外研版八年级英语上册 PPT课件.ppt

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1、Module 1How to learn English,Unit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,怎样学英语,让我们尽可能多的去说英语。,New words:1. pair n2. correct v. 3. spelling n.4. word n.5. practise v.6. match v.7. meaning n.8. complete v.9. sentence n.10. dictionary n.11. grammar n.,(相关的)两个人,一对,改正,纠正 adj.正确的,对的,拼写,词,单词,字,练习,找

2、到与相配之物,使相配,意义,把填完整,使完整,句子,词典。字典,语法,12.letter n.字母13.look up 查,查找14.mistake n.错误,过错15.make a mistake 犯错误16.understand (understood) v. 理解,明白 17.advice n. 建议,意见18.should v,aux.应该19.possible adj可能的20.write down 写下,记下21.notebook n.笔记本,22.forget(forgot) v.忘记23.Pronounce v.发的音24.aloud adv.大声地,出声地25.radio n

3、.电台,广播26.pronunciation n. 发音27.key adj.关键性的,非常重要的28.main adj.主要的,最大的29.excellent adj.极好的,优秀的30.agree v.赞同31.agree with sb. 同意某人,newspaper,magazine,internet,.,-Where can we see English in our daily life?,报纸,杂志,互联网,现在全世界共有50多个国家和地区把英文作为官方语言.,-People from more than 50 countries speak English.,1. Do you

4、 think its difficult to learn English? Why?,2.Whats the most difficult things in learning English? 3.What are the good ways to learn English?,So English is very important and useful.,Advice,Here is some advice(建议,不可数n).,watch English programmes on CCTV9,look up new words in a dictionary,read English

5、 newspapers, books and magazines,watch English films,talk to foreigners,speak English as much aspossible,Read the instructions and check ( ) the ones you understand.,1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 2 Correct the spelling. 3 Listen and check the words you hear. 4 Practise saying the wo

6、rds. 5 Match the words with their meanings. 6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,Listening and vocabulary,1.Choose the best answers.,( )1. Why is Ms James going to give her students some advice? A. Because she is a good teacher. B. Because she likes giving others advice. C. Because it

7、 is a new term. ( ) 2. They are talking about_ A. what they will do in the English class. B. how to speak English. C. how to learn English.,C,C,2.Listen and fill in the blanks.,1._ always speak English in class.2. _ try to speak English as much as possible.3. _ write down our mistakes ?4. _ write do

8、wn the correct answers.5._ spell and pronounce new words aloud.6. _ listening to the radio?_ try to find some English pen friends?,We should,Lets,Why not,Dont forget to,Its a good idea to,How about,Why dont we,3. Read this conversation again and then check the following statements are True or False.

9、,( )1. Speak Chinese in class.( ) 2. Write the mistakes in the notebooks.,F,T,T,( )3. Write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.,F,T,T,T,( ) 4. Check your vocabulary notebook every day.,( ) 5. Listen to English radio programme.,( ) 6. Read English stories.,( ) 7. Try to understand every wo

10、rd.,listening,speaking,reading,writing,Learning new words,Activity : Write notes about:,listening,speaking,reading,writing,always speak English in class.,read English stories.,Spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.,Learning new words,listen to the English radio,Find some English pen friends

11、and write to them.,Activity : Write notes about:,Underline the correct words.,Here is my (1) advice / notebook on learning English. Speak English (2) always / as much as possible in class, and listen to English (3) in the newspaper / on the radio. I (4) agree / forget it is a good idea to look up ne

12、w words in the (5) notebook / dictionary. You can find the (6) correct / excellent pronunciation and learn the meaning.,1.We should always speak English in class.,should 动词原型 “ 应该做某事”,He should come here early.,shouldnt= should not,We shouldnt watch TV a lot.,Language points,动词原型,“不应该做某事”,Mr Li driv

13、es too fast.,He _ _ too fast.,shouldnt,He _ _ slowly.,should,drive,drive,用should填空,B,should / speak English,You _ in class.,should speak English,2.Lets try to speak English in class.,try to 动词原型 - “ 试图去做某事”,He should come here early.,try to = try not to,We shouldnt watch TV a lot.,Language points,He

14、 try to come here early.,We try not to watch TV a lot.,动词原型,“试图不做某事”,B,用try to填空,1. We _ speak English in class.,2.We _speak Chinese in class.,try not to,English class,try to,3. And dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. What else?而且不要忘记把正确答案写在所犯错误旁边,还有吗? forget to do st

15、h. 忘记去做某事(某事还没发生) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(某事已经发生) Dont forget to post a letter for me . 别忘了帮我邮信。 I forget seeing you somewhere. 我忘记了在什么地方见过你。,4.Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 为什么不把错误记在我们的笔记本上呢? why not ? 用来表示提出建议, (为什么不?) = why dont you/we ? 如: Why not take a walk after supper? =

16、 Why dont you take a walk after supper?,Language points,表示提建议的句型有:,How / What about ? Would you like to ?Lets Why dont you?Why not?You should / shouldnt Its a good idea to .,+ Ving.,+V动词原形,常用的回答是:,Thats a good/great idea.OK./ All right.,Now lets do some exercise.,Do some exercises:,(1) She should (g

17、o) to school early.,go,(2) Why dont you (play) basketball?,play,(3) How about (eat) noodles?,eating,(4) There are five (mistake) in your homework.,(5) She is going to (help) his father.,(6) Its a good idea to (get) up early.,(7) He (play) football very well.,(8) My mother has six (pen friend).,mista

18、kes,help,get,plays,pen friends,单项选择(中考真题),1.What are you going to do with your pocket money? _ give it to the children from Aids (艾滋病) families? A. What aboutB. What for C. Why dontD. Why not 2. Why dont you like pigs, Molly? Because they are _. A. cute B. ugly C. smartD. friendly,D,B,3. Why dont yo

19、u _ a camera? Thats too cheap.A. got B. get C. gets D. getting 4. Billy: Ive been fixing the computer for over three hours, but it still doesnt work.Nana: Why dont you take a rest and try _? Maybe youll do better then. A. early B. finally C later D. once,B,C,5. Why dont you choose the red tie? -For

20、me, it doesnt _ my shirt very well. A. fix B. accept C. compare D. match 6. Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself? A. ask, write B. to ask, writing C. ask, writing D. asking, write,D,C,1. Robin doesnt speak Chinese so Ill have to _ (翻译) Chinese to English.2. _ (改正) th

21、e mistakes of your homework is very important.3. Can you _ (重复) your questions?4. Make sure you give _ (每个) word its right _ (发音).5. Can you give me some _ (建议) about buying a house?6. Who _ (其他的) was at the party?,translate,Correcting,repeat,every,pronunciation,advice,else,Exercises,7. I have two _

22、 (录音机).8. Youve got some _ (极好的) CDs here.9. He works in a province _ (管弦乐队).10. 为什么你不把你做错的地方写在你的 笔记本上呢? _ you _ the mistakes in your notebook?11. 把这篇文章翻译成英文怎么样呢? _ this writing into English?,radios,excellent,orchestra,Why dont,write down,How about translating,12. 不要尝试与坏人交朋友。 _ make friends with bad

23、 men.13. 不要忘了每天要完成作业。 _ finish homework every day.14. 你应该帮你的妈妈做点家务活。 You _ your mother _ some housework.15. 假期去旅行是个好主意。 _ travel on your holiday.,Try not to,Dont forget to,should help,with,Its a good idea to,3.write down 表示“写下,记下” 相当于“put down”. Lets write down the correct answers. How about writing

24、 down your ideas?,2) else常常用在疑问词后,表示“别的,另外的”这里的 what else 接在前几个表示建议的句子后,相当于What else should you do? else,一般用在疑问词或某些代词之后。如:Who else did you see at the meeting?你在会上还看见谁了?Does anyone else want to read this book?还有别人想要看这本书吗?,其他人其他人(否/疑问)没有其他人其他事其他事(否/疑问)没有其他事,somebody else,anybody else,nobody else,somet

25、hing else,anything else,nothing else,what else who else where else when else,5. Lets try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们试着尽可能多说英语。 1) try to do sth. 表示努力去做某事 He tried to take good care of his sister when his mother was out. 2) as much as possible 尽可能多 类似的还有“as soon as possible” 尽可能快,6. Thats good for our pronunciation. 它有益于我们的发音。 be good for 表示“对有益”,其反义词组为“be bad for” “对有害” Eating more vegetables is good for your health. Playing computer games is bad for our eyes.7. I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。 agree with sb. 表示同意某人的看法、观点 agree on sth. 表示同意某事,


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