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1、影视口语阿甘正传第17-21期 人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道会尝到哪种滋味.下面就和大家分享影视口语阿甘正传,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。影视口语阿甘正传第17期:阿甘在新年聚会被别人嘲笑成傻子英语台词节选:Oh! What are you, stupid or something?啊!你怎么搞的,你是傻瓜吗?Whats your problem?你有什么毛病?Whats his problem?他有什么毛病?Did you lose your packet in the war or something?你把你那玩意丢在战场上了吗?Is your friend stupid or

2、something?你朋友是不是傻瓜呀?What did you say?你说什么?I said is your friend stupid or something?我说你朋友是不是傻瓜?Dont call him stupid!不许叫他傻瓜!Hey, dont push her!嘿,不许推她!You shut up!你闭嘴!Dont you ever call him stupid!绝对不许叫他傻瓜!Come on, baby, why you being so upset, huh?得啦,宝贝,你干嘛这么生气?Get your goddamned clothes穿让你那该死的衣服and

3、get the hell out of here!马上滚你妈的蛋!Get out of here!马上滚!You should be in a sideshow.你应该去马戏团Youre so pathetic!瞧你这惨样!You big guy!你这大混蛋!Loser. You freak!失败者,怪物!Oh, no. No.啊,不Im sorry I ruined对不起,我毁了your New Years Eve party, Lieutenant Dan.你的新年聚会,丹中尉She tastes like cigarettes.她身上有一股烟味英语学习笔记精讲:1.sideshow:小节

4、目,助兴表演,杂耍例如:Sideshows at the championship includehighland dancing and a play by The WanlockheadPlayers.锦标赛上的助兴节目包括高地舞蹈和万洛克黑德剧社上演的一部剧。sideshow还有次要活动,附带事件,附属活动的意思。例如:Radio work for him was very much a sideshow.对他来说电台的工作只是顺便做做而已。2.pathetic:悲惨的例如:a pathetic little dog with a curly tail.可怜的卷尾巴小狗The small

5、 group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight.这一小群旁观者看起来真是让人悲哀。3.freak:怪物例如:Not so long ago, transsexuals were regarded as freaks.不久前变性人还被视为怪物。freak还有怪异的,极端的意思例如:Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.韦尔因为一次打高尔夫时发生的离奇事故折断了腿。影视口语精讲阿甘正传第18期:阿甘去白宫见合众国的总统英语台词节选:I guess Lieutenant Dan figur

6、ed我想丹中尉发现theres some things you just cant change.有些事你是无法改变的He didnt want to be called crippled他不想被称为残废just like I didnt want to be called stupid.就象我不想被称为傻瓜Happy new year, Gump.新年快乐,阿甘The U.S. Ping-Pong team美国乒乓球队met with President Nixon today.今天与尼克松总统见面Wouldnt you know it?你知道吧?A few months later,几个月

7、后they invited me and the Ping-Pong team他们邀请我和乒乓球队to visit the White House.去白宫So I went.所以我去了again.第二次去And I met the president of the United States again.并且第二次见到了合众国的总统Only this time, they didnt get us rooms不过这次他们没有给我们安排in a real fancy hotel.酒店套房Are you enjoying yourself你玩得愉快吗in our nations capital,

8、young man?在我们的首都,年轻人?where are you staying?你住在哪儿?Its called the Hotel Ebbott.埃伯特酒店Oh, no, no, no. I know a much nicer hotel.啊,不,不。我知道有家更好的酒店Its brand-new. Very modern.是新开张的水门酒店,设备很先进Ill have my people take care of it.我会叫人安排你入住英语学习笔记精讲:1.figure:想出,明白例如:I dont have to be a detective to figure thatout.

9、我不是侦探也想得出。figure还有认为,算出的意思例如:She figured that both she and Ned had learneda lot from the experience.她觉得自己和内德都从这一经历中学到了很多东西。He figured up the balance in their checking account.他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。2.take care of :照顾例如:Her work is to take care of the children.她的工作是照料好孩子。And I will take care of you, I pr

10、omise.我保证,我一定照顾你。影视口语精讲阿甘正传第19期:阿甘服役结束了英语台词节选:Security.保安Yeah. Sir,是,先生you might want to send a maintenance man你能不能叫人维修人员over to that office across the way .去对面办公室看看The lights are off里面灯不亮and they must be looking for a fuse box ,他们大概正在找保险丝盒cause them flashlights, theyre keeping me awake .因为他们打着手电,把我

11、都照醒了O.K., sir. Ill check it out.好的,先生。我去查一下Thank you. Good night.谢谢,晚安Therefore.因此I shall resign the presidency我将辞去总统职位effective at noon tomorrow.从明天中午起生效Vice President Ford福特副总统will be sworn in as president将宣誓就任总统at that hour in this office.明天此时在这间办公室Forrest Gump.福雷斯甘Yes, sir!是,长官!As you were.根据条例I

12、 have your discharge papers.我收到你的退役批文Service is up, son.服役期结束了,孩子Does this mean I cant play Ping-Pong no more?是不是说我不能再打乒乓球了?For the army, it does.对军队来说,是的英语学习笔记精讲:1.resign:辞去例如:Mr Robb resigned his position last month.罗布先生上个月辞职了。拓展:resign yourself to屈从,顺从的意思例如:He had resigned himself to watching the

13、 European Championships on television.他只好将就着在电视上看欧洲锦标赛。2.swear:宣誓例如:We have sworn to fight cruelty wherever we find it.我们发誓要见恶除恶。swear还有咒骂,发誓的意思例如:Its wrong to swear and shout.破口大骂是不对的。I swear Ive told you all I know.我发誓我已经把我所知道的全都告诉你了。3.discharge:退役例如:You are being discharged on medical grounds.出于健

14、康原因你将会退伍。discharge还有排出,履行(职责)的意思例如:The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.所产生的盐水将被排入大海。We have to discharge ourselves of our duties.我们必须尽我们的职责。影视口语阿甘正传第20期:阿甘回家后很多人找他做乒乓器材代言英语台词节选:And just like that,就这样my service in the United States Army was over.我在合众国军队的生活结束了So I went home.所以我回家Im hom

15、e, Mama.我回家了,妈妈I know. I know .我知道,我知道Louise, hes here .露西,他来了Now, when I got home, I had no idea,当我回家时,我不知道做什么but Mama had all sorts of visitors.但妈妈有很多访客Weve had all sorts of visitors .我们有客人来访Everybody wants you to use their Ping-Pong stuff.每个人都想要你用他们的乒乓器材One man even left a check for $25,000有个人还留了

16、一张两万五的支票if youd be agree able to saying you like using their paddle.希望你能说:你爱用他们的球拍I only like using my own paddle.我只爱用我自己的球拍Hi, Miss Louise.嗨,露西小姐Hey, Forrest.嘿,福雷斯I know that, but its $25,000, Forrest.我知道,可那是两万五啊,福雷斯I thought maybe you could hold it for a while,我想也许你可以试用一段时间see if it grows on you.看

17、看顺不顺手That Mama, she sure was right.妈妈的确说得对Its funny how things work out.事情总是出乎意料英语学习笔记精讲:1.grow on:引起的喜爱例如:Slowly and strangely, the place began to grow on me.真是不可思议,我渐渐地喜欢上这个地方了。I saw a strange expression grow on Dads face.我看到爸爸脸上露出一种奇怪的表情。2.work out:解决例如:It took me some time to work out what was c

18、ausing this.我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因。work out还有发生,计算出的意思例如:Things just didnt work out as planned.事情根本没有按计划进行。It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms assets.清算破产公司的资产值其实很困难。影视口语阿甘正传第21期:阿甘给菲利奥莱乒乓球拍做广告英语台词节选:Are you crazy or just plain stupid?你是疯子还是傻瓜?Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs. Blue.做傻事的

19、才是傻瓜,布鲁太太I guess.我想也是And, of course,当然I paid my respect to Bubba himself.我也去看望了布巴本人Hey, Bubba. Its me, Forrest Gump.嘿,布巴,是我,福雷斯甘I remember everything you said,我记得你说过的话and I got it all figured out.我已经安排好了Im taking $24,562.47我带来两万四千五百六十二块四毛七分that I got, thats left这是我所有的钱after a new hair cut and a new

20、suit其它钱用来理发和买新衣服and took Mama out to a real fancy dinner,还有带妈妈上街吃了一顿好饭and I bought a bus ticket, then three Dr. Peppers.还买了车票,还买了三瓶汽水Tell me something.告诉我Are you stupid or something?你是傻瓜吗?Stupid is as stupid does, sir.做傻事的才是傻瓜,先生Thats whats left after me saying,我拿到这些钱是因为我说:When I was in China on the

21、 all-America Ping-Pong team,“我和全美乒乓球队在中国时,I just loved playing Ping-Pong“我最喜欢打乒乓球with my Flex-O-Lite Ping-Pong paddle,“用我的菲利奥莱乒乓球拍”which everybody knows isnt true,谁都知道这不是真话but Mama said it was just a little white lie,但妈妈说它只是一个善意的谎话so it wasnt hurting nobody.它不会伤害任何人英语学习笔记精讲:1.plain stupid:愚不可及plain:

22、这里是副词,意思是完全地,显然。例如:The food was just plain terrible.这食物实在太难吃了。plain还有明显的意思例如:It was plain to him that I was having a nervous breakdown.他能明显地看出我快要精神崩溃了。影视口语精讲阿甘正传第21期:阿甘给菲利奥莱乒乓球拍做广告(MP3+lrc)英语台词节选:Are you crazy or just plain stupid?你是疯子还是傻瓜?Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs. Blue.做傻事的才是傻瓜,布鲁太太I guess.我想也

23、是And, of course,当然I paid my respect to Bubba himself.我也去看望了布巴本人Hey, Bubba. Its me, Forrest Gump.嘿,布巴,是我,福雷斯甘I remember everything you said,我记得你说过的话and I got it all figured out.我已经安排好了Im taking $24,562.47我带来两万四千五百六十二块四毛七分that I got, thats left这是我所有的钱after a new hair cut and a new suit其它钱用来理发和买新衣服and

24、took Mama out to a real fancy dinner,还有带妈妈上街吃了一顿好饭and I bought a bus ticket, then three Dr. Peppers.还买了车票,还买了三瓶汽水Tell me something.告诉我Are you stupid or something?你是傻瓜吗?Stupid is as stupid does, sir.做傻事的才是傻瓜,先生Thats whats left after me saying,我拿到这些钱是因为我说:When I was in China on the all-America Ping-Po

25、ng team,“我和全美乒乓球队在中国时,I just loved playing Ping-Pong“我最喜欢打乒乓球with my Flex-O-Lite Ping-Pong paddle,“用我的菲利奥莱乒乓球拍”which everybody knows isnt true,谁都知道这不是真话but Mama said it was just a little white lie,但妈妈说它只是一个善意的谎话so it wasnt hurting nobody.它不会伤害任何人英语学习笔记精讲:1.plain stupid:愚不可及plain:这里是副词,意思是完全地,显然。例如:T

26、he food was just plain terrible.这食物实在太难吃了。plain还有明显的意思例如:It was plain to him that I was having a nervous breakdown.他能明显地看出我快要精神崩溃了。2.figure out:弄明白,计算例如:I cant figure out what he was hinting at.我想不出他在暗示什么。Please figure out the total cost. 请算出总费用。2.figure out:弄明白,计算例如:I cant figure out what he was hinting at.我想不出他在暗示什么。Please figure out the total cost. 请算出总费用。影视口语阿甘正传第17-21期


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