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1、剑桥商务英语中级写作范文汇总 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了剑桥商务英语中级写作范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(1)PART ONETo all graphics staff:Sales have fallen recently because, although our packaging is functional, it is unattractive. I think we should develop new and appealing designs. Could you please attend a meeting in t

2、he boardroom at 10.00 am tomorrow to discuss this matter? (43 words)PART TWOMr. Lui, Sales Production PersonnelI am sorry that I may be unable to meet at the times arranged on Tuesday and Wednesday, as I shall now be having urgent discussions with an important visitor from Singapore. Our discussions

3、 should last two days, but, if they can be squeezed into less time, I may be able to meet the Production Personnel as previously arranged. However, I shall try to let you know by 5.00 pm on Tuesday afternoon and, if necessary, arrange another time for our meeting. In any case, since I shall definite

4、ly be busy on Tuesday afternoon, I wonder if I might now see Mr. Luis at 9.00 am on Thursday.剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(2)PART ONETO: ALL Section HeadsThere are eight vacancies on training courses being given in Mary and June. The courses provide useful training for junior staff in computers, time management and

5、other aspects of modem office work. could you kindly recommend suitable staff?(42words)PART TWODear Ms WuWith reference to our companys exhibition and presentations at the world Trade Center on June 7, I wish to inform you of certain changes which we hope can be made. As the number of participants h

6、as increased from 60 to 98, we wonder if we can use Lecture HallA as B will be too small. In addition, since two speakers are now unable to attend, we shall require only 2 Seminar Rooms instead of the 4booked. Finally, is it possible to provide 7.45 pm? I do hope these changes will not inconvenience

7、 you.Thank you very much.剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(3).Choosing retail premises to rentLocationLength of contract【词汇短语】房东 landlord 利润空间 profit margin租户 tenant 房屋结构 building structure可持续发展 sustainable development 合同到期 exploration of contract繁荣 boom prosperity 续签合同 renew the contract租金 rent 押金 deposit【句型点击】观点阐述:Wel

8、l, it seems to me that.Thats true, but on the other hand.追加观点:Thats just what/all I was thinking.Well, the point Im trying to make it thatAnother thing I want to mention is【参考范例】When aiming to choose retail premises, you should always put the location on the top of your list. An ideal retail premise

9、s should be situated in the downtown district or a big residential area where the sources of the customers is guaranteed, in China, A lot of businessman believe in Fengshui and they think a good location is vital to the success of business.Besides, the length of contract is also an important factor

10、in choosing retail premises because the retailer need time to develop market and customers. A steady and uninterrupted business environment is most desired, and a long-term contract will ensure the retailers sustainable development.Whats more, rent and means of payment should never be overlooked, re

11、tailers in general have a big cash flow, therefore, a reasonable rent and flexible means of payment are good for their capital turnover. A cooperative landlord is preferred and necessary for a win-win situation.剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(4)WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Deciding on packaging for productsImageProduction

12、process【词汇短语】包装材料wrapper,packaging material 不可再生资源non-renewable resources包装设计package design 有利环境的 environmental-friendly顾客的青睐 customer favor 肤浅的,表明的 superficial【句型点击】自然过渡:How shall I put it? 怎么说呢?Actually.Thats just how I see it .个人观点:Personally, I think.Frankly, I think.【参考范例】Packing of products co

13、ncerns the fate of products because it arouses peoples desire for purchase. When deciding on packaging for products, we should take several things into consideration.First of all, the image catches the eye of potential customers, people are sometimes skin deep when surrounded by a variety of product

14、s, their decisions are simply based upon the packaging, therefore a thoughtful design in color, shape and packaging materials is crucial in winning customers favor.On the other hand, the cost of packaging should be carefully dealt with because it is contained in the prices of the products. Increased

15、 price will make the products less competitive in a buyers market. After all, in comparison with packaging, people are more sensitive to price.Last but not least, our resources are limited and some are even non-renewable. Once the products are opened up, the wrapper are useless, so it is expected th

16、at designers can develop further uses of packaging materials or at least make them environmental-friendly.剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(5)WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Considering a career changeFurther study or trainingOpportunities for future promotion【词汇短语】实际工资 real wages 合并 merger最终目标 ultimate goal 个人收入 personal incom

17、e坏的影响 adverse effect 工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading 无形资产 intangible assets资格 qualification 投资回报return on investment【句型点击】l 更倾向于某一个选项I would take . as my priority 我会把.作为我的首选项。The pros of . Outweigh its cons. .的优点多于它的缺点。It is more essential to .。 更加重要。is a wiser choice. .是更明智的选择。We

18、are strongly tempted to.It is apt to.I would choose A over B.l 表示两者缺一不可They are two sides of the same coin.They are interdependent and are equally important.A is the bearing of B.It is impossible to talk about A Without mentioning B.【参考范例】Well, career change. That is an interesting topic. As the old

19、 saying goes, look before you leap. Youd better be very careful when you make such big decisions. To begin with, further study and training has to be taken into account .the reason is quite obvious with improved and enhanced skills; your job will be safer. Furthermore, opportunities for further prom

20、otion also play important roles here. Promotion means more salary and therefore better living conditions. Therefore, we are strongly attempted to choose it, and for some people, this is even the ultimate goal of their job. But it is only half the story. You have to consider about the best developmen

21、t of your potential. In other words, you have to be very clear about your personal interest is and try to enjoy your work and find joy in it, I believe due to different value systems, people may make different choices upon the same thing. As long as I am concerned, I will choose a career that I can

22、fulfill my dream. I mean, if it is not highly paid, I dont care, I will choose a career I like over opportunity of promotion.剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(6)WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN?Planning an advertising campaignMarket researchSelect appropriate media【词汇短语】广告代理商 advertising agency 购物点广告 p. o. p. advertising区域抽样 area

23、 sampling 视听广告 audio-visual advertising促销广告 sales promotion advertising 路牌广告 billboard advertising站台广告 platform side advertising 品牌偏好 brand preference受众构成 audience composition 户外广告 outdoor advertising【句型点击】提出自己的看法:To achieve this goal, its better toIt is more preferable to .的做法更可取。Better do A rather

24、 than do B。 最好A, 不要B。The schedule should be arranged as follows.is the soul of an enterprise.We should put .as the first consideration.More flexible methods should be taken. For instance.We should follow international practices to 使用表达有层次的连接词:First and foremostLast but not the leastFurthermoreIn oth

25、er words【参考范例】Advertising campaign is one of the most essential chains in marketing. Through advertising campaign, the products can be well-known to the audiences. To achieve this goal, it is better to do a market research beforehand. Only in this way you can know the need of the consumers and meet

26、their acquirements accordingly. Therefore, we should put it as the first consideration. After this step, it is time to select appropriate media. Sometimes it is more preferable to find an advertising agency because they know better what the best channel is for your product and service; sales promoti

27、on advertising; billboard advertising; outdoor advertising; audio-visual advertising, or whatever it is. You know, you have plenty of choices. On the other hand, they have a professional team to design an innovative advertisement for you. If an advertisement is full of creativity, it will earn brand

28、 preference and loyalty of the consumers and maintain a sustainable market. Last but not the least, no matter how flexible your promotion methods are, the credibility of the product is the most important.剑桥商务英语中级写作范文(7)WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ?Choosing transport for a business tripConvenienceCost-eff

29、ectiveness【词汇短语】一揽子交易 package deal 出发时间 departure time优待票excursion pass 途中转机、转车 stop over宾馆预订 hotel reservation 晚点 delay【句型点击】other things being equal 同等条件下It is not uncommon to . 很常见 to seal the deal with 与.谈妥某事 without any doubt.【参考范例】When choosing a transport for a business trip, convenience shou

30、ld come first. I mean, other things being equal, you should choose the one that takes your minimal effort. In business world, time is money. You dont want delayed departure time or unexpected stop-over on the way. At the same time, it is not uncommon to refund a ticket or change a one-way ticket to

31、a round trip ticket, if the transportation company can deal with these things effectively, undoubtedly we will choose it. Secondly, cost-effectiveness is also important. If a transportation company can offer us excursion pass, why not make it our choice? Thirdly, the quality of the transportation should also be concerned. A good rest during the trip can make you in a good shape to seal the deal with your business partners. Lastly, if the transporter can offer some package deal such as hotel reservation, it would be a wise choice.


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