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1、Unit 8,Applying For A Job,Section I Talking Face to Face,Advertisement 1,Job:,full-time sales in clothing department,Requirement / Qualification:,1),2),3),no sales experience,neat in appearance,strong people skills,Benefit:,a great start for a new job in sales,Advertisement 2,Job:,Duties:,1),2),Requ

2、irement / Qualification:,1),2),Production Technologist / Draftsperson,Graduate of a Mechanical Engineering degree or diploma course, or a Drafting course with emphasis on Mechanical Drafting.,Experience with agricultural equipment,Investigate & recommend improvements to the product lines,Be responsi

3、ble for detailed product design of the machines,Dialogue 1 Having a Job Interview,apply: (v.) 申请 apply to sb./sth. for sth.position: (n.)职位course: (n.)课程major in: 专业salesman: (n.)推销员,售货员,Dialogue 2 Applying for a Job,diploma: 毕业文凭eg: a High School diplomaqualification: 资格,资历be qualified to do sth. 有

4、资格做某事hear from sb. 收到某人的来信,收到某人的消息,Put in Use,2.1) When I saw the position your company advertised in China Daily, I decided to have a try.2) I think Id like to do something different.3) Yes, I talked about it with him.4) Well, I would need two weeks.5) No, not at the moment.6) Thank you. I apprecia

5、te the time you have given me.,3.1) Id like to have a full-time job, but a part-time job will also be OK to me.2) I worked as a librarian for one year.3) Whats the working time?4) May I ask about the salary?5) When shall I start to work?,Section IIIApplying for a New Boss,Outline,Para. 1Para. 2: The

6、 comparison between good teachers & good bosses.Para. 3Para. 6: Signs of wrong bosses, and examples of good bosses.Para. 7: How to find the right boss.,Words & Expressions,1. Apply,(v.) to make a formal request for sth. such as a job, a place, an university, etc. 申请Eg:He has applied to join the army

7、.,2. as long as (para.1 L3),only if; since, tothe extent that 只要;既然, 由于 Eg:Well go as long as the weather is good.(=only if)You can do anything as long as you like.(=since),3. present (para.1 L3),(v.) give away; introduce; show; put forward for consideration 给予;介绍;展现;提出Eg: He presented her with a si

8、gned copy of his book.He had the honor of being presented to the president.,4. tumbrel (para.1 L4),(n.) an open vehicle used for taking people to their deaths during the French Revolution (法国大革命时期押送囚犯去断头台的) 死囚车,And going back further, I can still recall things about the stars that I should have long

9、 ago forgotten if not for my second-grade teacher, Miss Scorchiotti. (para.1)再早些,我仍然记得有关星体的知识,若不是由于我二年级的老师斯高琪奥蒂小姐,我早就把这些忘光了。,5. recall (para.1),(v.) remember; call back sth.; send for or take back. 记得;想起;召回;取回Eg:I recalled that my luggage had been taken away.The government recalled the general after

10、 he lost the battle.,6. perform (para.1),(v.) carry out; act or show in a play; function 表演;表现Eg:He performed a dance for them on stage.Our team performed very well in the match yesterday.,7. convince (para.2),(v.) cause sb. to believe or feel certain; persuade 说服;使信服;劝说Eg:We convinced Anne to go by

11、 train rather than by plane.,8. matter (para.2),(v.) to be important or have an important effect on sb./sth.要紧, 有关系,有重要性 matter to sb.It does not matter at all.,9. willing (para.2),(adj.) be ready or pleased (of doing sth.) 乐意;愿意(做某事)sb. be willing to do sth.They are willing to work overtime.,10. as

12、sume (para.2),(v.) suppose; begin to use; take upon oneself; pretend to be 假定;采用;承担;假装Eg:Assuming it rains tomorrow, what shall we do?She assumes a well-informed manner but in fact knows very little.,11. bound (para.3),(adj.) certain; having a firm intention; have a duty to obey; intend to travel to

13、 一定的;决意的;有义务的;驶往(某地)的Eg:You are bound to succeed.He is bound to go, and nothing can stop him.The ship is bound for New York.,12. promote (para.4),(v.) advance in position or rank; bring goods to public notice or increase sales; help in the growth 提升;推销产品;促进Eg:The company could do more to promote its

14、 production growth.He was promoted to General Manager.Milk promotes health.,Is short of a sense of humor (para.4)1) be short of sth.: lack of sth.; not having enough of sth.缺少,不足eg:Im afraid Im a little short of money this month.2) a sense of sth.: have an understanding of sth. ; have an ability to

15、judge sth.对某事的感觉、判断eg:a sense of humor (the ability to make people laugh )He has a good sense of direction.,13. lighten up (para.4),(spoken) being relax, becoming less serious or worried about sth. 放轻松,别担忧eg:She is always trying to get her husband to lighten up.,14. ruffle (para.5),(v.) to offend or

16、 upset sb. slightly 使某人有点不高兴ruffle sb.s feathers: upset or annoy sb. slightly使某人微微不高兴,惹恼某人,She ruffled feathers around the company but was eager to let me in on what she thought and why. (para.5)她对公司上下指指点点,但却愿意让我们了解她的想法和做事原因。ruffle feathers:become annoyedeg: Dont get your feathers ruffled about it,

17、youre not the boss here. let sb. in on sth.: to allow sb. to share sth. secretly together,15. exhausting (para.6),(adj.)being extremely tired 使人精疲力竭的 eg:What an exhausting day!,16. straightforward (para.6),(adj.) honest about your feelings or opinions and not hiding anything 诚实的,坦率的,老实的,Be yourself

18、with them and see / if the self they are with you / is someone you want to learn from / for a couple of years. (para.7) 要与他们自然相处,看一看与你相处的人是否是你这两三年来想要从他身上学到东西的人。,17. dull (para.7),boring, not interesting or exiting 乏味,无聊 as dull as ditchwater (BrE. informal) = very boring,18. dogmatic (para.7),having

19、 ideas that you are completely certain about and want others to accept without disagreement自以为是的,固执己见的eg:Her staff find her bossy and dogmatic. 她的员工发现她是个喜欢发号施令并且自以为是的人,Exercise,Read and Think,1. He advised him to choose great professors rather than interesting courses.2. A good boss knows how to tea

20、ch.3. To look for the right boss.4. Because she could make him know her ideas and the reasons for doing things.5. Because at the same time you are also interviewing the interviewer.,Read and Complete,2.1) learning 2) matter3) willing4) suggest5) process6) teach,3.(1)a. a learning experienceb. that y

21、ou and what you are doing actually matterc. more willing to ask a question, assume responsibility, or even suggest a change in some age-old company process,3. (2)a. how to teachb. respect and learns it3. (3)a. by the same team year after yearb. a sense of humorc. typing; talking,4.,1. assumed 2. lig

22、htened uo3. recall4. are performed5. come alive,6. present7. bound for8. convince9. eager10. matters,5. Read & Translate,1. You will be full of confidence during the interview as long as you are well prepared.2. The shop promoted its customers that it will never sell fake goods, and sure enough it d

23、id so.3. Because he is working hard, he has been promoted to the position of department manager.,4. He is respected by others because he has a strong sense of justice.5. Because Uncle Tom is ill, we dont want to let him in on the news right now.6. A good boss should encourage his assistants to be ou

24、tspoken in expressing their opinions.,6. Read & Stimulate,1. It doesnt matter how bad the result is, just never lose your confidence.It doesnt matter how you tell her the news, just make her calm.,2.They made every effect to turn their small firm into a big one.Who can turn this article into English

25、?,3.His mother convinced him that the problem was very serious.What you did convinced me that you always keep your words.,4.These are dangers that threaten both men and women.The prospects both excited and worried me.,5.Go to your uncles home and see if he needs your help.Study hard and see if you can make more progress.,6.If you are interested in football, why dont you go to watch the match?If he was one of my classmates in high school, why dont I know you?,


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