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1、武汉理工大学外国留学生手册国际交流与合作处二六年九月目 录一、入学及日常管理等有关规定二、奖学金发放、评审的有关规定三、武汉理工大学留学生公寓管理规定(试行)四、关于留学生医药费报销的有关规定五、生活指南六、余家头校区与校本部班车时刻表各位同学:你们好!欢迎你成为武汉理工大学的一员。为了便于你在学校的学习和生活,我们依据国家和学校的有关政策和规定,编印了外国留学生手册,请仔细阅读,并遵照执行。本手册中之规定如有与国家和学校的相关规定相悖之处,以国家和学校规定为准。国际交流与合作处外国留学生办公室学校外国留学生的综合管理机构,本手册中之规定由外国留学生办公室负责解释。外国留学生办公室 2006年

2、9月 入学及日常管理等有关规定1. 留学生在依据有关规定办理完各项入学手续后即正式成为武汉理工大学学生,可获得学生证、校园卡、医疗证等,享受武汉理工大学学生的各项待遇和权利,并应服从学校的教育和管理,承担相应的义务。2留学生在校学习期间的学籍、学位管理及升、留级等,参照中华人民共和国教育部颁发的全日制普通高等学校学籍管理办法执行。3留学生应遵守我校的各项规章制度,参加考勤。未经允许无故缺课者,以旷课论处。留学生违反校纪、校规,屡教不改者,由有关单位依据校纪、校规提出处理意见,经国际处留学生科报学校领导核准执行。4留学生入学后,一般不能中途转专业或转学。确需转专业或转学者,中国政府奖学金生必须出

3、具派遣国(单位)驻华使(领)馆的证明,并经中国国家留学基金委员会及学校教务部门批准同意。自费生需报学校教务部门批准同意。5因健康原因休学期满者,应在2个月前将身体恢复健康的医院证明寄达学校。获准同意后,方可来华。入校后须接受复查,不符合健康要求者不得复学。6留学生学习期满毕业离校前(包括转学、休学、退学等)应向留学生科申请办理离校手续,结清所有费用,交还应交回的图书、证件等,方可携学校出具的证明前往公安机关办理出境手续,并自毕业之日起半月内离校回国。7留学生享受我国的节假日及学校的寒暑假待遇。遇留学生派遣国的重大节日,可根据其本人申请,准假12天,每学年不超过两次。8. 留学生假期外出应报留学









12、和他人的生活。5、请勿在公共场所乱涂乱画和随意张贴,不要将废弃物放置于走廊、通道、楼梯间及公共活动场所。阳台上不得悬挂有碍观瞻的物品。四、公寓水电管理规定1、 学校对公寓内的用电给予补贴,公寓用电补贴额度为:120度/人月。2、请注意节约用电用水。住户用电当月或当年额度节余部分可转入下月或下年继续使用。当月或当年用电超支部分由住户自理,并请到后勤集团水电管理中心购电充值,电价标准为武汉市城市居民用电价格。3、住户应妥善保管好自己IC电卡,避免因遗失给自己的生活和学习带来损失和不便。4、住户离校时,应按要求到后勤集团水电管理中心办理退还IC电卡手续,自费用电的剩余部分予以退还。五、安全管理规定1


14、要报警电话:火警:119 医疗急救:120 盗抢、交通安全:110武汉理工大学公寓管理中心为留学生公寓的责任管理单位。其管理人员有权对违反上述规定的行为予以纠正。住户如对公寓的管理和服务及其人员的行为有意见,可向武汉理工大学公寓管理中心及国际交流与合作处投诉。投诉电话:武汉理工大学公寓管理中心 87651111 国际交流与合作处 87658253关于留学生医药费报销的有关规定一、 公费医疗的适用人员和范围1、 各类享受中国政府奖学金以及其他被告知享受公费医疗待遇的留学生,可凭本人病历到校医院就诊并享受公费医疗待遇。2、 其他各类留学生如患病可自行前往校医院诊治,一切费用自理。3、 被赠予住院及

15、人身意外保险的学生在校外医院住院的有关费用由中国平安保险公司负责理赔。二、 医药费报销的有关规定1 奖学金生可持本人的学校病历在校医院看病,除挂号费100%外,化验检查和药费的12%由本人承担,其他费用由学校支付。2 奖学金生因病确需转到校外医院进行治疗的,须由本校医生和有关科室主任同意并在其病历上注明和开具转诊单方可外出,并在医生指定的医院治疗。3 奖学金生在校外医院就诊时应先向医生声明享受公费医疗,以便医生酌情用药,否则公费医疗之外的药品费用需由本人承担。4 奖学金生经批准在校外医院看病后,须持就诊医院医生开具的处方回学校取药。如学校不能供应相应的药物,经医生同意可在校外药店买药。买药时请

16、注意向药店索取正规发票,其他类型的药店销售单据学校不予报销。5 奖学金生在校外医院就医的医疗费用由本人先行垫支,医疗费报销享受与中国师生同等待遇,即医疗费的20%由本人承担。6 奖学金生和被告知学校已为其购买了住院及人身意外伤害保险的学生,如须在校外医院住院,其住院费用或事故赔偿金由中国平安保险公司按有关规定支付。如住院费用太高,个人确实难以事先垫支,可向留学生科预借,待平安保险公司理赔后归还。住院期间的伙食费、交通费等费用以及保险公司按规定不予报销的部分由学生本人承担。三、 医药费报销的时间和程序为方便留学生报销医药费,经过与校医院协商,留学生在经过校医院同意并按规定在校外医院看完病后,可持

17、校医院病历、转诊单、对口医院病历和发票到校医院找同意其外出治病的医生和医院院长签字后,到留学生科按有关规定先行报销。四、注意事项1 因打架斗殴及自杀、自伤、酗酒、交通肇事、吸毒等造成的伤病,医疗费一律全部自理。2 不按学校医院的规定,自行就医、自购药品者,费用一律全部自理。3 挂号费、交通费、会诊费、一次性消耗用品如一次性注射器等,费用均自理。4 一切先天性疾病、矫形、美容、洁牙、镶牙、配眼镜、各种保健性治疗、学生入学前所患疾病等,治疗费用一律全部自理。生活指南1武汉理工大学地处武汉市武昌区,两个校区分别坐落在珞狮路122号及和平大道1040号。校区间相距17公里,并有区内班车相互沟通。另可乘


19、寓管理和服务人员,或请他们帮助联系。6外出时请注意交通和饮食安全,最好不要在太小或不太洁净的地方用餐。乘车租车应按计价器付费。如遇到困难需要求助请拨订电话:市内报警求助:110; 校内报警求助:876511107、外出旅行或办事时请注意保管好自己的贵重物品,购物时尽量少带现金,多用银行卡支付,以免被盗造成经济损失。余家头校区与马房山校区班车时刻车余家头校区马房山校区(运动场南端)马房山校区余家头校区(飞马广场前)周一至周五上午7:30;10:109:20;11:50下午13:30;16:3015;20;17:30Wuhan University of TechnologyThe Handboo

20、kfor the International StudentsOutline1. Regulations on Enrollment and Teaching Schedule.2. Regulations on Scholarship Management3. The regulations on the Accommodation Management of the International Apartment4. The Regulation on International Students Applying for the Reimbursement of Fee-for-Serv

21、ice5. Guide to the Life in WUT6. Time table for University Buses Running Between Yujiatiou and Mafangshan CampusesDear International Students,You are warmly welcome to study at and be a member of Wuhan University of Technology. For the purpose of helping you in your study and living in the universit

22、y, we edit and print this brochure in accordance with the relative regulations and policies. Please read it and obey the rules carefully.Should the regulations written in this brochure have any conflict with the state or university regulations, please bake the latter as the standard.The Internationa

23、l Students Section of the International Office is the overall administrative agency authorized to manage international student affairs of the University, who has the final right of explanations on the regulations.International Students SectionInternational OfficeWuhan University of Technology1. The

24、Regulation on Enrollment and Teaching Schedule1) After finishing the procedure of register, the students are regarded the students of Wuhan University of Technology. They will get the student card, campus card and medical card from the international student section. They enjoy the same rights as tha

25、t Chinese students have and take corresponding obligations as well.2) The approval of student status, awarding of degree, continuing of study or repetition of some years study should be managed strictly in accordance with the “Regulation on Administration of Students Status at Higher Learning Instit

26、utions”.3) The international students should obey the rules and regulations and check on Attendance Record. Those who have certain record of absence without reasonable excuse will receive punishment. If he continues to violate such rules or/and regulations he shall receive for his misbehavior an ora

27、l or written warning from the university administrative organs. In more serious cases such students with high record of misbehavior shall be punished with the confirmation of the International Students Section of the International Office.4) After registration, the Chinese Government Scholarship stud

28、ents should not change their majors or transfer to other universities. If he insists on a transfer, he must obtain the written permit from his native embassy in China and from the academic office in our university. Then the Chinese Scholarship Council will check and decide if he can change. 5) When

29、applying for resuming his study, those students who have been permitted a leave due to sickness should mail two months in advance a valid Certificate of Health Recovery issued by an authorized hospital. Only by holding such a Certificate can he return to China and he must receive a physical examinat

30、ion at the university. If the health condition approves not to be good for study, he cannot resume his study.6) After completing the study in our university (including transmission, approved leave, or termination of study), the international students should go through the departure formalities, comp

31、lete all due expenses, and return all the books and cards. After obtaining the Certificate of Approval from the university the students may go to the Public Security Bureau to deal with the exit formalities, and return to their own country within 15 days.7) All international students may enjoy Chine

32、se holidays, and university vacations. He can also have 1 or 2 days off on accounts of his native important holidays. But he can only ask for such a leave twice a year.8) If the international student plans to travel outside in Wuhan for more than one full day during a holiday, he is supposed to repo

33、rt his schedule to the International Office. If he travels outside China during this period, he should deal with his return visa and with the extension of residence permit validity by himself.9) The International Students Section will meet and receive the international student when he arrives for th

34、e first time and when he graduates. The expenses for other traveling will be borne by himself.10) The international students, when paying tuition and other fees, should follow the principle of “paying before, and registering next.” The paying of tuition and fees cannot be delayed. If he has to pay l

35、ater or less, he must provide an application form and a confirmation letter to the offices of the university concerned. The tuition should be paid once a year. The accommodation fee should be paid once a semester or once a year. Only Chinese currency is acceptable.11) The international students shou

36、ld submit a written report for absence on account of sickness or other excuses. If the absence is shorter than 7 days, he should get the permission from his school or department; if it is longer than 7 days, he should get the permission from the International Students Section.12) The tuition will no

37、t be refunded if the international student asks for leaving school or completing the study ahead of time.13) The extra accommodation fees must be borne by the scholarship holders, who get married or have baby during the stay here.14) The university will organize some activities, visits and tours for

38、 the international students. But those, who have had bad records or have failed in two or more courses, will not be counted in. The tour expenses of the self-funded students shall be borne by themselves. 15) The international students should strictly obey the rules and regulations. Without permissio

39、n, they shouldnt find jobs, do business, nor spread brochures. If they want to organize any activity with over 20 persons involved, they should submit an application in advance, and get the permission from the International students Section.16) If the international student wants to rent an apartment

40、 outside the campus, he should submit an application and get the permission both from the International Students Section and from the local police station while showing the leasing license.2. The Regulations on Scholarship Management1) The allowance of each month for Chinese Government Scholarship h

41、older will be provided based on the standard regulated by CSC.2) In accordance with the Measures for the Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status, all the international students who have been approved to study at WUT for more that one year must participate in the Annual Review from the

42、 second year. The university will undertake the review comprehensively of those aspects of the scholarship students such as the study performance, attitude towards study, attendance, and daily conduct. Those who qualify in the Annual Review will continue to be granted the scholarship for the followi

43、ng academic year. If someone fails in the Annual Review, the scholarship for the following year will be suspended or terminated.3) Before the 6th date of each month, the scholarship holders should go in person to the International Students office of the International Office to sign on the Scholarshi

44、p Award Form for drawing the scholarship. The allowance will be deposited into the bank account directly by the Financial Department around the 10th date of each month. The holder himself should sign for the drawing of the Scholarship Award, and no substitution is allowed.For a safe transference of

45、the allowance, the bank account and the security code should be kept well. In case the deposit book or card is lost or stolen, the owner should report immediately about the loss to the bank where the account is opened, and to the International Students Office about the new account number.4) If someo

46、ne who is going to have an internship or do the research outside of Wuhan and can not sign for the allowance on time, the allowance can be provided as usual if he or she submits a written application letter to the international student office with the permission and signature of the department dean

47、and supervisor.5) The international students may enjoy the allowance during the legal holidays and the university vacations, except those who do not return to study on time after the holiday or vacation ends.6) Those who cannot accomplish the study within the stipulated period should be responsible for his living expenses during the excessive study time.7) Those who terminate the study shall not enjoy the scholarship during the period of termination and take responsibility for the ticket for around trip.The regulations on the Acc


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