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1、从根本上提升雅思写作水平之同义转换篇 写作老师经验长谈, 从根本上提升雅思写作水平之同义转换篇,今天给大家带来从根本上提升雅思写作水平之同义转换篇,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。写作老师经验长谈 从根本上提升雅思写作水平之同义转换篇政府应该保护环境。这句话我们应该怎么去翻译呢?或者应该问的是,有几种简单的翻译方法呢?大概是有这么几种:1. The government should protect our environment.2. Our environment should be protected by governments.3. There is a resp

2、onsibility for governments to protect the environment.4. It is responsible for governments to protect the environment.5. Protecting the environment should be a priority for governments.这五个简单句,除了第五句用到了V.ing作为主语之外,其他的都十分的简单,但是相信并不是每一位同学都能成功的并且正确的在自己的大作文之中使用到这些句式,特别是第三个和第四个句式,不要因为觉得there be和形式主语简单而鄙视它们

3、,并不是这样的,我们所要的是一个grammatical range,而非不管怎么样都硬着头皮去使用倒装虚拟和强调。除此之外,短语的同义改写是否积累的够了呢?可能绝大部分都会去背各种所谓的“必备短语X.X条”之类的东西,那么请各位一定记得在写作中去实际应用,因为你知道不等于你背过,你背过不等于你会用,你会用不等于你可以轻松的正确使用,这些都需要各种实际的段落练习。所以话又说回来了,连20篇都写不完的同学,乖乖先写完再说话吧在这里有三组同义替换的单词or短语,难度为1最简单2中等3最难,各位可以试试看:1. Important、large、good、bad的同义替换2. “罪犯”criminals

4、有哪些词可以替换,写出来3个是最低要求3. People有哪些词可以替换-问题1各位随意回答吧哈哈问题2criminals=lawbreakers=perpetrators=offenders=culprits问题3见下:相信大部分同学对于1的问题是比较轻松的,2呢就比较棘手,3呢可能有同学都没明白我想表述的是什么问题。拿3为例,我们来看一个句子:People have their rights to supervise governments behavior since they have paid taxes for years.这句话里面的people,可以替换成什么词?可选答案为:c

5、itizens, residents, tax-payers等这几个词难么?不难,但是需要同学们自己心里有一个念头:“我不能一直都写people!”这个一直要同义改写的念头才是比较难培养的。雅思备考:大作文观点解析之年轻一代Does the younger generation know best?Arguments1. The young are better educated and more broad-minded.2. The young enjoy a lot more things than the old: they have money to spend; they are

6、less dependent on their parents; they grow up more quickly; and they enjoy more freedom.3. The young question the values and assumptions of the older generation and they are right.4. The young enjoy more freedom and have a stronger sense of responsibility.5. The old tend to settle differences by con

7、ventional politics and violence.6. Some old people do not have noble ambitions and only strive for material possessions.7. The old are unable to keep away from the rat race, in which they have lost touch with the most important things in life.8. The old can learn from the young. Young people are mor

8、e devoted to their friends.9. The young know how to enjoy work and leisure and not to be inhibited.10. The young live in the present rather than in the past or future.Counter-arguments1. The young do not assume their responsibility; they evade it.2. The young have too much money and they are spoiled

9、.3. The young are only interested in themselves.4. The young seek material possessions like clothing, cars, etc. They do not wish to work for them.5. The young should feel grateful to the older generation, who have created a good life for them.6. The old provide the young with a good education and m

10、oney to spe127. The older generation fought in the two world wars. They faced real problems, but the young have an easier life.8. Young people have too much freedom and have no sense of morality.9. The older generation is too kind and soft with the young. A tougher policy is needed and might work wo

11、nders.10. Young peoples outlook on the world is very bleak and they are sceptical of everything.雅思备考:大作文分析之宠物是否有益于人Are pets good for mankind?Arguments1. Pets are of particular importance to children in this Plastic Age when most of us live in large cities.2. Watching the everyday activities of a pet

12、 helps a child to understand nature and cope with problems.3. Learning to care for a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible towards those dependent on him.4. The great virtue of pets is that they can keep us company.5. A pet is kept as a companion that makes us feel h

13、appy. Its suggested that pets should be sent to astronauts in a spacecraft to help reduce their loneliness.6. Besides providing mere companionship, pets invite us to love and be loved.7. Often a cat or a dog can comfort us at times when human words dont help.8. Animals can communicate with each othe

14、r in their particular way. They communicate with human beings, too, for they are quick to sense anger and sorrow.9. People keep pets for emotional rather than economic reasons.10. A pet dog brings its master (owner) a sense of confidence, for he cell see in the dog that faithfulness does exist and h

15、e does have something to trust.Counter-arguments1. Keeping pets is just a waste of time and resources.2. The growing number of pets has caused serious hygiene problems that cannot be solved.3. The earth will no longer be a world of human beings and animals but a world of aninkals only if we dont tak

16、e measures to stop the increase of pets.4. Pet dogs and cats of both .s should be sterilized because the animals themselves are in danger of becoming the first victims for the simple reason that their owners dont have enough time for too many of them.5. Pets are humanized by those who keep pets. Owi

17、ng to their need for a home, for food and drink, pets are tamed and idealized by their owners.6. People nowadays are so crazy about pets that they even neglect caring for their own children.7. A campaign should be launched against the overpopulation of pets.8. As a matter of fact those who keep pets

18、 dont always treat their pets with kindness. They sometimes abandon their pets when they go away on holiday- and are unable to take the pets along with them.9. Its really against nature to cage birds, chain dogs and keep cats within the house.10. Pets are animals. They should be seen in their natura

19、l habitat rather than in the homes of human beings.雅思备考:大作文观点解析之应该大力发展旅游业吗?Is it necessary to develop tourism?Arguments1. It is necessary to develop the tourist trade, for it contributes a lot to increasing understanding between nations.2. As the saying goes, Seeing is believing. Only a trip to an u

20、nfamiliar land can help us understand the people and culture there.3. Since tourism helps increase understanding between people, it will finally wipe out prejudice against other nations, and make the world a more peaceful one.4. Tourism contributes significantly to many countries GNP(Gross National

21、Product). The economy of some nations is based on the tourist industry.5. Tourism helps develop a nations commerce because tourists are most likely to buy souvenirs wherever they go.6. Tourism provides jobs for many people and helps solve or ease the social problem of unemployment.7. Tourism helps a

22、ccelerate a citys construction and its embellishment.8. Contact with tourists from 123r widens the horizon of the local people.9. The tourist trade gives people a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the word and the wonders of manki1210. Tourism will help people learn about different cultures o

23、f the world.Counter-arguments1. Tourism cannot increase understanding between nations because tourists are often trapped in big hotels and only gaze at the natives from a distance.2. Tourism does not wipe out prejudice, but leads to the persistence of national stereotypes because when travelling, yo

24、u notice only characteristics which confirm your preconceptions.3. It is true that foreign friends can make people understand stereotypes are absurd and harnffnl, but the tourist trade prevents people from making foreign friends.4. Since tourists do not have time to mix with the local people, they c

25、annot have a full view of the local culture.5. Tourism makes some parts of the word too crowded a place to live in.6. Tourism creates pollution and has destroyed many beautiful scenic spots.7. Tourists cannot have a full enjoyment of the beautiful scenery because the places they visit are restricted by organizers.8. As the saying goes, Travel makes a wise man better, but a fool worse.9. Contact with and assimilation of other cultures will reduce the uniqueness of ones own culture and make the world less colourful than before.


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