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1、托福口语提分要掌握的2个关键点介绍 如何提升托福口语成绩是许多考生都比较关心的一个问题,不同于听力阅读有看得见摸得着的评分标准,今天给大家带来了托福口语提分要掌握的2个关键点介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语提分要掌握的2个关键点介绍1、亮点论据,升级内容的技术含量不管考试时间如何要求答题长度,考生需要意识到,我们不仅要完成填充题目要求时间,还要保证填充信息的技术含量和精彩程度。下列论据大家要学会积累,这样才能或具体话题点对点使用或放之四海皆真的广泛应用于各种话题中。(1)act 摆事实(2)tatistics 列数字(3)itness/testimony 亲身

2、经验/别人经验(4)omparison/analogy比较/类比(5)xample 贴切的例子(6)cdote 黑色幽默的奇闻趣事(7)uotation 名人名言引用2、词汇包装,保证精彩和详细如果背单词的目的不仅仅是识别阅读,听力中的要点,还包括口语,作文中有效表达的话,那么我们要明白句子中主要有三种词汇。(1)实词:名词 动词 数字 形容词 副词其中名词,动词和数字使答题内容具体细化;形容词和副词的包装作用可以是答题变得更加华丽。(2)虚词:助词 感叹词助动词: 完成句型的时态,语态,语气。平时要注意语法曲折变位的能力感叹词:使答题充满人性,不沉闷,很动态,帮助你展现感性的成分。(3)连词

3、:答题的理性的成分,制造内容的起承转合,展现口才的逻辑质量。有目的的积累,善用各种词性的好词,可以对口语表达进行精彩的包装。托福黄金口语80题及答案:Which one do you prefer15、是否同意最重要的课堂不是在学校里?I highly agree that the most important lesson can be learned in class. Sometimes practical experience is more important. For example, a student major in chemistry may know the textbo

4、oks or chemical principles very well, but still can encounter numerous problems and difficulties in a real chemical experiment without any practice. In addition, practice is the only criteria of truth. What you have learned in class are very limitedand even false, so you shouldnt be superstition abo

5、ut textbooks.Practice need to be paid more attention to.16、学生是否应该在上大学前休息一年?为什么?I tend to agree that students having a one-year break before entering college. First of all, so many years of study and exams before college really cost energy, after graduating from high school, a long-term break will be

6、 beneficial for students both physically and mentally. Students can use the break to enjoy life and decide their future development. In addition, its also a good chance for poor students to use the break to earn a certain tuition for their college study. So I support the one-yearbreak before college

7、.17、选择就业前景的专业好还是自己喜欢的专业好?I agree with that one should choose a major that suits his interests. First of all, if you force yourself to learn something you dont like, then you cant be fully devoted to learn it well and may even feel boring. As a result, it will low your study efficiency and cant prepa

8、re you very well for future development. Furthermore, the demand of job market definitely changes more frequently than your interests do. You may finda job popular after you graduate, although it may receive poor recognition by the society when you entered college. So its wise to choose a major you

9、are interested in.18、学生应该做一些可以决定自己未来职业的兼职么?I agree that its beneficial for students to have a part-time job or summer intern before applying for an occupation. Firstly, the importance for their future career is obvious. It helps students to be more familiar with the society. In addition, students wi

10、ll learn a lot that they cant obtain from academic books. They may be more concerned with the experience and knowledge accumulated outside school. Besides, students can develop their communicating skills with different groups of people in the society.So I support the idea to have a part-time job or

11、summer intern.19、在大城市上大学好还是在小城市上大学好?I prefer studying in a big city. First of all, the universities in a big city have more teaching resources and better available facilities, since they may receive more recognition by government. Furthermore, in a big city we have more opportunities to broaden our

12、view and we can get more chances for career and study development. Finally, studying in big cities gives me more chances to meet many people of diverse backgrounds. It can actually help me widen my circles. So Id like to locate my study area in a big city.20、大学提供体育课好还是不好?I agree with that music and

13、art classes should be offered in high school. Because there are a group of students that are interested in this area and plan to choose either of them as their future career. In addition, music and art would make the day more alive and interesting, which in turn leads to more learning. It may serve

14、as the major source of joy and relax students during their endless scientific classes. I also think music and art education can develop creativity and personality (spirit of diligence and perseverance) which will benefit your study and career.21、自己独自住好还是和其他同学一起住好?I prefer to live with others. First

15、of all, living with someone else wont make you feel alone, its a good way to make friends by sharing experience, opinions and feelings with your roommates. Moreover, living with others helps in teaching you how to get along with different groups of people and how to care and offer helps to others, w

16、hich will benefit your communication skills. I also believe that living with roommates will make life more alive and interesting. So Id like someone to live with me.22、低年级学生与同年级同学住好还是与高年级学生住好?I tend to support that freshmen live with students of different grades. Firstly, freshmen usually choose alm

17、ost the same common courses, so they have communicated enough with others in classes, its not necessary to make them live together for more communication. Furthermore, mixed-type living style can also absorb students since freshmen can obtain more experience and suggestions from students of higher g

18、rades. For these two reasons, I support mixed-type living manner.23、是否讨论式的学习能使学生学到更多?I definitely agree that a discussion class is more effective than a lecture class. First of all, discussion will make us learn from one anothers strong points and get help from others to improve our own abilities in

19、the area. Moreover, it will improve our interpersonal and communication skills which are quite important in a future career. Most of all, students are able to make friends with those who share the same love for a particular subject.托福黄金口语80题及答案:Which one do you prefer24、小说/杂志/诗歌更喜欢哪个?I like fictions

20、 the most. They can relax me when Im tired and want to have a little break, you just need to sit down to enjoy the story in a fiction, just imagining what has happened according to the description, as if you are watching a movie. For other types of reading materials, although poems may be of great l

21、iterature values, but sometimes they are difficult to understand. When I turn to them, Im just looking for a wayof relaxation rather than another type of learning. Magazines are always expensive and contain lots of advertisements. So I really prefer fictions to the others.25、计算机好还是不好?I think compute

22、r is the most important invention. The reasons are as follows: first, it keeps me company and offers me various ways to entertain myself. In my eyes, a computer could be as magic as anything. It could be a music and movie player, it could be a game machineit could also be a library. If I wanna liste

23、n to my favorite music or watch my favorite movie, they are just a click away. Second, it offers me unlimited learningresources. If I have problems in my study, I can do some research online by using my computer so as to find out the answers. Third, computer makes it easy for me to keep in touch wit

24、h my friends. Instead of writing postal letters and making distance phone calls, I choose to talk to friends by using Facebook or Skype. In a word, computer has made my life easier and more colorful.26、在办公室办公好还是在家办公好?I rather prefer to work in an office. Firstly, although working at homemay be comfo

25、rtable, its difficult for me to be fully-devoted to work. Maybe Ill want to watch TV, surf the internet or even want to have a sleep during the work time. So it isnt efficient to work at home. Moreover, its more convenient to communicate with your co-workers or boss when you work in an office, thus

26、you can get the assignment more directly and solve problems by negotiating with other employees, which helps you do better and learn faster. So I prefer the traditional way to work in an office.27、学校应该减少回收吗?I tend to disagree with cutting the recycling in school. Firstly, recycling can remind studen

27、ts of the importance of environmentalprotection. With a recycling system, students will discard garbage into the special recycling garbage boxes instead of throw them away randomly in campus. In addition, school can employ workers to deal with the garbage regularly, it can also provide a job chance

28、for people with low-income. So for these two reasons, I support that the recycling in school should continue.28、你想成为 leader 还是 follower?I prefer to be a leader, because I want to implement my dream and I think I can meet the qualities required for a good leader. First of all, a good leader should ha

29、ve the ability of team building, and I believe that I can help each individual in the team to perform their very best due to myexcellent communicating skills. Furthermore, the experience of being a leader will make me more mature and capable, because I will learn more from the process of planning, o

30、rganizing and solving unexpected events. So I prefer the position of a leader to a follower.29、网络和学术书籍哪个更有助于做研究?I do prefer to do research through the Internet.First, it provides more useful resources and information online and so that I have an easy access to a large amount of information in all ki

31、nds of areas concerned in the research. Second, improve the computer skills and keep abreast of new technologies, which is quite important for thefuture career in such a rapidly developing society. Third, be able to make friends with the people who have related experience and expertise and get help

32、from them about the problems we run into in the research.30、喜欢一次性休长假还是分别休几次短假?I support the idea of students having several short vacations throughout a year. Firstly, short vacations are a great relaxation after busy final exams. We can be with family, visit friends, go to concerts and do many othe

33、r things besides classes. Furthermore, students wouldnt forget whatthey have learned and will be more focused on their classes when they return to school if their vacation time is divided up throughout the year. And I also think short vacations are safe for students who have a travel plan. So I find

34、 many advantages of short vacations compared with a longer one.31、喜欢独自学习还是和小组一起学习?I do prefer to study in a group with several reasons. First of all, the discussion in the group will make us learn from one anothers strong points and get help from others to improve our own abilities in the area. More

35、over, it will improve our interpersonal and communication skills which are quite important in a future career. Most of all, students areable to make friends with those who share the same love for a particular subject.32、自学好还是去学校学习好?I think its more important for students to study by oneself. Firstly

36、, classes given by teachers are designed for most of the students. You may find you are not getting enough from the class or you cant catch up with the class. In such a case, studying by oneself is crucial to improve your learning efficiency. Furthermore, studying by oneself will help you to find ou

37、t your weak points as well as what you are good at, which is benefit to you to make schedule and formulate your study plans. So I hold that study by oneself is more important.33、网络教室好还是传统教室好?Actually, both of internet and academic books are helpful in doing research. But nowadays I think internet is

38、 much better. Firstly, internet contains such a tremendous amount of information that academic books can never compare with. You may also raise a question about a topic and ask for help on the internet. Furthermore, its more efficient and convenient to use the internet; all you need is a computer, while carrying books around here and there can be very heavy. So Id like to search online.


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