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1、Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.,Module 8 My future life,Time to say farewell,What do you want to say?,Think about a speech at a school leavers party,Who are likely to be thanked?,There is something you must do before graduating.,Go and bid farewell to each of your classmates, because

2、 maybe it is the last time you can see them face to face. Leave your address and telephone number to all your friends. Take photos with your classmates and your best friend, it is a kind of memory which can last forever. Take photos with the campus which you live with for three years , but remember

3、to put on your biggest smile you ever have. Say sorry to your friend whom you never have the courage to apologize to.,Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.,课 文 理 解,( )1. The students have learnt the following things EXCEPT _. friendship B. effort C. trust D. politeness( )2. Who are the thr

4、ee groups of people that the speaker wants to thank?A. Doctors,nurses and patients. B. Policemen,officers and the head teacher. C. Drivers,postmen and classmates. D. Friends,teachers and parents. ( )3. What does the sentence“You only really lose if you give up!”mean in P4?A. If you give up,you cant

5、finish running the 800 meters. B. You only really lose if you continue running. C. If you stop trying,you can never succeed. D. Dont give up,and go on running. ( )4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. The speakers friends give much help to her. B. The teacher encourages the speaker to try

6、 her best. C. The speakers father believes that she can be good at both maths and music. D. The speaker doesnt like to speak in front of so many people. ( )5. The purpose of the speech is _. A to thank people B to say sorry C to look forward to the future D both A and C,D,D,C,D,D,speech,thanks,frien

7、ds,三、根据课文内容,完成下列思维导图,然后口头复述课文。,teachers,parents,Dear head teacher, teachers, parents and fellow students, Im very proud that you have chosen me to speak to you today. I have three roses here: a red one, a yellow one and a white one. These roses are to thank three groups of people for the three most

8、important things that I have learnt. These three things are friendship, effort and trust. I give the red rose to my friends. When I started school here, my Chinese was not good, and some of my mistakes were very funny. I once tried to say “xiexie”, but I said “xiaxia” instead. Of course some people

9、laughed, and I felt quite silly. But they were not laughing at me. They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them. Today, thanks to their kindness, my Chinese is much better, and we have become friends. So, let me say “xiexie” again to all of you for your help.,be pr

10、oud that 为骄傲,我很自豪今天你们选我来做演讲。,thank sb. for sth / doing sth 为某事感谢某人,three groups of people三群人,laugh at sb.嘲笑某人,invite me to join them邀请我加入他们,thanks to their kindness多亏了他们的友善,I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort. When I started running in the

11、 800 metres, I always finished last and I just wanted to give up. But the PE teacher, Ms Huang, helped me. She ran along with me, and she said, “You only really lose if you give up!” I still cant run fast enough, but Ive learnt to try my best, not only with running but with whatever else I do. I giv

12、e the yellow rose to my parents for teaching me that love is about trust. When I wanted to learn the violin, my father told me that I should work harder at maths. I was disappointed. Then, on the morning of my birthday, I woke up to find a beautiful violin at my bedside. There was a note from my fat

13、her: “Im sure you will be good at music. I know that you will be better at maths.”,give up 放弃,我将白玫瑰献给我的老师们,他们教会我不努力就不会成功(的道理)。,give up 放弃,try ones best尽某人最大努力try ones best to do sth. 尽某人最大努力做某事,not onlybut (also)不仅而且,我将黄玫瑰献给我的父母,因为他们教会我爱就是信任。,be disappointed感到失望,be good at 擅长,我知道你会更擅长数学。,Im sure tha

14、t you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years, and the people whom you want to thank for it, so lets all stand up and say, “Thank you, friends, teachers and parents! We love you!”,对于过去的三年,我相信你们都有自己愉快的回忆,都有你们想为此而要感谢的人。因此,让我们大家起立,二、常用短语(请在课文中画出下列短语)1. 为骄傲be proud of 2. 三

15、群人three groups of people3. 嘲笑某人laugh at sb.4. 邀请我加入他们 invite me to join them5. 多亏了他们的友善thanks to their kindness6. 放弃give up7. 尽力try ones best8. 感到失望feel disappointed,三、经典句型(请在课文中画出下列句型),1. Im very proud that you have chosen me to speak to you today. 今天你们选择让我演讲,这让我感到很骄傲。,be proud that 后接从句be proud of

16、take pride in,为感到骄傲/自豪,后接让人引以为荣的对象, 为名词、动词-ing形式,The young mother was proud that her son succeeded. The young mother took pride in her sons success.= The young mother was proud of her sons success. 这位年轻的妈妈为他儿子的成功感到骄傲。,Difficult points,2. These roses are to thank three groups of people for the three

17、most important things that I have learnt. 这些玫瑰用来表达对三组人的谢意,因为我从他们(那里)学到了最重要的三件事。 thank sb. for sth / doing sth 为感谢 They thanked their parents for bringing them up. 他们感谢父母将自己养大。 thanks to 为介词词组,意思是“多亏;由于;因为(含义相当于because of)Thanks to your help, we were successful. 由于你的帮助, 我们得以成功。,3. I once tried to say

18、 “xiexie”, but I said “xiaxia” instead. 我曾经想说“谢谢”,反而却说成了“夏夏”。 instead “反而,反倒” 单独使用的时候是副词,常用于句末。 Weve no coffee. Would you like tea instead? 我没有咖啡了,喝茶行吗? It will take days by car, so lets fly instead. 坐汽车得好几天时间,所以我们还是改乘飞机 吧。,4. Of course some people laughed, and I felt quite silly. 当然有些人笑了,我也觉得很傻。,辨析

19、:silly, foolish与stupid 这3个词都有“蠢” 的含义:,You silly child. 你这个傻孩子。(并无贬意) Stay hungry, stay foolish! 求知若渴,虚心若愚。乔布斯 It is foolish of her to spend so much money on her shoes. 她花这么多钱在她的鞋子上真是太傻了。 Don t ask so many silly questions. She is a bit foolish but not stupid. 别再问这样傻的问题了!她是有点犯傻但 不是天生愚钝。,5. I give the

20、white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is no success without effort. 我将白玫瑰献给我的老师们,他们教我(明 白了)不努力就不会成功(的道理)。 who have taught me that there is no success without effort 是一个非限定性定语从句,对前面的先行词teachers进行信息的补充,而不是限定性描述。与限定性定语从句不同, 非限定性定语从句前面通常加逗号,从句部分即使被省略也不会造成主句意义上的不完整。非限定性定语从句中的关系代词不能省略。,

21、 这个非限定性定语从句中还包含一个宾语 从句that there is no success without effort, 作 have taught 的宾语。 no/notwithout表示“没有.就不.”。例如: We cannot achieve anything without you. 没有你我们将一事无成。 He is not leaving without you. 没有你他不会离开(他对你不离不弃)。,6. She ran along with me, and she said, “You only really lose if you give up!” 她和我一起跑,而且

22、她说:“如果你放弃,(那么)你才真的失败了。这句话要表达的是:只要你坚持下去,跑完全程,那么就算你最后一个到达终点,你也不是一个失败者。 along with是介词短语,意为“连同一 起;伴随着”,与together with 同义。The students planted trees along with their teachers. 学生们和老师一起植树了。, give up 意为“放弃”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。后接代词作宾语时,须将代词置于give和up之间。 You should give up smoking. It is bad for your health. 你应

23、该戒烟,吸烟有害你的身体健康。 There is no help for it but give it up. 除放弃之外毫无它法.,7. I still cant run fast enough, but Ive learnt to try my best, not only with running but with whatever else I do. 我仍然跑得不够快,但是我学会了尽我最大的 努力, 不仅是跑步而且包括所有我做的事情。 A. enough 作副词,意为“足够地;十分地”, 修饰形容词、副词时需放在其后。 It is warm enough in the room. 房

24、间里够暖和了。B. adj. + enough + (for sb.) to do sth. 足够能做某事,I was old enough to work and earn money. 我已经长大了,可以工作赚钱了。C. enough作形容词, 意为“充足的; 足够的”,可作表语也可作定语,即enough作为形容词修饰名词时,可放在其前,也可放在其后。 There arent enough tents to shelter them all. 没有足够的帐篷供他们容身。 Therell be time enough to relax when youve finished your wor

25、k. 当你完成工作,仍有足够的时间放松。, not onlybut (also)意为“不仅而且”,连接两个并列的成分或句子,强调后者。在应用时要遵循以下三个原则:并列原则:not onlybut also(也可以说not justbut also),连接两个并列成分,其中also可省略。如:Afternoon tea is not just a drink but (also)a light meal at around 4 pm. 下午茶不仅仅是喝一杯茶,而且是下午4点左右的一顿便餐。B. 主谓一致原则:not onlybut also连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上要与but al

26、so后的主语保持一致。如:Not only I but also she is enjoying the film. 不仅我而且她都在津津乐道地看电影。C. 倒装原则:not onlybut also连接两个并列分句时,not only 置于句首,表示强调,其引导的句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(如情态动词、助动词等)放在主语的前面,而but also的句子用正常语序。如:Not only did he make a promise,but also he kept it. 他不仅做出了承诺,而且履行了诺言。,他不仅学习努力, 而且工作认真。He not only _ hard but

27、 also _ well. 不仅是他而且我也对流行音乐感兴趣。Not only he but also _ pop music.,studies,【学以致用】,works,I am interested in,8. “Im sure you will be good at music. I know that you will be better at maths.” “我相信你将会很擅长音乐,我也知道你将会 更精通数学。” be good at 意为“擅长”,后接名词、代词或动 词-ing形式,同义短语 do well in意为“在方面做得好”。 be better at 为be good

28、at 的比较级。 He is good at swimming.= He does well in swimming. 他擅长游泳。,9. Well always stay in touch . 我们会一直保持联系。(教材第67页)stay in touch意为“保持联系”,与keep in touch同义。stay/keep in touch with表示“与保持联系”。,在他生命的最后时刻他还和他的朋友保持联系。He _ his friend at the end of his life.,stayed /kept in touch with,【学以致用】,You may have to

29、make speeches on the first day at your senior high. Try to plan ahead what you are going to say, but do not write the speech in full just make notes. When you make your speech using the notes, you will sound much more natural.,1. I still cant run fast enough, but Ive learnt to try my best , not only

30、 with running but with whatever else I do. 我仍然跑得不够快,但是我学会了要尽最大努力,不仅仅在跑步上,而且在我做的其他任何事情上。(教材第66页)(1) try ones best意为“尽某人最大努力”;try ones best to do sth. 意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”。如:Dont worry. I will try my best to help you. 别担心,我会尽最大努力帮助你。Whatever you do, you should try your best. 你无论做什么都应该尽最大努力。,Exercises ( )1.

31、Dad, physics is too difficult for me. Maybe a little, but dont _, dear. I can help you. A. give up it B. give it up C. give it away D. give away it( )2. I will miss my family when I go abroad for further study this autumn. Dont worry. You can _ them by e-mail. come up with B. get along with C. make

32、friends with D. keep in touch with( )3. When Robinson Crusoe got to the island, the first thing _ he did was to look for some food. A. who B. that C. which D. whom( )4. Nothing can live _ the sun. A. by B. under C. without D. with( )5. Our English teacher is _ us, but she often helps us a lot. A. st

33、rict with B. strict in C. strict to D. strict about,B,D,B,C,A,( )6. Its not right to laugh _ others when they make mistakes. A. for B. to C. at D. with( )7. Ill try _ best to finish the work before Friday. A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )8. His mother didnt buy the toy bear, so he felt _. A. happy B. dis

34、appointed C. kind D. wonderful( )9. Suddenly he _ and found himself lying on the ground. A. showed up B. came up C. stayed up D. woke up( )10. It was not until I came here that I realized this place was famous for _ its beauty _its weather. A. either;or B. neither;nor C. not only;but also D. not;but,C,C,B,D,C,


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