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1、Lawrence macdonald, vice president, communications 劳伦斯-麦克唐纳,世界资源研究所国际交流与传播副总裁,The politics and economics of u.s. think tanks 美国智库的政治和经济情况简介,Early Think Tankers 古代谋士,Source: Brookings Institution 来源:布鲁金斯研究院,Source 来源: T,What is a think tank?智库是什么?,Image 图片来源: Wikimedia Commons/Juanedc,How do you defi

2、ne a think tank?如何定义智库?,Organizations generating policy-oriented research and advice to enable policymakers and the public to make informed decisions开展 政策导向的研究 并 提供建议 来确保决策者和公众做出 恰当决定 的机构,Adapted from McGann, James G. 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report. http:/repository.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcont

3、ent.cgi?article=1008&context=think_tanks,Good Think tanks act as bridges优秀的智库像一座桥,Image图片来源: Flickr/William Verrbeek,Good Think tanks act as bridges优秀的智库像一座桥,Image图片来源: Flickr/William Verrbeek,But Sometimes the bridge is weak但有的时候这座桥不够牢固,Image图片来源: Flickr/Xaverian Missionaries,or has obscured connec

4、tions或者并不明确通向何处,Image图片来源: Flickr/Don McCullough,Number of think tanks by country and us state 各国/美国各州的智库数量,Source来源: Zara Matheson, Martin Prosperity Institute,Where are think tanks? Top 10 locations智库在哪里?10大热点地区,Source: McGann, James G. 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report. http:/repository.u

5、penn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=think_tanks,what role do think tanks play in US Policy?智库在美国政策中扮演什么角色?,Image: Flickr/Alex Berger,Shape 塑造Provide expertise and new policy ideas 提供专业知识和新的政策理念Support 支持Critically analyze existing policy and engage stakeholders 辩证地分析现有政策并联结各利益相关方Challe

6、nge 挑战Act as an objective voice 发出独立客观的声音,Post WWII Evidence-Based Tanks 二战后的问题研究型智库,Conservative tanks 保守型智库,Progressive response 进步主义的应对,Characteristics of US Think Tanks美国智库特点,Diverse Funding 资金来源多样化Diverse Audiences 受众多样化Outcomes and Results 成果与结果,So whats an independent think tank to do?独立智库的职能

7、,Target executive-level decisions such as rule-making by federal agencies (EPA)影响高级别政策,例如联邦机构的政策制定 (美国环保署)Influence popular opinion via the media通过媒体影响大众Build coalitions, preferably bipartisan, around analysis 建立跨政党的研究联盟Conduct analysis for use by advocacy-based organizations开展分析研究供政策倡导型机构引用Improve

8、governance to increase the role of evidence in decision-making改善政府治理方式,提高决策过程的科学性,WRIS MISSION | To move human society to live in ways that protect Earths environment and its capacity to provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future generations.世界资源研究所宗旨| 致力于改善人类社会生存方式,保护环境以满足世代所需,WRIS

9、 MISSION |,WHAT IS WRIS DISTINCTIVE CONTRIBUTION?什么是WRI的不同之处?,Environment 环境,Development 发展,Action行动,Ideas理念,Climate 气候,Wri focuses on six global challenges世界资源研究所在六大领域开展工作,Images Flickr/Lyle Rains, Flickr/Waks, Flickr/USAID U.S. Agency for International Development, Flickr/PetterDuvander, Flickr/me

10、rrick brown, Flickr/alex ferguson,Forests 森林,Water 水资源,Food 粮食,Energy 能源,Cities & Transport城市与交通,OUR APPROACH 我们的工作方法,量化,通过数据、分析和工具来进行结果导向型管理,OUR APPROACH 我们的工作方法,量化,通过数据、分析和工具来进行结果导向型管理,变革,系统性的采纳意见及 交流传播,OUR APPROACH 我们的工作方法,量化,通过数据、分析和工具来进行结果导向型管理,变革,系统性的采纳意见及 交流传播,推广,开展一些列活动并进行试点,扩大影响,Our global

11、network我们的全球网络,Note: These numbers reflect full-time staff only as of April 2015.,45,1,8,30,8,56,20,Building coalitions联结伙伴,Using the media to get the message out通过媒体传递理念,Image: CCTV,Climate action is good for efficiency, competitiveness and growth 气候行动对提高效率、竞争力和增长是有利的,Source: Compared to baseline e

12、stablished 7 months before the launch of the report, this figure comes from 7 months after the launch of the global report. Image: CCTV,NCE media analysis reveals a 230% increase in online content agreeing with NCE messaging less than a year after first report新气候经济项目的媒体分析显示,在线支持该项目理念的人群相较于首份报告发布时增长了

13、230%,Using the media to get the message out通过媒体传递理念,International knowledge-sharing全球知识共享,U.S. policy not always created on the basis of evidence, but benefits greatly from it 科学依据和实证对美国政策制定有着重要影响U.S. could benefit from independent Chinese research on 美中两国可以在如下领域互相交流分享知识信息:Carbon pricing 碳价Energy efficiency 能效Low emissions zones 低排放区,谢谢www.wri.org,Lawrence MacDonald 劳伦斯-麦克唐纳世界资源研究所国际合作与交流副总裁Lmacdonaldwri.org,


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