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1、地球科学导论Introduction to Earth Science,地球科学导论Introduction to Earth S,第一讲 绪论基本问题 Essential Questions,Why we need Earth Science?What does an Earth Scientist study?How do Earth Scientists seek knowledge of the Earth?What the usage of Earth Sciences to Material ScientistsHow to study this course?,第一讲 绪论基本问

2、题 Essential Ques,Why we need Earth Science?,Why we need Earth Science?,地球科学导论(第一讲-绪论)课件,地球科学导论(第一讲-绪论)课件,2022/12/17,6,A.戈尔的全球畅销书人类文明已经具备了毁灭自己的能力 对地球生态环境最危险的威胁,也许不在于这些威胁本身而在于人类对他的认识。,2022/10/26 A.,2022/12/17,7,2022/10/27,2022/12/17,8,2022/10/28,What does an Earth Scientist study?,What does an Earth S

3、cientist,The Earth Sciences,地质学Geologythe study of the solid Earth海洋学Oceanographythe study of the Earths oceans气象学Meteorologythe study of the Earths atmosphere宇宙科学Astronomythe study of the Earths place in the universe,The Earth Sciences地质学Geologyt,2022/12/17,11,数、理、化、天、地、生六大基础自然科学,2022/10/211数、理、化、天

4、、地、生六大基础自然科学,Earths Major Spheres,The hydrosphere includes all liquid water on Earthboth saltwater and fresh water.The atmosphere consists of the gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth.Although the atmosphere extends more than 100km up, 90% is within 16km of the surface.,Earths Major SpheresThe hydr

5、o,Earths Major Spheres,The biosphere includes all life on Earth.The biosphere is concentrated in a zone that extends from the ocean floor upward several kilometers in the atmosphere.The geosphere consists of the solid parts of the planet and is not uniform.Based on differences in composition it is d

6、ivided into three main regions, the core地核, the mantle地幔, and the crust地壳.,Earths Major SpheresThe biosp,地球内部Geosphere Divisions,The dense corehas two parts; a solid inner core内核 and a liquid outer core外核.The rocky mantle is divided into an lower mantle下地幔 and upper mantle上地幔.The rock in the upper p

7、art of the upper mantle is somewhat flexible and pliableits called the asthenosphere软流圈子 (weak sphere).,地球内部Geosphere DivisionsThe de,地球科学导论(第一讲-绪论)课件,2022/12/17,16,20世纪60年代板块构造学说的出现,首先在地球科学研究领域中建立了全球观概念。,2022/10/216 20世纪60年代板块构造学说的出现,,Gravity acts as a force of erosion by causing a mass movementMas

8、s movement- a process that moves sediment down a hillThere are 4 ways a mass movement may occur,Erosion- the process that wears down and carries away rocks and soil,地球表层 Earths Surface,Gravity acts as a force of ero,2022/12/17,18,当代地球科学特点,全球性时空尺度技术革命与数字地球,2022/10/218当代地球科学特点全球性,2022/12/17,19,时空尺度的极大

9、差异性,几小时到几年时间尺度变化-大气、海洋、 生物科学研究范畴。 几十亿年至几十万年时间尺度变化-地球和生命起源、板块构造、冰期出现、海陆变迁、成矿作用等。 空间尺度也可有极大的差异-局地、区域、全球。,2022/10/219时空尺度的极大差异性 几小时,2022/12/17,20,代 纪(系) 世(统)显 第四纪 近代 更新世 晚第三纪 上新世 中新世生 早第三纪 渐新世 始新世 古新世 中 白垩纪 生 侏罗纪 代 三叠纪 古 二叠纪宙 石炭纪 生 泥盆纪 志留纪 代 奥陶纪 寒武纪前 元古代寒 太古代武 冥古代纪,地质年表要求:背诵,2022/10/220 代 纪(系) 世(,How d

10、o Earth Scientists seek knowledge?,How do Earth Scientists seek k,2022/12/17,22,研究方法:人们无法进入地心采集标本、测量温度,也无法在实验室再造地球系统的真实过程,“Present is the key of past”(现在是过去的钥匙)”成为普遍遵守的将今论古现实主义原则和方法。 Sir Charles Lyell(14 November 1797 22 February 1875) was a British lawyer and the foremost geologist of his day. He i

11、s best known as the author of Principles of Geology, which popularised James Huttons concepts of uniformitarianism the idea that the earth was shaped by the same processes still in operation today. Lyell was a close and influential friend of Charles Darwin.,2022/10/222研究方法:人们无法进入地心采集标,2. Hypothesis,

12、Once observations have been made and data gathered, Geoscientists try to work out a possible explanation called a scientific hypothesis.,地学研究的4个步骤1. Observation,Geological Survey: field work, sampling, measurments,2. HypothesisOnce observations,3. Experiments,Modern Experiments are being applied to

13、verify hypothesis. 4. TheoryThe hypothesis is elevated to a Scientific Theory once it has been well tested and accepted by the scientific community as the best explanation of observable facts.,3. Experiments Modern Experime,2022/12/17,25,技术革命与数字地球,传统地学研究方法 地质观测与调查:地质锤、罗盘、放大镜 钻探技术现代技术 新3件:GPS、笔记本电脑、相

14、机 卫星遥感实时监测 计算机与互联网技术 地球物理与地球化学(包括同位素年代学) 超深钻与深海探测技术,2022/10/225技术革命与数字地球传统地学研究方法,地球系统科学 Earth System Science,Earth system science aims to study the Earth as a system made up of numerous interacting parts, or subsystems.A system can be any size group of interacting parts that form a complex whole.,地球

15、系统科学 Earth System ScienceEar,Earth as a System,The Earth system is powered by two sources of energy:The Sun which drives external processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and at the surface.The Earths interior heatwhich drives plate tectonics.,Earth as a SystemThe Earth sys,2022/12/17,28,数字地球 (Digi

16、tal Earth),一种可以嵌入海量(百兆至千兆级)地理数据的、多分辨率的、多维地球表示,将成为管理地球的重要工具。 是一个用数字形式的关于地球的巨系统。,2022/10/228数字地球 (Digital Earth,2022/12/17,29,GPS全球卫星定位系统,精度达到米厘米级。可应用于军事上的灵敏炸弹,2022/10/229GPS全球卫星定位系统精度达到米厘米,What the usage of Earth Sciences to Material Scientists?,What the usage of Earth Scienc,1、Most materials we are

17、used is originally come from the EarthGraphite:电池阴极材料、密封材料、润滑材料Kaolinite: 陶瓷材料的基础,药用、造纸材料Quartz:单晶硅、多晶硅的原料CarbonateDiamond: 超硬切割材料Fluorite: 氟化工原材料、光学材料2、A wide spectrum of different material has been created through a variety of P-T-C conditions in the Earth, which is need to be understand by materi

18、als scientists.3、The distinguishing feature of Our specialty and most of our faculty members are focused in geomaterials.,1、Most materials we are used i,How to study this course? 认真听讲,记好笔记 参观地质博物馆、自然历史博物馆 上网查资料,尤其是英国自然历史博物馆,美国自然历史博物馆。 本课程结束后,为开卷考试。,How to study this course?,课程安排鲍征宇,绪论,地球形成、结构与演化,地质构

19、造,板块理论雷新荣,结晶学与矿物学,岩石学王永钱, 古生物与地质历史,大气圈、水圈、生物圈与土壤圈,课程安排,2022/12/17,34,思考与讨论,什麽是地球系统科学?研究范围的 时空尺度和研究方法有何特点?怎样估计人-地关系面临的现状? 举亲身经历事例,说明地球科学与 人类生活的密切关系。,2022/10/234思考与讨论什麽是地球系统科学?研究范围,参考文献新泽西城市大学(New Jersy city University)地质学课程ppt http:/web.njcu.edu/sites/faculty/dfreile/Content/geos_111.asp英国自然博物馆http:/

20、www.nhm.ac.uk/,地球的演化,化石,矿物、岩石标本Monroe J S, Wicander R, Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth, 3rd ed., Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1998刘本培、蔡运龙主编,地球科学导论。北京:高等教育出版社,2000,绪论,17。,参考文献,2022/12/17,36,2000年4月出版2001年4月2002年2月2002年7月重印定价:19.9元(文辉书店7.8折优惠)2002年10月获教育部全国优秀教材二等奖推荐使用,2022/10/2362000年4月出版2001年4月,地球科学导论(第一讲-绪论)课件,


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