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1、Module 2 Education,Unit 2 What do I like best about school?,Module 2 EducationUnit 2,课前导学,核心单词,1. _ v. 及格;通过(考试或检查)2. _ adj. (教育)中等的;次要的;间接的3. _ adj. 缺席的;不在的4. _ n. 钟;铃,pass,secondary,absent,bell,课前导学核心单词1. _ v. 及,常考短语,1. _ 考试及格2. _ 中学3. _ 出席4. _ 缺席5. _ 另外两(个 / 节 / 张 / 片)6._ 代替;而不是7. _ 运动日8._ 每学期一次9

2、. _ 家长会10._ 首要的是;最重要的是,pass the / ones exam(s),secondary school,be present,be absent,two more,instead of,sports day,once a term,parents meeting,above all,常考短语1. _,典型句子,1.Ive been at River School, London, since I was eleven. _ 2.If I pass my exams next year, Ill stay here until Im eighteen._ 3.In the

3、 afternoon, we have two more lessons before school finishes._,我从十一岁起,就在伦敦的里弗学校上学。,如果明年我通过考试,我会在这里学习到18岁。,在下午放学前,我们还有两节课。,典型句子1.Ive been at River Schoo,4.Some people learn German instead of French. _5.Once a term, there is a parents meeting, so our parents and teachers can talk about our progress._,有

4、些人不学法语,而是学德语。,每学期要召开一次家长会,以便于我们的家长和老师可以谈论一下我们的进步情况。,4.Some people learn German ins,要点梳理,重点词汇精析1 if的用法;pass的用法【教材例句】If I pass my exams next year, Ill stay here until Im eighteen. 如果明年我通过考试,我会在这里学习到18岁。(教材第12页)【用法1】if在本句中引导条件状语从句,意为“假如;如果”;若主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来,可简记作“主将从现”。,要点梳理重点词汇精析,【拓展】【举例】Well go

5、 to the zoo if it is fine this afternoon.如果今天下午天晴,我们会去动物园。If you go to the party, you will have a great time. 如果你去参加聚会,你会玩得很开心。I dont know if / whether he will come to my birthday party. 我不知道他是否会来参加我的生日聚会。,【拓展】,【用法2】 pass在这里作动词,意思是“及格;通过(考试或检查)”,其反义词为fail。pass还可表示“经过; (时间)推移, 流逝; 传递 ”。【举例】I hope I w

6、ill pass all the exams. 我希望通过所有考试。I passed the store on my way to the library. 我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。 Two weeks has passed since the new term began. 开学已有两个星期了。 Pass the salt to me, please. 请把盐递给我。,【用法2】 pass在这里作动词,意思是“及格;通过(考试或,【应用】( )1. Well go for a picnic if it _ this Sunday.Wish you a lovely weekend.

7、A. rain B. doesnt rainC. wont rain D. isnt rain( )2.Who knows if Danny _?Nobody does. But I think if he _, he will come.A.will come; is free B.will come; will be freeC.comes; is free D.comes; will be free( )3.Can you _ the books to me, dear?A.order B.pass C.past D.produce,B,A,B,【应用】BAB,2 present和abs

8、ent的用法【教材例句】Before class, our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. 上课前,我们的老师会检查我们的出勤情况。(教材第12页)【用法】present在这里作形容词, 意为“出席的; 在场的”,此时它的反义词是absent。present还可作名词,意思是“礼物”;另外,present也可作动词, 意为“提出;赠送;颁发”。absent在这里作形容词, 意为“缺席的;不在的”。absent后常接介词from,构成短语be absent from,意为 “缺席”。,2 present和absent的用法,【

9、举例】How many people were present at the meeting? 有多少人出席了这次会议? This book was a present from my brother. 这本书是我哥哥送我的礼物。 He presented her with a bunch of flowers. 他送给她一束花。 Some students were absent from class. 一些学生没有来上课。,【举例】How many people were prese,【应用】 用absent或present的适当形式填空1.Today he didnt come to s

10、chool again. He has been _ from classes for a week.2.How many _ have you got at the birthday party?,absent,presents,【应用】 用absent或present的适当形式填空abs,3 “数词+more+名词复数”的用法【教材例句】In the afternoon, we have two more lessons before school finishes. 在下午放学前,我们还有两节课。(教材第12页)【用法】two more lessons表示“再上两节课”。数词+more+

11、名词复数 = another+数词+名词复数,意为“再多;还有”。【举例】There will be two more / another two pandas in the zoo. 动物园里将会再多两只熊猫。After reading books, I have 30 more / another 30 new words to write every evening. 每天晚上我读过书以后,还要写30个新单词。,3 “数词+more+名词复数”的用法,【应用】 ( )If you prefer the red dress, youll have to pay _ 30 dollars,

12、because its made of silk.OK. Here you are.A. other B. the otherC. more D. another,D,【应用】D,易混词 (组) 辨析1 since与for的区别【教材例句】 Ive been at River School, London, since I was eleven. 我从十一岁起,就在伦敦的里弗学校上学。(教材第12页)【用法】since在这里作连词,意为“自从以来”,引导一个时间状语从句;主句用现在完成时,since引导的时间状语从句通常用一般过去时,表示从过去的某个时间点开始。for作介词,后面接时间段,fo

13、r+时间段 = since+时间段+ ago。,易混词 (组) 辨析,【要点思维导图】,【要点思维导图】,【举例】I havent heard from her since 1998. 我自从1998年起就没有收到她的来信了。I havent heard from her since ten years ago. 我从十年前至今都没有收到她的来信。He has lived here since he came here. 自从他来到这里,他就一直住在这儿。I havent heard from her for ten years. 我已经有十年没有收到她的来信了。,【举例】,【应用】( )1.

14、 I _ Mr Smith since he moved to Shanghai.A. didnt hear from B. dont hear fromC. wont hear from D. havent heard from( )2.She_ her hometown for many years. No one nearly knows her.A. has been away fromB. has leftC. had leftD.had been away from,D,A,【应用】DA,2 instead与instead of的区别【教材例句】 Some people learn

15、 German instead of French. 有些人不学法语,而是学德语。(教材第12页)【要点思维导图】,2 instead与instead of的区别,【举例】Well have to ask Zhang Li instead. 我们将得请张力来代替。I didnt have a pen, so I used a pencil instead.我没有钢笔,因此就用铅笔代替了。I came instead of my brother. 我替我哥哥来了。They chose her instead of me. 他们选了她而不是我。She went to school instead

16、of staying at home. 她没有待在家里,而是上学去了。【应用】 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词我更愿意待在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友去闲逛。_ _ _ out with friends, I prefer to watch TV at home.,Instead,of,hanging,【举例】Well have to ask Zhang Li,3 such as与for example的区别【教材例句】 After-school activities, such as sports clubs and language societies, are popular too. 像体

17、育俱乐部和语言社团这样的课后活动也很受欢迎。(教材第12页)【要点思维导图】,3 such as与for example的区别,【举例】Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish 部分欧洲的语言,例如法语、意大利语、西班牙语,都是源于拉丁语。He likes many kinds of sports, such as playing football, swimming and jogging.他喜欢很多种运动,比如说踢足球、游泳、慢跑。Noise,for example

18、,is a kind of pollution as well. 噪音,打个比方,也是一种污染。【应用】 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词有些运动很危险,比如说攀爬和滑雪。Some sports are very dangerous,_ _ climbing and skiing.,such,as,【举例】Some of the European langu,常用句型精讲“where引导的定语从句”的用法【教材例句】We have a large sports ground for football and tennis, where we can play both during and af

19、ter school hours. 我们有一个能踢足球、打网球的大型运动场,在上学期间和放学后我们都可以在那里玩。(教材第12页)【用法】where引导的定语从句修饰先行词ground。关系副词where在从句中作地点状语,不可以省略。【举例】This is the hospital where you were born. 这就是你出生的那家医院。,常用句型精讲,【应用】 ( )1.He is unlikely to fund the school _ he taught 50 years ago.A. where B.when C.how D.why( )2. There will be

20、a flower show in the park _ we played last week.A. who B. whenC. what D. where,A,D,【应用】AD,课堂练习,一、根据句意及中文提示完成单词 1.Work hard and youll _ (通过) the exam. 2.No one was _ (缺席的;不在的) this morning. 3.John is a _ (中等的) school student. 4.There goes the _ (铃).Hurry up! 5. If it rains tomorrow, we will have to p

21、ut off the _ (参观) to the Summer Palace.,pass,absent,secondary,bell,visit,课堂练习一、根据句意及中文提示完成单词 passabsent,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.幸运的是,这个生病的女孩得到了很多好心人的帮助。It _ _ _ the sick girl has got help from many kind people. 2.她将在家里做作业,而不是看电视。She will do homework at home _ _ watching TV. 3.在暑假期间,我邀请了一群同学去远足旅行。I invit

22、ed _ _ _ my classmates to go hiking during the summer holiday.,is,lucky,that,instead,of,a,group,of,二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 isluckythati,4.他强壮、勇敢,最重要的是他诚实。He is strong, brave, and _ _, honest. 5.我最喜欢的电影明星成龙将出席这个晚会。My favorite film star, Jackie Chan, will _ _ at the evening party.,above,all,be,present,4.他强壮

23、、勇敢,最重要的是他诚实。aboveallbepr,三、单项填空( )1.We should save money by cooking our own meals _ eating outside. A.as for B.thanks toC.instead of D.such as( )2.Will you take the green skirt?Yes. And I will spend 50 _ yuan on the red one. A.more B.another C.much D.little,C,A,三、单项填空CA,( )3.What is your unforgetta

24、ble memory in your school life?Lots of memories are left in my head. Teachers, classmates, hard work, and _, friendship stay in mind. A.in all B.first of allC.after all D.above all( )4.Last Saturday I looked after my little sister at home _ twelve oclock. A.if B.unless C.until D.when,D,C,( )3.What i

25、s your unfor,( )5._ will the rain last? I have no idea. There are still some clouds in the sky.A.How soon B.How farC.How long D.How often,C,( )5._ will the rai,四、课文语篇短文填空 Susie Thompson has been at River School in London since she was eleven. If she 1. _ the exam next year, shell stay there until sh

26、es eighteen. From Susies home to River School, its about twenty 2. _ bike ride. When Susie was a pupil, she was in another school. She started her primary school at 3. _ age of five and she stayed there for six years.,passes,minutes,the,四、课文语篇短文填空passesminutesthe,Susies school day lasts from 8:45 am

27、 to 3:15 pm. Her teacher checks which pupils are present or 4. _ before class. And then there is a short school meeting. Lessons begin at 9:05 and each 5. _ for one hour. Lunch lasts for an hour as well. As for afternoon classes, they have two 6. _ before school finishes. Susie learns ten subjects t

28、his year, a foreign language is one of them. Some students in Susies school choose German instead of French. 7. _, they dont have exams in every subject.,absent,lasts,more,Luckily,Susies school day las,Theres a large sports ground in Susies school where they can play both during and after school hou

29、rs. Its for football and tennis. There are also after-school activities which are popular. As for outside activities, they have many, such 8. _ climbing and walking in the country. And once a term, they have a parents 9. _, in which parents and teachers can talk about the kids progress. Susie likes many things in her school, and 10. _ all, she likes her friends!,as,meeting,above,Theres a large sports,


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