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1、托福阅读冲刺高分词汇顺序技巧3要素介绍 托福阅读想要冲刺高分,考生只具备少数几项能力是远远不够的。今天给大家带来托福阅读冲刺高分词汇顺序技巧3要素介绍,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读冲刺高分词汇顺序技巧3要素介绍托福阅读冲高分提升词汇量是关键各位如果觉得托福阅读考试很难的话,请你一定要肯拿出时间来背单词。磨刀不误砍柴工,这句话一点都不假。即使你用一周时间,能把80%的单词都记住,那也是很值得的。托福阅读备考要采取怎样的做题顺序?现在还有人问,先看问题再读*,又说自己不习惯等等。其实,这个完全在你自己。如果你觉得“先看问题再读*,而且找到答案就停止,再读下一个问题”



4、度解析:Unlike formal statues.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Unlike formal statues that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling, these figures depict a wide range of actions, such as grinding grain,baking bread, producing pots, and making music, and they are shown in appropriate poses, bendi

5、ng and squatting as they carry out their tasks.词汇讲解:appropriate /?pr?pr?t/ adj. 适当的,合适的squat /skw?t/ v. 蹲,伏下身子结构划分:(Unlike formal statues) (that are limited to static poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling), these figures depict a wide range of actions, (such as grinding grain, baking bread, produ

6、cing pots, and making music,) and they are shown in appropriate poses, (bending and squatting)(as they carry out their tasks).深度分析:这个句子的主干就是:these figures depict a wide range of actions and they are shown in appropriate poses修饰一:(Unlike formal statues) ,介词短语中文:不像正式的雕塑修饰二:(that are limited to static

7、poses of standing, sitting, and kneeling) ,从句,修饰statues中文:这些雕塑局限于站、坐或者跪的静态姿势修饰三:(such as grinding grain, baking bread, producing pots, and making music,) ,介词短语中文:例如磨谷物、烤面包、制壶或者奏乐修饰四:(bending and squatting) ,非谓语动词中文:弯腰或蹲下来修饰五:(as they carry out their tasks) ,从句中文:当他们做工作时参考翻译:不像正式的雕塑,他们局限于站、坐或者跪的静态姿势,

8、而这些图像则描绘了各种行为,例如磨谷物、烤面包、制壶或者奏乐,他们以适当姿势呈现,当他们做工作时弯腰或蹲下。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:The answer lies apparently.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs of exaggerated beggingsuch energy costs are small relative to the potential gain in caloriesbut rather in the damage t

9、hat any successful cheater would do to its siblings, which share genes with one another.结构划分:The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs (of exaggerated begging)(such energy costs are small relative to the potential gain in calories)but rather in the damage (that any successful chea

10、ter would do to its siblings), (which share genes with one another).深度分析:这个句子主干是:The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs but rather in the damage,大家要注意这里的notbut结构,不是而是修饰一:(of exaggerated begging) ,介词短语,修饰costs中文:夸张的乞讨修饰二: (such energy costs are small relative to the potential ga

11、in in calories) ,破折号,解释说明中文:这些能量消耗相对于可能获得的能量相比是很少的修饰三:(that any successful cheater would do to its siblings) ,从句,修饰damage中文:任何一个成功的欺骗者会对它的兄弟姐妹造成伤害修饰四:(which share genes with oneanother),从句,修饰siblings中文:彼此拥有相同的基因参考翻译:答案明显不在于夸张的乞讨所增加的能量消耗这些能量消耗相对于可能获得的能量相比是很少的而是在于任何一个成功的欺骗者会对和它有同样基因的兄弟姐妹造成伤害。托福阅读100个长

12、难句精选汇总深度解析:Though it may be.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back befor

13、e the First World War, to link images with recorded sound.词汇讲解:perspective /p?spekt?v/ n. 透视法,透视图;远景;观点,看法strain n. 品种,类型结构划分:(Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective),a strain of critical opinion inthe 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty (that would s

14、oon fade from sight),(just as had many previous attempts, (dating well back before the First World War),to link images with recorded sound).深度分析:这句话的主干就是a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that修饰一:(Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective),从句中文:虽然从以后的观点来看很难想象修饰二

15、:(that would soon fade from sight),从句,修饰a technical novelty中文:不久就会从视线里消失 修饰三:( just as had many previous attempts to link images with recorded sound),从句,大家一定要注意这里的attempts to被插入语(dating well back before the FirstWorld War)隔开了,断句不要出问题中文:就好像以前试图把图像和录音连接在一起的许多尝试一样。修饰四:(dating well back before the First World War),插入语中文:追溯到一战以前参考翻译:虽然从以后的观点来看很难想象,但在20世纪20年代有一种批判的观点预测有声电影将会是不久就会从视线里消失的技术创新,就好像一战以前试图把图像和录音连接在一起的许多尝试一样。


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