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1、,小学英语四种时态,1.一般现在时,2.现在进行时,3.一般过去时,4.一般将来时,5.练习,Grammar,1.一般现在时( Present Simple)概念: 表示习惯、经常性的动作结构: do(主语非三单)、 does(主语三单)标志语:usually、often、never、 always、 sometimes、once a week、 twice a month、every year、every day,一般现在时的构成 1. 肯定句 (1)主语+am / is / are+表语 They are new students. 他们是新生。(2)主语+行为动词+其它 I read E

2、nglish every night. 我每天晚上读英语。,2. 否定句 (1)主语+am / is / are+not+表语 She is not a teacher. 她不是老师。(2)主语+dont(doesnt)+动词原形+其它I dont like learning math. 我不喜欢学习数学。Liping doesnt like learning Chinese. 李苹不喜欢学习汉语。,3. 一般疑问句(1)Am / Is / Are+主语+表语+?Is your mother a nurse?你妈妈是护士吗?Is Polly a bird?波利是鸟吗?(2)Do+主语+动词原形

3、+其它+?Do you like learning English? 你喜欢学习英语吗?Does your father go to work every day? 你爸爸每天都上班吗?,4. 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+一般疑问句+?What is your father?你爸爸是干什么的?What do you do every day? 你每天做些什么?When does your mother go to work every day?你妈妈每天什么时候去上班?,注意,以下情况要使用一般现在时:表示特征、性格和能力。如:Lifeng is a tall boy. 李锋是一个高个子男孩。 Th

4、ats a big tree. 那是一棵大树。My skirt is very new. 我的裙子很新。She can speak English. 她会说英语。2. 表示经常发生的或习惯性的动作。如: I get up at seven every day. 我每天7点起床。Classes begin at eight.8点开始上课。3. 表示客观事实和真理。如:There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。,动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则1一般情况下,直接加-s, 如:cook-co

5、oks, milk-milks 2以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es, 如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3以“辅音字母 y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es, 如study-studies,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes every day.Sometimes he _ (play) basketball over there.How often _ Sally _(sing)?,wash,plays,Exercise,4.There (be)four seasons

6、 in a year.5.Lily _ (be) a tall girl. 6.I (go)shopping once a week.,are,is,go,Grammar,现在进行时(Present Progressive),概念: 表示现在正在发生的动作h或存在的状态结构: be (is, am, are) + doing标志语: Look! 、 Listen! 、now,Grammar,1、现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be 动词ing.2、现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。3、现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。4、现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为: 疑问词+be动词+主语+doi

7、ng+其它? 但疑问词当主语时其结构为: 疑问词+be动词+doing+其它?,动词-ing形式的构成:,writingtaking,gettingrunningswimming,asking,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes now.Look! He _ (play) basketball over there.Listen! _ Sally _(sing)?4.What _(be) you (do) now.,are washing,is playing,Grammar,一般过去时(Past Simple)概念: 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态结

8、构: did标志语:yesterday、. ago、in 1990、last week/month、at that time 等,(一)肯定句:主语 + be动词的过去式 + 过去时间。主语 + 实意动词过去式 + 过去时间,一般过去时,动词be 的过去时(was, were)took pictures, climbed mountains, ,(二)否定句: 一般过去时中变否定句,有be动词时,在was或were后面加not,变成wasnt或者werent;在有实意动词的句子中在实意动词前加didnt,将实意动词过去式改为实意动词的原形即可take pictures, climb mount

9、ains 。,(三)一般疑问句 有be动词的句子中,把be动词提前即可(was / were 放主语前) ,回答时用be动词回答;有实意动词时,需要助动词did的帮助,将did提前即可,也就是主语前加did (动词还原) ,回答时用did回答,注意人称的变化及将实意动词过去式改为实意动词的原形.,一般过去时,(四)提问: What? When ? Where? How?,动词-ed形式的构成:,moveddied,carriedcried,stoppedplanned,answered,got,drank,took,went,swam,ate,cut,were,had,did,came,sai

10、d,saw,put,不规则过去式,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes yesterday.The day before yesterday he _ (play) basketball over there._ Sally _(sing) two hours ago?4.What _(do) she do last nigth?,washed,played,did,Grammar,1.一般将来时( Future Simple)概念: 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态结构: will,be going to 标志语:tomorrow,next week,t

11、he next day,this afternoon, this evening,next week (month, year),in the year 2022,(一)谓语形式: 1.be going to + V.原形 2.will + V.原形 3.want 用现在时表将来 (二)提问谓语: 1.What is/ are +going to do? 2.What will + 主语+do? 如:He will play basketball next week. What will he do next week? (三)疑问形式: be 或will 放主语前(some改为any )(四

12、)否定式: be 或 will 后加 not will not = wont,一般将来时,Exercise,The twins _(wash) the clothes tomorrow.Next week he _ (play) basketball over there._ Sally _(sing) this evening?4.What _(do) she do in the year 2013?,will wash,will play,will,小学英语动词的时态练习,一、选择填空:( )1. Look! Li Ping and Li Ying _ basketball now.A.

13、play B. played C. are playing D. will play( )2. What did you do last night? I did my homework and _TV.A. watch B. watched C. am watching( )3. Can I_ this book?A. have B. has C. had( )4. I to music at 7:00 this morning.A. listen B. listened C. listening( )5. He to school tomorrow.A. went B. go C. wil

14、l go,小学英语动词的时态练习,( )6. Did your father his friend on the 5th of October? A. called B. call C. is calling( )7. Where you last night? A. was B. are C. were( )8. Can I TV? Sure. A. watching B. watch C. watched( )9.She like summer. A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt( )10. There _ a table in Jennys room. A. am B

15、. is C. are D. were,小学英语动词的时态练习,二、用动词的适当形式填空。 1、Tom (swim) in the river the day after tomorrow. 2、Why (be) they not here yesterday?3、Yesterday afternoon they (play) football with their English teacher. 4、Its eight oclock now.The boys (watch) TV. 5、She usually (do) her homework in the evening. 6、Tom

16、and Tony cant (swim).7、What does your father _ (do)? Hes a worker.8、Look! Jim and Tom (run) there.,will swim,were,played,are watching,does,swim,do,are running,过去式之歌过去式构成有方法,一般词尾加ed。如果词尾有个e,直接加d就可以。辅音字母y在尾,变y为i加ed。“一辅重闭”作尾巴,双写之后加ed。标准过去式加ed,少量不规则分别记。am和is对was,are要变were没问题。have和has用had,do和does变did。,一般现在时用法一般现在时,every, usually, often, sometimes.第一、二人称和复数,动词原形不变换。除了I, you,复数外,动词后加s(es)别忘怀。要变一般疑问句,be动词提前很容易。若是没有be动词,Do和Does开头要注意。否定句,很简单,not在be动词后面站。若是没有be动词,do, does加not要牢记。请把这些规律记,一般现在时没问题。,Goodbye!,谢谢,


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