很多种,根据不同的种类,也可以有不同的偏好) ? 手工:可以按照特定要求制作,有特色;成本高; ? 机械:一般批量生产,所以相对缺乏特色;成本低相关题目:101范文 There are a wide variety of products, such as clothes or furniture, which can be made either by hand or by mach

41、ine. Both of these methods of manufacturing products have their advantages, and both hold an important place in society. To decide which is best, one should compare the advantages of each method. There are many advantages of making products with the aid of machines. First, machine-made products tend

42、 to be cheaper than their handcrafted counterparts. As machines are very steady and do the exact same thing every time they recreate a product, these type of products tend to have consistent quality. Frequently, handmade products have extremes in their product quality; it can either be extremely goo

43、d or extremely poor. Finally, machine-made products have the advantage of being able to use some finishes and materials that cannot be used when creating something by hand. These include some types of steel, laminates, and enamel finishes. There are also many advantages of buying handcrafted product

44、s. When people purchase handcrafted products, they are supporting the arts and crafts communities. Buying these types of products keeps many people employed, as it takes much more time to create an object by hand. Handcrafted objects tend to have much more diversity, as it is almost impossible to cr

45、eate an exact duplicate of an object if you are making it by hand. Overall, I think that there are advantages of using both machine-made products and hand-made products. I think that if one can afford to buy high quality handmade clothing and furniture, that would be the best situation. These types

46、of products tend to last much longer than their machine-made counterparts, and one can be satisfied knowing that they are supporting an artist. However, if one cannot afford to buy high quality handmade products, it is probably better to buy things that are machine-made. Machine-made products tend to be of higher quality than poorly made handcrafted products.


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