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1、托福口语常用14个被动句式整理分享 托福口语在评分时有一条常被考生忽视的要求,那就是句式运用上需要体现出多样性。今天给大家带来了托福口语常用14个被动句式整理分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语常用14个被动句式整理分享1、 It was found difficult for us to understand him.我们发现要了解他是很难的。2、It was proved wrong to say things like that.已经证明那种讲法是不对的。3、 It is requested that you kindly take immediate ac

2、tion in the matter.对于此事,请速做处理。4、 It hasnt been made clear when the new road is open to traffic.新路什么时候通车还没有宣布。5、Has it been decided where we are to hold the conference?会议在那里开,决定了吗?6、I was warned not to be late.我被告之不要迟到。7、I got plucked.我未被录取。8、He got dismissed.他被开除了。9、I am supposed to know something a

3、bout science.有人建议我了解一些科学方面的东西。10、The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room.这些书不准携出室外。11、You are bound to be received warmly.你定会受到热情接待。12、I preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do.我宁愿被分配(得到)些更困难的工作做。13、He was often spoken about.他常被人们谈到。14、 It is considered a shame to cheat

4、 in examination.考试舞弊是可耻的。备考新托福口语考试中的“朋友话题”1。“朋友话题”关键词汇、短语和常用句型.常用词汇: acquaintance, affectionate, amicable, caring, considerate, emotional, enthusiastic, expressive, favorite, frank, friendly, generous, gentle, helpful, honest, humorous, ideal, intimate, kind, patient, reunion, sociable, sympathetic,

5、 talkative, thoughtful, trustworthy, etc。.常用短语: a shoulder to cry on, an easy-going person, ask for help, be an understanding person, be friendly with, be on intimate terms with sb., be well-acquainted with, broad-minded, cheer sb. up, for the sake of friendship, have a bosom friend, have a large ci

6、rcle of acquaintances, help sb. out, keep friendly relations, keep/lose contact with, make friends with, reach an understanding, seek common ground while reserving differences, t urn to ones friend when in difficulty, understand each other, warm-hearted, etc。.常用句型:1. A friend in need is a friend ind

7、eed。2. What does friendship mean to you?3. What kind of people do you make friend with?4. Why do you think friendship important to you?5. What is the basis of friendship?6. There is the difference between friendship and love。7. Are you very good at keeping in touch with friends?8. I like to make fri

8、ends with people who are 9. What do you have in common with your friends?10. How well do you communicate with your friends?2. 实例:Narrator:What do you think a true friend should be? How important do you think is friendship to your life?You may begin to prepare your response after the beep。2 seconds b

9、eepPreparation time: 15 secondsResponse time: 45 secondsNarrator:Please begin speaking after the beep。2 seconds beepSuggested Answer:As the saying goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed。”, which is partly true, but a real friend should also be able to share your happy moments - without feeling je

10、alous. A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and dont feel hurt if a friend doesnt feel like seeing you. Of course, honesty is an essential part of any relationship. We should learn to accept our friends for what they are. Anyway, I consider friendship to be

11、 one of the most important things in life。词汇与解析(WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS):1. essential adj. 本质的,实质的2. forgive v. 原谅,饶恕3. jealous adj. 妒忌的,嫉妒的4. mood n 心情,情绪答案解析:考生开门见山地谈了他对“友情”的理解,常言道:“ A friend in need is a friend indeed。” 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。当然,这在一定意义上是对的,副词“partly” 的使用为下一步的陈述埋下了伏笔,考生顺理成章地从不同角度阐明他对“友谊”的看法。真正

12、的朋友会与你分享快乐时光,而没有任何嫉妒。真正的友谊意味着你能容忍和原谅朋友的错误,理解对方的情绪;如果你的朋友不太想见你,你也不会感到受了伤害 (A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and dont feel hurt if a friend doesnt feel like seeing you。)。特别值得一提的是在答案的结尾有一个至关重要的句子 “ honesty is an essential part of any relationship。”,它高屋建瓴地概


14、生都会异口同声的说出这样的理由。“美国人真的变态,弄这样的问题来练中国人,不知道我们中国人只喜欢READING,只喜欢听,玩的就是深沉啊。”“说都困难,更何况在短短的15准备后就要讲出来,这不是折磨人吗?”“哥们我平时说话不这样啊,怎么这时候,总是一哼,二哼,连三哼呢,等到45秒说完后,已经病入膏肓了,只因哼声不断啊”无论是小到13岁的,还是大到22岁的,都出此言,我听了就想笑,为什么呢?小沈阳的二皮脸,其实也是所有演员都是二皮脸,他们在表演的时候,已经忘记了自己,他们必须说出他们的台词,他们必须表现出人物的个性,如果为了保护形象的话,那就不用当演员了,就尽情享受大家闺秀的感觉去吧。口语, 没



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