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1、 Chapter 15 TEM-4英语写作是高校英语专业学习者一项非常重要的基本技能。要想在考试中写出好作文、取得好成绩,首先必须了解考试大纲对此部分的规定和要求,做到知己知彼,有的放矢。高校英语专业四级考试大纲(2004年新版)对写作部分的规定和要求一测试要求:(a)作文:能根据所给的作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等,写一篇200个单词左右的作文。能做到内容切题、完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。考试时间35分钟。(b)便条能根据所给提示写50 至60个单词的便条、通知、请帖等。能做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时间10分钟。二测试形式:本部分为主观试题,分两节:Section

2、 A和Section B。Section A: Composition本节是命题作文,文章题材主要属于说明文、议论文或记叙文的范围。Section B: Note-writing本节是写便条。三测试目的:按照大纲的要求测试学生书面表达的能力。四值得一提的是,与2000年的旧大纲相比,新大纲的以下变化值得关注:1 短文写作的字数由原来的150字增加到200字;2 便条写作的分值由原来的5分增至10分;3 写作部分的总分值由原来的20分增至25分。由此可见新大纲更加重视对考生英语写作能力尤其是英语实用写作能力的考察,这应当引起考生的注意。此新大纲已由2005年4月开始执行。2008年高校英语专业四

3、级考试(TEM4)写作部分评分标准(一) 作文评分标准专业四级考试(TEM4)的作文评分一般采用总体评分(Global Scoring)的方法。阅卷人就总的印象给出奖励分(Award Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。满分为15分,9分为及格线。1. (1415分)语言流畅,内容充实,词汇丰富,观点明确,条理清楚,结构正确,字数在180250之间。2. (1213 分)语言流畅,内容充实,词汇丰富,观点明确,条理清楚,结构正确,但有少量的语法错误。3. (1011分)观点清晰,条理清楚,语言流畅,结构正确。但语言简单,有一些语法及拼写错误或有部分跑题。4. (89分)文章基本切题,

4、语言较通畅,有观点。但语法错误多,随意,拼写错误较多或句间逻辑推理不够明确或跑题。5. (67分)文章基本切题,结构不符合要求(Introduction, body, ending比例不当);语言不够流畅,语法错误很多,句间逻辑推理不够明确或跑题。6. 作文以“我”或“我们”来写,属切题; 一部分以“我”或“我们”,另一部分以“社会”来写,属部分跑题。(最高11分) 都以“社会”来写,属全部跑题。(最高8分)7. 自拟题目不管正确与否都不扣分。8. 空白卷打0分。9. 字数少于170或大于250,扣1分;大于300扣2分。10. 字数字体要写清楚,并写在框内。此外,阅卷老师的评分还会受到其他一

5、些因素的影响,例如:是否有具体的事例、名言警句等?文章观点是否新颖、合乎逻辑?用词是否丰富?书写是否工整,卷面是否整洁等等。(二)便条写作评分标准从2005年5月起,便条写作分值由原来的5分提高为10分。以2008年考题为例,便条写作评分主要从以下三方面考虑:Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Jane, your classmate, is thinking of subscribing to an English-language newspaper.

6、And you would like to recommend one to her. Write a note, telling her which newspaper it is and describing two features of the paper.1 格式 (2分)主要包括日期、称呼和结尾三部分,每部分完全正确得1分,出现任何错误都不得分。分数扣完为止,不倒扣。(1)日期(Date):正确形式:April 20, 2008; April 20th, 2008; April 20; 20 April 2008; 4/20/2008; 20/4/2008(Apr. 也可以,任何一

7、个日期都可以)位置应在右上角或左上角。具体日期不限。(2)称呼(Heading):正确形式:Dear Jane,(或Jane,)位置应在日期下一行左侧顶头。(3)结尾(Ending):正确形式:Yours sincerely,/Yours truly,/ Sincerely yours,/ Yours, /Sincerely, Mary (或其他人名)位置在便条结尾的右下方。凡不符合上述正确格式或表达有误均要扣分。(4)格式需前后一致,如全左或全右,若不符合,扣1分。2 内容(2分)该便条须包括以下几项内容:(1) 英语报纸的名称(1分)只要出现报纸名字就给分,不论名字真实与否。名字没有出现扣

8、1分。(2) 报纸的两个特点或者读者的两点收获(1分)如果只写了一个特点,不得分。如果写的两个特点属于同一性质,如“包括国际新闻和国内新闻”,不得分。3 语言(6分) 首句需用自己正确的语言表达,若完全抄提示“youre thinking of subscribing to an English-language newspaper”,扣1分。 如果格式内容得满分,但语言较差,最多6分。4 评分总体要求(1) 语言没有严重错误,格式正确,内容完整,语言得体,字数符合要求(50 80),可给910分。(2) 便条总字数(包括三部分格式在内)要求约50 60 字,不足50字或超过80字(10行或1

9、0行以上)扣1分。(3) 便条总分为10分,6分为及格线。 TEM 4 COMPOSITION MARKING SCHEMEBANDSCOREDESCRIPTION515-13EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH ACCURACIESThe writing effectively addresses the writing task. It demonstrates a well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficient supportin

10、g details. It has almost no errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an adequate ability to use the language with appropriateness. No difficulty is experienced by the reader. 412-10 GOOD COMMUNICATION WITH A FEW INACCURACIESThe writing adequately addresses almost all th

11、e writing task, though it deals with some parts more effectively than others. It demonstrates a generally well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficient supporting details. It has relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or

12、 syntax, and it displays an ability to use the language with appropriateness. Very little difficulty is experienced by the reader. 39-7 PASSABLE COMMUNICATION WITH SOME INACCURACIESThe writing adequately addresses most of the writing task. On the whole, it demonstrates an adequately developed logica

13、l organizational structure, though there may occasionally be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has some errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may, from time to time, obscure meaning, and for the most part it displays some ability to use the language with

14、 appropriateness. Occasional difficulty is experienced by the reader. 2 6-4PROBLEMATIC COGG PROBLEMATIC COMMUNICATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIESThe writing only addresses some of the writing task. It demonstrates an inadequate organizational structure, and there may quite often be a lack of relevanc

15、e, clarity, consistency or support. It has frequent errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays a limited ability to use the language with appropriateness. Some difficulty is experienced by the reader. 1 3-0ALMOST NO COMMUNICATIONThe writing almost completely fails to addr

16、ess the writing task. It has neither an organizational structure nor coherence. Almost all sentences contain errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays no ability to use the language with appropriateness. Even after considerable effort on the part of the reader, the text

17、is largely incomprehensible.Sample Analysis2007 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) Nowadays, the Internet has become part of peoples life, and millions of young people have made friends online. Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: IS IT WISE TO MAKE FRIENDS

18、ONLINE? You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your view is. In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, gramma

19、r and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.Sample 1 (14 Points) Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? With the Internet becoming an indispensable part of modern peoples life, making friends online enjoys its great popularity, especially among young people. H

20、owever, is it wise to make friends online, as many parents and teachers are worrying about? As far as I am concerned, I strongly oppose being addicted to making friends online.Firstly, too much attention to online friends distracts your concerns to the true friends and families in the real world. If

21、 we look around, we often find a lot of young people staying online and chatting with online friends all day long. By the same time, the communication between them and the friends around them are becoming less and less. Therefore, they feel lonelier in real life and spend more time on Internet.Besid

22、es, online friends are often disguised. A large number of cases have proved that many criminals make use of Internet to cheat of money or love. Even if they are not cheaters, they tend to be totally different persons when you get in actual contact with them. Theres always a gap between the real worl

23、d and the imaginary one.Nevertheless, it is unwise to make friends online. Those who are indulging in Internet should cast your eyesight to the friendship and kinship in the real life. What you should do is to seek solution, but not to escape.Analysis This is a well-organized essay with a high mark.

24、 In the first part, the writer introduces the topic and clearly presents his/her view in the thesis statement “I strongly oppose being addicted to making friends online.” In the second part, the writer supports his/her opinion with two specific points, which are expressed in two topic sentences. And

25、 solid evidence is provided with details to clarify the points. The thesis is reinforced in the last part “it is unwise to make friends online.” After that, the writer also gives suggestion to those who are indulging in Internet, which makes the conclusion strong and convincing. The organization is

26、clear with proper transitions, such as firstly, besides, nevertheless. The essay demonstrates a well developed logical organizational structure with clearly stated main idea and sufficient supporting details. It has almost no errors of vocabulary, spelling and grammar. This writing effectively addre

27、sses the writing task.Note: The words in italics are either wrong or not used properly.Sample 2 (12 Points) Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?Nowadays, it has been a fashion to make friends online, and more and more teenagers, college students and even many adults will spend a lot of time chatting w

28、ith people on the Internet. But I dont think it is wise to make friends online.Firstly, most of people will not reveal their identity on the Internet, which will not enable you to make true friends. Just imagine, a young lady you are talking with may be an old man, and Im sure we will feel very bad

29、when we are exposed to the truth. Besides, the friends online can bring bad effect to people, especially for teenagers. The unhealthy stuff will both physically and psychologically influence young people and, in a certain degree, can lead an unproper way to their whole life. At last, making friends

30、online can do bad to the relationship between you and your family and friends in real life. Being addicted to the Internet makes you ignore the reality. You will be angry about your parents persuading and after a long time, maybe you will find you have lost the ability of how to communicate with oth

31、ers properly.In a word, it is not wise to make friends online. I hope everyone can focus on the reality instead of wasting too much time making friends on the Internet. Analysis This is an essay in band 4. The author has a clear and definite view on the topic. Yet the thesis is presented abruptly wi

32、thout the sound logic with the previous sentence. The three supporting points are clearly stated but not well developed. For example, the second point the friends online can bring bad effect to people, especially for teenagers” is only a generalization without any example or supporting details to pr

33、ove it. On the whole, the organization is clear and the language in the writing is quite smooth. There are some problems with plural forms, personal pronouns and point of view, but they dont affect the understanding too much. The writing adequately addresses most of the writing task.Sample 3 (9 Poin

34、ts) Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? There is a tendency we cant deny that most of us have access to Internet. Subsequently, making friends online has become a common thing. Some may argue that making friends online isnt a good choice, however, personally, I hold the idea that it is wiser to make

35、friends online. On one hand, its a kind of company. When we live in our apartment, we seldom communicate to the neighbors, esp. that our family members are outside, the sense of feel lonely overcome us. Therefore, in order to get rid of this, we need to find someone to talk with. Then making friends

36、 online is a good way to solve this problem. Meanwhile, we can not only gain friendship, but also exchange our minds. In this way, we obtain a sense of satisfaction from talking with a stranger who will tend to say beautiful words toward us. On the other hand, making friends online help us enrich ou

37、r sight. We make friends, coming from different areas, accordingly, we obtain a lot of information that we cant get from our limited knowledge. Sometimes, friends online encourage us to read helpful books where will be able to learn more. All in all, from my point of view, making friends is helpful

38、for enriching our knowledge and helping us encourage with others, hence, it is advisable to make friends online as long as we use it properly.Analysis Compared with previous two samples, this one has more problems on expression, grammar and diction. The writer presents his/her idea quite clearly in

39、the first part, but it is not appropriate to say “wiser” since there is nothing else to compare with. So it is a big mistake in the thesis and there is also a problem of comma splices in this sentence. Although the organization is clear, the content of body paragraphs is not good as support. Transit

40、ions are not used properly here to link two points of the body as “on one hand on the other hand” should be used to introduce two aspects of different opinions. Besides, two supporting points are very weak without convincing details. Worst of all, many sentences are of grammatical mistakes and vague

41、 expressions, which cause occasional difficulties for the readers understanding. But anyway, for most part the essay still displays some ability to use the language with appropriateness.Sample 4 (7 Points) Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? People would like to make the best of Internet to broaden t

42、heir minds, they can get large information, they can play interesting games, even they can mak friends online. While a question has been arisen: “Is it wise to make friends on line?” The Internet is not reality, you can not trust a person through the Internet. Now I would not like to talk about the

43、advantages of the Internet, while the disadvantages you can not deny is existing. Many people make the most of it to do bad things, such as trick you that he is need of money eagerly and wise you would help him as a friend, or character as your friend to inform your family that you are in danger and

44、 need money to save you, etc. All the things can be seen on the newspapers magazines, etc. So it is unwise to trust a so called online friend. I can Jump to the conclude that it is unwise to make friends online, because it is not reality, also we can not trust others without knowing the person well.

45、 So lets do utmost to make the base use of the advantages of the Internet. Cherish the friends around us! Analysis This writing is just of a passing mark. On the whole, the language in this writing sounds choppy and there are many vague sentences with lots of grammatical mistakes. The writer does no

46、t present a clear view in the first part but just raises a question, which confuses the reader a lot. Although there are three parts, the organization is not clear since nearly no transitions are used to connect paragraphs and sentences. There are obvious gaps in the logic. The second part, which is

47、 supposed to provide good support for the main idea, is composed of many vague sentences and sentences with mistakes on grammar, spelling, collocation, part of speech, etc. The reader will experience some difficulty in reading the essay.Sample 5 (5 Points) Is It wise to make friends online? I think it is wise to make friends online. First, now jobs pressure more and more. Everyone cannt better talk face to face. Second, friends online may speak everything of them. Third,


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