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1、Unit4 Seasons Reading,Unit4 Seasons,接龙,幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。,每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。,接龙幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。,picnic,shine,trip,spend,footprint,kick,everything,wet,snowy,brightly,during,blow,grandparent,relative,town,Australia,dry,picnicshinetripspendfootprintk,We

2、ather Report,Weather Report,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,What do they mean?,sunny cloudy windyrainysnowyWh,Weather Report,Its sunny.,Hows the weather in Beijing?,Its sunny.,Weather ReportIts sunny.Hows,Its rainy.,Hows the weather in Changsha?,Weather Report,Its rainy.Hows the weather i,Its cloudy.

3、,Hows the weather in Guangzhou?,Weather Report,Its cloudy.Hows the weather,Its snowy.,Hows the weather in Harbin?,Weather Report,Its snowy.Hows the weather i,Its windy.,Hows the weather in Shanghai?,Weather Report,Its windy.Hows the weather i,spring,autumn,winter, How many seasons are there in a yea

4、r?, There are four seasons., What are they?, Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.,summer,springautumnwinter How many s,Which season do you like best? Why?,Which season dont you like? Why not?,I like best because .,I dont likebecause .,Free talk,Which season do you like best?,What do you do in s

5、pring?,plant flowers,fly kites,plant trees,take a trip,What do you do in spring?plant,What do you do in summer?,eat ice cream,go swimming,What do you do in summer? eat,eat apples/ fruits,What do you do in autumn?,see red leaves,go on a picnic,eat apples/ fruitsWhat do you,What do you do in winter?,p

6、lay with snow,make snowmen,go skating,What do you do in winter? play,Read aloud,The four seasons,Spring In spring, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows gently. It often rains. Plants start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exciting to take a trip in spring.,Summer The weather is hot i

7、n summer. The Sun shines brightly. Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea. It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.,Autumn In autumn, everything changes. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year becau

8、se the weather is cool and dry.,Winter Winter is often cold and snowy. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen. People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.,Read aloudThe four seasonsSpri,Use one or two words to answ

9、er the questions.,What is the weather like in the four seasons?,Spring is _,Summer is _,Winter is _ _,Autumn is _,warm,hot,cool and dry,cold and snowy,Use one or two words to answer,What do people like doing in spring? What do people usually do in summer? 3 What do people like doing in autumn? What

10、do children like about winter?,People usually swim in summer.,People like taking a trip in spring.,Children like playing in the snow in winter.,fast reading,4,What do people like doing in s,Reading comprehension,In spring, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows gently. It often rains. Plants

11、 start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exciting to take a trip in spring.,warm,wind blows gentlyrainsplants grow,take a trip,Weather,Changes,Activities,Reading comprehensionIn spr,The weather is hot in summer. The Sun shines brightly . Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea.

12、It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.,hot,the Sun shines brightly,go to the beachswim in the seaeaticecream,The weather is hot in summer.,In autumn, everything changes. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year beca

13、use the weather is cool and dry.,cool and dry,leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees,go on a picnic,In autumn, everything changes.,Winter is often cold and snowy. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen. People usually

14、spend time with their relatives during the SpringFestival.,cold and snowy,snow,play in the snowmake snowmenspend time with relatives during the Spring Festival,Winter is often cold and snowy,5,Reading comprehension,Read the first paragraph of the article and fill in the table below.,Spring In spring

15、, the weather starts to get warm. The wind blows gently. It often rains. Plants start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exciting to take a trip in spring.,get warm,take a trip,Weather,Activities,It starts to (1)_.It often (2)_.,rains,It is exciting to (3)_.,5Reading comprehensionRead the,Summer

16、 The weather is hot in summer. The Sun shines brightly . Many people like to go to the beach and swim in the sea. It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.,Read the second paragraph and fill in the table below.,hot,It is (4)_ and the Sun (5)_,go to the beachswim in the sea,shines brightly,Peop

17、le like to (6)_ and _,Summer SeasonWeatherActivities,Autumn In autumn, everything changes. Leaves turn brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry .,cool and dry,go on a picnic,It is (8)_.,It is nice to

18、(9)_.,Autumn SeasonWeatherActivities,Winter Winter is often cold and snowy. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen . People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.,cold and snowy,play in the snow,It is often (10)_.,Ch

19、ildren love to (11) _.,Winter SeasonWeatherActivities,Complete the table below.,get warm,rains,take a trip,hot,shines brightly,go to the beach,swim in the sea,cool and dry,go on a picnic,cold and snowy,play in the snow,Complete the table below.Weath,Tell our foreign teacher the seasons in China,Tell

20、 our foreign teacher the s,wind,rain,grow,green,take a trip,warm,wind rain green take a,hot,shine,people,go to the beach,swim,eat,hotshine peoplego to the beach,turn,start,go on a picnic,cool and dry,change,turnstartgo on a picnic cool a,cold and snowy,children,people,play in the snow,make snowmen,spend,cold and snowychildrenpeoplepl,1. 完成P46 C1 C22.找出Reading中重要短语,划出并抄写在练习本上3. 跟读Reading录音5遍,注意模仿语音语调4.同桌之间相互复述Reading,每段至少四句话。,Homework,1. 完成P46 C1 C2Homework,广东省某中学七年级英语上册Unit4SeasonsRe,


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