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1、,第六章 虚拟语气,6 .1 三种语气简介,1、陈述语气 。,2、祈使语气:注意三种否定形式。,Dont be fooled(受愚弄);some very simple circuits can be quite useful.,In this case, let us not apply KCL(基氏电流定律)at this node(节点).,Dont you dare to do that!,6 .1 三种语气简介,3、虚拟语气,(1)与事实相反的情况;不可能或难以实现的情况。,(2)表示主观愿望、要求、建议等。,(3)表示客气和语气委婉。,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,1、条

2、件式,先做几个动词填空题:,_ (be) there no resistance of the air, all bodies at the same height would fall at the same speed.,The instrument _ (not damage) had the voltage not been so high.,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,1、条件式,先做几个动词填空题:,_ anything abnormal(异常的)_ (happen), switch off the power supply at once.,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语

3、气的主要形式,1、条件式,涉及现在、将来:,从句,主句,过去时 (be were),过去将来时,shouldwouldcouldmight,+ 动词原形,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,1、条件式,涉及过去,从句,主句,过去完成时,过去将来完成时,shouldwouldcouldmight,+ have + 过去分词,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,1、条件式,涉及将来,从句,主句,(should +)动词原型,过去将来时,一般将来时,were + 不定式,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,1、条件式,He probably could have added the sa

4、me three numbers with paper and pencil in much less time than it took him to write the program.,If the sign of inequality(不等式)be reversed, u has neither a maximum nor a minimum.,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,If the positive charge did move in a wire, it would move from the positive to the negative.,6 .2 科技英语中

5、虚拟语气的主要形式,*注意:当“if ”省去后,从句要发生部分倒装(与一般疑问句类同)。,Should the bomber(轰炸机)encounter(遇到)such an air-defence system, the result would be fatal(致命的).,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,The mornings newspapers predicted(预计)a dire(可怕的)disaster(灾难)that day should a widespread computer virus(病毒)detonate(起爆)its logic bomb.,*注意:当

6、“if ”省去后,从句要发生部分倒装(与一般疑问句类同)。,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,2、在主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中,这种虚拟语气与主句中的某些及物动词、形容词、名词有关。,虚拟形式:,(should +) 动词原形,常见的及物动词:,require, suggest, desire, propose, recommend, necessitate, request, demand, order, ,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,常见的形容词:,necessary, essential, imperative, important, possible,

7、 impossible, desirable, natural, reasonable, preferable, better, ,常见的名词:,requirement, suggestion, neces- sity, importance, recommenda- tion, request, philosophy, condi- tion, constraint, restric-tion, restraint, ,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,填动词练习:,It is of paramount(至高无上的)importance that correct measurement

8、s _(carry) out at every step.,It is evidently desirable that resistance of the instrument _(be) much smaller than that of the remainder(其余部分)of the circuit.,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,填动词练习:,Their suggestion is that the water level _(raise).,A necessary condition that this _(be) the case is that Eulers Equ

9、ation(尤拉方程)_(satisfy).,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,填动词练习:,Long, long ago, a scientist suggested that the earth _(be) round(圆的).,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,suggest:,“建议”要用虚拟语气,“认为;表明”要用陈述语气,insist:,“坚决要求”要用虚拟语气,“坚持认为主张”:要用陈述语气,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,3、在某些状语从句中,对现在的情况:,(1)“as if as though”,对过去的情况:,We have for simplicit

10、y been speaking of the current in a conductor as if all of the free electrons moved with the same constant velocity.,用过去时,用过去完成时,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,3、在某些状语从句中,(1)“as if as though”,At that time it looked as if the instrument had been damaged.,对现在的情况:,对过去的情况:,用过去时,用过去完成时,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,3、在某些状语从句

11、中,(2)“whether or ”句中省去“whether”时一定采用 “be it they or ” 形式,Everything around us, be it air, water or wood, is matter.,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,3、在某些状语从句中,(3)在“lest(以免);in case(以免);for fear that(恐怕)”引导的句中:,Batteries should be kept in dry place lest electricity leak away(漏掉).,虚拟形式:,(should +) 动词原形,6 .2 科技英语中

12、虚拟语气的主要形式,3、在某些状语从句中,(4)有些人在“in order that”引导的从句中使用虚拟语气,In order that this expression(表达式)be a definite form(定界形式),the following condition is necessary and sufficient.,虚拟形式:,(shouldshall +) 动词原形,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,3、在某些状语从句中,(5)有些人在由“no matter ”引导的从句中使用虚拟语气,This equation holds, no matter what = wha

13、tever the independent variable(自变量)be.,虚拟形式:,(should +) 动词原形,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,4、表示客气或语气委婉,It would not be difficult to prevent road accidents(车祸)with the help of electronic apparatus(设备).,虚拟形式:,shouldwouldcouldmight,+ 动词原形,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,4、表示客气或语气委婉,One might think that friction is always un

14、desirable(不希望有的).,虚拟形式:,shouldwouldcouldmight,+ 动词原形,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,*几个一般的考试中常考的句型:,Its time we began our class., “Its time + 定语从句(用过去时)”“该了”,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,*几个一般的考试中常考的句型:,涉及现在:, “wish if only + 句子”“但愿;要是就好了”,涉及过去:,I wish I had studied law at university.,从句用过去式,从句用过去完成式,6 .2 科技英语中虚拟语气的主要形式,*几个一般的考试中常考的句型:,涉及现在或将来:, “would had rather + 句子” “倒希望”,涉及过去:,They would rather we had not gone there yesterday.,句子用过去时,句子用过去完成时,


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