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1、办公室设计和设备词汇表办公室设备词汇表The fitout definitions listed are by no means comprehensive and where there are additional meanings to a word only the definitions relevant to the interior fitout industry have been included. None of the information provided in this fitout Glossary of Terms is to be construed as a

2、dvice from Apex Executive Interiors Pty Ltd. Apex Executive Interiors Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility nor accepts any liability for any commercial decisions made based on information provided therein. If you have any questions with regard to the meaning of any words on our web site or in any of ou

3、r quotes or other documents please do not hesitate to contact us.本词汇表对设备的定义并不全面,对于有多重含义的词汇,本表仅列举了其余室内设备相关的含义。本次汇报提供的任何信息均不代表顶点室内设计有限公司的意见。顶点室内设计有限公司对任何基于此信息做出的商业决定不承担任何责任或者债务。如果你对我们网站上任何词汇的含义,引语或者其他文件有疑问的话,请立刻联系我们A/CAn abbreviation for air conditioner or air conditioning. A/C空调的缩写A/C Condenser The o

4、utside fan unit of the air conditioning system. It removes the heat from the Freon gas and “turns” the gas back into a liquid, pumping the liquid back to the coil. 空调冷凝器空调系统外部的风扇单元。它能移走氟利昂气体中的热量,把氟利昂气体“变”回液态,然后再把该液体泵送回盘管Access and Mobility AS 1428.1This is an Australian Standard in place to ensure a

5、ll areas that are accessible to disabled people are constructed in such a way that they are “Disabled friendly”. 使用和移动 AS(澳大利亚标准的缩写)1428.1这是一个澳大利亚标准,为了确保残疾人可以通行的所有区域被建成一种“残疾人友好”的方式Aggregate Sharp clean stone that is mixed with sand and cement. A major component of concrete. 各种石粒的总称尖利干净的石料,用来和沙子还有水泥混

6、合,是混凝土的主要原料Allowance(s) (sometimes referred to as a PC Sum) (an abbreviation for Provisional Cost Sum or Prime Cost Sum)Sum of money set aside in the construction contract for items which have not been selected and specified in the construction contract. For example, selection of tile as flooring ma

7、y require an allowance for screed bed material, or an electrical allowance which sets aside an amount of money to be spent on electrical fixtures. Sometimes a PC Sum needs to be allowed when it is not possible to obtain an accurate quote due to insufficient information. In this case work is costed b

8、ased on an educated guess with any shortfall or over-spending made up via a Variation or credit. 合理余量(有时候也被写成PC Sum)(PC sum是临时成本总和或者是主要成本总和的缩写)建筑包工合同以外留出的款项,为那种没有在建筑包工合同里面挑选出来或者指定的项目做准备。举个例子说,选择瓷砖作为地板可能会要求留出限额给砂浆料层,或者留出限额用来固定电子原件。有时候因为信息是不足而报价单无法被准确给定的时候,而需要通过一个PC sum的情况下,既然这样,成本只好根据“有根据的猜测”估算得到的,猜测

9、的根据就是通过变化或者信用来修饰不足或者花费过多的地方Anchor Bolts Bolts to secure an item to concrete or masonry floor or wall. 锚栓把东西固定在混凝土/砌石地面/墙面的锚栓。(注:放进空洞以后,尾部会裂开,像锚一样,把东西钉死在上面或者尾部有化学粘合剂,可以粘合在墙上)ASAbbreviation for Australian Standards AS澳大利亚标准的缩写AstragalMoulding, attached to one of a pair of swinging double doors, agains

10、t which the other door strikes 褶门盖条模制,连接在一个摆动双扇门上,防止其他的门的撞击。(注:类似于door stopper的东西,为叫法不同)Authority Approvals Approval for works to proceed legally by any necessary authority i.e. local council, private certifiers or any other person in authority required to do so if the nature of the works means appr

11、oval is required. 竣工验收批准如果工作的性质要求批准,由必要的权威机构进行的合法审批工作,权威机构包括市政委员会,私营认证机构或者权威人士被要求去做这些。 Back ChargeBillings for work performed or costs incurred by one party that, in accordance with the agreement, should have been performed or incurred by the party billed. Owners bill back charges to general contrac

12、tors, and general contractors bill back charges to subcontractors. Examples of back charges include charges for cleanup work or to repair damage incurred by another subcontractor, e.g. a basin that has been chipped or broken window. 扣款由一个当事人造成的账单或者招致的费用,根据协议,向另外一个当事人收取。业主的账单由大型建筑承包商支付,大型建筑承包商的账单由分包商

13、来承担。这种反向收费的例子包括,清洁工作或者维修由另外的分包商造成的破坏,如水被弄裂,或者窗户损坏等Backfill Replacement of excavated earth into a trench around or against a basement /crawl space foundation wall. 回填置换被挖掘出去的土用来围着护着靠着地基/供电线路凹槽基础墙Ballast Transformer that steps up the voltage in a florescent lamp. 镇流器荧光灯中用来提升电压的变电器BalustersVertical mem

14、bers in a railing used between a top rail and bottom rail or the stair treads. Sometimes referred to as pickets or spindles. 栏杆 栅栏中垂直的部分,用在最上面的栏杆和最下面的栏杆之间,或者楼梯踏板间,有时也被写成“系绳尖桩”或者“主轴”Balustrade Rail, posts and vertical balusters along the edge of a stairway or elevated walkway. 栏板栅栏,海报栏和垂直的栏杆沿着阶梯的边缘或沿

15、着高架行人路的边缘BalustradeBalustersBatten Narrow strips of wood, metal or plastic used to cover joints or as decorative vertical members over plywood or other panels, also used to pack out surfaces for linings to be affixed to. 板条窄条的木头,金属或者塑料,用来覆盖连接处,或者当做装饰物放在夹板上或其他面板上,也被用来填满表面用来给衬里署名附着在上面BCAAbbreviation f

16、or Building Code of Australia. BCA澳大利亚建筑范围的缩写Beam Structural member transversely supporting a load. A structural member carrying building loads (weight) from one support to another. Sometimes called a “girder”. 横梁 横着的建筑结构用来承重。一个建筑结构从一个支撑物到另外一个支撑物承受建筑物的重量。有时叫做大梁。(注:梁,各种梁都叫beam)Bi-fold Door Doors that

17、 are hinged in the middle for opening in a smaller area than standard swing doors. Often used for closet doors.叠门一种中间有铰链的门,用来在小区域打开,其需要的空间要小于标准的旋转门。经常被用在柜子上。Blue Print(s)An old method of copying used for architectural drawings. Usually used to describe the drawing of a structure which is prepared by

18、 an architect or designer for the purpose of design and planning, estimating, securing permits and actual construction. 蓝图一个旧的誊写方法,用来抄写建筑图表。经常指一个由建筑师或者设计师准备的,用来设计和规划,估算,安全许可和实际建设的结构图Boardroom ChairBroadly speaking it is a medium to high back swivel only chair with arms, no height adjustment so after

19、 the meeting chairs are not looking untidy all sitting at different heights. 大会议室椅子宽泛的讲就是一个中高靠背只能旋转的带椅子臂的椅子,没法调节高度,所以会议以后这些椅子不会因为高矮不同而看起来不整齐BookcaseA set of shelves, sitting on the floor either fixed to a wall or free-standing, used for holding books, these units have no doors. 书架一组架子,坐落在地板上,或者固定在墙上

20、,或者不固定,用来装书用,通常没有门。Brick Lintel Metal angle iron that brick rests on, especially above a window, door, or other opening. 砖砌过梁一种小铁片,用来支撑窗户、门或者其他开放空间上面的砖Brick Tie Small, corrugated metal nailed to wall sheeting or studs. They are inserted into the grout mortar joint of the veneer brick, holding the ve

21、neer wall to the sheeted wall behind it. 在两堵墙连接处,用一个金属网覆盖住两堵墙的连接处,然后用小钉子把金属网钉死在墙上 BulkheadA lower or higher level ceiling to the main ceiling plane used either to encase services or provide a decorative feature, usually but not always constructed of plaster board and steel framing. 隔板主天花板上面或者下面的天花板用

22、来围住主天花板或者提供一种装饰,通常但是也有例外由灰泥板和金属框架组成Butt Joint Junction where the ends of two timbers meet, and also where sheets of gyprock meet on the 1200mm edge. To place materials end-to-end or end-to-edge without overlapping. 密接缝两片木头的对接处和石膏板在1200毫米对接处。使对接处头对头或者头对边对接而不使材料之间有重叠。(注:两个板子连接的地方,可以黏住,可以T&G等等,总之是连个板子的

23、连接处就叫butt joint)Cable port / outletA small plastic ring that fits in a hole in a desk top to allow cables to pass through, usually 64mm or 80mm 电缆线接口一个小的塑料环,用来套在一个桌子的上面,可以让电缆穿过,经常(直径有)64毫米或者80毫米Carpet Backing Holds the pile fabric in place. 地毯底布保持毛绒织物在一个固定的地方(地毯的背面)Casement Frames of wood or metal e

24、nclosing part (or all) of a window sash. May be opened by means of hinges affixed to the vertical edges. 窗扉木头或者金属框架包住部分或者全部窗户框,可能通过附着于垂直边的铰链打开Casement Window Window with hinges on one of the vertical sides and swings open like a normal door. 竖铰链窗一种在垂直侧边带铰链的窗户,可以像一般门那样摇摆打开Casing Bead Aluminium or pla

25、stic trim moulding installed around a door, window opening or ceiling junction. 收口条 (常用说法为Seal)铝制或者塑料的修剪过的压条,装在门、窗的周围或者天花板的衔接处Casing保护线的盒子Cat 5eAn Abbreviation for Category 5 enhanced. It is data cabling generally used for phone and IT, will not reach gigabyte speed. Cat 5e超5类线的缩写,是一种通常用在电话或者IT行业的数据

26、线,不能达到千兆字节的速度Cat 6An Abbreviation for Category 6. It is data cabling generally used for phone and IT, can reach gigabyte speed if installed using the correct methods, generally speaking installation is approx 30% dearer than its cat 5e counterpart. Cat 66类线的缩写,是一种通常用在电话或者IT行业的数据线,如果安装正确的话,可以达到千兆字节的速

27、度,通常来讲,安装费用比和它类似的Cat 5e贵30%左右Caulking Flexible material used to seal a gap between two surfaces. 软铁片 柔性材料,用来填满两个表面的空白处CbdAbbreviation for Cupboard, also an abbreviation for “Central Business District” Cbd碗柜的缩写,也被用作是“中心商业区”的缩写CCAbbreviation for Construction Certificate (with reference to a council su

28、bmission) CC建设证书的缩写(向地方议会提交)CCA (Copper Chrome Arsenate) (often used in treated pine)Pesticide that is forced into wood under high pressure to protect it from termites, other wood boring insects and decay caused by fungus. CCA(铜铬酸)(经常用在松树上)杀虫剂在高压下被打入树木中来防止白蚁、其他损害树木的昆虫造成的伤害和真菌造成的腐烂Ceiling TilesPanels

29、 generally mineral fibre that sit into a ceiling grid system to close the ceiling, most common size fits a 1200 x 600 grid 天花板的瓷砖坐落于天花板龙骨系统中的面板,通常是矿物纤维,用来关闭天花板,最常用的尺寸为1200 x 600毫米Cement Grey powder that is the “glue” in concrete. Portland cement. Also a generic term for any adhesive. 水泥灰色的粉末用来“粘合”混凝

30、土。,硅酸盐水泥,也是各种粘合剂的通用术语Ceramic Tile Man-made or machine-made clay tile used to finish a floor or wall. Generally used in bathtub and shower enclosures and kitchen splashbacks. 瓷砖手工或者机械制作的粘土瓦,用来装修地板或者墙。通常用在浴缸,淋浴围墙和厨房的防溅挡板Chair Rail Interior trim material installed about 900 1200mm above finished floor

31、level horizontally. 护墙板内部镶边修饰材料,水平安装在大约比装修过的地板高900-1200毫米的地方Chalk Line Line made by snapping a taut string or cord dusted with chalk. Used for alignment purposes. 划线用猛弹一个紧绷的线或者用绳掸粉笔的方式画线,用来校准Chip Board Manufactured wood panel made out of wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood in

32、 the exterior wall and roof sheathing. 刨花板人造的由木屑和胶做成木头板子,经常在外墙和屋顶防护物被用做夹板的替代品Circuit Path of electrical flow from a power source through an outlet and back to ground. 电路电流的路径,从电源开始经过外设最后回到地面Circuit Breaker Device which looks like a switch and is usually located inside electrical breaker panel or cir

33、cuit breaker box. Designed to (1) shut of the power to portions or all of the area; and (2) to limit the amount of power flowing through a circuit (measured in amperes). 断路器看起来像开关的设备,经常被放置在断路器仪表板或者断路器盒子里。被设计(1)成关掉部分或者全部区域的电源,(2)限制在一个电路中的电流量(测量安培来实现这个功能)CompactusBroadly speaking it is a rolling bookc

34、ase storage unit where by steel bookcases move left to right to expose access to files etc. They normally come with a range of accessories and normally will require approval from a structural engineer prior to installation due to the weight they impose on the building structure. 一种资料柜广义的说,它是一个带旋转把的书

35、架存储单元,在这个单元内钢制的书架可以左右移动,使文件可以被拿到。一般来说它们由一系列附件组成,同时它们在安装前还会要求得到结构工程师的批准,因为它的重量会强加在建筑结构上Concrete Mixture of Portland cement, sand, gravel and water. Used to make garage and basement floors, sidewalks, patios, foundation walls, etc. Commonly reinforced with steel rods (rebar) or wire screening (mesh).

36、混凝土硅酸盐水泥,沙子,碎石和水的混合物。用来制作车库,地下室的地板,人行道,天井,地基等。通常用钢筋或者网眼来加强它的强度Condensing UnitOutdoor component of a cooling system. Includes a compressor and condensing coil designed to give off heat. 冷凝器设计利用冷冻系统的室外部件包括压缩机及冷凝盘管散热Conduit electrical Pipe in which wire is installed, usually PVC but sometimes metal. 导线

37、管电线装入的管道,经常是PVC(聚氯乙烯)制成,不过有时候也有金属制成ConsultantAn expert who charges a fee for providing advice or services in a particular field to service a client. 咨询师一个为客户在某些特定领域里提供建议和服务的专家Control Joint Tooled, straight grooves made on concrete floors to “control” where the concrete should crack. 控制缝 工具加工过的,直宽沟槽建

38、造在水泥地板上来“控制”水泥断裂。(注:就是一条缝,用来防止水泥板破裂的,根据水泥板的材质,大小的不同,对于缝的宽带和间距的要求也不同)Convection Currents created by heating air, which rises and pulls cooler air behind it. 对流热空气制造的气流,热空气上升把冷空气拉到下面CredenzaA floor mounted cabinet normally 720mm high with either hinged or sliding doors. 餐具橱一个安装在地板上面的柜子,一般720毫米高,装有铰链门或

39、者滑动门CupboardA floor mounted cabinet normally at least 900mm high with either hinged or sliding doors. 碗柜一个安装在地板上面的柜子一般来说至少900毫米高,装有铰链门或者滑动门“D” end DeskA Desk with a “D” shaped end. “D”型办公桌一个办公桌有这D型的尾部DAAbbreviation for Development Application (with reference to a council submission). DA发展应用的缩写(向议会提交

40、)DA/CCAbbreviation for Development Application and Construction Certificate (with reference to a council submission). DA/CC发展应用和建设证书的缩写(向议会提交,或向政府提交)DacronDacron is a Trademark label for a polyester insulation used in partition walls, S2 is a standard rating used in a normal partition wall. 涤纶涤纶是用于隔

41、断墙的聚酯绝缘材料的商标(商用名?这样翻译好些?),S2是一个标准评分标准用来给一般的隔断墙评分用Dead Bolt Exterior security lock installed on exterior entry doors that can be activated only with a key or thumb-turn. Unlike a latch, which has a bevelled tongue, dead bolts have square ends. 安全门锁外部安全锁安装在外部整个门上,锁只能被钥匙或者指旋器激活。不像有着光洁尾部的门闩,锁定插销有个方形的尾部D

42、edicated Circuit Electrical circuit that serves only one appliance (i.e.: hot water service). 专用线路只为一个应用设备提供电力的电路(比如说,热水服务)DeskA table with a broad flat top set at height of approximately 720mm, sometimes with drawers attached. 办公桌一个有宽大平平的桌面的桌子,高度大约720毫米,有时会有抽屉Desk topThe top only of a desk, usually

43、 this way when fixed to a workstation screen for support 办公桌桌面只有办公桌的上面,通常这种情况下,会连接在工作站隔板用作支持用Desk top fixing bracketA bracket used in workstation construction that fixes the desk top to the screen. 桌上固定支架一个支架用于工作站建设,把屏幕固定在办公桌桌面DGPOAbbreviation for Double General Power Outlet (Double Power Point).DGP

44、O双通用电源插座(双墙边插座)Distribution Board or DB Electrical box that distributes electric power entering a building to each branch circuit (each plug and switch) and composed of circuit breakers. 配电箱或者DB配电箱用于把进入一个建筑的电能分配到不同的支路上(每一个插头和开关)和不同的组成的电路器上Door jamb Surrounding case into which and out of which a door

45、 closes and opens. 边框边框把门的里面外面包住Door Stop Style that the door will rest upon when its in a closed position, also the terminology for the stop mounted at floor level that the door opens on to. 门档当门在关的情况下,门要依赖于的部件,也是当门打开时门停住的安装在地板的东西的学名Double Glazing Window or door in which two panes of glass are used

46、 with a sealed air space between, for acoustic and thermal insulation. 双层玻璃窗户或者门有双层玻璃,两层玻璃中间密封了空气,为了隔离声音和隔热Double Hung Window Window with two vertically sliding sashes, both of which can move up and down. 上下推拉窗窗户有两个可以垂直拉动的扇叶,每一个都可以上下移动Ducted ScreenA workstation screen with a cable access system buil

47、t into the screen, either above or below desk. 组合模块面板一个带有内置有线接收系统工作站隔板,或者在桌子上面,或者在桌子下面。(注:一种固定在桌子上或者桌子下面的可以打开的面板,当打开时,或露出里面的插头或者网口等东西,多用于会议室。包含网络模块面板,电源电话模块面板)Ducted SkirtingA cable access system fitted to the base of walls in place of traditional skirting to allow for cable access, also hold data and power outlets. 管道壁脚板有线接收系统适于墙角用来替代传统的踢脚板来考虑到有线接入,也有保存数据和电源输出的功能FloorSkirtingDuctsHeating / cooling system. Usually round or rectangular metal pipes installed for distributing warm (or cold) air from the furnace to rooms in a building.


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