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1、托福3大用法注意事项提升机经实用价值 托福写作机经几乎每位考生都使用过,但总有同学反映机经价值不高虽然刷过但并没有多大提升,这其实与大家的机经使用方法有很大关系。下面就和大家分享GRE写作怎样保证原创度,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福3大用法注意事项提升机经实用价值用好托福作文机经从端正心态开始我们在对待一份资料的使用的时候,要利用辩证的思维去看待问题。对于托福写机经,里面的题目也都是真题,做为一个练习资料来说,是很有价值的。但如果考生盲目地把机经当成救命稻草,把托福写作考试的成败全都寄托在机经上面的话,那么,其失败的可能性也会变得很大。我们经常会听到这样一句话,机经不是雪中送碳,而仅


3、介绍一下托福写作机经的正确使用方法,希望对大家托福备考有帮助。1. 不能盲目迷信机经如上文所提到的,有些同学对托福机经的态度近乎盲目信任,这其实是有很大风险的。它的风险就在于,考生太过于依赖机经,甚至觉得托福写作不用复习和准备了,只要找到一份机经命中率高的机经就可以了。这种想法就太过极端了。对托福写作机经来说,它最大的作用就是让我们能够提前了解可能出现的题目,提前构思一下作文的具体展开思路,再进一步也就是找找这个题目有没有范文适当参考学习一下。过度依赖托福写作机经备考,而到了考试中却根本没有出这道作文题目,那么后果将会非常悲惨。2. 学会挑选适合自己的机经资料选择一份适合自己的机经是非常重要的

4、。现在市面上的机经有很多的版本,五花八门。我们运用托福机经来备考的一个最大原因就是里面题目的解答经验,或者说是遇到困难时的解决方法,做题时也要像是在考试一样,调整好自己的考试心态。在使用机经时,如果做的不好,我们可以发现我们出的问题在什么地方,这样方便我们去改正。因此,选择托福机经不能囫囵吞枣来者不拒,要学会分辨和挑选适合自己使用,内容相对更加完整翔实的机经,才能帮助自己获得更好的提升。3. 刷托福作文机经先分类再练习在找到适合自己的托福写作机经吼,我们要做的也不是一上来就跟着题目练笔或者直接看范文。考生首先要做的就是将写作机经里的题目进行分类,要确定每一类题目的结构并进行反复的练习,直到自己

5、掌握为止,再然后就是运用素材论据事例进行作文内容的搭建,如此这般的完整完成一篇*。最后,我们需要注意对写完的*进行检查,使*内容更加的准确。到此,大家对托福写作机经的使用才算是彻底完成,而这套运用流程,也才是能够真正发挥出托福机经价值的正确使用方法。托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1. Why do some students study abroad?Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries. Why do some students study abroad? Use

6、specific reasons and details to explain your answer.分析其实,只不过是把1的*稍微改一改增加经验、拓展知识、开阔视野(尤其现在跨国企业那么多,那么好)为了实现理想(如,周恩来就是为中华之崛起而读书,所以他到法国留学去了)为了保证将来的就业机会父母要求子女上出国别人都出国了,所以自己也选择出国相关题目:1范文Choosing which university to attend is a big decision for a young person to make. Some students prefer to stay near thei

7、r homes, and live with their parents while at school. Others choose to move far away to a different country for their education. I believe that latter students choose to move away to experience a new culture, to learn a new language, or to go to a specific university that specializes in their field

8、of study.Moving to a new country is an eye-opening experience. The way society works in other cultures is very different from ones own. For example, I had a friend who went to school in Canada. She constantly told me stories about the differences in the food, the architecture, and the way people tre

9、at each other. One cannot fully understand his/her own culture until he/her has compared it with another that is vastly different. For this reason, moving to a new country to go to school can be of great importance for students who wish to study international relations.When one moves to a new countr

10、y, it is much easier to learn the language of that country. For example, my friend who moved to Canada studied English for years before her departure. While she could express herself, she never fully mastered the language. However, upon her return, I was shocked and amazed at her new level of Englis

11、h. She was completely fluent, and thus gained a great new skill because she studied abroad.The last reason why students choose to study abroad is because in some cases, doing so is the only way to enter the program one is interested in. For example, if one wants to study marine biology, it would be

12、best if he/she went to a university that was located near the ocean. Also, some schools are known to be the best in a particular field. For instance, in America, Harvard is known to be the best school for law.So, I believe that students study away because they are interested in learning about new cu

13、ltures, learning new languages, or studying specific programs. While there are many excellent reasons to study in ones home country, studying abroad can offer many new and exciting experiences.2. Why is music important to many people?People listen to music for different reasons and at different time

14、s. Why is music important to many people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.分析96给出了一个重要的理由:Music provides an opportunity to escape the stress and difficulties of modern life.再想出两个理由就可以了。比如,流行歌曲可以满足人们宣泄的要求(the desire to get something deep in the heart off ones chest; unbosomone

15、self; ),可以满足人们的幻想;音乐还可以告诉人们很多其他国家的事情(文化、价值观等等)82、183范文Music exists all around the world in thousands of forms and manifestations. It spans time and geography as an ever-present theme in the lives of all people. There is no culture without some form of music; from primitive man to the modern urban in

16、habitants, and from Tibet to New York City. Musicians come from all walks of life and express their emotions and their experiences, so that they may be shared with their community or even the world.Different emotions call for different music. This idea is well illustrated by theatrical scoring and m

17、ovie soundtracks. There is music that we listen to when we are sad, when we are happy, when we are angry, etc. Music works with our emotions, and helps us to deal with the highs and lows of life. I believe that if there was no music, that man would live a much more stressful, embittered existence. A

18、t different ages we develop tastes for different types of music. Some people feel that as one matures they appreciate more complicated themes, styles and emotions in their music. For example, many young people today enjoy pop music, while their parents prefer to listen to classical music. Perhaps th

19、is is because young people are full of energy and therefore enjoy faster music. Their parents, on the other hand, have enough excitement during the day, and would therefore prefer to listen to music that is more soothing.As our world changes, different styles of music become more appropriate and mor

20、e relevant. For example, as we become more and more technologically inclined, the music we listen to has followed the same trend. Young people today are currently experimenting with electronic music because of this. Musical instruments also advance technologically as time passes. In the last few dec

21、ades, man has invented both the electric guitar and the synthesizer, which has revolutionized music around the world. A persons choice in music is highly individualistic. Even family members can sometimes not agree on what the best type of music is. Through thousands of years of evolution, music has

22、 become one of mans greatest companions. It can help people to celebrate their joy, and it consoles people when they are depressed.托福写作:题库范文附思路解析1. Why are groups or organizations important to people?Groups or organizations are an important part of some peoples lives. Why are groups or organizations

23、 important to people? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.分析众多理由中包括:不寂寞;归属感(togetherness);过得更多的信息;资源共享范文It was said that human beings are social animals. Some might argue human beings should be not called animals, but its true that human beings are social. Therefore, its of no s

24、urprise that groups or organizations are almost an indispensable part of most peoples lives. Most people are afraid of being alone, and for them, being with others is one of the most natural needs. Being a member of a group is comfortable. If an individual has gone so far as to being considered isol

25、ated, rumors arise.Others might ponder: what is the matter with that solitary individual? No one would like to be wondered that way.Being a member of a group is also interesting. Every one has his/her own special means to pursue happiness, for example, he/she might be keen on music concerts, or be f

26、ond of stamps collecting. By joining a special interest group on his/her pet topic, he/she can easily find many people whose interests are similar to his/her, and can share his/her pleasure with those who can really appreciate it in a proper way.Many people find group or organizations are essential

27、because they know a simple and never-changed fact that every single individual on this Earth has only limited resources. Groups or organizations are always the best choice for an individual to emancipate himself/herself from limitation. By joining a group, an individual is able to share his/her limi

28、ted resource with others, and share others resources in turn, therefore is virtually able to reach a much larger amount of resources. The most popular resource-sharing activities exist in the Internet. There are numerous BBS on almost every particular topic on various websites, which always makes co

29、pious valuable materials readily reachable. No matter what a person is interested in, for example, music, movie, books, or whatever, he/she will find a right group to join on the internet.In fact, any individual in a sense exists in a certain group: either he/she is a member of some groups, or he/sh

30、e is a leader of a group. Either way, the group is critical to him/her. People cannot achieve greatness solely by themselves, regardless of their status in the group; they need others, for help, for support, and many other things, since nobody is entirely independent and omnipotent.2. What would you

31、 take when preparing for a one-year trip in addition topersonal necessities?Imagine that you are preparing for a trip. You plan to be away from your home for a year. In addition to clothing and personal care items, you can take one additional thing. What would you take and why? Use specific reasons

32、and details to support your choice.分析计算机、全家福照片、书、光盘(但是要注意,根据题目,不能选clothing and personal care items)范文During the planning of an extended trip away from home, we have to decide what items to carry with us.While considering this problem I pondered many possibilities, such as a family photo album, my jo

33、urnal, my music collection and many others. Finally I realized that the best thing for me to bring on an extended journey would be my laptop.A laptop computer can act as a journal. In fact it can outperform a journal in its abilities to catalogue experiences. With this added functionality, I could a

34、dd pictures, captured with the web cam and sounds, captured with the built-in microphone, to the text. As there is a diverse range of software available for computers, there is an added possibility of loading my experiences on to a web page and publishing them on the Internet.While traveling or livi

35、ng abroad, it is often necessary to communicate with loved ones or business colleagues.In spite of the ever-decreasing cost of international calls, long distance telephone bills can quickly add up. Once again a laptop computer has the ability of solving this problem. With a relatively inexpensive In

36、ternet connection, a person can harness one of the most powerful attributes of a computer: communication. This form of communication adds the extra abilities of being able to see the person you are contacting and allow people to share files, information and even programs.A new city can be a lonely p

37、lace and it can take a significant amount of time to adjust to a new environment and make friend. During such a transitional period, it can be very helpful for one to have access to entertainment:reading a book as an e-book, playing a video game, or watching a DVD, all of which can be done on a lapt

38、op.Entertaining oneself can also be a marvelous way to pass the time on a long bus ride or flight.Hence, I posit that a laptop is the ultimate travel companion, whether for a short journey or an extended voyage. Personal computer seems to solve many of the problems that arise from travel.托福3大用法注意事项提升机经实用价值


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