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1、,since prep. &conj. 自从;自以来Ive been skating since nine oclock. 我从九点钟开始(一直在)滑冰。,Several years has passed _ the big earthquake happened. A. sinceB. afterC. asD. forTheyve been dancing _ two hours. A. forB. aboutC. sinceD. atHe has lived in Beijing for two years. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ he lived in Beijing? 答案:H

2、ow long has,have a great time 玩得愉快If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 如果你去(参加)聚会,你会玩得很开心的!,Dave had a good _ drawing the picture. A. timeB. ideaC. mindD. habit Whats the matter? I am having trouble _ my math book. A. findB. findingC. to findD. found,If you go to the party, youll have a

3、great time!如果你去(参加)聚会, 你会玩得很开心!(条件状语从句),【注意】表示“是否”时,下列几种情况只用whether不用if:句中有or not;后接不定式;介词后。,If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow,_. A. he will, too B. he wont, eitherC. he does, tooD. he doesnt, either如果我是你,我就会向朋友倾诉。_ I _you,I would talk to my friends about it. 答案:If; were,What if your brother _

4、(not agree)? 答案:doesnt agree Do you mind my sitting next to you? I want to know. (合并句子)I want to know _ you mind my sitting next to you. 答案:if,1. raise v. 筹集;筹募Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. 在这里,学生通过滑冰为慈善机构募捐。,All Chinese people raised money for the people in Yunnan. (同义词替换)A

5、. collectedB. handed inC. gotD. sentThe famous singers had a concert to r_ money for the homeless people. 答案:raise The river is _ after the rain. A. raisingB. liftingC. risingD. putting up,(选择raise/rise填空)On Monday morning, we were watching the children _ the national flag, and we saw it _ slowly in

6、 the wind. 答案:raising; rising,2. miss v. 思念;想念If she works far away, she will miss her family. 如果她在远方工作,她会想念家人的。,My best friend left for Shanghai last week. I _ him very much. A. hopeB. thinkC. missD. expectWhats the matter? I cant find my backpack. I think its _ (miss). 答案:missing,3. How long have

7、you been collecting shells? 你收集贝壳多久了?,They have been building the new bridge (these years). 他们(这几年)一直在建造这座新桥。(表示动作仍在继续)They have built a new bridge. 他们已建造了一座新桥。(表示动作的完成),Would you like to go and see the film with me tonight? Thank you,but I _ it already. A. saw B. have seenC. seeD. will see,Im sorry

8、 you _ the wonderful football game. It was just over. A. have lostB. are missing C. have missed D. will loseHow long have you been _ French? For about three months. A. learnB. to learnC. learnedD. learning,4. pair n. 一对;一双When did you get your first pair of skates? 你什么时候得到第一双滑冰鞋的?,Mrs Smith bought _

9、 for her twin sons. A. two pair of shoesB. two pairs of shoeC. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoesI cant see the blackboard clearly. My teacher said that I needed a pair of _ . A. pantsB. glassesC. socksD. gloves,5. run out of用完;用尽Weve run out of room to store them. 我们已经没有地方存放它们了。,I cant buy any

10、new books because Ive _ my money. A. sold outB. run out ofC. come out D. got out ofOur money is running _ . A. out ofB. intoC. outD. up,6. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 我对中国历史了解越多,我就越喜欢在中国生活。(比较级句式),【拓展】,The more cars we have, _ pollution there will be. A.

11、 moreB. the moreC. less D. the less我们的校园生活越来越丰富多彩了。Our school life is becoming _ . 答案:more and more colorful,Eric收集包装盒已有5年历史。老师让他在下周的班会上向大家介绍他的收藏品和收藏感受。请代他写一篇演讲稿,向大家说明收藏的快乐和价值所在。要求:1. 词数不少于80,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2. 提示词:hobby; pack boxes; fun; knowledge; enjoy。,Good morning, dear Mr. King and my friends!

12、 Im really glad to share my hobby with all of you. _And Im looking forward to having a friend who has the same hobby as me. Thanks a lot for listening to me!,Good morning, dear Mr. King and my friends! Im really glad to share my hobby with all of you. As you know, Ive been collecting kinds of pack b

13、oxes for about 5 years, ever since I was in Grade 4 in my primary school. And now Ive had about 600 of them. Not only do I do this for fun, but also I can learn lots of knowledge from the boxes. Most of the boxes provide good ways to cook, and some of them even tell us the history about them. For ex

14、ample, the potato chip box tells us the story about its inventor, who was once a cook in a,restaurant. Now I enjoy looking at them every day. And Im looking forward to having a friend who has the same hobby as me. Thanks a lot for listening to me!,1. 主题突出,符合题目要求,并在提示词的基础上有所发挥;2. 在说明收藏爱好的过程中运用了现在完成进行

15、时和倒装句等不同句式,使得文章更具层次性;3. 恰当使用了as you know,for example等插入语,使得文章更符合演讲稿的特点。,. 词汇运用()根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. When I was 9 years old, I got my first _ (双) of skates. 2. We are all _ (反对) putting off having the sports meeting until next month. 答案:1. pair2. against,3. If I get the _ (机会), Id like to travel to the m

16、oon one day. 4. Which city is the _ (首都) of Australia, Sydney or Canberra? 5. Have you ever _ (思念) the old days you spent with your best friends? 答案:3. chance4. capital5. missed,()用所给词的适当形式填空6. If you _ (bring) radios to class, the teacher will take them away. 7. I visited the history museum in our

17、city and met some _ (foreign) from Europe. 答案:6. bring7. foreigners,8. Do you think youre having a _ (color) school life? 9. The girl has been practicing dancing since she _ (decide) to be a great dancer. 10. My grandfather used to make a living by _ (drive) carriage(马车) when he was young. 答案:8. col

18、orful9. decided10. driving,. 单项选择( )1. If you become famous, youll have a _ time knowing who your real friends are. A. greatB. goodC. hardD. difficultly( )2. As you know, Einstein is a _ . A. Russian B. AustralianC. JewishD. Chinese,( )3. Nanjing is one of the oldest countries _ a long history in Ch

19、ina. A. inB. withC. haveD. has( )4. _ has your father been working in this city? Since I was born. A. How many B. How muchC. How soonD. How long,( )5. Whats your _ when youre free? I like collecting shells for fun. A. hobbyB. charityC. topicD. chance( )6. How many e-mails did the writer get from his

20、 readers every year? About _ . A. five thousandB. five thousandsC. five thousand ofD. thousands of,( )7. My brother has been playing chess with my father _ about 2 hours. A. atB. inC. sinceD. for( )8. Dont run _ shout at the party, or youll have to leave. A. andB. orC. butD. so,( )9. Although Beijin

21、g is quite _ Shanghai, the high-speed trains can reach the other city during less than 5 hours. A. next toB. close toC. far from D. far away ( )10. Youll be _ in the movie if you know its based on a real teacher in our school. A. interesting B. interested C. more interestingD. more interested,. 句型转换

22、1. Miss King has been in China for about 3 years. (对划线部分提问)_ _ has Miss King been in China? 答案: How long,2. Dont wear jeans to the party, or the teachers will ask you to leave. (改为同义句)_ you wear jeans to the party, youll be asked to leave _ the teachers. 3. Take some food and drinks to the party. (改

23、为否定句)_ take any food _ drinks to the party. 答案:2. If; by3. Dont; or,4. They have been talking on the phone for 40 minutes. (改为同义句)They have been talking on the phone _ 40 minutes _ . 5. What will happen if we break the school rules? (改为同义句)_ _ we break the school rules? 答案:4. since; ago5. What if,(

24、)1. 11苏州中考Good to see you again. Its almost three years _ we met last time. A. until B. beforeC. whileD. since( )2. 11益阳中考I dont know if she _ to my birthday party tomorrow. If she _ , Ill be very happy. A. comes; comesB. will come; comesC. comes; will come,( )3. 11河南中考Why are you so excited? Peter

25、invited me _ on a trip to Yuntai Mountain. A. to goB. goC. goingD. went( )4. 11无锡中考Could you tell me how long _ the football club? A. you have joined B. have you joinedC. you have been inD. have you been in,( )5. 10陕西中考Do you know the boy over there? Sure. I _ him for years. A. knewB. will knowC. have knownD. known,Thank you!,


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