1、5050专业硕士学位论文THESIS OF PROFESSIONAL MASTER DEGREE论文题目: 公司治理与资本结构问题研究 (英文): The Study of Company Administration and Capital Structure 作 者: 张彩庆 指导教师: 宋 常 2004年 11月 11日论文题目:(中文)公司治理与资本结构问题研究 (外文)The Study of Company Administration and Capital Structure 所在院、系、所 : 商学院专 业 名 称: 会计学指 导 教 师姓 名、职 称 : 宋常论 文 主 题
2、 词 : 公司治理;资本结构学 习 期 限 : 2000年 9 月至 2005 年 9 月论文提交时间: 2004年11月独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,以不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献已在论文中作了明确地说明并表示了谢意。 签名:张彩庆 日期:2004.11.11关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复
3、印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名:张彩庆 导师签名:宋常 日期:2004.11.11中国人民大学硕士学位论文摘要(中外文合订)论文题目: (中文) 公司治理与资本结构问题研究 (英文)The Study of Company administration and Capital Structure作 者: 张彩庆 指导教师: 宋常 摘要 公司治理与资本结构是企业理论和实践中两个至关重要的问题。我国加入WTO以后,在经济更加开放、逐渐与国际经济全面接轨的形势下,经济体制改革将进入一个新的阶段。在这一新阶段,改善公司治理不
5、理是一个内涵非常丰富的概念,对于公司治理可以从各种角度去理解。从静态上看,公司治理表现为一种结构和关系,从动态上看,则表现为一个过程和机制。其次,为了进一步研究公司治理问题,解释了与公司治理相关的概念,包括公司治理系统、公司治理模式、公司治理机制、公司治理结构、公司治理主体、公司治理客体、公司治理边界、公司治理成本与效益、公司治理效率。在公司治理的起因研究中,指出机构投资者的兴起、股东参与意识的提高、前所未有的大规模的公司欺诈和公司倒闭案件的增多、经理人员的报酬的大幅上升引起了股东和社会的不满、转型经济国家出现了严重的“ 内部人控制”问题、随着经济全球化和经济自由化的发展兼并收购对利益相关者的
11、治理模式的几点建议。在内部公司治理方面,主要从董事会、监事会、股东大会功能及激励机制改进方面提出了建议;在外部公司治理方面,主要从法律、政府、市场培育几方面为营造公司治理的外部竞争环境提出了几点意见。ABSTRACTCompany administration and capital structure are two crucial issues for an enterprise in both theory and practice. Since China entered into the WTO and opened up further to the outside world,
12、its economy has gradually integrated itself with the international economy in an all- round way. Under these circumstances, Chinas economic system reform will enter a new stage. At this stage, improving company administration will not only be a practical need for all Chinese enterprises to raise the
13、ir competition, but will also be an unavoidable choice for China to accomplish its economic switch-over and build a well-off society. Effective theoretic guidance and policy advices will be required in improving company administration.The basic thinking line of this paper is that the author makes se
14、veral suggestions for the improvement of Chinas company administration through building-up systems of company administration theory and capital structure theory, comparing with foreign administration model on the basis of systematic study of the relations between company administration and capital s
15、tructure, relying on effective company administration model and combining the reality of Chinas company administration. The whole paper is divided into four parts and its main viewpoints can be explained briefly as follows:Part OneThe author mainly discussed four things in this part: the meaning, th
16、e related concepts, the cause and the basic theory of company administration. Firstly, company administration is a concept of rich implications and one may look at it from different angles. From static analysis, company administration displays itself as a kind of structure and relation, but from dyn
17、amic analysis, as a process and system. Secondly, to further study the company administration, the paper explained the concepts on company administration including company administering system, company administering mode, company administering mechanism, company administering structure, company admi
18、nistering subject & object, company administering boundary, company administering cost & benefits and company administering efficiency. As for the study of the cause of company administration, the author points out the spring-up of the institution investors, the enhanced sense of participation among
19、 the stockholders, the unprecedented large-scale company frauds and bankruptcies, the dissatisfaction of the stockholders and society as a whole caused by the big income rise of the managerial staffs, the problem of “being controlled by the inner-circle” propped up in the economic shift-over and the
20、 losses suffered by those with interests connected to company annexations as economic internationalization and liberalization develops. It is the abovementioned phenomena that give rise to the study of company administration theory. Finally, the paper presented the three basic theories of company ad
21、ministration, that is, the theory of financing mode, the theory of market myopia, and the theory of relevant benefit.Part TwoThe theory of capital structure is explained by the author here. From the MM theorem of the 50s in the 20th century to the theory of balance of the 70s, and further to the int
22、roduction of the theory of non-symmetric information, the view in the field of capital structure study has been greatly broadened. The capital structure theory shows that the financing of a company is closed linked with the mechanism of the legal entity. Debts and stock rights should not only be reg
23、arded as a substitutable financing tool, but also as a replaceable administer structure. An effective capital structure is the prerequisite for the forming of an effective legal entity administering structure. The choice of financing methods decides the capital structure of an enterprise, thus effec
24、ting the companys administering structure and market value in the end. Therefore, while laying out capital structure, an enterprise should not only concern its capital cost, lever ratio, taxation impact or financial operation effect, but also arrange its capital formation from the angle of company a
25、dministration. Part threeIn this part, by analyzing the relations between company administration and capital structure and comparing the administering pattern of foreign companies, the author gives out an effective model to administer a company. Therefore, provides a reference for our country to act
26、ively draw on the successful experiences of the company administration structure of the advanced Western countries and draw up a company administering structure pattern suitable for Chinas special situation.Corporation administration has a direct bearing on capital structure and vice versa. Within t
27、he established system framework, capital structure is the basis for corporation administration and the corporation administering structure is the reflection of capital structure. The selection of corporation administering pattern and degree of corporation administering efficiency depend largely on t
28、he selection of capital structure. However, capital structure is again influenced by financing methods and financing methods are influenced by external monitory conditions, policies and markets.Capital structure is the most important part in corporation administering structure. It can coordinate the
29、 interests and behavior between the investors and business operators as well as between the investors internal shareholders and creditors through administering effects of the stock and credit rights. First of all, the author analyses the relations between debts incurring and corporation administerin
30、g mechanism of encouragement and restraints. Being in debt can encourage the operators to work harder, live simpler and make better investment decisions, thus lowering the cost of attorney resulted from the separation of ownership and the right of control. It can also restrain the operators from ran
31、dom usage of money, thus constraining the acts of over investment and blind expansion, which can also reduce the attorney cost to some extend. Secondly, in accordance with the two characters of the stockownership structure, the author analyses the impacts of shareholder identity and the degree of co
32、ncentration of stockownership on corporation administering effect. And the result drawn from this analysis is that an appropriate concentration of stockholders right and a clear identity of stockowners are conditions for a stockownership structure that produces sound effects in corporation administr
33、ation. Meanwhile, the author has come to the same conclusion in the study of static structure of stockownership and corporation business records from the angle of factual proof, i.e. a stockownership structure that has certain degree of concentration, a shareholder with relative control right and th
34、e presence of other big stockholders can maximize a corporations business results. The role played by different types of shareholders in the corporation administering structure is position-relying. The positive effects on business records by a pluralistic stockownership structure are decided by the
35、industrial competitiveness. Based on increased industrial competitiveness, by properly reducing the proportion of the state-owned stocks and enlarge that of the circulating stocks and shares held by the legal entities, a corporation can improve its administering structure.As for the patterns, capita
36、l market plays a greater role in restraining corporations in the Anglo-American pattern in which a host of small shareholders can, through market mechanism, use their rights of supervision and maximize their economic benefits. This administering structure pattern of controlling corporations through
37、external markets can optimize the distribution of resources and be beneficial to shareholders as well as economic development as a whole. But this model can lead to short-term activities by the operators and lack of supervision over them. The comparatively concentrated stockownership structure of th
38、e Japan-German pattern is helpful to corporations in supervising and encouraging their managerial staffs, but lacks of competition and regulation from the market. Both patterns have strong and weak points, and they are learning from each other. There appears a tendency of assimilation between the tw
39、o in the process of pattern development. On the basis of the abovementioned theoretic study as well as conclusions drawn from practices, the author brings forward an effective corporation administering model, explains the design principles of this model and comments on its effectiveness.Part FourCou
40、nter-measure study. The author examines the reality of our corporation administration first, pointing out that Chinas stockownership structure and controlling market has led to the irrationality of our stockownership structure and the disability of our shareholders rights, to the growing attorney pr
41、oblems arisen from “being controlled by the inner circle”, to the breakdown of the internal administering mechanism and to the lack of competition in attorney rights, of restraining mechanism over managers and of external market mechanism.According to the effective corporation administering pattern
42、and based upon the studies of the realities of Chinas corporation administration, the author raises several suggestions for the improvement of our corporation administering pattern from the angle of both internal and external administration. In the internal side, suggestions are concentrated on the
43、improvement of the functions of the board of directors, the committee of supervisors and the stockholders meetings, and of the mechanism of encouragement. In the external side, they are chiefly on the creation of external competing environment for corporation administration by the law, government an
44、d market cultivation.目录一、 公司治理及其基本理论_1(一)公司治理的涵义_1 (二)公司治理的相关概念_4 (三)公司治理问题研究的起因_5 (四)公司治理的基本理论_7二、 资本结构及其基本理论_11(一) 资本结构的涵义_11(二) 资本结构基本理论沿革_11三、 公司治理与资本结构的关系分析_22(一) 负债的作用_22(二) 股权的影响_23四、 资本结构与融资方式的关系探讨_30(一) 持距型融资_30(二) 控制型融资_30五、 国外典型公司治理模式比较研究_32(一) 英美公司治理模式_32(二) 日德公司治理模式_35(三) 模式比较的基本结构_37(四) 探析有效的公司治理模式_40六、 改进和完善我国公司治理的若干思考及政策建议_44(一) 我国公司治理的现状_44(二) 改进和完善公司治理的几点建议_46注释_55参考文献_56公司治理与资本结构问题研究张彩庆一、公司治理及其基本理论(一)公司治理的涵义 由于人们看问题的角度不同,对公司治理的界定也就有着诸多不同。 在美国公司治理研究发展的过程中有两篇主要的综述文献,在对不同时期的研究成果进行总结的基础上,分别给出了公司治理的定义。第一篇文章是科克伦(Phlip L.Cochran)和沃特克(Steven L.Wartick)在19