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1、,作文题型一、 通知、海报二、便条(请假条、留言条等)三、书信四、其他(简历、广告、名片、贺卡、调查问卷等),通知,海报与通知 Poster & Notice 海报与通知用于公布活动信息,语言应简单扼要,写作方式也灵活多样。通知、海报一般由标题、称呼(一般省略不写)、正文、落款组成。标题一般直接用“Notice”或“Poster”,也可以根据具体的内容来定。正文用比较清楚的语言说明活动的内容、时间、地点等等。正文后是落款,包括出通知与海报的部门和日期。通知时间也可以写在正文的右上角(考试时建议使用这种,时间放右上角)。,海报范文,Movie -Home Alone In the Auditor

2、ium 19:00-21:00 Saturday May 4 Admission by Ticket Tickets obtainable at Room 1003 by Students Card The Film Projecting Group May 3,2006,通知范文,Notice June. 15. 2006 All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in the college multi-functional classroom on Wednesday, June 18, at 3:00 p

3、.m. to have a discussion on international academic exchanges. The College Commission of Academic Research,教授 professor副教授 associate professorlecturer 讲师assistant 助教counselor辅导员major专业Recreation Center for Students/ Teachers学生或教师活动中心extracurricular activity课外活动recitation 朗诵multimedia classroom多媒体教室mu

4、lti-functional classroom多功能教室 office of the studies 教务处,MEMO备忘录是公司内部最基本、最常用的一种信息传递方式,如会议安排、情况报告等。一般有公司统一印制成标准的表格。注意:结束时不签名。Carbon Copy, 抄送,Please read and understand the following sample memos.Sample Two:,Section C : Practical Writing Writing Memos,Memorandum,To: Mr. Lin, Regional Sales Manager From

5、: Assistant Sales ManagerDate: October 14th, 2003Subject: Handling of the Enquiry I have dealt with the enquiry that you passed to me on Friday. The enquiry was from Mr. E. King, who wanted to know whether we could offer him a special wholesale discount. I told Mr. King that we could offer his compa

6、ny a 5% discount on orders over $1,000.,发签人(姓名前不写Mr. 、 Mrs. 、 Ms . 、 Dr. 等),备忘录内容标题(一般用名词或动名词词组等少数几个字作简略叙述),备忘录内容(应力求简明,确切),收签人(姓名前可写上Mr. 、 Mrs. 、 Ms . 、 Dr. 等),备忘录撰写日期,见2006.06真题,便条,1. 请假条尊敬的布莱克先生: 非常抱歉,我因今晨突然生病不能前来上课。现附上医生证明(certificate)。医生担心我也许要几天后才能恢复(resume ones study)上课。希望我这次缺课不至于给您带来很大的麻烦。 请假

7、人 杰克 2006年6月15日,Asking for a Sick Leave Aug. 17th, 2005Dear Mr. White, I had a bad cold since yesterday. I went to hospital and the doctor told me to have a rest. Therefore I cannot go to school today. I am writing to ask for a sick leave of two days. I will come back as quickly as possible. I shall

8、 appreciate it if you will agree. Encl: Doctors Certificate of Advice Yours respectfully Jack White,2. 留言条王先生: GM公司的Smith先生今天上午10点来电话,说有要事,请你尽快给他回电。 李亚楠 6月9日 June 9Mr. Wang, Mr. Smith from GM Company called at 10:00 thismorning. Urgent business. Expect you to call back assoon as possible. Li Yanan,说

9、明: 假定你是经理Nate Green 的秘书,请按下列内容填写 经理Nate Green 的电话留言。内容:来电人:LKK 公司 的Mary Karen来电时间:5月11日 上午 11:00 来电内容: Mary Karen 因下周二有个重要的紧急会议,下周没有时间与您见面。她希望明天上午10能见到您讨论销售合同的事情。您是否有空?希望您收到留言后尽早她回电。,Telephone MessageDate_ Time_From _ To_Message_Signed by_,Mary Karen wont have time to meet you next week as/because s

10、he will have an important and urgent meeting next Tuesday.4 She hopes to see you at 10 tomorrow morning to discuss something about the sales contract.3 Will you be free then?1 Please call her back as soon as you read this message.2,借条现从北京大学电脑中心借戴尔M700笔记本电脑一台。一周之内归还。 李娜 2005年5月24日 May 24th, 2005 Borr

11、ow from the computer center of Peking University a notebook Dell M700.It will be returned within one week. Li Na,sick leave 病假Enclose Encl 内附Please find enclosed 内附.请查收have a bad cold 得了重感冒run a fever 发烧have a stomach 肚子疼cancel the appointment 取消约会I shall be appreciated if.如能不胜感激ask for a sick leave

12、 of two daysa two-day leave of absence 两天假 a leave of absence for two daysgrant me the leave 准假,I want to ask/ apply for a three-day leave of absence from Tuesday to Thursday.我想从周二到周四请假三天Please give me an extension of leave for two days. 请准予续假两天为盼I.O.UDue Bill 欠条receipt 收条Received from. 今收到.Borrowed

13、 from.今借到,书信,英文书信一般包括以下几个部分:1Date 写信日期(通常写在右上角)。2Opening 称呼。3Body 书信正文。4Closing 结束语。5Signature 署名。祝贺信感谢信道歉信邀请函及回函求职信推荐信,Letter of Congratulation 祝贺信 在亲朋好友生日、晋升、入学、结婚时,或在节假日到来时,给他们写信以表示庆贺和致以节日的问候。这种信叫做祝贺信。写祝贺信时,语言不能过于呆板和机械,也不能夸大其词。要力求真挚、亲切、温馨、舒服,切不可给人以虚假、做作的感觉。,July 17, 2006Dear Mrs. Jones, Please ac

14、cept my warmest congratulations on your recent promotion to general manager of your company. Also, Id like to express my best wishes for your continued success and good health. Sincerely yours, Jack,congratulation 祝贺 congratulatedelightedhappypleased 高兴地extendsend 传达honor 荣誉 promote 晋升 promotionrank

15、 职位 appoint 任命deserve 应得 heartiestheartfelt 衷心I am very happydelightedpleased to hear that.我很高兴地听说.Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on请接受我对的衷心的祝贺。Id like to extend my warm congratulations on热烈祝贺你.I wish to congratulate you on your sons entering Peking University.祝贺你儿子考进北京大学。Accept my heart

16、iest congratulations on the happiest moment of your life.请接受我对你一生中最幸福时刻的衷心祝福。I am sure you deserve this honor. 我相信你完全配得上这份荣誉。,Letter of Thanks 感谢信在接受了别人的帮助,馈赠,款待等以后,应及时写一封感谢信表达谢意。感谢信的用词要真诚,句子简明扼要,不能言过其实,造作虚假,让人看了不舒服。,July 23,2006Dear Mary, I am deeply grateful to you for your sincere congratulations

17、 on my award for services to the education of the disabled children. It was very kind of you to do all this for me and I appreciate it more than I can say. Yours, Beamer,appreciate 感谢appreciation n.adj. thankfulgrateful thoughtfulconsiderate 周到的warm hospitality 热情款待I appreciate it. I would appreciat

18、e that. 十分感谢!Thank you very much for.十分感谢您 I am gratefulthankful to you for the beautiful watch.谢谢您送我漂亮的手表。Please accept my sincere appreciation for 请接受我对真挚的感谢。 Thank you very much again. 再次表示感谢。My appreciation is more than I can say.我的感激无法用言语来表达。,道歉信 Letters of Apology 道歉信是写信人对由于疏忽或客观原因造成的损失、未能赴约或出

19、席会议等向收信人表示歉意。语言要诚恳,解释的理由要真实,从而使收信人理解、并达到最终谅解。道歉信和普通社交信函的格式相同,要有时间、称呼语、正文、结束语和签名等。,March 30, 2006Dear Zhou Ming, I felt very sorry for _ your birthday party last night due to my roommates sudden illness. I had to _ _. Not until 9 oclock _. Thank you so much for _ your birthday party. I hope you have

20、many happy returns of the day. Best regards. Sincerely yours, Zhang Hua,not being able to attend,take him to the hospital to see the,doctor,did we return to school,inviting me to attend,apologize v. apology n. 道歉appointment /engagement 约会 arrangement 安排overlook/ neglect / ignore v. 疏忽negligence 疏忽 m

21、iss 错过forgive 原谅 inconvenience 不便keep ones promise 守约I am sorry for not being able to 因不能感到抱歉。Im sorry for the inconvenience I caused you. 很抱歉给你带来了不便。Please accept my apology.,投诉信 Letters of Complaints 写投诉信一般针对产品或服务的质量问题进行投诉,目的是为了让对方解决你碰到的问题。因此,写这类信件要实事求是,并能简明、公正。投诉信一般可分为三部分:第一部分说明事由,点明你写作的意图;第二部分写明

22、投诉的原因,要展开说明,或者讲具体理由,或者谈问题的具体体现方式;最后一部分一般是提建议,说出你所期望的解决方法,并表达希望上述问题得到尽快解决的强烈愿望,并对有关人员做出的努力表示感谢。,五一期间,你到广州旅游,住在一家宾馆里,可宾馆服务质量太差,你对此投诉。第一,房间的空调无法关掉,找大堂经理,答应派人来修理,却无人来,只得冻了一夜;第二,卫生间太脏;第三,夜里太吵,无法入睡,要换房,却被答复客满无法换房。,Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you to _. I had a terrible stay in room 712 of your hotel fr

23、om the 1st to the 7th of May of this year, when I came to Guangzhou on tour. Firstly, _ in my room could not be turned down or switched off. I asked your front of house _ and she told me she would _to my room immediately. However, no one came. As a result, it was very cold every time I was in the ro

24、om. Secondly, I found the,complain about your hotel,the air-conditioning,manager,send someone,bathroom _. Thirdly, the noise at night was extremely _ and I found it _. I asked to _ _, but was told it was impossible because the hotel was _. In future, I will not be staying at your hotel again and wil

25、l inform my friends of the terrible service. Yours faithfully, Fan Tongtong,dirty,loud,difficult to sleep,change,rooms,full,邀请信Letter of Invitation 邀请信是邀请亲朋好友或知名人士、专家等参加某项活动时所发的约请性书信。在国际交往以及日常的各种社交活动中,这类书信使用广泛。 邀请信分为两种:一种是正规的格式 (formal correspondence),也叫做请柬;一种是非正规格式(informal correspondence),就是一般的邀请信

26、。,邀请函及回函I would like to invite you to come to. 我想邀请你来.I look forward to hearing from you to know whether you can come or not .期待着你的回信,并告知能否来。I am looking forward to your positive answer.期待着你的答复。Thank you for your invitation.感谢你的邀请 I am very pleased to accept your invitation. 我很高兴接受你的邀请。I am so disap

27、pointed to tell you that .很遗憾地告诉你们We regret that we can not be present because of a previous appointment.很遗憾,事先有约,我们不能参加了。,慰问信Letter of Comfort亲友生病、受伤或由于某种不幸事件蒙受了损失,应该写信表示慰问。慰问信与普通书信格式相同,但要注意措辞。如果病情并不严重或损失不大,慰问信可写得轻松一些。若是病情严重或损失重大,就应写得深沉。写慰问信时一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞,不要随信写上一些不相干的事情。总之,慰问信要规范、简短、感情

28、真挚。,慰问信常用的句型和常用词语 I was shockedsaddeneddistressed/grieved to hear that I just cannot tell you how sorry I was to learn of/that We are hopinghope for/to /that1. Tom and I send our love and our deepest sympathy to you both. 我和汤姆向你们致以真诚的问候和深切的慰问.2. Please accept my most sincere sympathy and best wishes

29、. 请接受我最诚挚的慰问和最美好的祝愿.3. I cannot tell you how sorry I felt when I was informed of your illness. 得知你生了病,我心里真不知有多难受.4. All of us are hoping for your quick return to health. 我们盼你早日康复.,求职信 Letter of Application 写求职信(Letter of Application)的目的是为了引起招聘者的注意,获得好感和认同,从而取得面试的机会。求职信的内容主要包括: (1) 称呼。 (2) 申请人从何处看到招聘

30、资讯,申请什么职位。 (3) 申请人有哪些与该职位相关的专长和经验,说明为什么 能胜任这份工作。,(4) 感谢招聘人员阅读这些应聘材料,并表达进一步联系的 愿望。 (5) 结尾和署名。根据要求还可随信附上简历、毕业文凭、 学位证书、成绩单等。求职信要简明扼要,实事求是,重点突出,条理清楚。,2004年6月 真题作文说明:请以王曼丽的名义写一封求职信。王曼丽,24岁,毕业于龙江技术学院,主修企业管理,各门课程都优良。学过速记与打字,速度各为每分钟90字和70字。请为她拟出一份给ABC公司的自荐信,希望能在该公司谋得总经理秘书一职。请注意书信的格式。写信的日期为2004年6月25日。Words f

31、or reference:技术学院 Technical College企业管理 Business Administration速记与打字 shorthand and typing,June 25th, 2004Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Wang Manli, 24 years old, graduating from Longjiang Technical College. I major in BusinessAdministration and get an excellent achievement in all mylessons. I have ever

32、learned shorthand and typing and the speed of each is 90words and 70words per minute respectively. I hope to be the secretary of the general manager of your company. Looking forward to receiving your reply. Sincerely yours, Wang Manli,educational background 教育背景curriculum 课程major 主修 minor 辅修social p

33、ractice 社会实践physical activity 体育活动scholarship 奖学金position 职位 interview 面试bachelor 学士 master 硕士doctor 博士,I learned from the newspaper that我从报纸得知Im writing to apply for the position. 兹写信申请这个职位。I feel that Im competent to meet the requirements.我认为自己符合您的要求。During my education, I have grasped the princip

34、als of my major. 学习期间,我掌握了本专业的基本原理。At school, I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest. 求学中,我曾获得奖学金及演讲比赛冠军。,I graduated from Wuhan University and got a M.A degree. 我毕业于武汉大学并获得文学硕士学位。 I will graduate fromthis year with a degree. 我今年将于大学毕业,并获学位。 I work hard and I can get along well wi

35、th others. Im good at English and especially my spoken English is very good. 我工作努力并且能和同事相处友好。在英语方面有特长,特别是英语口语。I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.我殷切地希望在您方便的时候能给予面试的机会。,推荐信 Letter of Recommendation 写推荐信(Letter of Recommendation)的目的是为了使收信人对被推荐者有必要的了解。

36、写信人最好是被推荐者的导师、系主任或领导。推荐信要写得诚挚、谦恭,篇幅一般不宜太长。语言和格式要求规范、严谨。内容应与被推荐者的申请信相吻合,但不必重复被推荐者的学历和工作经历等,可着重介绍被推荐者的为人、志趣、性格等方面。要多写优点。,recommend 推荐 recommendationacademic ability 学术能力professional ability 专业能力record 成绩 qualification 资格mature 成熟 thoughtful 考虑周到的ambitious 雄心勃勃的 industrious 勤奋的responsible 负责的 reliable

37、可靠的intelligent 聪明的 capable 有能力的outstanding/distinguished 杰出的candidate 候选人,It is my pleasure to recommend 很高兴在此推荐Excellent ability of commercial management.有极强的商业管理能力。Work well with different colleagues. 能够与不同的同事一道很好地工作。Willing to assume responsibilities. 勇于挑重担。Highly motivated and reliable person wi

38、th excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强、可靠、身体健康、性格开朗。,Be highly organized and efficient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。Young, bright, energetic with strong career ambition.年轻、聪明、经历充沛、事业心强。During his college years, he achieved excellent results in study. 在校期间,他取得了优异的成绩。In my opinion, Jack is a motivated an

39、d ambitious young man with well-defined goals.我认为杰克是个肯上进、有雄心、目标清晰的年轻人。,简历,广告,1.标题。2. 正文。介绍产品或服务。3. 附加部分。包括公司的名称,联系方式等信息。,Wanted ABC Company is a large trading company with headquarter in Beijing. We have more than 20 branches over the country.With the rapid development of the company, we are seeking

40、 for trading persons. Qualification:. Chinese citizen, healthy, aged 25 to 35. With college diploma in English, trade, economics, marketing or related fields. Proficiency of English writing and speaking . At least 3 years experience in trade. Willing to travel frequently. Good computer knowledg. Ove

41、r time available ABC Company is an ideal place for ambitious young persons to fulfill your goals. Please join us. Those who are interested please send your resumes to wwwabccompanyCom.,参考译文 诚聘 ABC公司是一家大型贸易公司,总部设在北京,有20多家分公司遍布全国。随着公司的快速发展,现诚聘贸易人员若干。 条件: 中国公民,身体健康,年龄在25到35岁之间 英语、贸易、经济、营销或相关专业 英语121语、写作熟练 愿意经常出差 至少三年的贸易行业丁作经验 计算机熟练 能加班 ABC公司是有志青年实现目标的理想公司。欢迎你的加入。 有意者请发送简历至wwwabccompanycom。,问卷调查,见图片,电子邮件,见图片,


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