1、BEC中级阅读理解材料一 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了BEC中级阅读理解材料,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。BEC中级阅读理解材料:中国货币政策中国货币政策从“稳健”转为“从紧”中国政府宣布,已将货币政策由“稳健”调整为“从紧”。这再度表明,政府担心目前两位数的经济增长会进一步加速。China has announced it has shifted its monetary policy stance from “prudent” to “tightening” in another sign that Beijing is concerned about the
2、acceleration of an economy already growing at double-digit rates.本周在北京召开的中央经济工作会议正式作出了这一决定。它表明,中央政府越来越担心,在建筑业热潮升温的背景下,作为经济增长的主要推动力,投资也在再度升温。The decision, formally taken at an annual economic conference in Beijing this week, signals growing concern that investment, the prime driver of growth, is pick
3、ing up pace again on the back of rising construction.政府还担心,目前仅限于食品的通货膨胀将会扩大到其它领域。中央政策表述的变化体现了这方面的担忧,也将给包括央行在内的政策制定者以更大的行动空间,以指导地方金融机构的贷款业务。The government is also concerned that inflation, which has so far been confined to food, could spill over into other sectors. The change in language symbolises s
4、uch concerns and will give policymakers, including the central bank, greater leeway to dictate the lending practices of local financial institutions.北京咨询公司龙洲经讯(Dragonomics)的数据显示,在2004至20XX年间,因信贷紧缩和限制性土地政策,建筑业的增长略显萎缩,但在20XX年和20XX年,势将再次呈现25%的年增速。在政府发展经济适用房的决心推动下,出现了新一轮的繁荣。发展经济适用房是中国政府更广泛政策的一部分,目的是更为平均
5、地分配经济增长所带来的好处。Construction growth sagged slightly between 2004 and 20XX on credit tightening and restrictive land policies, but is now on track to grow 25 per cent year on year in 20XX and 20XX, according to Dragonomics, a Beijing consultancy. The new boom has been driven by the governments determin
6、ation to boost low-cost housing as part of its broader policy to distribute the benefits of economic growth more evenly.瑞银(UBS)驻香港的乔纳森?安德森(Jonathan Anderson)表示:“我不认为(中国央行)想要降低内需。央行只是想要避免任何形式的过快增长。” “I dont think the central bank wants to slow down dom?estic demand. It just wants to avoid any acceler
7、ation in growth,” said Jonathan Anderson, of UBS, in Hong Kong.中国经济在今年前三个季度的增速为11.5%。根据路透社(Reuters)昨天发布的一份投行经济学家调查报告,所有受调查者都认为,中国20XX年的经济增速将会再次超过10%。The economy grew 11.5 per cent in the first three quarters of this year. In a poll of investment bank economists published by Reuters yesterday, all sa
8、id they expected growth to exceed 10 per cent again in 20XX.持久的通货膨胀尤其令人担心。由于食品价格持续走强,11月份的通胀率料将突破8月份和10月份的6.5%,再创新高。最新月度统计数据将于下周发布。Persistent inflation is of particular concern, with new monthly figures for November, due to be released next week, on track to break the highs of August and October of
9、6.5 per cent, because of continued strong food prices.本次经济工作会议之后发表的一份声明指出:“政府要采取有力措施抑制价格总水平过快上涨,加强基本生活必需品和其他紧缺商品的生产。”“The government should take powerful measures to restrain the general level of prices from increasing too fast, and strengthen the production of life necessities.” a statement release
10、d after the conference said.BEC中级阅读理解材料:私人银行前景好Private banks around the world are expected to enjoy unprecedented growth over the next three years with assets under management expected to increase by 30 per cent per annum, according to a new study.一份新的研究报告称,未来3年,全球私人银行有望迎来前所未有的增长局面,预计其管理下的资产规模每年将增长3
11、0%。Asia-Pacific and eastern Europe are expanding the fastest as banks rush to tap into the growing ranks of the wealthy in these markets, according to the 20XX global private banking study by PwC which questioned senior executives of 265 organisations in 43 countries.普华永道(PwC)对43个国家265家企业的高管进行问卷调查,发
12、布了20XX年全球私人银行业研究报告。报告称,亚太和东欧地区的增长最为迅速,各大银行竞相争夺这些市场上日益扩大的富人阶层。In Asia-Pacific, those chief executives questioned expect assets under management to increase by an annual rate of 34 per cent, and in Russia between 30 per cent and 50 per cent.亚太地区接受问卷调查的首席执行官们预计,该地区管理下的资产规模每年将增长34%,而在俄罗斯,这一增速将在30%至50%之间
13、。The study found that private banks planned to move into these more lucrative markets through acquisitions.调查发现,私人银行计划通过收购进军这些利润更为丰厚的市场。Almost 90 per cent of chief executives believe there will be at least some, if not significant consolidation, in the private banking industry and more than half of
14、chief executives questioned plan to open operations in new countries over the next two years to target new wealthy clients.几乎90%的首席执行官认为,私人银行业至少会出现一些整合-如果说不是重大整合的话,而逾半数的受访首席执行官表示,计划未来两年内在新兴国家开设业务,将目标瞄准新的富裕客户。Bruce Weatherill, global private banking and wealth management leader at PwC, said: “Buoyed
15、by rising global wealth, wealth managers everywhere are anticipating extremely high rates of profitable growth that have not been seen during the 14-year history of our survey and probably at any other time.”普华永道全球私人银行及理财业务主管布鲁斯o韦瑟里尔 (Bruce Weatherill)表示:“在全球财富日益增长的支撑下,全球各地的财富经理正期待实现极高水平的有盈利的增长,在我们启
16、动调查的14年里,都从未见过这种速度的增长,在其它任何时期可能也是一样。”It was “a time when strategic choices have to be made and finite resources have to be focused on serving existing clients as well as supporting highly ambitious growth plans”。目前“必须做出战略抉择,将有限的资源集中在为现有客户服务,并且为雄心勃勃的增长计划提供支持”。The study also suggested that in future,
17、wealth managers will be responsible for investing a greater proportion of their clients wealth.研究还表明,未来财富经理负责代理其客户投资的财富比例将进一步扩大。Currently, under half of all wealth managers hold more than 40 per cent of their clients investable wealth - but over the next three years this proportion is expected to in
18、crease dramatically so that 80 per cent of wealth managers hold 40 per cent of a clients wealth.目前,不到半数的财富经理管理着其客户逾40%的可投资财富 -但未来3年内,这一比例有望大幅提高,届时80%的财富经理将管理着客户40%的财富。The study found the biggest challenges were recruiting and retaining enough relationship managers to support the aggressive growth of
19、 private banks.研究发现,要想为私人银行业大幅增长提供支撑,最大的挑战在于招募和留住足够数量的客户经理。BEC中级阅读理解材料:薪水风波You have your dream interview lined up. But how do you ensure that you get the best possible salary?While the pay for junior-level positions is typically fixed, mid- to senior-level employees and managers have more flexibilit
20、y to negotiate their salaries. Here are some tips from recruiters and human-resource managers that can help improve your chances of snagging a high salary.1. Research, research, researchTo get a better salary, begin by figuring out whats the highest you can get. Do good homework on what are the prev
21、ailing salaries for a similar role in the industry, says Sanjay Pandit, managing director of recruiting firm Manpower Services India.This is easier said than done, because companies dont exactly publish their pay scales in the newspaper.Ask your friends or trustworthy colleagues about potential sala
22、ries for someone with your relevant experience and skills. If you are working through a recruiting company, they might be able to give you a range.Finally, you can try using networking web sites like LinkedIn to connect with people in the field or company you are applying to, who in turn could provi
23、de you with some guidance.It might help to dig through the annual reports of the company you are applying to and read recent news reports, in order to figure out how the company is doing financially. A larger and more successful company can afford to pay higher salaries than a smaller or struggling
24、one.2. Curb your eagernessAs with any negotiation, if you convey your eagerness for something, you lose your bargaining power. Whoever shows more interest always gets less, says Sanjay Muthal, managing director of executive search firm NuGrid Consulting Pvt. Ltd., in Mumbai.Candidates need to strike
25、 a balance between appearing interested in the particular job, and not appearing too eager.Mr. Muthal advises talking about macro issues such as the role youre applying for and potential responsibilities, rather than discussing the nitty-gritty of expected pay. If you generate a terrific impression,
26、 then salary follows, he says.3. Wait to be askedCandidates should not begin the salary discussion because that makes them come across as being too money-minded, says Zak Parker, regional HR director of North Africa, Middle East Southern Asia for security services firm G4S PLC.Wait for the company t
27、o start the salary negotiation. It might help to delay the discussion till all interview rounds are over. The further along you are in the interview process, the more interested the hiring managers would be in you. That puts you in a better position to ask for a higher salary, because the manager might go back to the human resources team or the budgeting team to ask for more money for you.