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1、Unit 2 Following Instructions,Unit Goals,Lead in,Listening & Speaking,Reading & Writing,Language in Use,Unit task,Extended Activities,Fun time,Unit Goals,Learners should be able to understand the talk about instructions talk about giving instructions read about flowcharts write about simple equipmen

2、t installation,Lead in,Do you know what these pictures are about? Look and match.,a,b,c,a car hood,a car engine,a wheel,a monitor,1,2,3,4,d,Listening & Speaking,Listening,Dialogue,Role Play,Words and Expressions,Listening,Number the pictures according to what you hear.,2,4,3,1,Listening,1. A car has

3、 four wheels.2. How big is your computer monitor?3. The function of a car engine is to make a car move.4. The car hood is used to cover the engine.,Dialogue,In a Computer Repair ShopXiao Li is working in a computer repair shop with his master Mr. Chen. Xiao Li: Mr. Chen, there is NO INPUT SIGNAL on

4、the screen. Whats wrong?Mr. Chen: Are the video input connectors pins bent and pushed in? Xiao Li: Yes, they are.Mr. Chen: Then its not a problem caused by the monitor. Xiao Li: You mean the problem is caused by the computer or other equipment connected?Mr. Chen: Thats right. Maybe the computer is i

5、n the power saving mode. Try pressing any key on the keyboard.,Role Play,Practice the above dialogue with your partner. Use the following information to replace the underlined words.,signal cables; connected; movingthe mouse,plugs; seatedin the sockets; pressing theENTER key on the keyboard,Role Pla

6、y,Xiao Li: Mr. Chen, there is NO INPUT SIGNAL on the screen. Whats wrong?Mr. Chen: Are the video signal cables / plugs connected / seated in the sockets? Xiao Li: Yes, they are.Mr. Chen: Then its not a problem caused by the monitor. Xiao Li: You mean the problem is caused by the computer or other eq

7、uipment connected?Mr. Chen: Thats right. Maybe the computer is in the power saving mode. Try moving the mouse / pressing the ENTER key on the keyboard.,Words and Expressions,instruction /In5strQkFEn/ n. 说明;指令hood /hUd/ n. 引擎罩;车盖engine /5endVIn/ n. 发动机;引擎wheel /hwi:l/ n. 轮;车轮monitor /5mnItE/ n. 显示器;监

8、视器function /5fQNkFEn/ n. 功能;作用master /5mB:stE/ n. 师傅input /5Input/ n. 输入,Words and Expressions,signal /5sInl/ n. 信号;讯息screen /skri:n/ n. 屏幕video /5vIdIEJ/ n. 录像(机)connector /kE5nektE/ n. 连接器;连接插头pin /pIn/ n. 插簧bend /bend/ v. 弯曲equipment /I5kwIpmEnt/ n. 装备;设备mode /mEJd/ n. 模式,Words and Expressions,re

9、ss /pres/ v. 按;压keyboard /5ki:bC:d/ n. 键盘cable /5keIbl/ n. 电缆mouse /maJs/ n. 鼠标plug /plQ/ n. 插头socket /5skIt/ n. 插座push in 推入;推进power saving mode 省电模式,Reading & Writing,Reading 1,Reading 2,Writing,Reading 1,Warm up,Text A,Words and Expressions,Read and order,Read and think,Warm up,Put the parts of a

10、 desk lamp in the corresponding oval.,lamp power cord shade base switch,shade,switch,lamp,base,power cord,Text A,How to Install a Desk Light?Take out the desk light body, base, clip and lamp from the box. To use the desk light with the base, insert the stem onto the base plate and tighten the fixing

11、 screw.To use the desk light with the clip, mount the clip onto the desired surface and tighten the fixing screw, then insert the stem onto the clip.The supplied clip is not suitable for use on tubes.To insert the lamp, turn the lamp shade 90 to release front louver and screw in the lamp. Then retur

12、n the front louver onto the position.,Words and Expressions,lamp /lAmp/ n. 台灯cord /kC:d/ n. 线;索shade /FeId/ n. 灯罩base /beIs/ n. 底座switch /swItF/ n. 开关install /In5stC:l/ v. 安装clip /klIp/ n. 夹子,Words and Expressions,insert /In5s:t/ v. 插入stem /stem/ n. 灯杆plate /pleIt/ n. 金属板tighten /5taItEn/ v. 加固fix /

13、fIks/ v. 固定screw /skru:/ n. 螺丝mount /maJnt/ v. 抬高;安置,Words and Expressions,desired /dI5zaIEd/ adj. 希望的;想要的surface /5s:fIs/ n. 台面;表面tube /tju:b/ n. 圆管release /rI5lI:s/ v. 松开louver /5lu:vE/ n. 遮光片take out 取出be suitable for 适合,Read and order,After reading Text A, order the steps to install a desk light

14、 with a base.,1. Screw in the lamp.2. Insert the stem onto the base plate and tighten the fixing screw.3. Turn the lamp shade 90 to release front louver.4. Return the front louver onto the position.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),2,3,1,4,Read and think,Read Text A again and discuss the answers to the following ques

15、tions.,Is it necessary to follow the instructions when installing an electric product? Why or why not?_,Yes, it is. Because in this way we can ensure the installation will lead to a proper and safe use of the electric product.,Reading 2,Warm up,Text B,Words and Expressions,Read and choose,Read and c

16、onnect,Warm up,Do you know what flowcharts are? Try to tick them out.,1,2,3,4,Text B,Learn to Read a FlowchartBeing able to read a flowchart is quite easy once you understand the different symbols.A flowchart starts at the oval on the top. Once you have found the beginning of the chart, just follow

17、the flow lines. There are lines with arrows connecting each symbol. There are rectangles, diamonds, and etc., which stand for different points in the process.,If you start at the first oval you will soon come to a diamond. It is the step where a decision is made. It means you can either go one way o

18、r the other. The arrows point out both sides of the diamond showing where you would end up. After a decision is made the lines will lead you to a rectangle which means that something is carried out.The flowchart goes on like this until it reaches the second oval which means the end of the process.,s

19、tart,decision,process or task,end,process or task,Words and Expressions,flowchart /5flEJtFB:t/ n. 流程图symbol /5sImbEl/ n. 符号;记号oval /5EJvEl/ n. 椭圆形follow /5flEJ/ v. 遵循arrow /5ArEJ/ n. 箭头rectangle /5rektANl/ n. 矩形diamond /5daIEmEnd/ n. 菱形decision /dI5sIVEn/ n. 决定;抉择,Words and Expressions,lead /li:d/ v

20、. 引导until /En5tIl/ conj. 直到才on the top 在顶部;在上面stand for 代表either. or. 不是;就是;或;或point out 指出;指明end up 结束;告终carry out 执行;完成,Read and connect,Read text B and draw a line to connect each symbol with its meaning.,oval,diamond,rectangle,arrow,something to carry out,start or end of the flowchart,decision m

21、aking,connecting symbols,Read and choose,Which of the following is a correct flowchart according to Text B? Choose and tick it.,Step 1,Step 1,a,b,Step 2,Step 2,Step 3,Step 3,Step 3,Step 4,Step 4,Read and choose,Step 1,Step 1,c,d,Step 2,Step 2,Step 3,Step 3,Step 3,Step 4,Step 4,Writing,Look and match

22、,Read and write,Problem Solving,Look and match,Look at the pictures and match them with the descriptions.,1. cut apart the wire,2. insert the cord into the wire channel,3. make a small opening,a,b,c,Read and write,Read Text A again and write a passage about how to install a cord switch. Use the expr

23、essions above to complete the passage.,Use a small pocket knife to _ at the desired switch location._in the center of the opening.Insert the cord into _ on the switch bottom. Press the switch halves together and tighten the switch screw.,make a small opening,Cut apart the smooth wire,the wire channe

24、l,Problem Solving,Wang Lin is a new worker in a factory. One day a lamp above his machine doesnt work. The head of the workshop shows him a flowchart and asks him to solve this problem. Now please read the flowchart and tell Wang Lin what to do.,Lamp doesnt work,Bulbburned out?,Lampplugged in?,Plug

25、in lamp,Replace bulb,No,No,Yes,_,The lamp doesnt work. Whats wrong? First, check whether it is plugged in. If not, plug it in. If the lamp is plugged in, check whether the bulb is burnt out. If so, replace the burnt lamp with a new one. If not, Im afraid you have to buy a new lamp.,Buy new lamp,Note

26、s,流程图(flowchart):流程图是流经一个系统的信息流、观点流或部件流的图形代表。在企业中,流程图主要用来说明某一过程。这种过程既可以是生产线上的工艺流程,也可以是完成一项任务必需的管理过程。这些过程的各个阶段均用图形块表示,不同图形块之间以箭头相连,代表它们在系统内的流动方向。下一步何去何从,要取决于上一步的结果,典型做法是用“是”或“否”的逻辑分支加以判断。为便于识别,绘制流程图的习惯做法是: 开始/结束用椭圆形或圆角矩形表示 行动方案/任务用矩形表示 问题判断或判定用菱形表示 箭头代表流动方向,Language in Use,Part I,Part II,Part III,Par

27、t IV,Part V,Part I,Spell out the missing words. The first letter of each word is already given.,1a f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,2i _ _ _ _ _ _ a machine,lowchart,nstall,Part I,3a desk light c_ _ _,4a lamp s_ _ _ _,lip,hade,Part I,5i_ _ _ _ _ the stem,6to s_ _ _ _ in,nsert,crew,Part I,7an a_ _ _ _,8s_ _ _ _ _ s

28、for sports games,rrow,ymbols,Part I,Then complete the following statements with these words. Each can be used only once.,1. These _ are different in color.2. A _ makes the process clear.3. An _ is used to show directions.4. The workers are trying to _ the new machine.5. Can you replace the old lamp

29、_ with a new one?6. Henry fixed the _ on the surface edge of a table.7. Tony told his brother to _ a stem into the hole.8. _ it in so that the two pieces are fastened.,symbols,flowchart,arrow,install,shade,clip,insert,Screw,Part II,Listen and tick the car parts the speaker mentioned.,a,b,c,d,e,f,coo

30、ling system,engine,wheels,steering system,brakes,hood,Part II,Before I tell you how to repair a car, you first need to have a basic understanding of what a car is. A car has an engine, cooling systems, wheels, brakes and so on. What I will do here is to explain how each part works and how they work

31、together. Once you understand how the system works, you will know how to make repairs when it fails.,Part III,Speak out. In pairs, practice the dialogue by using the in formation below.,A: I need someone to examine this computer.B: Whats wrong with it?A: It seems that the _ doesnt work well.B: Maybe

32、 we have to _.,mouse; replace it,keyboard; fix it,monitor; repair it,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures.,a,1. Then a train passed and the cupboard collapsed. And this happened three times.,2. Angela bought a self - assembly cupboard and assembled the cupboard i

33、n the bedroom.,3. She called the customer service department.,4. Angelas husband came back home, saw the cupboard and opened it.,5. The technician sat in the cupboard to see whether he could find out what caused the problem.,b,c,d,e,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pi

34、ctures.,a,1. Then a train passed and the cupboard collapsed. And this happened three times.,2. Angela bought a self - assembly cupboard and assembled the cupboard in the bedroom.,3. She called the customer service department.,4. Angelas husband came back home, saw the cupboard and opened it.,5. The

35、technician sat in the cupboard to see whether he could find out what caused the problem.,Part IV,1. Then a train passed and the cupboard collapsed. And this happened three times.,2. Angela bought a self - assembly cupboard and assembled the cupboard in the bedroom.,3. She called the customer service

36、 department.,4. Angelas husband came back home, saw the cupboard and opened it.,5. The technician sat in the cupboard to see whether he could find out what caused the problem.,b,Part IV,1. Then a train passed and the cupboard collapsed. And this happened three times.,2. Angela bought a self - assemb

37、ly cupboard and assembled the cupboard in the bedroom.,3. She called the customer service department.,4. Angelas husband came back home, saw the cupboard and opened it.,5. The technician sat in the cupboard to see whether he could find out what caused the problem.,c,Part IV,1. Then a train passed an

38、d the cupboard collapsed. And this happened three times.,2. Angela bought a self - assembly cupboard and assembled the cupboard in the bedroom.,3. She called the customer service department.,4. Angelas husband came back home, saw the cupboard and opened it.,5. The technician sat in the cupboard to s

39、ee whether he could find out what caused the problem.,d,Part IV,1. Then a train passed and the cupboard collapsed. And this happened three times.,2. Angela bought a self - assembly cupboard and assembled the cupboard in the bedroom.,3. She called the customer service department.,4. Angelas husband c

40、ame back home, saw the cupboard and opened it.,5. The technician sat in the cupboard to see whether he could find out what caused the problem.,e,Part V,Write a passage by reordering the statements above. Note that you need to write three sentences altogether.,Can You Believe It?Angela bought a self-

41、assembly cupboard. She read the instructions carefully and 1) _. Then, a train passed and the cupboard collapsed. She started all over again. Then, another train passed and the cupboard collapsed again. She was really sad and 2) _.A technician arrived and assembled the cupboard. Then, a train passed

42、 and the cupboard collapsed again. The technician decided to reassemble the cupboard and sit inside it to see 3) _. At this moment, Angelas husband came home, saw the cupboard and said: “Thats a nice looking cupboard,” and opened it. To his surprise, he found a man inside!,assembled the cupboard in

43、the bedroom,called the customer service department,whether he could find out what caused the problem,Unit task,Finding out what information flowcharts tell usNow you are working in a factory and sometimes you have to deal with flowcharts in your work. One day your director asked you and your co-work

44、ers to find three kinds of flowcharts related to work and discuss the process each symbol stands for. Work with your partners and try to find out what information these flowcharts show.Step 1: Surf the Internet and find three work flowcharts.Step 2: Divide in three groups; each group will discuss on

45、e of the charts.Step 3: Study the flowchart and discuss what process each symbol stands for. What information do the flowcharts tell us?Step 4: Each group will choose a representative to report their findings.,Extended Activities,Part A,Part B,Part C,Vocabulary practice,Match the verbs with the noun

46、s or noun phrases.,insert a computer monitorreplace machinesfix a stemfollow instructionsinstall a lamp light,Part B,Read the passage to decide how to give instructions. Tick in the boxes.,How to Give Good Instructions?A boss has to give instructions. Do the job well and he only has to do it once. D

47、o the job poorly and he has to do it again, or even fix things that have been done wrong. Different people process information in different ways, so give instructions in the ways that work best for the employees. Use diagrams (图表) and pictures to help with words. Stop from time to time and see if th

48、e employees understand the message. give instructions in the ways that suit (适合于) the employees best give instructions only once only give instructions to the best employees draw diagrams and pictures to help the employees understanding stop now and then to see if the employees understand,Part C,Wri

49、te down the missing information to sum up how to give good instructions.,To give good instructions, one needs to1. do it in the ways that _.2. _ besides words.3. stop from time to time _.,work best for the employees,use diagrams and pictures,to check for understanding,Fun Time,Maybe Itll Work,There

50、are three men in a car and one of them is a Microsoft software engineer. Suddenly the car just stops by the side of the road, and the three men look at each other wondering what could be wrong. Then the Microsoft engineer, not knowing much about cars, comes up with a suggestion. “Why dont we close a


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