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1、Review Topic 3,Unit 4 Our World,八年级上册,复习目标,1.能熟练的说出、写出Unit4Topic3单词和词组的汉语或英语,并能熟练做题。2.能够熟练说出简单句中的“主语+动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构,并能熟练做题。3.限时作文:The Internet。,Guide1,复习内容:完成下列汉译英。复习方法:组内互背。复习要求:通过完成汉译英的训练, 能够掌握所学单词和短语,词汇通关,1.便宜的,廉价的2.在线,联网3.资料,信息4.语言5.网站,网址6.完美的,最佳的7.确实的,真的8.正确的,恰当的9.搜索,搜查,cheap,online,informatio

2、n,language,website,perfect,true,correct,search,Book P137,10.字典,词典11.昂贵的,花钱多的12.改进,改善13.产生,形成14.把.放到.里15.查阅,查找16. 重要的组成部分,dictionary,expensive,improve,come into being,put .into,look up,an important part of,词汇通关,17.购物18.面对面19.寄邮件20.在网上21.骗钱22.使.投入使用,do some shopping,face to face,send e-mails,on the In

3、ternet,get money by cheating,makeinto use,词汇通关,1.便宜的,廉价的2.在线,联网3.资料,信息4.语言5.网站,网址6.完美的,最佳的7.确实的,真的8.正确的,恰当的9.搜索,搜查,cheap,online,information,language,website,perfect,true,correct,search,记忆大挑战,10.字典,词典11.昂贵的,花钱多的12.改进,改善13.产生,形成14.把.放到.里15.查阅,查找16. 重要的组成部分,dictionary,expensive,improve,come into being,

4、put .into,look up,an important part of,记忆大挑战,17.购物18.面对面19.寄邮件20.在网上21.骗钱22.使.投入使用,do some shopping,face to face,send e-mails,on the Internet,get money by cheating,makeinto use,记忆大挑战,Test 1 综合填空,TheInternetis_(重要)forpeopletoday.More andmorepeopleuseiteveryday.TheInternetcanhelpusdoalotofthings.Wecan

5、 s_ for _(信息)ondifferent w_.Wecanalsolearn any_ lgwd that we need. TheInternetmaybefastandeasy,butitis not p_.Soweshouldknowhowtouseit_(正确地). Ifyoudo,youcanreallyhaveawonderfullifewiththeInternet.,ebsites,earch,information,important,language,erfect,correctly,学以致用,Test 2 选择填空,( )1. Some people use th

6、e Internet _ others. A. hurting B. for hurt C. to hurt ( )2.If you dont know how to use the words, you should in a dictionary. A. look up it B. look it up C. look them up( )3. I often _ the Internet _ some information during my study. A. look; for B. search; for C. wait; for( ) 4. I _ a wallet on my

7、 way home yesterday. I handed it to the police and now they are _ whose it is. Its very kind of you. A. found; finding out B. found out; finding C. found; found out,C,C,B,A,Guide2,复习内容:宾语补足语复习方法:先独立做题,然后小组讨论。复习要求:通过这些习题训练,能够自己总结S+V+O+OC的用法。,The funny man made the girl _ (laugh).They made him _(headm

8、aster). The news made her _ (sad ). His mother doesnt let him _ ( watch ) TV. Father saw him _ (play) computer games when he came in the room. Teacher asked her _ (close) the window. She always keeps room _(clean)You kept me _ (wait ) so long.,用所给单词的适当形式填空. Book P98,clean,watch,headmaster,playing,to

9、 close,waiting,sad,温故知新,laugh,复合宾语结构:Book P128 S (主)+ VT(谓)+ O(宾)+ O C(宾补) 名词 形容词 介词短语 动词不定式 分词,要点归纳,宾语补足语,1. 互联网使世界变得更有趣。The Internet _ the world _. 2. Mr王叫我关掉录音机。Mr.Wang_me_ the radio. 3.为了阅览室保持安静,刘莉不让我们说话。Liu Li didnt _ us _ in order to _the reading room _.,Test 4 完成下列句子,more interesting,makes,as

10、ks,to turn off,let,talk,keep,quiet,Guide3,复习内容:习作 The Internet复习方法:小组讨论收集素材。复习要求:通过组员收集的素材, 逻辑成文。,对话再现:Book P97Maria: _?Kangkang: Im doing some shopping on the Internet.Maria:_?Kangkang: I can find information and I also chat with my grandmother face to face.Maria:_. Kangkang: Do you want to know mo

11、re about it?Maria: Yes. _?Kangkang: Scientists started to study it in the 1960s and made it into use in the 1990s.Maria:_?Kangkang: I think it will become more and more important to us.,What are you doing ,Kangkang,What (else) can you do,Thats great.,When did it come into being,What do you think of

12、it,Written work,BookP97-P102 What can we do on the Internet?,Internet,Send e-mails.Find information.Listen to music.Watch movies.Chat with our friends.Play computer games.Study English.,现在社会网络在生活中越来越重要,网络带给人们便捷的同时也引发了一些问题,请你根据表格中提示的内容用英语写一篇60词左右的短文。,Written work,Starting: The Internet is playing an

13、important part in our lives.,Advantage: We can ,Disadvantage: We cant ,Ending: The Internet can make our lives better, but we should use it carefully.,展示比学,Homework,1. Revise Unit 4 Topic 3.2.Finish the exercises in Topic3.3.Revise the words and key language in Topic3.,Thank you!,The Internet,We kno

14、w the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet, we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well. Besides,on the Internet we can read books, enjoymusic and watch ball games. We can also do someshopping without leaving our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Internet games. They waste a lot of time. We must make good use of the Internet.,


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