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1、雅思口语7分经验分享 雅思口语7分-既然选择出国,哪还在乎背一本机经,家带来了雅思口语7分经验分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语7分-既然选择出国,哪还在乎背一本机经20XX-08-17 16:36新东方网整理分享到个人状况:大学勉强过四级,没考6级。工作后突然觉得学历不够,要继续读研,提高英语。于是断然辞职,用了将近半年多的时间复习,备考,战斗。终于overall : 6.5 speaking:7首先我想说的是,如果你英语不错,自认随便考考就可以考个7之类的朋友,建议你不要看此贴。因为你能力够好,不需要分享我的经验,我的每一步都是脚踏实地,没有运气,没有天赋,


3、一次都有收获,没有浪费一分钱。没有之前的失败,不会有最后的成功,所以不管考几次,一定要自己认真总结。但4次里面,我的口语都不低于6,之后是6.5,最后是7,稳步提升。我的经验就是我从不怯场,可能和工作有关,我的沟通能力较强,比较胆大,这可能也是我胜算的原因,还有一点就是:我努力。我准备了几乎所有的话题,每天背23个小时,也就是说我保持说口语的状态each day,并且说的都是和雅思考试相关的内容。但这个很难坚持,我告诉很多人,他们都表示去死也不可能坚持每天说3小时口语。但,你如果不坚持,随便准备个十来个话题,我保证你必败,除非你就是运气好,再无其他。所以,对口语考试,我的建议是准备所有的话题,

4、并保证他的正确性。并准备part1 and 3,也就是说全部准备。不要觉得这么做很没可能,如果你不是留学回来,你的口语一定不可能流利到不需要准备就可以和老外侃侃而谈。所以你就需要准备,并且一直不停的说,当你掌握了雅思的所有考题后,考试考什么你都不怕,而且你的口语确保足够的流利,再加上你不怯场,我就有天生的状态,让老外围着我转。如果你认真按照我说的去做,你的口语需要背的内容大概在80页左右。不要吃惊,我就是这么坚持的,所以我每天的复习时间是以分钟计算的。下面说说作文,这个我摔过跟头,因为模板。在此说明下,什么是模板?不是别人给你的,不是你从某某名书上抄来的,不是被训班老师给你的,更不是你偷来的,




8、福所有的烤鸭,我每次背听力机经的时候,总想起一小句话,既然选择了出国,还在乎背这区区一本机经吗?准备作文和口语也是一个道理,不付出真心的努力,不会有喜人的收获,你体会不到成功的喜极而泣。我记得我查到分的时候,抱着我爸狂哭。雅思口语Part3话题范文:exciting activity1.Q. Why do you think some people like doing new things?A. Performing a new task has a different sort of pleasure regardless of mistakes or perfection. Thus,

9、some people prefer performing newer things to taste the unknown pleasure. It is quite natural to know the unknowns and based on curiosity humans are performing new things and thus has invented numerous elements to be used for their comforts. Doing new things is like an addiction for some people and

10、accordingly, they invent newer ways to live better.2.Q. What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?A. When it is the first time for something new, there may be different troubles. People might not come up with the changed situations or behaviours or the presence of

11、 something unwanted. The changes or the new things at the beginning may seem inappropriate or wrong and may also experience negative criticisms. It also may happen that the community is opposing to start or continue the new practice as they have never done that before or they are not instructed to e

12、xecute things in that way. So, before you start or practice something unconventional or new, you should think about the issues. If someone wants to bring a change through the new activities for the first time, the negative criticisms should be accepted in a cool manner.3.Q. Do you think its best to

13、do new things on your own or with other people? Why?A. I think it is the best idea to do or practice the new things with ones own before making it public. The thing could be made public when it is in a perfect condition or may prove helpful to others or the community. If there are drawbacks with the

14、 new issue, it is imperative not to practice in public or you might be insulted. Most of the cases, people who try new things lack the tolerance limit of absorbing the negative remarks over the issue and consequently a complex situation is created. Therefore, I believe that the new things should be

15、exercised privately before announcing them in public. If there are troubles with the issue, it may be discussed with few intimate mates to resolve the drawbacks but not in public, remember not in public before the drawbacks are solved perfectly.4.Q. What kinds of things do children learn to do when

16、they are very young? How important are these things?A. Usually, the children try to imitate the attitudes and behaviours when they are very. The things are highly important for them and even their parents too. They try to imitate the walking styles, eating styles, speeches, talking methods, reading

17、books and handwriting and more other issues. But the most important thing is the way they behave is exactly copied from their parents. It is the representation of the behaviour they get from their parents at home. If the parents behave well, the kids will learn that and if the behaves are rude, they

18、 will be rude to others too. They love to copy the adults and thus the adults should be careful over the issue.5.Q. Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their learning style different?A. The learning methods for the children and the adults are not the same.

19、 Usually, the children learn from their surrounding environment while the adults mostly learn from trial and error basis. Sometimes, they try to perform something different from others and thus they learn the newer things. Since the kids do have such options to try and make errors to learn something

20、 and they also lack maturity like the adults, simply they copy the attitudes they see performing by the adults. So, the learning styles are not similar because of experience and exercising scopes.6.Q. Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the pas

21、t. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?A. Currently, there are lots of changes are happening in the world. As a result, the alternatives are increasing and people could learn more things which were previously unfamiliar to them. With the advancement of science, many unfamiliar things have been d

22、iscovered and the chances to gain knowledge over the issues have also increased simultaneously. Earlier, people were not that much smart and intelligent as they are now and the possibilities to experiment something newer were less than the present days. So, people did not learn well in the past and

23、with the advancement of time and technology, knowledge gathering and sharing has been made easier. Therefore, newer things are easy to learn in the current days than before.雅思口语Part3话题范文:spend time with a child1.Do you think new parents should get training courses in dealing with children?Yes becaus

24、e these days children are quite typical, very hyperactive, ask typical questions that sometimes parents get baffled. So dealing with their mindset and simultaneously nurturing them, these days parents require a certain skills for growing their children.2.What are a good parents characteristics in yo

25、ur opinion?They should be polite and at the same their threat also should be there in their childrens eyes about doing any wrong things. Furthermore,they should have discipline when their kids are in their surrounding.3.When is the prefect time to get married? Why?when we become capable of feeding a

26、nd comforting at least three people that is the time of thinking to get married. Moreover, the commitment, and mutual tuning and adaptability in relation also matter to have in a person before to make up mind to get married.4.What types of toys should parents buy for their children?Well, most parent

27、s tend to buy toys that their children want, or toys that they think their children might like playing with. Its always been like that. When I was a child I can remember asking my parents for specific toys, I would see something I liked and I would want it and tell them about it.They also bought oth

28、er toys for me which I didnt ask for, and most of the time I liked them, too.I dont think you can just mandate to parents to buy just a certain type of toy its important that toys are not just about fun but they can also be used to stimulate the interest of a child and each parent needs to take the

29、interests of their child into account when considering which toys they are going to buy for their child to play with.5.Are candies a good reward for children?NO,they are not.When a child is rewarded at school by their teacher, at home by their parent, at an after school activity by their coach - you

30、 can do the math. It will become obvious that their intake of refined sugar and empty calories amount to way more than intended.The second issue of concern is the message this reward practice sends; kids associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This message becomes imprinted in their min

31、d, translating into behavior pattern.When you were a child you were taught to relate feeling happy and excited with eating sugar. Therefore, when you are feeling sad and yearning that state of mind of happy thoughts, you reach for sugar to deliver it.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文: tall building you like or dislik

32、eTopic:Describe a tall building you like or dislike.You should say:what the building iswhere the building is locatedhow you got to know the buildingand explain why you like or dislike this tall building.Sample answer:During my summer vacation to Shanghai,I jointed the grand opening celebration for S

33、hanghai Disney Resort and also visited some famous landmarks in Pudong district. Oriental Pearl Radio TV Tower , the earliest landmark in Shanghai,is located in the financial area of Lujiazui, on the edge of Pudong District.Oriental Pearl Radio TV tower was the highest building in China until 20XX a

34、nd it is a magnificent piece of art work because no building in history could be such aesthetical appealing.Tower has a unique shape, with a number of spheres punctuating the towers various sections. In its spheres,there are 360 degree sightseeing spot areas,the revolving restaurant,space module,hot

35、el bedrooms and even a small museum. Standing and facing the opposite of the time-honored and western-styled architectural complex lined along the Bund,this Tower is considered as the best sightseeing spot in Shanghai. The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attract

36、s thousands of visitors every year.Everyone in China was talking about the Oriental Pearl Tower after it was completed in 1994.My parents showed me its pictures on the newspaper,which suddenly became the place I would like to visit most in Shanghai.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文: beautiful gardenTopic:Describe a b

37、eautiful garden that you like.You should say:where it iswhat you can see therewhat people do thereand explain why you like it.Sample answer:Today Id like to describe my grandpas home garden,which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden is part of his homes backyard(后院),and

38、my grandpas house is located in the suburbs(郊外),about a 1-hour drive (一小时车程) from the city of Shanghai. There is a big tree right in the middle of (正中间) the garden,which is surrounded by a hot hub(温泉浴缸),a small water fountain(喷泉),several bushes(灌木丛),a section for vegetables,and different kinds of fl

39、owers.This garden was actually one of the reasons why my grandpa and grandma chose to buy this house because it had been beautifully maintained(维护) by the previous owner. Its been almost 20 years since they bought the house and now grandpa and grandma are taking care of the garden themselves. Even t

40、hough they are not experts in gardening,they still try their best to plant things that we like,such as roses and tulips, and we even grow our own tomatoes.Whenever family and old friends come to visit my grandparents,they always invite them to have a relaxing time(休闲时光) in the hot tub, and enjoy the

41、 view(欣赏风景).So in other words,the garden has also become a kind of resort (度假胜地)!It definitely requires lots of hard work to properly maintain the garden, but it gives them a great sense of accomplishment(满足感) to decorate it the way they like.All in all, the garden is one of the best features of my grandparents,home and it is a place where they can live and relax after their retirement(退休).雅思口语7分经验分享


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