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1、托福独立写作名词用法注意事项详细解读 托福独立写作中因为词汇运用不当所导致的扣分问题层出不穷。很多同学并非不知道这些词汇语法问题,许多情况下都只是没有太过注意才会导致错误发生。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作名词用法注意事项详细解读,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作名词用法注意事项详细解读1. 可数名词要有冠词代词或复数Even expert or scholar specializing in a certain field might cover a vast spectrum of knowledge in order to succeed.During high school

2、, a very important time in a persons education career, student will learn skill necessary to be successful in university and the work world.第一句句子中的expert和scholar都是可数名词,因此需要在这些词之前加上冠词(定冠词或不定冠词)或物主代词,或变为名词的复数形式。Even experts or scholars specializing in a certain field might cover a vast spectrum of kno

3、wledge in order to succeed.第二句句子中的student和skill也都是可数名词,全句应该改为:During high school, a very important time in a persons education career, students will learn most of the skills necessary to be successful in university and the work world.2. 集合名词的单复数要注意我们来看下面的例句:Technology is developing at a remarkable s

4、peed that our ancestors might never have foreseen.在此句句子中,technology 是不可数名词。考生是否可以将这句句子改成:Various modern technologies are developing at a remarkable speed that our ancestors might never have foreseen呢?technology到底是可数名词还是不可数名词?当technology理解为抽象的“科学技术”,即强调总称时,是不可数名词,如例句中的Technology is developing at a re

5、markable speed中的technology正是对“科学技术总称”的指代。当强调“各种各样”科技产品的时候,此时的technology则是可数名词,如例句 Various modern technologies are developing at a remarkable speed. 这类名词称之为“集合名词”,在托福独立写作中,经常使用的“集合名词”还有government,如:The central government is so concerned about keeping pandas in existence that it is spending millions o

6、f dollars trying to determine how to artificially inseminate the giant panda. (中央政府是一级具体的“政府机关”,因此使用可数名词形式)It is crucial for government to setup more funds by attracting larger investments to solve financial problems encountered during the course of environment-related projects. (这里的政府是“行政机关的总称”,因此使

7、用不可数名词形式)3. 名词的首字母大写要求介绍在哪些情况下,名词需要对其首字母进行大写(capitalization)?表示月份:February表示历史事件:The Enlightenment表示历史时期:The Middle Ages表示书刊、报纸:The New York Times,The Washington Post表示节日:Christmas,the Spring Festival表示国家(地区):North America表示专有名词:the Amazon托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1. What change do you want to make in a school

8、you attended? If you could make one important change in a school that you attended, what change would you make? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 参见:6范文 While the school system in China is generally quite good, there is one problem that I have found prevalent through all of m

9、y years of education. The problem is that the teacher to student ratio is too small. This situation was of no benefit to anyone: the teachers, or the students. If there were more teachers in each school, class sizes would be smaller, there would be a greater diversity of knowledge and information, a

10、nd teachers would be less tired, and would therefore give better classes. Class sizes are overwhelmingly large in China. In many of the courses offered in elementary school and high school, there are over forty students in a class. It is very difficult to learn in this type of situation. The teacher

11、 has no time to spend with individual students who need extra help, and students are often embarrassed to ask questions in front of so many other students. If class sizes could be shrunk, the learning curve in most courses would rise dramatically. With more teachers at every school, the collective m

12、ass of knowledge and information would rise. Everyone in the world has his/her own very particular set of information. People are like snowflakes; each person is different and has varied experiences from the next person. With more people at a school, there is a wider knowledge base to draw from. Thi

13、s would obviously be an advantage to students, as schools could offer a wider range of courses in a variety of fields of study. Therefore, if I was given the opportunity to change one thing in the high school that I once attended, I would like to try to recruit more qualified teachers and give them

14、more decent pays. This would benefit everyone. It is an unfortunate fact that most school districts cannot afford to make this happen.2. What gift would you give to help a child develop? A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a childs development. What gift would yo

15、u give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.分析可以使用it depends的策略,不同年龄的children可以有不同的选择。相关题目:33、161范文 Childs development is often supplemented by the gifts they receive from important adults in their life. It is important to choose these gifts carefull

16、y, and foster growth in the right areas. If I were to give a gift to a child, it would be the game of chess. Chess offers a number of advantages to a child. Chess builds social skills, it encourages the child to develop the higher functions of the brain, and it is a good hobby. As with most games, c

17、hess encourages a child to be social with others. As chess is a two-person game, any time children play the game they will be interacting with others. As chess is a competitive game with a winner and a loser, children will have to learn how to lose gracefully if they hope to keep their chess partner

18、s. Building social skills when one is young is very important for future successes throughout ones life. Playing chess is also an excellent way to increase ones thinking abilities. Chess is a game of strategy. When playing chess, a child will build important skills such as pattern recognition, strat

19、egic thinking, and analytical thinking. All of these skills are very important, especially when going through school. Many subjects a young person must take in school utilize all of these skills, and working on them early in life can be nothing but beneficial. Finally, chess is an excellent hobby fo

20、r a young person. Playing chess, or any other time-intensive game, keeps children out of trouble. If they are spending their time working on building their chess strategies, they are not out on the streets causing trouble. Many children develop behavioral problems because of simple boredom. Chess is

21、 an excellent remedy for this, as it is fun to spend ones free time. Thus, I think chess is an excellent present to give to a young child. Chess encourages both personality and mental development, which are very important in a childs early years. While many gifts will encourage the maturity of one o

22、f these types of development, there are few gifts that foster the development of both.3. Should students be given a long vacation or several short vacations? Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe that students should have several short vacation

23、s throughout the year. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.分析无所谓选择哪一个立场。强调一个立场的种种理由的同时,不要忘了提及另外一个立场的些许好处。然后采用让步方式得出自己的结论。范文 Vacation is a very important part of student life. I would agree that it is best for the students to have many short vac

24、ations. School can be a very tiring, tedious experience at times. If students get regular breaks in between intensive periods of studies, they will be more relaxed and ready to learn new material upon returning to school. In addition to this, a change in environment, even if only for a week, gives o

25、ne the opportunity to relax while reflecting on ones studies. Many students find that even a short break allows them to refresh enough to continue with school. Having many breaks throughout the year is also good for ones social life. If people have the opportunity to catch up with friends and family

26、 on a regular basis throughout the year, they will never feel as though they were losing touch with loved ones. Socializing with friends and family is also an excellent way to relax. If students frequently have this kind of opportunity, they will be more at ease and ready for the next semester of sc

27、hool. Moreover, if the school year is broken down into many short semesters, the schools will be able to put a greater amount of focus into the curriculum of the courses. Many students find that by the end of a long semester, they have forgotten the information that they learned at the beginning of

28、the term. By having short, intensive study sessions, students will quickly learn a small amount of information, and thus be able to keep it locked in their minds for a long time to come. Consequently, I think that it is vastly preferable to have numerous short vacations throughout the year. Students

29、 will find that they are more relaxed, and can better focus on their studies all year round.4. Live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.分析选

30、择现代公寓更容易写。相比传统的房子:主要是方便,设施更完整,上下水(sewerage system);互联网接入(accessing internet);有线电视系统(cable TV);煤气供应(gas supply)容易清扫,清扫范围少。范文 Choosing a home is a very personal decision to make. Some people prefer to live in traditional houses, while others would rather live in modern apartment buildings. Personally,

31、 I would prefer to live in a modern building over a traditional house. Modern buildings provide better services, they are stronger and safer, and they are more conveniently located. When people move into a modern apartment building, they are immediately surrounded by all of the comforts they could p

32、ossibly want. Modern buildings typically have new plumbing and hardware. Because of this there are usually very few problems with new apartment buildings. In addition to this, they also come supplied with refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning, and the Internet. Many new buildings have th

33、e added bonus of having a workout facility or a swimming pool. All of these advantages make an apartment a much more attractive option than a traditional house. Modern buildings are also stronger and safer than traditional houses. They are made completely of concrete, which is a very durable materia

34、l. These buildings are always designed by important architects who have a detailed knowledge of building materials, and methods that ensure that natural disasters will not affect the stability of the complex. In addition to this, all modern buildings have to be inspected by engineers, who carefully

35、evaluate the structure to ensure that it is sound and can withstand natural or unnatural disasters. Many older structures were built using the experience of the builder rather than any empirical understanding of building materials and the forces they can withstand. Traditional houses are also usuall

36、y built in quiet areas outside the city. Most modern apartment buildings are constructed in the core of the city, offering the residents a wide range of services right outside their door. Detailed analyses are made by civic engineers and city planners to ensure that all necessary services are readil

37、y available. This includes transportation, shopping, employment and recreational facilities. Living too far outside the city can be a hindrance to ones business and social life.5. Do advertisements promote things we do not need or products that may improve our lives? Some people say that advertising

38、 encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分析倾向于同意后者广告的好处:介绍新产品;降低报纸、杂志、电视节目的价格 广告的不良影响(可大多情况下,那不是广告的错,而是制作者的责任,这

39、些可以通过法制解决) 结论是,广告有很多好处,也有一些不足,可是没有广告却是不可以的。范文 Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to in our daily lives has increased dramatically. It has got to the point where one can hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of media images. I tend to agree the fact tha

40、t advertisements more often than not persuade us into buying things that we do not need. Often it is difficult to discern what a product is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions, conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their product names or logos.A prim

41、e example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types of advertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is no mention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us think that we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product. In addition to being m

42、anipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and our consciousness. There is no taboo venue for advertisements; they fill our televisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers have even taken to placing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers bodies. It is impossibl

43、e to get away from them. To illustrate this point, all one has to do is to pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages, one will most likely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages of advertisements. It should also be noted that a significant portion of this

44、 so called content is actually advertising in disguise.Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfully convince us that we have no value to society without their products. Advertising was originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to how they can improve our li

45、ves. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium that viciously attacks our self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, I posit that the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we do not need. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coerces all countries to become consumer nations.


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