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1、Revision,一、写出下列名词的复数形式。,1.this(这) these(这些)3.am are (是) 5.sheep sheep (绵羊)7.tomato tomatoes(西红柿)9.bus buses (公交车)11.watch watches (手表)13.I (我) we(我们)15.he/she/it they(他们)17.hippo hippos(河马)19.giraffe giraffes(长颈鹿)21.monkey monkeys(猴子),2.that(那) those(那些)4.is are (是)6.potato potatoes (土豆)8.mango mang

2、oes (芒果)10.box boxes (盒子)12.class classes (课)14.you (你) you(你们)16.child (小孩) children孩子们18.horse horses(马)20.cow cows(母牛,奶牛)22.camel camels(骆驼),二、常见不可数名词。,1.液体类:water水,juice果汁,milk牛奶,tea茶,coffee咖啡2.三种肉:pork猪肉,beef牛肉,chicken鸡肉3.两种主食:bread面包,rice米饭 注意:noodles面条,常用复数形式。,三、There be句型,某地有某物,1.There is a/

3、an +单数名词.eg:There is a new fridge in the kitchen.厨房有一台新冰箱。 There is an English book on the desk.课桌上有一本英语书。2.There is +不可数名词. eg:There is some bread on the table.桌上有一些面包。3.There are +可数名词复数.eg:There are four armchairs in the living room.客厅有四把扶手椅。就近原则:be动词和紧挨着它的名词的数保持一致。eg: There is a teacher and many

4、 students in our classroom. There are many students and a teacher in our classroom. There is some bread and some sausages on the table. There are some sausages and some breadon the table.,四、have、has某人有某物,口诀:I have, we have, have, have, have;我有,我们有,有有有 you have,they have, have, have, have;你有,你们有,他们有

5、he has, she has, it has, has, has ,has.男他有,女她有,动物它有常考:I have an art lesson this Sunday. He has two big eyes.We have one hundred pencils. Kate has a small nose.How many pens do you have? It has a long neck.They have ninety bags.The giraffe has a long neck and long legs.The giraffes have long necks an

6、d long legs.Ducks have short legs.,五、a/an的用法,eg: a storybook -an English storybook a boy-an English boy本学期常出现的用an的名词:an art lesson/teacher,an English teacher/lesson,an armchair.以往学习过的用an的名词4食物:an orange,an apple,an egg,an ice cream3文具:an eraser,an English book,an exerise book2动物:an elephant, an owl,

7、六句型转换,(一)含有be动词的句子: 原句 一般疑问句 肯/否回答 否定句1.She is a girl. Is she a girl? Yes,she is./No,she isnt. She is not a girl. =She isnt a girl.2.They are students. Are they students? Yes,they are./No,they arent. They are not students.They arent stdents.3.I am a teacher. Are you a teacher? Yes, I am./No,I am not

8、. I am not a teacher.练习:把下面句子分别变成一般疑问句,肯定否定回答,以及变成否定句。1.She is a teacher. 5. Li Yans mother is a nurse.2.It is a cat. 6. Li Yans father is a policeman.3.We are students.4.I am a teacher.,(二)不含be动词的句子(看动词): (1)They like playing football. (2)He likes reading.一般疑问句:Do they like playing football? Does h

9、e like reading?肯/否回答Yes,they do./No,they dont. Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.否定句: They dont like playing football. He doesnt like reading.练习:1.She likes apples. 2. We like going shopping.3. I like going swimming. 4. Tom goes to school by bike.,七、易错知识点,1.like 喜欢 喜欢食物、饮品、蔬菜、水果,注意:可数名词用复数,不可数的不用变 eg: I lik

10、e hamburgers. I like juice. I like potatoes. Do you like tomatoes? Do you like bread? 喜欢某学科,直接加学科名称。 eg:I like English. I like art best. Do you like music? Do you like sports? 经常喜欢做某事。like+doing eg:I like singing. I dont like shopping. Do you like swimming? 常考动词ing形式的 like 同义词:enjoy(喜爱) 同义短语,了解一下:be

11、 interseted in(对感兴趣), be good at(擅长),2. would like 想要(注意和like区分,看有没有would)would like +某物 (常见缩写形式Id like) eg:-What would you like?你想要什么? -Id like some bread and a sausages.我想要一些面包和一根香肠。 -Would you like some pork?你想要一些猪肉吗? -Thank you.谢谢。Yes, please.是的,请来一些。 /No,thanks.不谢谢。would like +to do 想要去做某事eg:-W

12、ould you like to go swimming with me?你想和我去游泳吗? -Sorry, I cant go with you.抱歉,我不能和你一起去。3.want 想要(would like的同义词,用法和would like相同) 常考:want to do eg: I want to go to the theme park. 我想去游乐园。 We want to go to a farm.我们想去农场。,4.易混句型。-What do you usually do on weekends?周末你们通常做什么? -I usually go to see my gran

13、dpa and grandma on Sundays. 我周日通常去看望我的爷爷奶奶。-What will you do this weekend?这周末你将做什么? -Ill go shopping.我将去购物。 注意看时间,是将来还是通常 will 将,将要。表将来时,will后加动词原形。-What will you do this Sunday?这周日你将做什么?-What shall we do this Sunday?这周日我们将做什么?-Where shall we go? 我们将去哪儿? -We want to go to the zoo.我们想去动物园。 注:有do 找wha

14、t, 做什么;有go找where,去哪儿,5.-Whats this in English?用英文说这是什么?(单数,近处) -Its a/an +可数名词单数.Its +不可数名词. eg:Its a seal. Its bread. -What are these in English?用英文说这些是什么?(复数,近处) -They/These are +可数名词复数. eg:They are sheep.(sheep单复数同形)他们是绵羊。 They are hippos.他们是河马。 -Whats that in English?用英文说那是什么?(单数,远处) -Its a/an +

15、可数名词单数.Its +不可数名词. eg:Its a seal. Its bread. -What are those in English?用英文说那些是什么?(复数,远处) -They/Those are +可数名词复数. eg:They are sheep.(sheep单复数同形)他们是绵羊。 They are hippos.他们是河马。,6.常考易错关于星期的重点句型。涉及很多题型,选择、听力、填空、答语、连词组句等-How many days are there in a week?-There are seven days in a week.-What are they?-Th

16、ey are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.(注意按周日到周六的顺序写,必须会拼写!)-Whats the first day of the week?-Its Sunday. -Whats the last day of the week?-Its Saturday.(见到first找Sunday,见到last找Saturday)-When do you have PE lessons? -We have PE lessons on Tuesday./On Tuesday.(见到When什么时

17、候,直接找on加时间。),7.for 和with 常考用法。for为某人 eg:The dress is for me.这件连衣裙是给我的。 What can I do for you?我能为你做些什么? 为某事 eg:We have so many things for our picnic. 我们为野餐准备了那么多东西。with和某人Eg:1.Would you like to go swimming with me?你想和我一起去游泳吗?2.I cant go with you.我不能和你一起去。3.Dont go with us.不要和我们一起去。绿色字体加粗的 注意使用宾格形式!常考

18、的:Shell buy me a new jacket.她将给我买一件新的夹克衫。 Give me a quick answer, please.请给我一个快速回答。,8.How about /What about用法How about/What about+人、物、地点等名词? 怎么样?How about you?你呢?How about the zoo and the farm?去动物园和农场怎么样?How about some pork?来些猪肉怎么样?How about +doing?How about going swimming?去游泳怎么样?How about going to the zoo?去动物园怎么样?,八、常考词组,read a book watch TV play computer games go shoppinggo swimming go fishing,go to the parkgo to the theme parkgo to the zoogo to a farmgo to see my grandmahave lunchhave a picnictake a trip,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,


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