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1、Module 4 Rules and suggestions,Unit 1 You must be careful of falling stones.,第一课时 Getting ready & vocabulary,Module 4 Rules and suggesti,课前导学,核心单词,1._ n.短袜 2. _ conj. 每当;无论什么时候3. _ adj.合适的;恰当的4. _ n.边;边缘5. _ pron.你自己6. _ v.挨饿;饿死7. _ n.尝试;努力,sock,whenever,proper,edge,yourself,starve,go,课前导学核心单词1._ n.

2、短袜 sockwh,8. _ n.岩;岩石9. _ n.石头10. _ adv.相当;还算11. _ adj.无困难的;顺利的;光滑的;平坦的12. _ adj.直的;笔直的,rock,stone,fairly,smooth,straight,8. _ n.岩;岩石rockstonefai,常考短语,1. _ 注意;专心2. _ 动身;出发3. _ 伤到自己4. _ 迷路5. _ 离开6. _ 独自7. _ 一些吃的东西8. _ 一口气;一下子9. _ 小心;注意;当心10. _ 带路,pay attention,set off,hurt oneself,get lost,go off,on

3、ones own,something to eat,in one go,be careful of,lead the way,常考短语1. _,典型句子,1. Before we set off, there are a few rules and suggestions for you._ 2. OK,whenever you go walking in the hills, you should always wear proper clothes._,在我们出发前,(我要)给你们提几条规则和建议。,好的,无论何时在山里徒步,你们都应该穿合适的衣服。,典型句子1. Before we se

4、t off, ther,3. Now, you mustnt walk too close to the edge of the hill path because you might fall and hurt yourselves._4. And you have to keep together so you dont get lost._ 5. Can we have something to eat now?_,现在,你们不能走得离山路的边缘太近,因为你们可能会掉下去和伤到自己。,还有你们必须集体行动,这样才不会迷路。,我们现在可以吃点东西吗?,3. Now, you mustnt

5、walk too c,要点梳理,重点词汇精析1 pay attention的用法【教材例句】OK, please pay attention for a moment! 好了,请注意一下!(教材第26页) 【用法】pay attention 意为“注意;集中注意力”,常与介词to连用,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。【举例】Pay attention when Im talking to you!我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听! I hope you will pay attention to this problem. 我希望你对此问题给予关注。 Please pay attentio

6、n to writing.请注意书写!,要点梳理重点词汇精析,【应用】 ( )1.When you visit a museum, you should _ the instructions and dont be against them.A.compare with B.look forward toC.pay attention to D.try out( )2.Students should pay attention to _ the teacher in class.A. hear B. listen toC. listening to D. hearing of,C,C,【应用】

7、 CC,2 set off的用法【教材例句】Before we set off, there are a few rules and suggestions for you. 在我们出发之前,(我要)给你们提几条规则和建议。(教材第26页)【用法】set off 意为“动身;出发”,相当于set out;后面可跟介词for或接不定式,表示“动身去某地”;也可表示“打算、准备(做某事)”,后面常接不定式。【举例】The next day Holmes set off / out for the place where the lady lived. 第二天,福尔摩斯动身前往那个女士居住的地方。

8、They set out / off to look for the lost child. 他们动身去寻找那丢失的孩子。,2 set off的用法,【拓展】“动词+off”的常见短语,【应用】 ( )When are you going to _ for Shanghai?Tomorrow morning. A. get off B. turn offC. take off D. set off,D,【拓展】“动词+off”的常见短语【应用】 D,3 情态动词must, might的用法【教材例句】Now, you mustnt walk too close to the edge of t

9、he hill path because you might fall and hurt yourselves.现在,你们不能走得离山路的边缘太近,因为你们可能会掉下去和伤到自己。(教材第26页)【用法】(1)must为情态动词,意为“必须”。其否定式为mustnt,意为“不许;禁止”,语气很强烈。must的肯定式还可表猜测,意为“一定;肯定”。(2)might为情态动词,意为“也许”。在此不是may的过去式,而是用于表猜测。通常用于表示一种没有把握的推测,此时与may无时态的区别,只有语气区别,might所表示的可能性比may小。,3 情态动词must, might的用法,【举例】You m

10、ust finish the work before I leave. 在我走之前你一定要把这项工作做完。You can look at it, but you mustnt touch it. 你可以看,但不许摸它。She must be in the library because she likes reading. 她一定在图书馆,因为她喜欢读书。It might rain this afternoon.今天下午可能会下雨。,【举例】You must finish the work b,【应用】 ( )1.All the students _ know cheating in the

11、exam is not allowed.A.need B.mayC.must D.can( )2.Where are you going this month?We _ go to Xiamen, but were not sure.A.need B.mightC.must D.can,C,B,【应用】 CB,4 go off的用法【教材例句】You mustnt go off on your own.你们不许独自离开。 (教材第26页)【用法】go off意为“离开 ”,是不及物动词短语。go off还有“爆炸;响起;变质;熄灭”的意思。【举例】The headache went off q

12、uite suddenly. 头痛突然消失了。 Hes gone off on his own.他一个人走了。【拓展】与go相关的短语,4 go off的用法,【应用】 ( )1.We have to _ home because of the bad weather.A. go back B. go byC. go away D. go off ( )2.Why did he _ in a hurry? What happened to him?A.put off B.turn off C.give off D.go off,A,D,【应用】 AD,易混词 (组) 辨析on ones own

13、与of ones own的区别【教材例句】 You mustnt go off on your own.你们不许独自离开。(教材第26页)【要点思维导图】,易混词 (组) 辨析,【举例】I finished it on my own / alone / by myself. 我独自完成了此事。They have a car of their own. = They have their own car. 他们自己有车。【应用】 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1. 我想拥有属于我自己的房子。I want to have a house _ _ _. 2. 他独自一个人做了这件事。He did i

14、t _ _ _.,of,my,own,on,his,own,【举例】I finished it on my own /,常用句型精讲“whenever引导的让步状语从句”的用法【教材例句】OK, whenever you go walking in the hills, you should always wear proper clothes.好的,无论何时在山里徒步,你们都应该穿合适的衣服。(教材第26页)【用法】whenever为连词,意为“每当;无论什么时候”,引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter when / every time。【举例】Whenever you come,

15、youre welcome. = No matter when you come, youre welcome. = Every time you come, youre welcome.无论你什么时候来都受欢迎。,常用句型精讲,【拓展】 no matter还可以与特殊疑问词构成以下短语: 【应用】 ( )Tourists can choose to visit Kunming _ they like spring, summer, autumn or winter.A.whoever B.whatever C.whenever D.wherever,C,【拓展】 no matter还可以与特

16、殊疑问词构成以下短语:,课堂练习,一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词1.Boys and girls, please listen up. There are a few r_ and suggestions.2.Mum, is our lunch ready now? Im s_.3.The factory is situated on the e_ of the town.4.The thing goes on more _(顺利地) than expected. 5.He drew a _(直的) line on the paper.,ules,tarving,dge,smoothl

17、y,straight,课堂练习一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词ulestar,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.他穿上短袜,急急忙忙地离开了。He put on his _ and _ _ in a hurry.2.你被允许独自开车。You are allowed to drive a car _ _ _.3.如果你有电子邮件要写,就一口气全部写了。If you have emails to write,do them all _ _ _.,socks,went,off,on,your,own,in,one,go,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词sockswentoffo,4.我来

18、带路,你们就跟着。Ill _ _ _.You just follow.5.请注意!这里好像有一块相当大的石头。Please _ _!There seems to be a fairly big stone.三、单项填空( )1. Shall we take a car? No,we _.Its only five minutes walk.A.cant B.mustntC.neednt D.couldnt,lead,the,way,pay,attention,C,4.我来带路,你们就跟着。leadthewaypayatte,( )2. Must we finish the work today

19、?_.We have something else to do tomorrow.A.Yes,we can B.No,we cantC.Yes,we must D.No,we neednt( )3. The group of boys and girls _ to study in college this morning, full of nice dreams.I believe their dreams can come true one day.A.set off B.fell off C.put off D.kept off,C,A,( )2. Must we finish the,

20、( )4. What a good _ youve given me!Thanks a lot.My pleasure.A.information B.newsC.suggestion D.advice( )5. Would you mind not throwing waste here?_. A. Sorry, I wont do it again B. Sure, Id love toC. Yes, of courseD. No, thanks,C,A,( )4. What a good _ y,第二课时 Listening & speaking,第二课时 Listening & spe

21、aking,课堂练习,一、听对话听教材P26 Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,回答第13小题。( )1. Who is giving the students rules and suggestions?A. Daming. B. Mr Jackson. C. Betty.( )2. Will the students walk on the edge of the hill path?A. Yes, they will. B. No, they wont. C. Not mentioned.( )3. Who is feeling very hungry?A.

22、 Daming. B. Betty. C. Everyone.,B,B,A,课堂练习一、听对话BBA,二、听填信息听教材P26 Activity 3 Listen and read的对话录音,完成下列信息表。,thick socks,the edge of,Go off,noon,Mr Jackson,二、听填信息thick socksthe edge ofGo,三、朗读单词和词组5遍,然后翻译成汉语1. whenever _2. starving _ 3. fairly _4. smooth _ 5. set off _6. the edge of_ 7. go off_ 8. on ones own_ 9. in one go_10. go rock climbing _,每当;无论什么时候,挨饿的,相当;还算,无困难的;顺利的;光滑的;平坦的,动身;出发,的边缘,离开,独自,一口气;一下子,去攀岩,三、朗读单词和词组5遍,然后翻译成汉语每当;无论什么时候挨饿,


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