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1、托福独立写作题目三大陷阱点 对于托福独立写作的作文题目,很多学生的问题无非都围绕着:我的作文语言和结构都很不错,为什么永远拿不到高分?下面就和大家分享托福独立写作题目三大陷阱点,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作题目三大陷阱点陷阱点1:主语这里的主语我们可以理解成是题目中语法里的主语,即动作的发出者,句子所论述的主体。既然是主语,我们就只能从主语出发去思考和论述问题。陷阱点2:限定人群或者范围指的是通过一道独立写作题目我们会发现题目有限定的人群或者范围,如果脱离开题目限定的人群或者范围,显然属于跑题。陷阱3:归题点每一道独立写作题目论述都会有一个归题点,就是表述的内容是归在什么地方

2、,是为了突出重要性或者为了某个目的或者达到某个目标,所以我们作文的点也要落在重要性,某个目的或者目标上。写作陷阱实例分析现在我以一道独立写作题目为例,做详细的陷阱剖析,方便同学们的理解。比如下面这道题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer首先,主语显然是The most importan

3、t aspect of a job,即工作中最重要的一方面,所以我们不管同意还是不同意这个观点,我们探讨的主语也得是工作中的某个方面 ,或者承认工作中的钱确实重要,或者论述工作中的其它方面,比如:培训机会,工作环境,地点,竞争空间等比钱重要。总之我们不能脱离开工作的某个方面去谈,否则就是跳进了陷阱,属于跑题。其次,考虑这道题目限定的人群或者范围。这道题目没有涉及人群,那就默认是针对于所有people, 所以对我们破题没有阻碍,但是因为人群很泛,所以可以考虑是否可以对people 进行分类,我们可以思考一下:对于什么样的人工作中的钱是最重要的,对于什么样的人工作中的其它方面比钱重要,这是陷阱也是

4、我们的破题点。另外,除了限定的人群还应该考虑限定的范围即除人以外的限定。那就是money a person earns,这个地方是重点,因为不是只有money一个词,而是有限定的a person earns所以这里的钱是指的工资,而非大范围的金钱,money有很多种*并不一定是工作所得,所以不要随意去扩展限定的范围,很多学生在这个表述上失分。最后,归题点,这道题最后要归在important重要性上。所以不管是承认薪资的重要还是认为工作中其它方面比钱重要,都要落脚在重要性上。托福写作:怎么做到善用例子如动物鸟类,现代交通方式飞机,上面的举例是简单的形式,即对单个词/短语,或说单个对象举例。我们在

5、独立写作中会遇到对单个对象的举例,这也是大家都能做好的;但我们更常遇到的是需要对一个句子,或说多个对象互相联系而串成的观点举例的情况,这时我们就需要留意我们所举的例子的有效性了。托福写作举例的基本原则:a. 细节性原则-细于被举例者。b. 一致性原则-良好体现与要用举例证明的观点的一致对应关系,观点中的重点信息应在例子中不多不少地体现。新托福写作真经介绍的举例的具体操作方法:粗举,细举,引调查,列数字。(1)粗例-粗犷的例子“粗例”即一类人、物或事,或一个公认事实的例子,说白了就是多数人都能认可的信息。寻找这类例子的时候比较轻松,只要在观点中找出可以继续细化的重点信息然后narrow down

6、就可以了。观点1: Employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants.粗例1: International companies desire bilingual employees and offer higher salaries to attract them.“粗例”可以建立“面”对“线”的关系,但需要注意不能太空洞,同时也要控制使用的量;粗例子需要搭配因果分析、比较论证来使用,才能使整个段落更有血肉。托福写作素材之天赋还是后天努力Anonymous asks, Which is more imp

7、ortant to success, talent or hard work?When Talent FailsCountless talented people fail. They are better equipped through some natural gift, some set of experiences, or through training. It is clear to everyone around them that they have greater competencies and greater abilities. Almost all of these

8、 talented people recognize that they are more talented than their peers.The reason these talented people fail has nothing to do with their lack of talent and everything to do with their unwillingness to put that talent to work. Talented people sometimes believe that talent alone is enough to succeed

9、. But being unwilling to do the work, they fail.When Hard Work FailsSome people who work very hard fail, but not nearly as often as the talented person who is unwilling. A hard worker tends to produce results through the sheer force of will. Theyre willing to just keep at something until they produc

10、e some result.When hard workers fail it is because they believe that working hard alone is enough. Because they dont work at learning more and improving their effectiveness, they fail. I have seen many a hard-working salesperson fail because, despite their willingness to work, they wouldnt work on d

11、eveloping their chops.Talent + Hard WorkThe question anonymous asks supposes that talent and hard work are mutually exclusive, that you can be one or the other. But the most successful people are the talented people who work hard putting those talents to good use. They are matched only by the hard w

12、orker who is thoughtful enough to learn quickly, make distinctions that produce better results, and hustle to grow their overall competencies.The only choice to made is whether you are going to work hard if you are gifted with some talent, or whether you are going to develop yourself and learn if yo

13、u are a hard worker who lacks the natural talent.注解:固定搭配are better equipped : 装备有The reason X.X.X has nothing to do with X.X.X, everything to do with X.X.X: 某事的原因跟X.X没关系而是跟X.X.X有关系not nearly as often as :没有后者的频率高(对比的时候常用)are mutually exclusive:互相排斥putting those talents to good use:使用好这些天分are gifted

14、with some talent:有天赋并列结构(细节的罗列)natural gift, some set of experiences, or through training:天赋、经验和训练greater competencies and greater abilities:跟强的技能和更大的能力(一回事)learning more and improving their effectiveness:学习到更多、增加效率developing their chops:增加效率learn quickly, make distinctions that produce better results, and hustle to grow their overall competencies:快速学习、在那些有更好产出的方面变得更、快速增加各方面的能力Citation:/thesalesblog/20XX/12/05/talent-or-hard-work/20XX.2.11 MLTalented peoples leadership is born naturally and cant be learned by people. Do you agree or disagree.


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