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1、闽教版小学英语教材分析,小学三年级六年级八册课本 陈雪峰,三年级上 第一册,第一册由九个单元和一个故事组成,每三个单元安排一个复习。每个单元的结构如下:每个单元由两个课文组成 每个单元一个话题每个单元有主要句型、语法、歌曲和童谣每个单元一个听音练习每个单元学习2-3个字母每个单元一个自我评估第一册对学生的书写要求为:正确书写26个字母的大小写, 对单词拼写不做要求。,第一册教学要求,一、字母要求:1. 准确认读26个英语字母的书写体及印刷体。 2. 书写26个英语字母的大小写,书写要求以教材的字体为依据。 3. 能按字母表顺序背诵26个字母,并知道字母顺序的作用。 4. 初步认识“元音字母”、

2、“辅音字母” 5. 缩略语。,单词要求:1. 不要求背单词,但要求认读单词。2. 能根据读音写出(部分)单词的首字母或尾字母。 句型要求: 1.会听说本课出现的这些句型,划线部分的句型要求听听说说,不做太高的要求。 2.句型应尽量通过情景引出,让学生在情景中理解,在情景中练习。 3. 有些词不要逐字解释。 4. Story time 不做要求。,语法:1. an, a 区别;2. 名词复数;3. be 动词 am, is, are;考试要求:1.听力部分 70%2.笔试部分 30% 其中字母占10% 15%, 单词占15% 20%。单词的考点为“写首字母”,“看图认字”等。,Unit 1 He

3、llo,话题: 介绍自己语法: I amWhats your name?功能: 问候、介绍自己主要句型: Hello, Im.Glad to meet you.Whats your name?My name is ,Lesson 1,1、能用英语说自己的名字,能用英语称呼英语老师Miss/Mrs能听懂会说回! Hello!2、能用Hi, Im . Hello, Im .相互打招呼,作自我介绍。要求模仿正确,语调自然。3、能听懂会说Glad to meet you.,Lesson 2,1、复习 Hi, Im . Hello, Im _ . Glad to meet you.2、能听懂会说What

4、s your name? My name is.要求模仿正确,语调自然.3、学会唱歌曲Whats your name? 并能听、说、读、写大小写英语字母Aa, Bb。4、复习前课学过的名词apple, banana,认清字母a和b在apple 和banana中的位置。能听、说、读apple, banana .,Unit 2 Greetings,话题:问候语法:特殊疑问句 How are you?功能:问候、称谓、致谢主要句型: Good morning / afternoon. Goodbye.How are you?Im fine. Thank you.And you?Im fine, to

5、o.,Lesson 3,1、复习句型Whats your name? My name is.2、复习字母Aa, Bb,单词apple, banana 3、能听懂会说Good morning. Goodbye. Bye. How are you? Im fine. Thank you.做到语音正确,语调自然,并可在实际中灵活运用。4、能听懂会说Miss Gao, Mrs. Meller, Mr. dog. cat, grandma 等单词和表达. 5、学唱歌曲The morning song。,Lesson 4,1、复习巩固Good rooming, Mrs. Miller/ Miss Gao.

6、 How are you? Im fine. Thank you. And you? Im fine, too. 2、复习巩固单词grandma,cat,dog。 3、能听懂会说Good rooming / afternoon, boys and girls.做到语音正 确,语调自然,并可在实际中灵活运用。 4、能听、说、读、写大小写英语字母Cc,Dd , Ee.5、能听、说、读单词cat, dcg, egg 。,Unit 3 Numbers,话题:数字语法:基数词1-10功能:数数主要句型:How many hens can you see?I can see hens.,Lesson 5,

7、1、能熟练听、说、读数字one,two, three, four,five.2、能听懂会说How many. ?并根据实际做出回答。 3、能用How many句型和one, two, three, four,five.做问答练习, 要求模仿正确,语调自然。3、能听会问How many. can you see?4、背诵韵句: one,two, three, four.,Lesson 6,1、复习巩固数字: one,two, three, four,five.2、复习巩固句型: How manycan you see? 3、能熟练听、说、读数字six, seven, eight, nine, t

8、en 。4、能听、说、读、写大小写英语字母Ff, Gg,Hh.5、能听、说、读单词fish, girl, hen 。,Unit 4 Age and Phone Numbers,话题个:人信息(年龄和电话号码)语法:继续学习巩固基数词1-10功能:询问个人信息主要句型:How old are you?Im eight.Whats your phone number?2-3-1-5-6-7-8.,Lesson 7,1、巩固复习字母Aa, Bb, Cc,Dd Ee,Ff, Gg,Hh。 2、巩固复习数字one,two,three, four, five,six, seven, eight,nine,

9、 ten.3、听懂会说Whats your name? Im (名字) .How old are you? Im (岁数) .4、Whats your phone number?This is my sister, Kate.This is my brother, Ben.,Lesson 8,1、巩固复习: Whats your name? Im(名字) .How old are you? Im (岁数) .This is my sister, Kate.This is my brother, Ben. 2、巩固复习数字one,two,由ree, four, five, six, seven,

10、 eight,nine, ten。3、能听懂会说Whats your phone number?并能较流利地说出电话号码。4、能听、说、读、写大小写英语字母Ii, Jj,Kk。,Unit 5 Families,话题:家庭语法:人称代词he, she, they,疑问代词who开头的特殊疑问句功能:家庭成员称谓,了解人物主要句型:Whos he / she? Hes/Shes.Whore they? Theyre .,Lesson 9,1、听懂会说家庭成员名称father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma.2、听懂会说句子Whos he/she

11、?Hes /Shes my 。做到语音准确,语调自然。3、能借助照片向他人介绍家庭成员。,Lesson 10,1.复习巩固对话句型Whos he/she? Hes/Shes my.2.复习单词father, mother, brother, sister .3.能听懂会说Whore they?Theyre my father and mother. Theyre my grandpa and grandma.They are my brother and sister.This is me.做到语音正确,语调自然.4.能听、说、读、写大小写字母Ll, Mn, Nn. 5.能听、说、读单词lio

12、n, monkey, noodles.,Unit 6 Animal Families,话题:动物家庭语法:一般疑问句 Are you ? 肯定回答Yes, I am. 否定回答 No, Im not.功能:了解动物,复习有关家庭成员的词汇主要句型:Who is our mother?Are you our mother/ brother /sister?Yes, I am. No, Im not.,Lesson 11,1.复习巩固单词father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma.2.复习巩固句型Whos he/she? Hes/Shes.W

13、hore they? Theyre. .3.能听懂会说frog, duck, rooster, fish.4.能听懂会说Whos our father/mother? Are you our brother! sister?并能熟练地根据实际情况做出肯定或否定的回答,做到语音正确,语调自然。5.学会唱歌曲Ten Little Baby Ducks。,Lesson 12,1.复习巩固单词frog, duck, rooster, fish, father, mother, brother, sister.2.复习巩固句型Whos our father/mother? Are you our bro

14、ther/ sister? 3.能听懂会说Are you our brother? Are you our sister? Are you Miss Gao/Chen Ling/Wang Tao? Yes, I am.No, Im not.做到语音正确,语调自然.4.能听、说、读、写大小写字母Oo, Pp,Qq.5.能听、说、读生词orange, pig, queen.,Unit 7 Colors,话题:颜色、交通规则语法:一般现在时,must, can功能:谈论物体的颜色,了解红、黄、绿灯的意义主要句型:The light is red. We must stop.The light is

15、green. We can go now.What color is it? Its red/yellow/green/orange.,Lesson 13,1学会四种颜色:red,yellow,green,orange. 2会说:The light is red. We must stop.The light is green. We can go now. 3学生学了这篇课文后,加强交通安全意识。,Lesson 14,1、复习巩固单词red, yellow, green, orange。2、学习新词blue, pink, black, white, pet, rabbit, teacher。

16、 3、能听懂会说I have a pet. Its a rabbit/ dog. What color is it? Its white/black.4、能听、说、读、写大小写字母Rr,Ss,Tt。,Unit 8 School Things,话题:学习用品、颜色语法:一般现在时,祈使句功能:请求、借用学习用品主要句型:Give me a ruler, please.This one?No. The yellow one.May I use your pencil?,Lesson15,1、复习上一单元学过的表示颜色的词。2、复习句型What color is it?3、能听、说、读生词bag,

17、eraser, ruler, pen。4、能听懂会说Give me a/an., please.This one? No.The yellow one. Here you are. Thank you.做到模仿正确,语调自然. 5、学唱歌曲I Can Sing a Rainbow.,Lesson16,能听、说,读单词bag、pen、ruler、book、pencil、pencil-box 能听懂会说 May I use? Sure. Here you are. 做到模仿正确,语音语调自然,准确。 学会正确认读、书写字母Uu、Vv、Ww 并会辨认书写体与印刷体。能正确运用表示请求的问句进行交际,

18、并作出相应回答。,Unit 9 Happy New Year,话题:节日(新年)语法:祈使句Lets功能:建议主要句型:Lets make a New Year card.Good idea.,Lesson 17,学会说: Happy New Year. 能听懂会说: The New Year is coming. make a New Year card. say Happy New Year to Miss Gao. Lets sing and dance. go to the zoo. 学会使用Lets.句型来邀请他人一起做事情。 学会用“Good idea!”来表示赞同别人的建议。,L

19、esson 18,1能力目标 (1)复习巩固第17课的内容。(2)能听懂会说句子We are singing. We are dancing. Happy New Year to you all. 做到语音正确,语调自然,并可在实际中灵活运用。2知识目标 (1)能听、说、读、写大小写英语字母Xx,Yy,Zz。(2)能听、说、读单词Xray,yellow,zoo。3情感目标 用简单的英语向他人表达新年的祝福。,三年级下 第二册,第二册由九个单元和一个故事组成,每三个单元安排一个复习。课文单词表的棕色字体单词共56个,背诵要求包括拼写和意思.词组句子一般疑问句特殊疑问句句,掌握疑问词what 什么

20、,who:谁 whose谁的,where:哪里 问地点,Howmany:多少(问数量 ),情景反应:1.- Lets buy a present for Sally.-Good idea. 表示建议2. - What about a doll?-Good idea. 表示建议3.- This is a present for you.-Thank you. 送礼4. - Happy birthday,Sally.-Oh, thank you.祝福5. - Have some grapes.-Thank you. I like grapes.请客6. - Your sweater is beau

21、tiful.-Thank you.赞美7. - I like your skirt, Chen Ling.- Thank you. 赞美,Unit 1 Ability(能力),单词: uncle bike present ride swim run dance like can clever bird fly ride a bike lay eggs句子: 1, I can swimrundrawflyride a bikelay eggs.2, Can you swimrundrawflyride a bikelay eggs?Yes, I can.No, I cant.3, Fish ca

22、nt fly. Roosters cant swim. Rabbits cant lay eggs.4, Its a present for you.Thank you.语法: 学习can的肯定句、否定句及一般疑问句。,Lesson1,1. 了解英美人与中国人对自我能力表现的不同方式.2. 会用情态动词can,表示“能力”.3. 掌握有关can的句子,I can,Can you?并做肯定和否定回答.4. 学生能够听、说、读课文句子和单词,背诵有关can的句子和韵句I can sing.,Lesson 2,教学目的:1. 培养学生对自己能力的自信,让学生通过语言表达出来.2. 学生能够正确使用情

23、态动词can的肯定和否定形式.3. 听懂会说:以Can you?的句型,做到模仿正确,语音、语调自然.4. 学生能够熟练背诵韵句:I can sing.5. 掌握字母a在重读闭音节中的读音.6. 学生能够听、说、读课文句子和单词,背诵有关can的句子和韵句I can sing.教学重点:1. 生词: bird, fly, lay, but.2. 重点句子: Can you swim, Miss Bird?No, I cant, but I can fly.Can you ride a bike? No, I cant, but I can lay eggs. Can you fly, Mr.

24、Monkey? No, I cant, but I can ride a bike. 3. 学韵句:I can sing.,Unit 2 Birthday,单词: tomorrow birthday party buy what about doll story book cake beautiful句子: 1,Tomorrow is my birthday.Come to my party,please.2,Lets buy a present for Sally.What about a dollkitebagpencil-box.Good idea.3,Happy birthday, S

25、ally! This is a present for you.Thank you.语法: 学习过生日的英语表达。,Lesson 3,1.知识目标:能听说读单词birthday,tomorrow,party,buy a present, a doll, a cake, a story book;学习句子Tomorrow is my birthday.Come to my party,please. What about a ?并能用这些句子进行对话表演。2.能力目标:能运用已经学的句子进行对话表演。3.情感态度:喜欢并积极参加英语活动。,Lesson 4,复习巩固:Tomorrow is my

26、 birthday. Come to my party, please. Lets buy a present for Sally. What about a doll? Good idea.学习掌握:Happy birthday! This is a present for you. Open the present, Sally. Wow, a beautiful doll!熟练背诵诗歌:A Book Is a Friend掌握字母a在开音节中的读音。,Unit 3 Food,单词: look grape jump sweet melon carrot peach hot dog hamb

27、urger句子: 1, I like grapes,theyre sweet.2, I dont like grapes, theyre not sweet.3, What do you like? I like fishmelonsgrapespeachescarrotshamburgershot dogs.4, Do you like fishmelonsgrapespeachescarrotshamburgershot dogs? Yes, we do./No, we dont.语法: 学习like的用法。,Lesson 5,教学目的:1. 让学生了解中西饮食文化的差异.在西方国家中,平

28、时请客,吃的菜花样很少,只有在圣诞节和感恩节等较大节日,才会有较多的花样.2. 掌握名词复数变化的规律和读音.3. 能听懂、会说句型: I like / I dont like 教学重点:1. 生词: grape, melon, carrot, peach, sweet.2. 句子: I like grapes. Theyre sweet. I dont like grapes. Theyre not sweet.,Lesson 6,教学目的:1. 学生们能学会询问他人喜欢吃的食物,并且帮助他人点喜欢吃的食物.2. 复习巩固上课所学内容,让学生们能够流利背出上课所说的重点句型.3. 学生们能掌

29、握这课四种食物的生词.在语境中应用生词.4. 学习字母e在闭音节中的读音.5. 学生能熟练背诵韵句: I like fish.教学重点:1. 生词: hamburgers, hot dogs, noodles.2. 句子: What do you like? I like/ I dont likeDo you like? Yes, we do. / No, we dont.Four hamburgers, please.,Unit4 Parts of the body (1),单词: head eye ear nose neck face mouth touch art then next l

30、ong big句子: 1, Touch your head eyes ears nose neck face mouth.2, This is your art teacher.3, Draw a nose and a mouth.4, I have a longredbig nose.语法: 学习人体器官及touchdrawhave等动词,longredblackbig等形容词的用法,P36。,Lesson 7,教学目标1.能听懂会说本课单词2.能认读句子:Touch your head/并能做出相应的动作3.会唱歌曲:Head shoulders knees and toes教学重点1.单

31、词:head face mouth eye ear nose neck2.句子:Touch your head/eyes/nose/face/ears/mouth/neck.教学难点 :表示五官等身体部位的单词及其单复数形式的运用,Lesson 8,教学目的与要求 复习人体部位词:face, mouth, ear, eye, head, nose, neck 学习生词:art, then, next 学习句型:This is your art teacher. Now draw a face and two eyes. Then draw a nose and a mouth. Whats n

32、ext? 熟练背诵童谣:Whats That?(那是什么?) 掌握字母e在绝对开音节中的读音。,Unit 5 Unit 4 Parts of the Body (2),单词: leg hand arm foot-feet clap stamp wave bend knee zebra there are句子: 1, How many legs hands arms feet can you see?I can see five.2, Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Wave your arms. Bend your knees.3, How many zeb

33、ras children legs hands arms feet are there?There are four.语法: 学习How many构成的特殊疑问句及回答,掌握四个动词短语,复习数词。,Lesson 9,1.:掌握单词leg, hand, arm, foot, feet, knee, clap, wave, stamp, bend, follow, down.2.句型“How many legs/hands/arms/feet/ can you see?”“I can see _legs/hands/arms/feet. ”Hands up. Hands down. Follow

34、 me.3.熟练背诵韵诗“Follow me.”学唱歌曲“Follow me.”4.能听说指令并表演.,Lesson 10,教学目标:1知识技能目标:(1)学习掌握生词zebra,children 。(2)学习掌握句型:How many zebras are there? There are four zebras.(3)学说背诵童谣:Fly My Kite.(4)学习掌握元音字母i在重读闭音节中的读音规则。2情感文化目标:培养学生学习兴趣,提高学习热情,培养积极向上进取的精神,集体合作精神。教学重难点: 句子 How many zebras are there? There are two.

35、 元音字母i在重读闭音节中的读音规则。,Unit 6 Domestic Animals,单词: farm cow eleven horse sheep twelve milk wool animal friend us句子: 1, How many cows are there on the farm.There are eleven.2, Im a cow. I can give you milk. Im a hen. I can give you eggs. Im a sheep. I can give you wool. Im a duck. I can give you eggs, t

36、oo.3, They can give us milkwooleggs.Are they cows?Yes, they are.语法: 复习How many的用法,复习数词,学习一些常识。P59-60,Lesson 11,教学目标 : 1)学会单词: eleven, twelve, farm, cow, horse ,sheep2)学会句型: How many cows/horses/sheep are there on the farm? There are 教学重点:1)能根据发音规律听说读认单词: eleven, twelve, farm, cow, horse ,sheep2)运用句型

37、: How many cows/horses/sheep are there on the farm? There are 教学难点:1) 单词eleven twelve的发音2) 运用句型How many cows/horses/sheep are there on the farm? There are ,Lesson 12,教学目标:1、能听懂会说单词:wool, animal , full2、能听懂会说名型:I am a cow. I can give you milk.3、掌握字母i在开音节中的读音。教学重点:本课新单词和句型。,Unit 7 Clothes(1)Unit8 Clot

38、hes(2),单词: sweater skirt sock shirt shoe put on take off hat T-shirt Sports Day wear small large size jacket whose句子: 1,Put onTake off your shoeshatssweater.2, Hi, Sally. Your Sweater is beautiful.Thank you.I like your skirt, Chen Ling.Thank you.3, This T-shirt is too large.What size do you wear?Siz

39、e S M L. 4, Whose jacket sweater is this?Its Bens. 5, I like this red sweaterthe yellow color. Lets buy this one.语法r: 学习服装类的单词,掌握与之有关的句型。,Lesson 13,教学目标:1)能听懂会说单词: sweater,skirt,socks,shirt,shoes.2)能听懂会说句子:Put on your shoes. Put on your hat.Take off your socks. Take off your sweater.3) Say a rhyme:

40、I Like My Sweater.,Lesson 14,教学目标1.复习有关服装的名词 : hat、sweater、skirt、shirt、socks、shoes2.复习句型 : Put on Take off 3.学习新词 : T-shirt 、size、small、large4.学习句型 : This T-shirt is too small/large. What size do you wear?5.掌握字母O在重读闭音节中的发音教学重点1. The New Words : T-shirt 、size、small、large2. The New Sentences: This T-s

41、hirt is too small/large.What size do you wear?教学难点:新句型的学习与应用,Lesson15,教学目标:1) 能听懂会说单词: whose, jacket.2) 能听懂会说句子:Whose jacket is this? It is Hu Ping s.Whose sweater is this? It is Wao Taos. 教学重点:Part 1 learn to say,Lesson16,教学目标:1、复习单词:red, yellow, green, orange2、复习句型:Whose jacket is this? Its Hu Pin

42、gs.3、学习句型:I this red sweater. And I like the yellow color. Lets buy this one.4、学唱歌曲:The Song of Colors.5、学习掌握字母o在开音节中的读音。教学重点:本课新句型,o在开音节中的读音。,Unit 9 Childrens Day,单词: Childrens Day in park play on swing slide boat lake seesaw句子: 1,Its Childrens Day. Many children are in the park.2,What are they doi

43、ng?Kate is playing on the swing. Ben is playing on the slide.There girls are dancingrunningswimming. They are boating on the lake. Some are drawing. Bill and Ben are flying a kite.3, SheHeLinda is singing.语法: 学习表示“现在正在做某事”的表达法,注意不同主语的be动词搭配及ing形式。,Lesson 17,知识目标1. 复习有关动作的单词:sing、dance、draw、fly、run、s

44、wim2.学习介词短语: in the park、on the swing、on the slide3.学习和巩固现在进行时的构成和用法。4. 学习句子: Linda is singing. Three girls are dancing. Bill is drawing. Kate is playing on the swing. Ben is playing on the slide.,Lesson 18,教学目标:复习介词短语:in the park, on the swing, on the slide学习新词:boat, lake,seesaw理解课文,熟练朗读课文。掌握字母u在重读

45、闭音节中的读音。教学重点:运用现在进行时句子描述正在发生的动作和事件。教学难点:现在分词构词法,现在进行时的运用。,四年级上 第三册修订版,删减了部分内容 减少了词汇总量 增加了教学过程活动 突出了主要句型和表达法 结构合理化确保高复现率,第三册的结构,九个单元 每三个单元一复习 一个故事 图画词典 单词表 (A-Z,单元),单元结构,每个单元一个话题 每个单元由两课组成 每个单元有主要句型、语法、歌曲和童谣。,每个单元一个语音练习 每个单元一个听音练习 每个单元一个自我评估,Unit 1 School,话题:学校语法:一般现在时 复习数字功能:谈论学校的教室 和班级,主要句型Are you

46、in Class Two, Grade Four? Yes, I am. No, Im not.What class are you in? Im in Class Two, Grade Three.,Lesson 1,1. Learn to say. 学习有关学校教室的有关单词和词组 classroom, building, desk, chair, blackboard Class One, Grade Four,2. Play a game.目的是巩固新学习的几个单词。3. Look and say. 盘练有关班级和年级的表达法为第二课作准备。注意大小写: Class One, Grad

47、e Four,4. Sing a song.歌曲的目的是巩固新学习的单词,如:classroom, blackboard等。,Lesson 2,Learn to say. 复习年级和班级的英语表达法, 先学习一般疑问句Are you in Class Two, Grade Four?然后导入新句型特殊疑问句:What class are you in?,2. Ask and answer. 口语练习,目的在于巩固年级和班级的英语表达法以及主要句型。,3. Listen and learn the English sounds. 在不教国际音标的情况下教拼写规则 p 读作 p 清辅音 b 读作

48、b 浊辅音 字母组合ar 读 a : park arm card,4. Listen and write.听音填数字紧扣What class are you in?的主要句型5. Evaluate yourself. 自我评估具体列出要求会说的单词、词组、句子;要求会唱的歌曲;带有四线格的是要求会写的单词。,Unit 2 On Duty,话题:学校生活语法:祈使句、现在进行时功能:谈论学校生活,学习和值日生有关的用语。,主要句型:Turn on / off the light. Open/close the window.Li Hong is sweeping the floor.Sally

49、is cleaning the blackboard.,Lesson 3,Learn to say. 呈现主要句型, 注意讲解 turn on 和open 的差别。2. Ask and answer. 盘练词组be on duty 的用法。,3. Read and say. 要求把所学的句型应用到实际生活中去, 建立班级值日生报告制度(任务型教学)。4. Look and say.看图说英语区别 turn on 和 open的用法,Lesson 4,Learn to say. 学习和值日生职责有关的用语,如 : clean the blackboard sweep the floor clos

50、e the windows turn off the light,建议的教学活动:讨论值日生的职责,用文字形式记录下来。2. Lets chant. 通过齐声朗读的方式巩固所学的有关值日生职责的词组。,3. Listen and learn the English sounds. t 读作 t 清辅音 d 读作 d 浊辅音 ir 读作 : bird girl shirt,Unit 3 Numbers,话题:数字语法:基数词13-100功能:谈论价格、学生号码等与数字有关的问题,为学习时间表达法作准备。,主要句型,Who is Number Fourteen?Whats your number?


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